The Ten Offences to the Holy Name
A Bengali poem composed on 2 April 1992
explaining the ten offences to the Holy Name
as described in the Padma-purana.
হরিনাম মহামন্ত্র সর্ব্বমন্ত্র-সার
যাঁদের করুণাবলে জগতে প্রচার ।
সেই নামপরায়ণ সাধু, মহাজন
তাঁহাদের নিন্দা না করিহ কদাচন ॥১॥
hari-nama mahamantra sarva-mantra-sara
yadera karuna-bale jagate prachara
sei nama-parayana sadhu, mahajana
tahadera ninda na kariha kadachana [1]
sei–Those sadhu–sadhus parayana–devoted nama–to the Name karuna-bale–by the mercy yadera–of whom mahamantra–the great mantra nama–of the Names hari–of the Lord, sara–the best sarva–of all mantra–mantras, [is] prachara–distributed jagate–throughout the world [are] mahajana–great souls. kadachana na–Never kariha–engage ninda–in criticism tahadera–of them.
The Hari-nam mahamantra, the best of all mantras, is distributed throughout the world by the mercy of the sadhus devoted to the Name. Never criticise such great souls.
্রজেন্দ্র-নন্দন কৃষ্ণ সর্ব্বেশ্বরেশ্বর
মহেশ্বর আদি তাঁর সেবন-তৎপর ।
নাম চিন্তামণি কৃষ্ণ-চৈতন্য-স্বরূপ
ভেদ-জ্ঞান না করিবে লীলা-গুণ-রূপ ॥২॥
vrajendra-nandana krsna sarvesvaresvara
mahesvara adi tara sevana-tatpara
nama chintamani krsna-chaitanya-svarupa
bheda-jnana na karibe lila-guna-rupa [2]
nandana–The son indra–of the King vraja–of Vraja, krsna–Krishna, [is] isvara–the Lord sarva–of all isvara–Lords. maha-isvara–The great lord (Siva) [and] adi–the other [gods are] tatpara–dedicated [to] tara–His sevana–service. nama–The Name [is] chinta-mani–a wish-fulfilling jewel [and] chaitanya–a spiritual svarupa–form krsna–of Krishna. jnana na karibe–Do not consider [the Name] bheda–distinct [from Krishna’s] rupa–Form, guna–Qualities, [and] lila–Pastimes.
The prince of Vraja Sri Krishna is the Lord of all Lords. Siva and all the other gods are dedicated to His service. The Name is a wish-fulfilling jewel and a spiritual form of Krishna Himself. Do not consider the Name to be distinct from Krishna’s Form, Qualities, or Pastimes.
“গুরু কৃষ্ণ-রূপ হন শাস্ত্রের প্রমাণে
গুরু-রূপে কৃষ্ণ কৃপা করে ভাগ্যবানে” ।
সে গুরুতে মর্ত্য-বুদ্ধি অবজ্ঞাদি ত্যজি’
ইষ্ট-লাভ কর, নিরন্তর নাম ভজি’ ॥৩॥
‘‘guru krsna-rupa hana sastrera pramane
guru-rupe krsna krpa kare bhagyavane’’
se gurute martya-buddhi avajnadi tyaji’
ista-labha kara, nirantara nama bhaji’ [3]
pramane–According to evidence sastrera–in the scriptures, guru–Guru hana–is rupa–a form krsna–of Krishna. rupe–In the form guru–of Guru, krsna–Krishna krpa kare–bestows mercy bhagyavane–upon the fortunate. tyaji’–Giving up buddhi–the mentality se gurute–that the Guru [is] martya–mortal [and] avajna–disrespect (disobedience, envy) adi–and so on, labha kara–attain [your] ista–goal: bhaji’–serving nama–the Name nirantara–eternally.
“The scriptures confirm that Guru is a form of Krishna. In the form of Guru, Krishna bestows His mercy upon the fortunate” (Cc: 1.1.45). Give up the mentality that Guru is a mortal, and all other types of disrespect, and attain your cherished goal: serving the Name eternally.
