Our guardian’s eye

The environment is not dead — an overseer is there. Just as the sun is over our heads, every action is under our guardian’s eye. This comparison is given in the Rg-veda: om tad Visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah diviva chaksur atatam. We should approach any duty thinking, «My guardian’s eye is always vigilantly watching over me, seeing everything I am doing and whatever is happening to me. I need not worry about this environment or circumstance.»

So, Bhagavatam says, «Don’t worry about the environment. Do your duty. Concentrate fully on what you are doing, and in no time, you’ll be relieved of the black box of the ego and will join in the universal flow of dancing and chanting, singing and rejoicing. You will gain entrance into the lila or Pastimes of the Lord.»

We are all suffering from separate interest, clash and reaction, good and bad, pleasure and pain, happiness and distress, but there in the spiritual domain, everything is conscious and filled with happiness. So, not only total self-forgetfulness is required, but the whole goodwill of the Lord should be invited. We shall merge in the flow of the goodwill of the Lord. That is Vrndavan.

Our guardians say: «Do this», and according to our capacity, we shall try to execute their order. And accepting that what they say is really coming from Krishna, the more we are able to follow their instructions, the more benefit we shall accrue. Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, the Vedas, and Upanisads, and so many agents who represent Divinity are all helping us go back to our real home. At present, we are living in different stages of the consciousness of separate interest, but our guardians are all trying to take us into that higher plane of dynamic movement, lila, to enter into the Pastimes of Krishna.