Go deeper, go higher

In His talks with Ramananda Ray, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu repeatedly says, «Eho bahya, age kaha ara: go further, go deeper, go higher!» There are so many who consider their position to be the highest, who, achieving a particular stage, stop there. But we find in Sanatan Goswami’s Brhad-bhagavatamrta how Gopa Kumar, beginning from the lowest stage of devotion, gradually makes progress through different levels, and at last comes to the Krishna conception in the mellow of friendship — sakhya-rasa. There it is described how he gradually eliminates one stage and makes further progress to the highest stages of devotion.

As he progresses from one level to the next, everyone seems to be very helpful to him, but gradually, their company seems to him to be stale. At that time, a higher chance is given to him through an agent of Divinity, and, leaving that plane behind, he goes to a new and higher plane. In this way, the progress of dedication is shown in Brhad-bhagavatamrta.