Lord of The Cows

deve varṣati yajña-viplavaruṣā vajrāśma-varṣānilaiḥ
sīdat-pāla-paśu-striyātma-śaraṇaṁ dṛṣtvānukampy-utsmayam
utpātyaika-karena śailamavalo līlochchilīndhraṁ yathā
bibrad goṣṭham apān mahendram adabhit prīyān na indro gavām
(Srimad Bhagavatam: 10.26.25)

The very gist of the Govardhan-lila, the very substance of the Pastime, is represented in this verse. The milkmen in Vrndavan used to observe a sacrifice to satisfy the king of heaven, Indra, at whose command the rain, clouds, and other subtle elementary powers move. The main wealth of the cowherd men is the cow, and the cow’s main food is grass. Only rain can produce grass, and so the cowherd men used to perform sacrifice to satisfy the subtle power who is supposed to be in command of natural substances like rain.

By satisfying Indra, favourable rains would come and there would be sufficient grass. The cows could then graze easily on the grass and generate milk profusely. The gopas, the cowherd men and their families, used to make different preparations from the milk, sell them in the marketplace, and in that way earn their livelihood.

As the grazing ground in one place was finished, they would move from one forest to another. Only for the purpose of obtaining grass for the cows, Krishna’s father Nanda Maharaj and the cowherd men would wander from one place to the next. In this way, they lived sometimes in Vrndavan, sometimes in Nanda Gram, and sometimes in Gokul.

Once, Krishna wanted to assert Himself and modify the worship of Indra. He wanted to establish His own domain, Vrndavan, in its pristine glory.

Although He was only a boy, He was a boy of extraordinary capacity. He was only seven years old. But in the Padma-purana, it is said that the development or growth of special personalities is one and a half times that of ordinary persons. Although Krishna was only seven years old by ordinary calculation, He was eleven according to general calculation.

Krishna said, «Why should we perform this sacrifice to Indra? We have a direct concern with Govardhan Hill and not Indra.» He announced this idea to the gopas, and somehow, willingly or reluctantly, the gopas submitted to the advice of Krishna. Nanda Maharaj was influenced by affection for his son, and, because he was the king, he told them, «This time we shall worship Govardhan Hill and not Indra.»