শ্রুতি, শ্রুতি-মাতা-সহ সাত্বত পুরাণ
শ্রীনাম-চরণ-পদ্ম করে নীরাজন ।
সেই শ্রুতি-শাস্ত্র যেবা করয়ে নিন্দন
সে অপরাধীর সঙ্গ করিবে বর্জ্জন ॥৪॥
sruti, sruti-mata-saha satvata purana
sri-nama-charana-padma kare nirajana
sei sruti-sastra yeba karaye nindana
se aparadhira sanga karibe varjana [4]
sruti–The Vedas, saha–with mata–the mother sruti–of the Vedas (gayatri), [and] satvata purana–Srimad Bhagavatam nirajana kare–worship padma–the lotus charana–feet sri-nama–of the divine Name. varjana karibe–Avoid sanga–the association se aparadhira–of an offender yeba–who nindana karaye–criticises sei–the sruti–Vedas [and other] sastra–scriptures.
The Vedas, their mother Gayatri, and Srimad Bhagavatam worship the lotus feet of the divine Name. Avoid the association of any offender who criticises these scriptures.
নামের মহিমা সর্ব্বশাস্ত্রেতে বাখানে ।
অতিস্তুতি, হেন কভু না ভাবিহ মনে ॥
অগস্ত্য, অনন্ত, ব্রহ্মা, শিবাদি সতত ।
যে নাম-মহিমা-গাথা সঙ্কীর্ত্তন-রত ॥
সে নাম-মহিমা-সিন্ধু কে পাইবে পার ? ।
অতিস্তুতি বলে যেই—সেই দুরাচার ॥৫॥
namera mahima sarva-sastrete vakhane
atistuti, hena kabhu na bhaviha mane
agastya, ananta, brahma, sivadi satata
ye nama-mahima-gatha sankirtana-rata
se nama-mahima-sindhu ke paibe para?
atistuti bale yei—sei durachara [5]
mahima–The glories namera–of the Name [are] vakhane–proclaimed [in] sarva–all sastrete–the scriptures. mane–In [your] mind, bhaviha na–do not think kabhu–at any time hena–that [they are] atistuti–exaggerated praise. agastya–Agastya, ananta–Ananta, brahma–Brahma, siva–Siva, adi–and the other gods [are] satata–always rata–engaged in sankirtana–chanting gatha–narrations mahima–of the glories nama–of the Name. [So,] ke–who paibe–will be able para–to cross over sindhu–the ocean se ye–of these mahima–glories se nama–of the Name? sei–One yei–who bale–considers [them] atistuti–exaggerated praise [is] durachara–wicked.
The glories of the Name are proclaimed in all the scriptures. Never think that they are exaggerated praise. Agastya, Ananta, Brahma, Siva, and so on, are always engaged in chanting narrations of the Name’s glories. So, who can cross the ocean of those glories? Anyone who considers them exaggerated praise is wicked.
কৃষ্ণ-নামাবলি নিত্য গোলোকের ধন ।
কল্পিত, প্রাকৃত, ভাবে—অপরাধি-জন ॥৬॥
krsna-namavali nitya golokera dhana
kalpita, prakrta, bhave—aparadhi-jana [6]
krsna-namavali–Krishna’s Names [are] nitya–the eternal dhana–wealth golokera–of Goloka. bhave–One who thinks [They are] kalpita–imaginary [or] prakrta–mundane [is] aparadhi-jana–an offender.
Krishna’s Names are the eternal wealth of Goloka. Anyone who considers Them imaginary or mundane is an offender.
নামে সর্ব্বপাপ-ক্ষয় সর্ব্বশাস্ত্রে কয় ।
সারাদিন পাপ করি’ সেই ভরসায়— ॥
এমত দুর্ব্বুদ্ধি যার সেই অপরাধী ।
মায়া-প্রবঞ্চিত, দুঃখ ভুঞ্জে নিরবধি ॥৭॥
name sarva-papa-ksaya sarva-sastre kaya
sara-dina papa kari’ sei bharasaya—
emata durbuddhi yara sei aparadhi
maya-pravanchita, duhkha bhunje niravadhi [7]
sarva–All sastre–the scriptures kaya–say [that] sarva–all papa–sin [is] ksaya–destroyed name–by the Name. sei–One yara–who papa kari’–sins sara–all dina–day [with] sei–this bharasaya–expectation, [who has] emata–such durbuddhi–a wicked mentality, [is] aparadhi–an offender, [is] pravanchita–deluded maya–by maya, [and] bhunje–undergoes duhkha–suffering niravadhi–perpetually.
