The Eternal Play
One kind of Play of Sri Krishna is on the bank of the Yamuna, or the bank of the Ganges, chanting and dancing with his girlfriends and boyfriends. His eternal Play is going on with His father and mother. There everything is beautiful and eternal. Some description of Vrndavan has been given in Sri Brahma-samhita (5.56):
श्रियः कान्ताः कान्तः परमपुरुषः कल्पतरवो
द्रुमा भूमिश्चिन्तामणिगणमयी तोयममृतम् ।
कथा गानं नाट्यं गमनमपि वंशी प्रियसखी
चिदानन्दं ज्योतिः परमपि तदास्वाद्यमपि च ॥
śriyaḥ kāntāḥ kāntaḥ parama-puruṣaḥ kalpa-taravo
drumā bhūmiś chintāmaṇi-gaṇa-mayī toyam amṛtam
kathā gānaṁ nāṭyaṁ gamanam api vaṁśī priya-sakhī
chid ānandaṁ jyotiḥ param api tad āsvādyam api cha
There all the girls are beautiful like Laksmi Devi; all beauty and wealth is in them in a very concentrated form. Krishna’s form is so beautiful, and He is the enjoyer of those girls — kantah Parama-purusah. All the trees there are kalpa-taravo, wish-fulfilling trees. If you want anything from a tree, he can give it to you. If you ask a banana tree, «Give me an apple», immediately he will give you an apple. If you ask an apple tree for a papaya, he will give you a papaya. The transcendental world has that type of character. There the feelings are not artificial in any way; all the feelings are natural, a natural flow is there. Krishna is not thinking «I am God», and the friends of Krishna are not thinking «Krishna is my Lord», not that way. «He is my bosom friend», in this way their feelings are coming.
Consorthood, paramour love, so many things are there that here sometimes give us so much pain. There they give only happiness. There is no place for pain there — only when the Play of the Lord necessitates it some deficiency may come, but that is only existing within the Play. That knowledge will be revealed in our hearts if we will try to search, try to proceed. If we sincerely try to get that, we can. This is the gift of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Before Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave it to us, we did not know the process, even though it is written in the scriptures. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu discovered it and gave it to us: «You see this is your process, and it is the easiest process». By His grace we can understand that. He said:
हरेर्नाम हरेर्नाम हरेर्नामैव केवलम् ।
कलौ नास्त्येव नास्त्येव नास्त्येव गतिरन्यथा ॥
harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam
kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā
It is not necessary to collect an ocean of knowledge from the scriptures. The only necessity is your chastity and faith in the Divine Name of the Lord. Why? Some reasons have been given that we can easily understand. In this world, so many scientists have invented many things. How are we getting email, telephone, and television? Through sound. In this material world it is possible, so why is it not possible to connect with the transcendental world through sound? It can come down into this material world. We can see that ray, and through that ray we can go there. Here we are getting connection everywhere through ether. If we can go a little further, we can connect with the transcendental divine form of the Lord, which is His Name. If it is transcendental, if it is divine, it must have the full power to give us this knowledge, and that Name can enter anywhere. The telephone calls are coming here without a problem; why can’t that transcendental knowledge come into my heart? Why can’t that transcendental knowledge live there? We must believe it. Try to research and try to understand which way it is possible. Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev said the transcendental vibration form of our Lord is Hari-nam. It will be revealed in your heart.
चेतोदर्पणमार्ज्जनं भवमहादावाग्निनिर्व्वापणं
श्रेयःकैरवचन्द्रिकावितरणं विद्यावधाजीवनम् ।
आनन्दाम्बुधिवर्द्धनं प्रतिपदं पूर्णामृतास्वादनं
सर्व्वात्मस्नपनं परं विजयते श्रीकृष्णसंकीर्तनम् ॥
cheto-darpaṇa-mārjanaṁ bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇaṁ
śreyaḥ-kairava-chandrikā-vitaraṇaṁ vidyā-vadhā-jīvanam
ānandāmbudhi-vardhanaṁ prati-padaṁ pūrṇāmṛtāsvādanaṁ
sarvātma-snapanaṁ paraṁ vijayate śrī-kṛṣṇa-saṅkīrtanam
Mahaprabhu also described the process:
तृणादपि सुनीचेन तरोरिव सहिष्णुना ।
अमानिना मानदेन कीर्त्तनीयः सदा हरिः ॥
tṛṇād api sunīchena taror iva sahiṣṇunā
amāninā mānadena kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ
Be humble, be tolerant, give honour to others, make everyone your friend. Try to get a connection with the transcendental abode through Hari-nam, the Lord’s Name. Practise your spiritual life and see the result. It is not dead matter. You will eat and others then will be fulfilled? It is not a fact. When you eat you will feel, «My belly is becoming full, my mind is becoming satisfied, and my hunger is going away.» These feelings naturally will come to you.
How will I go back to the hotel? My driver knows, «This is the way». He will not miss the way. So, we must search, but with proper guidance. If you want Newcastle coal, you must go to Newcastle. If you want Ganges water, go to the Ganges. If you want Thames water, go to the Thames. If you want something, go to the source. In this way your searching will take you there.
It is not necessary to blindly accept anything. My Guru Maharaj gave many English books: The Search for Sri Krishna — Reality the Beautiful, Loving Search for the Lost Servant, Subjective Evolution of Consciousness, The Golden Volcano of Divine Love, Sri Guru and His Grace, and others. We have published over two hundred books in different languages for the benefit of others.
My lifetime is already finished. I am also an astrologer, but I am not reading anyone’s horoscope. I closed that chapter forty years ago. Still, I know my lifetime is finished, so how am I alive? It is by the grace of my Guru Maharaj. I told my Guru Maharaj, «Maharaj, my lifetime is not very long. You know this, you are a great astrologer. Why are you trying to establish me? Choose another very good man, and I shall serve him.» But Guru Maharaj said, «I am giving you life. I am giving your life an extension; throw your horoscope away.» And now I am seeing that it is possible, for it has come to me. By the grace of my Guru I have received an extended lifetime.
I have no intention to enjoy this life. I am working only for the service of Lord Krishna and for the satisfaction of my Guru Maharaj. I must try to do good for everyone; that is the instruction of my Guru Maharaj. I want to be your friend, not your enemy. Krishna said in Srimad Bhagavad-gita (6.5):
उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् ।
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः ॥
uddhared ātmanātmānaṁ nātmānam avasādayet
ātmaiva hy ātmano bandhur ātmaiva ripur ātmanaḥ
You are your own best friend and your own worst enemy. You cannot conceive how much bad and how much good you can do for yourself. All power is in your hand. Try to play properly and you must get the result. The football is always going to the foot of one who can play properly, and others who are running after the football can’t get it. So try to search properly, sincerely. You will get a good result, and your life will be extremely benefitted.