Sri Guru Prasasti
Praise for Sri Guru
on the anniversary of the 61st auspicious appearance day of
Om Visnupad
Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
A Sanskrit poem originally published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan,
Volume 1, Issue 4, Tuesday, 15 November 1955;
Volume 9, Issue 4, Thursday, 14 November 1963;
and Volume 11, Issue 4, Saturday, 13 November 1965.
ভাগ্যাধীশ ত্বদীয়ো বিমলসুখময়ঃ সম্প্রকাশস্তুনিত্যো
গৌড়ং রাঢ়ং তথেদং ত্রিভুবনমখিলং ধন্যধন্যঞ্চকার ।
খণ্ডে কালে দৃশাং নো গগনজলনিধিং পূরয়িত্বা বুধানাম্
আনন্দং বর্দ্ধযন্ বৈ স্বপরিজনগণৈর্ধামনি ত্বং বিভাসি ॥১॥
bhāgyādhīśa tvadīyo vimala-sukhamayaḥ samprakāśas tu nityo
gauḍaṁ rāḍhaṁ tathedaṁ tribhuvanam akhilaṁ dhanya-dhanyañ chakāra
khaṇḍe kāle dṛśāṁ no gagana-jala-nidhiṁ pūrayitvā budhānām
ānandaṁ varddhayan vai svaparijana-gaṇair dhāmani tvaṁ vibhāsi [1]
adhisa–O master [of my] bhagya tu–fortune! tvadiyah–Your vimala–purely sukhamayah–joyful, nityah–eternal, samprakasah–brilliant appearance chakara–has made gaudam–the land of Gauda, radham–the district of Radha, tatha–and akhilam–all idam–of the tribhuvanam–three worlds dhanya-dhanyam–most fortunate. kale–In this time khande–of discord, tvam–you vai–indeed vibhasi–shine dhamani–in [your] abode svaparijana-ganaih–with your associates, [and thereby] purayitva–blow away nidhi–the carriers jala–of water gagana–in the sky [of] nah–our drsam–eyes [and] varddhayan–increase anandam–the joy budhanam–of the wise. [1]
O master of my fortune! Your brillant, eternal appearance, full of pure joy, has made the district of Radha, the land of Gauda, and the whole of the three worlds most fortunate. In this time of discord, you shine in your abode with your associates and thereby remove the clouds from our eyes, and increase the joy of the wise.
দেবাদ্যাস্তেঽখিলগুণগণান্নৈব গাতুং সমর্থাঃ
ক্বাহং জীবোঽতিশয়পতিতো মন্দভাগ্যোঽতিক্ষুদ্রঃ ।
ভো আরাধ্য স্তবনবিষয়ে কিন্তু দীনাধমস্য
প্রত্যাশা তত্ সুকরুণতয়া বীরচন্দ্রাভিদস্ত্বম্ ॥২॥
devādyās te ’khila-guṇa-gaṇān naiva gātuṁ samarthāḥ
kvāhaṁ jīvo ’tiśaya-patito manda-bhāgyo ’tikṣudraḥ
bho ārādhya stavana-viṣaye kintu dīnādhamasya
pratyāśā tat sukaruṇatayā vīrachandrābhidas tvam [2]
deva–O lord! adyah–The highest souls na samarthah–are not able eva–at all gatum–to sing akhila–all te–your guna-ganan–glories. kva–Where [am] aham–I? [I am an] atisaya–extremely patitah–fallen jivah–soul, manda-bhagyah–unfortunate [and] atiksudrah–utterly insignificant. bho–O aradhya–worshippable master! pratyasa–The hope dina–of [this] poor adhamasya–fallen soul, kintu–however, visaye–in the matter stavana–of glorification [of you], [is] tat–that tvam–you, sukarunataya–out of deep compassion, [are] abhidah–known [to be] virachandra–Virachandra Prabhu. [2]
O lord! Even the most exalted souls are unable to sing all your glories. And who am I? I am an extremely fallen soul, unfortunate and utterly insignificant. O worshippable master! This poor and fallen soul’s hope to glorify you, however, is that you, out of deep compassion, are known to be Virachandra Prabhu.
