Pranams to Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Originally published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan, Volume 1, Issue 4, Tuesday, 15 November 1955.
দেবং দিব্যতনুং সুছন্দবদনং বালার্কচেলাঞ্চিতং
সান্দ্রানন্দপুরং সদেকবরণং বৈরাগ্য-বিদ্যাম্বুধিম্ ।
শ্রীসিদ্ধান্তনিধিং সুভক্তিলসিতং সারস্বতানাম্বরং
বন্দে তং শুভদং মদেকশরণং ন্যাসীশ্বরং শ্রীধরম্ ॥
devaṁ divya-tanuṁ suchanda-vadanaṁ bālārka-chelāñchitaṁ
sāndrānanda-puraṁ sad-eka-varanaṁ vairāgya-vidyāmbudhim
śrī-siddhānta-nidhiṁ subhakti-lasitaṁ sārasvatānām varaṁ
vande taṁ śubhadaṁ mad-eka-śaraṇaṁ nyāsīśvaraṁ śrīdharam
His divine form is adorned with garments the colour of the newly-risen sun. His speech is most pleasing, and he is an ocean of renunciation and knowledge. He is an abode of divine ecstasy, resplendent with pure devotion. He is a treasure-house of perfect conclusions, the leader of the tridandi sannyasis, and the best of Srila Saraswati Thakur’s followers. He is the only choice of the sadhus, the giver of all goodness, and my only shelter. I offer my obeisance unto my lord, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.
কনকসুরুচিরাঙ্গং সুন্দরং সৌম্যমূর্ত্তিং
বিবুধকুলবরেণ্যং শ্রীগুরুং সিদ্ধিপূর্ত্তিম্ ।
তরুণতপনবাসং ভক্তিদঞ্চিদ্বিলাসং
ভজ ভজ তু মনোরে ! শ্রীধরং শম্বিধানম্ ॥
kanaka-suruchirangam sundaram saumya-murtim
vibudha-kula-varenyam sri-gurum siddhi-purtim
taruna-tapana-vasam bhaktidan chid-vilasam
bhaja bhaja tu mano re sridharam sam-vidhanam
His beautiful, radiant, golden form, the embodiment of serenity, dressed in garments resembling the rising sun, is worshipped by the wise. As the dispeller of darkness and manifestation of the divine play, he gives pure devotion and grants all perfection. O mind, always serve the maker of your fortune, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami.
বর্ণ-ধর্ম্ম-নির্ব্বিশেষ-সর্ব্বলোক-নিস্তরম্ ।
শ্রীসরস্বতী-প্রিযঞ্চ ভক্তি-সুন্দরাশ্রয়ং
শ্রীধরং নমামি ভক্তিরক্ষকং জগদ্গুরুম্ ॥
sri-sarasvati-priyan cha bhakti-sundarasrayam
sridharam namami bhakti-raksakam jagad-gurum
He carries the conception of Sri Svarup Damodar, Sri Ramananda Ray, Srila Rupa Goswami, and Srila Jiva Goswami. He delivers everyone irrespective of their caste and creed. He is the favourite of Srila Saraswati Thakur and an abode of beauty and devotion (and the shelter of Sri Bhakti Sundar Govinda). I offer my obeisance to Jagad-guru Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.
শুদ্ধ-দীপ্ত-রাগ-ভক্তি-গৌরবানুশীলনম্ ।
শ্রীধরং নমামি ভক্তিরক্ষকং জগদ্গুরুম্ ॥
sridharam namami bhakti-raksakam jagad-gurum
His Pastime of birth took place in 1817 of the Saka era. He reverentially cultivates pure and exalted loving devotion (raga-bhakti in the posture of vidhi-marga). His disappearance from our eyes took place in 1910 of the Saka era. I offer my obeisance to Jagad-guru Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.
Pranam to Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad
নমঃ ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদায় কৃষ্ণপ্রেষ্ঠায় ভূতলে ।
স্বামী-শ্রীভক্তিবেদান্ত-প্রভুপাদায় তে নমঃ ॥
গুর্ব্বাজ্ঞাং শিরসী ধৃত্বা শক্ত্যাবেশ-স্বরূপিনে ।
হরেকৃষ্ণেতি মন্ত্রেণ পাশ্চাত্য-প্রাচ্য-তারিণে ॥
বিশ্বাচার্য্য-প্রবর্য্যায় দিব্য-কারুণ্য-মূর্ত্তয়ে ।
শ্রীভাগবত-মাধুর্য্য-গীতা-জ্ঞান-প্রদায়িনে ॥
গৌর-শ্রীরূপ-সিদ্ধান্ত-সরস্বতী-নিষেবিনে ।
রাধা-কৃষ্ণ-পদাম্ভোজ-ভৃঙ্গায় গুরবে নমঃ ॥
namaḥ om viṣṇupādaya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhūtale
swāmī śrī bhaktivedānta prabhupādāya te namaḥ
gurvajñaṁ śīrasi-dhṛtvā śaktyāveśa sva-rūpine
hare-kṛṣṇeti mantreṇa pāśchatya-prāchya-tāriṇe
viśvāchārya prabaryāya divya kāruṇya mūrtaye
śrī bhāgavata-mādhurya-gīta-jñāna pradāyine
gaura-śrī-rūpa-siddhānta-sarasvatī niṣevine
radha-krsna-padambhoja-bhrngaya gurave namah
I offer my obeisance again and again unto Krishna’s dearmost on this earth, Om Visnupad Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. Bearing the order of his Guru on his head, he became a saktyaves-avatar (of Nityananda Prabhu) and delivered the East and West with the Hare Krishna mahamantra. He is the ultimate Jagad-guru and the embodiment of divine mercy. He distributes the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad-gita and the sweetness of Srimad Bhagavatam, and is ever-engaged in the service of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu, and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. I offer my obeisance to him, my Guru, who is a bumblebee in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
Pranam to Srimad Bhakti Saranga Goswami Maharaj
Originally published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan, Volume 1, Issue 8, Sunday, 11 March 1956.
