Śrī Guru-Praśastiḥ
In Glorification of Śrī Gurudev
by Om Viṣṇupād
Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj
śrī-gaura-maṇḍala-mājhe hāpāniyā grāma
ya̐hi avatīrṇa mora prabhu guṇa-dhāma [1]
patita-pāvanī gaṅgā-tīra sannihita
‘nyāyaratna-vidyāpīṭha’ bhuvana-vidita [2]
ta̐hi vaise vipra-vara praśānta udāra
śrī-upendra-chandra ‘vidyāratna’ nāma yā̐ra [3]
bhaṭṭāchārya-kula-ravi parama vidvāna
nirantara sevā-para lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa [4]
tā̐ra patnī gaurī devī parama pāvanī
mahāsādhvī jaganmātā prabhura jananī [5]
āṭhāraśa satera śake saurāśvina māsa
śanivāra chhābbiśa divasa parakāśa [6]
budhāditya-jīva-yoge tuṅga-graha-gaṇe
rāmachandra-rāśy-āśraye vīrachandra-dine [7]
śubhaṅkarī puṣyā-aṅke kārtikī navamī
dharaṇī ha-ila dhanya prabhu-pada chumi’ [8]
uṭhila ānanda-rola āchārya-bhavane
śaṅkha-ghaṇṭā jaya-dhvani deya nārī-gaṇe [9]
ājānu-lambita-bhuja puraṭa-sundara
devī aṅke śobhe divya-jyoti manohara [10]
heriyā putrera rūpa mugdha pitā-mātā
mugdha ha-ila putra-rūpe yata pati-vratā [11]
rāmachandra-janma-kṣaṇa smari’ vipra-vara
rākhilā putrera nāma rāmendrasundara [12]
apūrva bālaka-śobhā vyāpila bhuvane
anindya rāmendrachandra bāḍe dine dine [13]
dekhite dekhite prabhu labhilā yauvana
parama samṛddha kari vidyā upārjana [14]
divya suvimala tanu mahā-jyotirmaya
nirakhi sakala loka sādhvasa mānaya [15]
vairāgya-bhāvita-bhakti-pūrṇa kalevara
śaivāla-pihita yena mahāsarovara [16]
mahājñānī śuka prāya virakta-pradhāna
heri’ mātā-pitā mane chinte anukṣaṇa [17]
sannyāsī ha-ibe putra nā rahibe ghare
mahāyogī mahtyāgī lakṣaṇa śarīre [18]
antare ānanda, bāhye duḥkha parakāśa
kato-dine kailā vipra śrī vaikuṇṭha-vāsa [19]
krame krame prabhu mora āpanā prakāśi’
svechchhāya bandhana khaṇḍi’ ha-ilā sannyāsī [20]
gṛha tyaji’ māyāpura karilā vijaya śrī-gaurāṅga-janma-bhūmi chidānandamaya [21]
śrī bhaktisiddhānta sarasvatī prabhu-sthāne
la-ilā sannyāsa dīna-uddhāra-kāraṇe [22]
śrī-bhakti-rakṣaka saṅkīrtana-mūrti-dhara
sei hetu guru nāma rākhilā śrīdhara [23]
patita-pāvana-rūpe tridaṇḍira veśe
nāma-prema vitariyā bule deśe deśe [24]
dīna hīna pāpī tāpī sabāre uddhāri’
amṛta siñchilā viśve yena gaurahari [25]
jaya jaya patita-pāvana prabhu-vara
nyāsī-chūḍāmaṇi bhakti-rakṣaka śrīdhara [26]
asaṅkhya praṇati tava pāda-padme mora
kṛpāya karaha nāśa karma-bandha ghora [27]
bhavārṇave paḍi’ śudhu hābuḍubu khāi
e adhame uddhāriyā deha pade ṭhā̐i [28]
vandi āvirbhāva-tithi śrī-kṛṣṇā-navamī
ye̐ha dhanya haila prabhu-pāda-padma-chumi’ [29]
vandi hāpāniyā grāma mahātīrthamaya
vandi prabhu śrī-upendrachandrera ālaya [30]
vandi nitya bhaṭṭāchārya-kulābja-bhāskara
vandi vidyā-ratna-putra rāmendrasundara [31]
sāvadhāne vandi mui gaurī-devī mātā
yā̐ra aṅka ālo kari’ prabhu prakāśitā [32]
prabhura sambandha-dhārī yateka sujana
sānande vandanā kari sabāra charaṇa [33]
sabe kṛpā kari’ more kara āśīrvāda
nirvighne ha-uka lābha prabhura prasāda [34]
Śrī Guru-Praśastiḥ
In Glorification of Śrī Gurudev
by Om Viṣṇupād
Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj
My divine lord and master, the abode of all transcendental qualities, came down into this world at Village Hapaniya in the holy land of Śrī Gaura Maṇḍal. [1]
Nyāya-ratna Vidyā Pīṭh was a famous place of learning, situated near the banks of the holy river Ganges that purifies the universe. [2]
There lived the jewel of brāhmaṇs, Śrī Upendrachandra Vidyā Ratna, peaceful and magnanimous. [3]
Like the radiant sun of the hbaṭṭachārya family line, he was superbly learned; he was ever absorbed in the divine service of the Supreme Lord and His consort, Śrī Śrī Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇ. [4]
His devoted wife was the gracious Śrīmatī Gaurī Devī — the great saintly lady, the mother of the universe. And she was the mother of my lord. [5]
1817 Śaka era, month of Āśvin by the sun, on Saturday the 26th, was his holy day of advent. [6]
At the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, and the Moon and Jupiter, with many stars in their highest position, my lord chose the day of Śrī Vīrachandra Prabhu in the shelter of the same sign of the zodiac that the Supreme Lord Śrī Rāmchandra appeared in. [7]