দৃষ্ট্বা বিশ্বস্য জীবান্ খলু হরিবিমুখান্ গৌরদেবো দয়ায়া
রূপং গৌড়ে ভবন্তং পরমকরুণয়া প্রাহিনোদ্দীনবন্ধো ।
এতজ্জ্ঞাত্বা প্রকাশাৎ সুদিনসমুদয়ং স্মারমাশাঃ সহর্ষা
জায়ন্তে চৈব মায়া-নিগড়-নিকর-সংমোচনেঽস্মাকমদ্ধা ॥৩॥
dṛṣṭvā viśvasya jīvān khalu hari-vimukhān gauradevo dayāyā
rūpaṁ gauḍe bhavantaṁ parama-karuṇayā prāhinod dīna-bandho
etaj jñātvā prakāśāt sudina-samudayaṁ smāram āśāḥ saharṣā
jāyante chaiva māyā-nigaḍa-nikara-saṁmochane ’smākam addhā [3]
drstva–Seeing jivan–the souls visvasya–of the world khalu–so vimukhan–averse hari–to the Lord, gauradevah–divine Gaura, [with] parama–the deepest karunaya–compassion, dayaya–mercifully prahinot–sent bhavantam–you, [your] rupam–form, gaude–to Gauda, bandhah–O friend dina–of the fallen! jnatva–Understanding etat–this [and] smaram–remembering sudina–this fine day, samudayam–an auspicious moment prakasat–because of [your] appearance, asmakam–our asah–hopes cha–and saharsa–joy jayante–are arising eva–certainly sammochane–for liberation nigada-nikara–from the chains maya–of maya addha–in this way. [3]
Seeing the souls of the world so averse to the Lord, Sri Gaura, with the deepest compassion, mercifully sent you to Gauda, O friend of the fallen! Understanding this and remembering this day made most auspicious by your appearance, we are hopeful and joyful that we will be liberated from the chains of maya.
যদ্বদ্ভানুঃ কিরণনিকরৈর্ভাসয়ন্ বিশ্বমেতন্
নাশং কৃত্বা নিখিলতমসাং তেজসা সংবিভাতি ।
কৃত্বা নাশং প্রকৃতিতমসাং সত্যসূর্য্যং প্রকাশ্য
দিব্যজ্ঞানৈর্হরিগুণগণৈস্ত্বঞ্চ তদ্বদ্বিভাসি ॥৪॥
yadvad bhānuḥ kiraṇa-nikarair bhāsayan viśvam etan
nāśaṁ kṛtvā nikhila-tamasāṁ tejasā saṁvibhāti
kṛtvā nāśaṁ prakṛti-tamasāṁ satya-sūryaṁ prakāśya
divya-jñānair hari-guṇa-gaṇais tvañ cha tadvad vibhāsi [4]
yadvad–As bhanuh–the sun bhasayan–illuminates etat–this visvam–world kirana-nikaraih–with [its] rays, nasam krtva–dispels nikhila–all tamasam–darkness, [and] samvibhati–shines tejasa–with brilliance, tadvad–so tvam–you nasam krtva–dispel tamasam–the darkness prakrti–of the material world, prakasya–reveal suryam–the sun satya–of truth, [and] vibhasi–shine [with] divya–divine jnanaih–knowledge cha–and guna-ganaih–the qualities hari–of the Lord. [4]
As the sun illuminates the world with its rays, dispels all darkness, and shines brightly, so you dispel the darkness of the material world, reveal the sun of truth, and shine with divine knowledge and the qualities of the Lord.
