The seal of ego

We have only to break the seal of the ego, and the natural flow of divine love will come and automatically help its own cause. Such an arrangement is there for us by which we may return home. We won’t feel that it is a tedious, labourious journey. We will be carried by our natural attraction, independent of external guidance. The tendency within us for divine love can understand its own soil; it has that natural gift of attraction. An automatic attraction will be there for our home; no scientific search is necessary.

Rather, we will have to put a stop to our intellectualism, ambition, and aspiration. It is unnecessary. It is a wild goose chase. It will never help us to reach our goal. The heart will reject that. There will be no room for any suspicion at all. It is an infallible, natural, complete selection. So, we should try to find that natural thing which cannot be acquired as the result of any long program of research. It is quite natural. It is only the artificialism within us that must be removed and bid adieu forever. And the reactions that we have acquired after so long in our false journey will evaporate out of their own accord. They will present no problem. This is certain. There will be no reaction, and no necessity of finding any new discovery or invention. Once achieving that realisation, we will see that our «progressive-knowledge-civilisation» is all redundant.

No intellectualism is required. Just as a child knows his mother, we can recognise our real home. In the midst of so many cows, a calf will run to its own mother. They have some instinctive scent or a natural guidance that directs them. In the same way, no trouble, no investigation, no experiment, or suspicion is necessary. Devotion to Krishna is automatic, natural, happy, and spontaneous. It is a spontaneous life, an automatic flow, a natural movement.

Our real interest is love. Love is independent of everything. It is the innermost substance in our existence. «Try to dive deep into reality», we are told. «Dive deep into reality, and you will find your home there in that divine realm. You are a child of that soil.» That is the message of Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. And that is not a very meagre conception, an abstract or hazy dream, but that is the most intense and concrete reality.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu demonstrated this by His character, by how intensely He searched for Sri Krishna, and by how intensely and deeply He engaged Himself in the lila of Krishna, ignoring so many facts which seem concrete in the outside world. Forgetting everything, despising everything which is so important to us, He neglected all other functions and considerations of duty. He engaged Himself in Krishna-lila so deeply and intensely — diving deep into it — that it captured His whole heart so much that He was externally found to be helpless.