
I offer my dandavat pranam to the feet of the readers, who are like innumerable streams of sweet and fresh water flowing from that enormous lake of mercy which is our most beloved spiritual master, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, who is in this way inundating the world.

I actually have no capacity to chant the glories of our Gurudev and of his faithful disciples. I feel so fortunate that I have received his mercy, his affection, and his love, and I know that it is only because of his grace that I also have the mercy, affection, and love of his followers. I will never be able to reciprocate what they are giving to me. It is really amazing to see what a warm and beautiful family we have.

vipadaḥ santu tāḥ śaśvat tatra tatra jagad-guro
bhavato darśanaṁ yat syād apunar bhava-darśanam

Queen Kunti is praying, inviting danger to come, because in dangerous situations Krishna is coming to her. Danger is a sign that Krishna is coming to help her and the Pandavas; it is bringing the Lord closer, into a more intimate relationship. This is a very beautiful sloka, and this is also my experience. This disease, this danger, has drawn all the affection of Sri Gurudev and his devotees to me, in a very intense way. I am actually shocked to see the infinite capacity of our Guru Maharaj to give — to freely give, to everyone, especially the most needy.

By the grace of Sri Gurudev we have received this knowledge of the immortality of the soul, of our eternal relationship with God, so we have no fear of death. I remember when I was a teenager I was looking at the world around me, always thinking how short is this life — we can die at any time — and I was very disappointed because in my heart I knew that I was not utilising my time properly. I had the desire to do good for myself, to give my life for a good cause, but I was very frustrated because I could not find anything that I considered to be good enough, to be worth living for, so I was running here and there, vainly trying to find fulfilment. Then, when I had just about given up, suddenly my Gurudev appeared in front of me, and my life changed completely!

Here is what I was looking for! Here is the cause that I was looking for: the absolute cause, the perfect cause, the fulfilment of my life. What a relief! Where have I been all this time? How could I live? What a waste of time!

So, now I am here, imperfectly trying to follow the perfect path, through the help of the perfect master. What more can I ask from life? Only that by the mercy of the Vaisnavas my attempt will become perfect. Please, help me to become a perfect servant of my Gurudev. This is my prayer to you all forever.

Krishna Kanta Devi Dasi

Krishna Kanta Devi Dasi, an accomplished artist, has translated and published many of Srila Govinda Maharaj’s books in Italian, and has established branches of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math throughout Italy.