দুঃখৈঃ পূর্ণং বিবুধহৃদয়ং কালধর্ম্মাচ্চ দৃষ্ট্বা
মায়াবাদান্ কলিজকুমতান্ দুষ্কৃতান্ শাসিতুঞ্চ ।
দেশে দেশে ভ্রমসি বিতরন্ গৌরবাণীঞ্চ নাম
ধৃত্বা দেব ত্রিভুবনজয়ং বজ্রকল্পং ত্রিদণ্ডম্ ॥৫॥
duḥkhaiḥ pūrṇaṁ vibudha-hṛdayaṁ kāla-dharmmāch cha dṛṣṭvā
māyāvādān kalija-kumatān duṣkṛtān śāsituñ cha
deśe deśe bhramasi vitaran gaura-vāṇīñ cha nāma
dhṛtvā deva tribhuvana-jayaṁ vajra-kalpaṁ tridaṇḍam [5]
deva–O lord! drstva–Seeing hrdayam–the hearts vibudha–of the wise purnam–filled duhkhaih–with sadness dharmmat–as a result of the influence kala–of time, bhramasi–you roam dese–from place dese–to place sasitum–to subdue mayavadan–the illusionists, kumatan–the misconceptions kalija–produced by Kali, cha cha–and duskrtan–the wicked vitaran–by distributing gaura–Gaura’s vanim–message cha–and nama–Name, dhrtva–carrying [your] tridandam–triple-staff, kalpam–resembling vajra–the thunderbolt jayam–for conquering tribhuvana–the three worlds. [5]
O lord! Seeing the hearts of the wise filled with sadness as a result of the influence of time, you roam from place to place to subdue the illusionists, the misconceptions produced by Kali, and the wicked by distributing Gaura’s message and Name, carrying your tridanda, which resembles the thunderbolt for conquering the three worlds.
বর্ষায়াং বৈ সজল-জলদো বাদয়ন্ মন্দ্রভেরিং
যদ্বদ্বিশ্বে ভ্রমতি বহুধা বারিধারাঞ্চ বর্ষন্ ।
তদ্বদ্ভূমৌ ভ্রমসি সগণৈ র্ঘোযয়ন গৌরগাথা
নিত্যং দিব্যামৃতসুকরুণাং ত্বং হি দেব প্রবর্ষন্ ॥
varṣāyāṁ vai sajala-jalado vādayan mandra-bheriṁ
yadvad viśve bhramati bahudhā vāridhārāñ cha varṣan
tadvad bhūmau bhramasi sagaṇair ghoṣayan gaura-gāthā
nityaṁ divyāmṛta-sukaruṇāṁ tvaṁ hi deva pravarṣan [6]
vai–Indeed yadvat–as sajala-jaladah–the water-bearing cloud bhramati–circles visve–in the sky varsayam–during the rainy season vadayan–playing [its] mandra-bherim–deep kettle-drum cha–and bahudha–profusely varsan–showering varidharam–torrents of rain, tadvat–so tvam–you hi–verily bhramasi–wander bhumau–over the earth saganaih–with [your] associates ghosayan–proclaiming gathah–the glories gaura–of Sri Gaura [and] nityam–constantly pravarsan–showering down divya–the divine amrta–nectar sukarunam–of [your] mercy, deva–O lord!
As the rain-clouds play their deep kettle-drums, circle in the sky, and profusely shower torrents of rain during the rainy season, so you wander over the earth with your associates proclaiming the glories of Sri Gaura and constantly showering down the divine nectar of your mercy, O lord!
শ্রীচৈতন্যবিলাসধামনি নবদ্বীপাশ্রমে সুন্দরে
শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গবিধোস্তথা ব্রজযুনোঃ সেবাসুধাসম্পদম্ ।
তন্বন্ গাঙ্গতটে দয়াময়বিভো সাধূন্ সমাহ্লাদয়ন্
শ্রীরূপানুগসম্প্রদায়বিভবানুদ্ভাসয়ন্ ভাসসে ॥৭॥
śrī-chaitanya-vilāsa-dhāmani navadvīpāśrame sundare
śrī-gaurāṅga-vidhos tathā vraja-yunoḥ sevā-sudhā-sampadam
tanvan gāṅga-taṭe dayāmaya-vibho sādhūn samāhlādayan
śrī-rūpānuga-sampradāya-vibhavān udbhāsayan bhāsase [7]
[O] dayamaya–merciful vibho–lord! bhasase–You speak dhamani–in the abode vilasa–of the Pastimes sri-chaitanya–of Sri Chaitanya sundare–in a beautiful asrame–asram navadvipa–in Nabadwip tate–on the bank ganga–of the Ganges [and] tanvan–enhance sampadam–the wealth [that is] sudha–the nectar seva–of the service vidhoh–of the moon sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga [and] tatha–so also yunoh–the youthful couple vraja–of Vraja, samahladayan–delighting sadhun–the wise, [and] udbhasayan–illuminating vibhavan–the dignity (wealth) sri-rupanuga-sampradaya–of the line of Sri Rupa. [7]
O merciful Lord! You speak in the abode of Sri Chaitanya’s Pastimes in a beautiful asram in Nabadwip on the bank of the Ganges, enhance the wealth that is the nectar of the service of the moon Sri Gauranga and the youthful couple of Vraja, and thus delight the sadhus and illuminate the dignity of the Sri Rupanuga sampradaya.