দিব্যং দীর্ঘ-ভুজারবিন্দ-নয়নং সারস্বতং সুন্দরং
তেজো-দীপ্ত-বপুর্বুধৈক-সুহৃদং কর্বূর-গর্ব্বাপহম্ ।
পাষাণ্ডাসুর-চণ্ড-দণ্ড-দলনং দম্ভাদ্রি-দম্ভোলিকং
বন্দে বন্দ্য-কুলাব্জ-ভাস্কর-বিভুং সারঙ্গ-গোস্বামিনম্ ॥
divyam dirgha-bhujaravinda-nayanam sarasvatam sundaram
tejo-dipta-vapur budhaika-suhrdam karbura-garvapaham
pasandasura-chanda-danda-dalanam dambhadri-dambholikam
vande vandya-kulabja-bhaskara-vibhum saranga-gosvaminam
He has a divine, radiant form, long arms, and lotus eyes. He crushes the pride of the wicked, quells the cruel oppression of the cynical and demonic, and strikes like a thunderbolt atop the mountain of hypocrisy. He is the shining sun above the lotus of the aristocracy, the only friend of the wise, and a beautiful follower of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. I offer my obeisance unto Srimad Bhakti Saranga Goswami Maharaj.
Pranam to Srimad Bhakti Vichar Jajavar Maharaj
Originally published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan, Volume 1, Issue 10, Thursday, 10 May 1956.
সৌম্যং শুদ্ধতনুং সুধাংশু-বদনং সারস্বতং সুন্দরং
নামানন্দপুরং প্রশান্ত-মনসং সংসার-সন্তারকম্ ।
আবালয়াদ্-ভগবত্-পদাব্জ-মধুপং দীনার্ত্তিহং দৈবতং
বন্দে ভক্তিবিচারকং প্রভুবরং যাযাবর-স্বামিনম্ ॥
saumyam suddha-tanum sudhamsu-vadanam sarasvatam sundaram
namananda-puram prasanta-manasam samsara-santarakam
abalayad-bhagavat-padabja-madhupam dinarti-ham daivatam
vande bhakti-vicharakam prabhu-varam yayavara-svaminam
He has been a bee in the lotus feet of the Lord since his youth and is a beautiful follower of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. He has a pure, serene form and a face like the nectar-rayed moon. His heart is tranquil, and he is an abode of the Name’s joy. He relieves the poor of their sorrow and delivers the world. I offer my obeisance unto my dear master, the godly Srimad Bhakti Vichar Jajavar Maharaj.
Pranam to Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj
দীর্ঘং সৌম্যবপুর্নবারুণবহির্বাসস্ত্রিদণ্ডান্বিতং
দিব্যং শ্রীগুরু-গৌর-কীর্ত্তন-রসানন্দেন মত্তং সদা ।
শ্রীগৌড়ীয়-যতীন্দ্র-ভক্তিকমলং স্নিগ্ধং কৃপাবিগ্রহং
বন্দে শ্রীমধুসূদনং গুরুবরং বেদান্তবিদ্যাম্বুধিম্ ॥
dirgham saumya-vapur navaruna-bahir-vasas tridandanvitam
divyam sri-guru-gaura-kirtan-rasanandena mattam sada
sri-gaudiya-yatindra-bhakti-kamalam snigdham krpa-vigraham
vande sri-madhusudanam guru-varam vedanta-vidyambudhim
His lofty, serene form, adorned with a tridanda and garments the colour of the newly risen sun, is the embodiment of divine affection and mercy. He is a leader amongst the Gaudiya Vaisnava sannyasis, an ocean of Vedantic knowledge, and always ecstatic with the joyous rasa of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga’s kirtan. I offer my obeisance unto my dear master, Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj.