All the scriptures declare that the Name destroys all sin. The wicked who sin all day long in expectation of this are offenders. They are deluded by maya and suffer perpetually.
অতুল্য শ্রীকৃষ্ণনাম পূর্ণরসনিধি ।
তাঁর সম না ভাবিহ শুভকর্ম আদি ॥৮॥
atulya sri-krsna-nama purna-rasa-nidhi
tara sama na bhaviha subha-karma adi [8]
sri-krsna–Sri Krishna’s atulya–incomparable nama–Name [is a] purna–full nidhi–reservoir rasa–of nectar. bhaviha na–Never consider subha–auspicious karma–activities [and] adi–so on (vows, renunciation, austerities, sacrificial offerings) sama–equal tara–to Him.
Sri Krishna’s incomparable Name is a brimming reservoir of rasa. Never consider chanting the Name equal to auspicious activities.
নামে শ্রদ্ধাহীন-জন—বিধাতা বাঞ্চিত ।
তারে নাম দানে অপরাধ সুনিশ্চিত ॥৯॥
name sraddha-hina-jana—vidhata vanchita
tare nama dane aparadha sunischita [9]
jana–Persons hina–devoid sraddha–of faith name–in the Name [are] vanchita–deceived vidhata–by Providence. dane–To give tare–them nama–the Name [is] sunischita–certainly aparadha–an offence.
Those who have no faith in the Name are deceived by Providence. To give the Name to them is certainly an offence.
শুনিয়াও কৃষ্ণনাম-মাহাত্ম্য অপার ।
যে প্রীতি-রহিত, সেই নরাধম ছার ॥
অহংতা মমতা যার অন্তরে বাহিরে ।
শুদ্ধ কৃষ্ণনাম তার কভু নাহি স্ফুরে ॥১০॥
suniyao krsna-nama-mahatmya apara
ye priti-rahita, sei naradhama chhara
ahamta mamata yara antare bahire
suddha krsna-nama tara kabhu nahi sphure [10]
sei–Those ye–who [are] rahita–devoid priti–of love suniyao–even after hearing apara–the boundless mahatmya–glories krsna–of Krishna’s nama–Name [are] chhara–deplorable, adhama–fallen nara–souls. krsna–Krishna’s suddha–pure nama–Name kabhu nahi–never sphure–reveals [Himself] tara–to one yara–who antare–internally [and] bahire–externally [has] ahamta–egotism [and] mamata–possessiveness.
Those who remain devoid of love for Krishna’s Name even after hearing His boundless glories are deplorable, fallen souls. The pure Name of Krishna never reveals Himself to those who are internally and externally ridden with egotism and possessiveness.
এই দশ অপরাধ করিয়া বর্জ্জন ।
যে সুজন করে হরিনাম সঙ্কীর্ত্তন ॥
অপূর্ব্ব শ্রীকৃষ্ণপ্রেম লভ্য তারে হয় ।
নামপ্রভু তার হৃদে নিত্য বিলসয় ॥১১॥
ei dasa aparadha kariya varjana
ye sujana kare hari-nama sankirtana
apurva sri-krsna-prema labhya tare haya
nama-prabhu tara hrde nitya vilasaya [11]
apurva–Extraordinary prema–divine love sri-krsna–for Sri Krishna haya–is labhya–attained tare–by the sujana–great souls ye–who sankirtana kare–chant hari–the Lord’s nama–Name varjana kariya–having given up ei–these dasa–ten aparadha–offences. nama-prabhu–The Name Himself vilasaya–plays [within] tara–their hrde–hearts nitya–eternally.
The great souls who chant the Lord’s Name having given up these ten offences attain extraordinary love for Sri Krishna, and the Name Himself plays within their hearts eternally.