At the auspicious moment of the eighth star Puṣyā on the ninth day of the month Kārtik, Mother Earth was blessed as she kissed the lotus feet of my Lord. [8]
A great joyous vibration filled the house of Āchārya Vidyā Ratna as the pious ladies triumphantly blew the conch-shell and rang the bell. [9]
His form was beautiful radiant golden. His long arms reached to his knees, the symptom of the great soul. As he curled up in the lap of his gracious mother, a charming divine radiance came forth. [10]
Seeing their son’s beauty, mother and father, and all the chaste wives present were entranced. [11]
That best of brāhmaṇs remembered the auspicious moment of the appearance of Lord Rāmchandra, and so it was that he named his beloved, beautiful son Śrī Rāmendra. [12]
The marvellous beauty of the child pervaded the universe. And it was day by day that the spotless moon Śrī Rāmendra grew and grew. [13]
All could see as he gracefully bloomed in youth, the supreme treasure of wisdom was his natural acquisition. [14]
Seeing his greatly effulgent divine perfect form, all were moved to offer him all respects with reverence. [15]
His body, like a great lake covered by moss, was filled with devotion and absorbed in indifference for the world. [16]
Seeing the extreme detachment in his nature just like the great savant Śukadev, his mother and father began to feel a constant anxiety. [17]
“Our son will be a sannyāsī, he won’t stay at home. All the symptoms of a paramhaṁsa completely indifferent to the world are present in his body.” [18]
Feeling ecstasy within yet showing sorrow outwardly, the brāhmaṇ Śrī Upendrachandra left the world for the holy abode Vaikuṇṭha. [19]
Gradually, my Lord revealed himself to the world, and by his sweet will breaking all ties with the world, he became a sannyāsī. [20]
Leaving home forever he made his auspicious arrival at Māyāpur, the divine ecstatic land of Śrī Gaurāṅga’s advent. [21]
Just for delivering the poor souls of this world, he accepted sannyās from Prabhupād Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Saraswatī Goswāmī. [22]
Because he is the guardian of devotion as the very embodiment of the world chanting of the glories of the Supreme Lord, his Guru named him Śrīla Śrīdhar Mahārāj, the lord of the highest wealth of the soul. [23]
As the saviour of the fallen, he took the mantle of the medicant holding the triple staff, tridaṇḍa, and wandering from place to place he distributed divine love for the Holy Name of the Lord. [24]
Delivering the sinners and suffering souls from the worst conditions of life, he showered nectar all over the universe just as did our Lord Śrī Gaurahari. [25]
All glory, all glory to the great benevolent lord, the crown-jewel of sannyāsīs, Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj. [26]
My countless prostrate obeisances unto your holy lotus feet. Be gracious and break my terrible mundane bondage. [27]
I am drowning in this material ocean. Please rescue this fallen soul and grant him a place at your lotus feet. [28]
I sing the glories of the day of your advent, the ninth day of the dark moon, who was so blessed to kiss the lotus feet of Your Divine Grace. [29]
I sing the glories of Hapaniya Village, the great place of pilgrimage, I sing the glories of the home of Śrī Upendrachandra Prabhu. [30]
I eternally sing the glories of Śrī Upendrachandra Vidyā Ratna’s divine son who is the merciful radiant sun, Śrī Rāmendrasundar, who gave the connection of his divine ray to the lotus flower of the bhaṭṭāchārya heritage. [31]
Also, I very carefully sing the glories of Mother Gaurī Devī, whose lap was effulgent with the merciful advent of my lord. [32]
With joy I sing the glories of the feet of all the auspicious souls who had a relationship with my Lord. [33]
It is my prayer to you all, please be merciful and bless me that I may without obstacles attain the loving service of my lord. [34]