Pranam to Srimad Krishnadas Babaji Maharaj
সৌম্যং সত্ত্বতনুং সহাসবদনং কণ্ঠং সুতানান্বিতং
কৃষ্ণানন্দকরং রটন্তমনিশং নামাক্ষরং সুন্দরম্ ।
শ্রীনন্দীশ্বরমাশ্রিতং ব্রজভুবি গৌরে চ মায়াপুরং
বন্দে যুক্তবিরাগ-ভক্তি-লসিতং শ্রীকৃষ্ণদাস-প্রভুম্ ॥
saumyam sattva-tanum sahasa-vadanam kantham sutananvitam
krsnananda-karam ratantam anisam namaksaram sundaram
sri-nandisvaram-asritam vrajabhuvi gaure cha mayapuram
vande yukta-viraga-bhakti-lasitam sri-krsna-dasa-prabhum
With his tranquil divine form, smiling face, and melodious voice, he pleases Sri Krishna by constantly and beautifully calling out His Name. Residing in Sri Nandisvar in Vraja Dham or Sri Mayapur in Gaura Dham, he is resplendent with perfect renunciation and devotion. I offer my obeisance to Srila Krishnadas Babaji Maharaj.
Pranam to Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Composed on 30 December 2004.
ভগবান্-ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত-সরস্বতী-জগদ্-গুরোঃ ।
অত্যুদার-পদাম্ভোজ-ধূলি স্যাম্ জন্ম জন্মনি ॥
atyudara-padambhoja-dhuli syam janma janmani
Birth after birth, I pray to be a particle of dust at the unlimitedly merciful lotus feet of Jagat Guru Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur.
Pranam to Srila Vrndavan Das Thakur
and Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami
দাস-বৃন্দাবনং বন্দে কৃষ্ণদাস-প্রভুং তথা ।
ছন্নাবতার-চৈতন্যলীলা-বিস্তারকারিণৌ ॥
দ্বৌ নিত্যানন্দপাদাব্জ-করুণারেণু-ভূষিতৌ ।
ব্যক্ত-চ্ছন্নৌ বুধাচিন্ত্যৌ বাবন্দে ব্যাস-রূপিণৌ ॥
শ্রীগুরু-গৌর-গান্ধর্ব্বা-গোবিন্দাশ্চ গণৈঃ সহ ।
জয়ন্তি পাঠকাশ্চাত্র সর্ব্বেষাং করুণার্থিনঃ ॥
dasa-vrndavanam vande krsna-dasa-prabhum tatha
dvau nityananda-padabja-karuna-renu-bhusitau
vyakta-chchhannau budhachintyau vavande vyasa-rupinau
sri-guru-gaura-gandharva-govindas cha ganaih saha
jayanti pathakas chatra sarvesam karunarthinah
vande–I offer my obeisance dasa-vrndavanam–to Srila Vrndavan Das Thakur tatha–and krsna-dasa-prabhum–Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami Prabhu. vavande–I offer my obeisance dvau–to the two rupinau–forms vyasa–of Vyasa [who are] vistara-karinau–the expounders lila–of the Pastimes chhanna–of the hidden avatara–Avatar chaitanya–Sri Chaitanya [and] bhusitau–adorned renu–with the pollen-like karuna–mercy nityananda–of Nityananda’s abja–lotus pada–feet, [one] vyakta–manifest, [and one] chchhannau–hidden, [one] budha–conceivable, [and one] achintyau–inconceivable. sri-guru–Sri Guru gaura–Sri Gauranga gandharva–Sri Gandharva, govindah–Sri Govindasundar, cha–along saha–with [Their] ganaih–associates, cha–and pathakah–the students atra–here jayanti–are victorious, [and we are] arthinah–seekers karuna–of the mercy sarvesam–of them all.
I offer my obeisance to Srila Vrndavan Das Thakur and Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami Prabhu. They are the expounders of the Pastimes of the hidden Avatar, Sri Chaitanya, and are adorned with the pollen-like mercy of Nityananda Prabhu’s lotus feet. I offer my obeisance to these two forms of Vyasadev, one manifest and one hidden, one intelligible and one inconceivable (or: one of whom reveals the open, conceivable Pastimes of Sri Chaitanya, and one of whom reveals the hidden, inconceivable Pastimes of Sri Chaitanya). All glory to Sri Guru, Sri Gauranga, Sri Sri Gandharva-Govindasundar, their associates, and the students present here. We pray for the mercy of them all.
Pranam to Sri Sadasiva Gangadhar
Composed 28 March 2003.
পঞ্চাননং পশুপতিং বরদং প্রসন্নম্ ।
গঙ্গাধরং প্রণতপালকমাশুতোষং
বন্দে সদাশিব-হরিপ্রিয়-চন্দ্রমৌলিম্ ॥
devadidevam ahibhusanam indukasam
panchananam pasupatim varadam prasannam
gangadharam pranata-palakam asutosam
vande sadasiva-hari-priya-chandra-maulim
The god of gods, garlanded with a snake, shines like the moon, which he wears on his crown. He has five heads, carries his pasupat arrow, grants boons, and is naturally satisfied. He holds the Ganges, protects those who surrender to him, and is easily pleased. I offer my obeisance unto Sadasiva, who is dear to Hari.