«I shall curse You!»

Once, after the Kuruksetra war, the brahman Utanka came to Krishna and said, «Krishna, I curse You!» Krishna said, «Why, My dear brahman, do you want to curse Me?» Utanka said, «Because You are the cause of all the disasters of Kuruksetra. Because of You, so many widows and orphans are crying in distress. The bounds of their sorrow know no end, and You are the cause.»

Krishna answered, «You may have collected some power by your penances in sattva-guna, but that will all be finished when you curse Me. It won’t produce any result in Me because I am situated in the nirguna plane.» This is the nature of the nirguna plane. It is ahaituky apratihata: it is causeless and it cannot be checked — it is irresistible. The wave of the most fundamental plane is bhakti, devotion, where everything follows the sweet will of the Centre — nirguna. That divine flow is causeless and can never be opposed. We should try to take our stand in that plane. Bhakti is nirguna, beyond the influence of material nature, and it is ahaituki, causeless — that divine flow is eternally going on. And it is apratihata: bhakti can never be checked by anyone. It is irresistible.

This is the nature of the flow of devotion. Anyone who takes their stand in consonance, in harmony, with that flow, will find the same thing: it can never be checked or given any successful opposition. This is the nature of bhakti according to Srimad Bhagavatam (1.2.6):

sa vai puṁsāṁ paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhokṣaje
ahaituky apratihatā yayātmā suprasīdati

Bhakti is the highest function of the soul (paro dharmo). Our duty here must have its origin in the plane of bhakti; we must be able to read and catch and utilise that flow. We must dance in the waves of that flow. Everyone’s highest duty will be full submission to the unseen, undetectable causal power, which has no cause, no rhyme, no reason. It is automatic, eternal, and can never be opposed by any forces here.

And then only will we find our soul’s greatest satisfaction. We will feel real satisfaction only when we come in touch with that most fundamental harmonious wave. Then, we can feel the highest ecstasy. That is bhakti.

So, in coming to such a great idea of life, whatever obstacles we must cross are only small losses and gains, victories and defeats. We should not allow them to disturb our march towards the truth.