Appendix 2. Sri Saraswat Arati
Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
jayare jayare jaya gaura-sarasvati
bhakati-vinodanvaya karuna-murati [1]
All glory to the voice of Sri Gauranga, the embodiment of Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s mercy, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur!
prakasile gaura-seva bhuvana-mangala
bhakati-siddhanta suddha prajnana ujjvala [2]
He manifested Sri Gauranga’s service for the upliftment of the world. His teaching of devotion is pure, brilliant, and enlightening.
radha-syama eka-tanu dakse gora-raya
bame radha madhye svayam syama-gopa jaya [3]
All glory to the combined form of Radha-Syam, Sri Gaura Ray, on the right, Sri Radha on the left, and the dark cowherd boy Himself in the middle!
vraja-rasa nava-bhave navadvipe raje
udare madhura raga abhinava saje [4]
Vraja’s rasa manifests in a new way in Nabadwip: madhura-rasa dresses newly in benevolence.
madhurya kaivalya raga vrajera niryasa
prapti parakastha tahe gauranga-vilasa [5]
Sweet divine love, Vraja’s essence, reaches its climax in Sri Gauranga’s Pastimes.
radha bhava-kanti angikari’ bhala-mate
daksine asana rasa garima dekhate [6]
Sri Gauranga earnestly embraces Sri Radha’s heart and halo, and takes His place on the right to show His rasa’s glory.
radha-rasa-traya-svada rahasya prayasa
nirakhi praphulla radha mukhe manda hasa [7]
Seeing Krishna’s secret endeavour to taste Her threefold rasa, Radha is fulfilled and smiles gently.
madhye rahi’ vamsi-rave ghose vamsi-dhara
«radhara sampade ami gauranga-sundara [8]
Remaining in the middle, the Flute Player declares with the song of His flute, «With Radha’s wealth, I am Gaurangasundar!
mad abhistha rupa radhara hrdaya-mandire
gauranga bhajile susthu sphurti paya tare» [9]
«If you serve Gauranga, My form which is cherished in the Temple of Radha’s heart will be fully revealed to you.»
nadiya prakase mahaprabhu gaura-nidhi
patita-pavana-deve milaila vidhi [10]
Gauranga Mahaprabhu appeared in Nadia, and Providence combined the saviour of the fallen (the Kali-yuga-avatar) within Him.
e-rupa arati brahma sambhu agochara
gaura-bhakta krpa-patra matra siddhi sara [11]
This type of arati is unknown to Brahma and Siva. Only a recipient of Sri Gauranga’s devotees’ mercy reaches such perfection.
sri svarupa, ramananda, rupa, sanatana
sri raghu, jivadi krpaya dekhe bhakta-jana [12]
Devotees see this arati by the mercy of Sri Svarup Damodar, Sri Ramananda Ray, Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatan, Sri Raghunath, Sri Jiva, and their associates.
jaya guru-gaura-radha-govinda-sundara
jaya dao bhakta vrnda nitya nirantara [13]
All glory to Sri Guru, Gauranga, and Radha-Govindasundar! O devotees, glorify Them always and forever!