চার্ব্বাকান্ত-কৃতান্তকোঽখিলগুরুঃ পাষণ্ডশৈলাশনির্
বৌদ্ধ-ধ্বান্ত-মতান্ত-দায়ক-মহামার্ত্তণ্ডচূড়ামণিঃ ।
মায়াবাদ-মহাবিবর্ত্ত-গহণাজ্জীবান্ সমুদ্ধারযন্
শ্রীগৌরেন্দু-জয়ধ্বজো বিজয়তে স্বামিন্ ভবান্নিত্যশঃ ॥৮॥
chārvākāntakṛtāntako ’khila-guruḥ pāṣaṇḍa-śailāśanir
māyāvāda-mahāvivartta-gahaṇāj jīvān samuddhārayan
śrī-gaurendu-jayadhvajo vijayate swāmin bhavān nityaśaḥ [8]
swamin–O master! [As] guruh–the Guru akhila–of all, krtantakah–the destroyer anta–of the conclusion charvaka–of Charvak Muni, asanih–the thunderbolt saila–atop the mountain pasanda–of misconception, chuda–the crown manih–jewel [amongst] mahamarttanda–the great suns [who are] antadayaka–demolishers dhvanta–of the dark mata–conception bauddha–of the Buddhists, bhavan–you samuddharayan–rescue jivan–souls gahanat–from the abyss mahavivartta–of the greatest illusion, mayavada–illusionism, [and] vijayate–are victorious nityasah–always [as] jayadhvajah–the victory flag indu–of the moon sri-gaura–Sri Gaura. [8]
O master! As the universal Guru, the destroyer of the conclusion of Charvak Muni, the thunderbolt atop the mountain of misconception, and the crown jewel amongst the great suns who demolish the dark conception of the Buddhists, you rescue souls from the abyss of the greatest illusion, mayavad, and are ever victorious as the victory flag of the moon Sri Gaura.
শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গসরস্বতীধুনিধর শ্রীভক্তিসংরক্ষক
শ্রীসিদ্ধান্তসরস্বতীপ্রিয়বর ন্যাসীশ্বর শ্রীগুরো ।
অদ্যোদেব ভবৎ শুভোদয়দিনে সংপ্রার্থয়েঽহং বিভো
পাদাব্জে খলু নিত্যভৃত্য ইতি মে কারুণ্যমাতন্বতাম্ ॥৯॥
śrī-gaurāṅga-sarasvatī-dhunidhara śrī-bhakti-saṁrakṣaka
śrī-siddhānta-sarasvatī-priya-vara nyāsīśvara śrī-guro
adyo deva bhavat śubhodaya-dine saṁprārthaye ‘haṁ vibho
pādābje khalu nitya-bhṛtya iti me kāruṇyamātanvatām [9]
dhara–O carrier dhuni–of the current sri-gauranga–coming from Sri Gauranga sarasvati–through Srila Saraswati Thakur! samraksaka–O grand guardian sri-bhakti–of pure devotion! priya–O dear vara–most sri-siddhanta-sarasvati–of Sri Siddhanta Saraswati! isvara–O general nyasi–of the sannyasis! sri-guro–O divine dispeller of darkness! deva–O master! vibho–O lord! adya–Today [on the] dine–day [of] bhavat–your subha–auspicious udaya–appearance, aham–I samprarthaye–wholeheartedly pray [that you] atanvatam–will extend [your] karunyam–mercy me–to me khalu–indeed iti–as [an] nitya–eternal bhrtya–servant [of your] abje–lotus pada–feet. [9]
O carrier of the current coming from Sri Gauranga through Srila Saraswati Thakur! O grand guardian of pure devotion! O dearmost of Sri Siddhanta Saraswati! O general of the sannyasis! O divine dispeller of darkness! O master! O lord! Today on the day of your auspicious appearance, I wholeheartedly pray that you will extend your mercy to me as an eternal servant of your lotus feet.