Enemy ego/real ego
Here, everything is but a reflection of the perfect world. Originally, everything is there, including all types of service, but here we have only a perverted reflection. Leaving this variegated world behind, we should not attempt to merge into non-consciousness so that we won’t be able to feel any pleasure or pain. At present, we are under the influence of our enemy ego. Real ego exists in the spiritual world. All experience is found there, but it is full of beauty and charm. Krishna consciousness means full-fledged theism. This means that we can have a relationship with the Infinite up to consorthood. Everything that we need to help us and lead us in the right direction is really to be found in the spiritual world in its purest and most desirable position. What we find here is only a shadow, a black imitation. But reality means full-fledged theism — Krishna consciousness — where the Infinite embraces the whole finite. The Infinite comes down to welcome, to fully embrace the finite — that is Vrndavan. And this is full-fledged theism: through Krishna consciousness, one negligent part of the finite may experience the blissful embrace of the whole infinite. And in Vrndavan, not a corner is left neglected. Every grain of sand, every blade of grass, is well-represented there with personality. Here, what to speak of a particle of sand, so many things are insignificant. But in Vrndavan, everything is cared for. Nothing is ignored. That is full-fledged theism. This is explained in Srimad Bhagavatam (10.21.5):
varhāpīḍaṁ naṭa-bara-vapuḥ karnayoḥ karnikāraṁ
bibrad vāsaḥ kanaka-kapiśam vaijayantīn cha mālām
randhrān venoradhara-sudhayā purayan gopavṛndair
vṛndāranyaṁ sva-pada-ramanaṁ prāviśad gīta-kīrtiḥ
Sukadev Goswami reveals something astounding to Pariksit Maharaj. When Krishna enters the forest of Vrndavan by the touch of the soles of His lotus feet, the earth feels the pleasure of His embrace — the personal embrace of the Sweet Absolute (Vrndaranyam sva-pada-ramanam). This is inconceivable! By the touch of the holy feet of Krishna, the sand and the earth feel the pleasure of consorthood! Glorified by His cowherd friends, He enters the forest of Vrndavan, and the earth, the forest, and everything that comes in connection with Him feels a higher, closer sense experience of pleasure to the happiest degree.