Srimad Bhagavatam

tat te ’nukampām susamīkṣamāṇo
bhuñjāna evātma-kṛtaṁ vipākam
hrḍ-vāg-vapurbhir vidhadhan namas te
jīveta yo mukti-pade sa dāya bhāk

Srimad Bhagavatam (10.14.8) gives us a most hopeful suggestion for all stages of life: blame yourself and no one else. Maintain your appreciation for the Lord, seeing everything as His grace. At present, we think our circumstances undesirable because they do not suit our present taste. But medicine may not always suit the taste of the patient. Still, it is conducive to health. This verse is the highest type of regulation given by the sastra. If you can follow this law, then in no time you will have a very good position. We must be careful not to blame the circumstances, but to appreciate that Krishna is behind everything. Krishna is my best friend; He is in the background of everything. Everything is passing through His attentive eyes. So, there cannot be any defect there.

Even Srimati Radharani says, «He is not to blame. This long separation from Krishna is only the outcome of My fate. He should not be blamed for this.» Although outwardly it is admitted by all that He had cruelly left the gopis, Radharani is not prepared to blame Krishna. «No wrong can be found in Him.» She thinks. «There must be something wrong in Me which has brought about this unfortunate situation.» The competition between the groups of gopis in the service of Krishna is also harmonised in this way by Radharani.

Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami has explained this most important point. According to him, it is not that Radharani does not like any other party to serve Krishna in competition with Her, but She feels that they cannot satisfy Krishna as well as She can. And this should be noted very carefully. She knows that they cannot give proper satisfaction to Krishna, so She cannot appreciate their trying to take Her place. That is Her contention. She thinks, «If they could serve Krishna well and fully satisfy Him, I would have no complaint. But they can’t. And still, aggressively they come to serve? I can’t tolerate this.»