The Holy Vibration of Divine Talks of the Supreme Lord and His Associates (Harikatha) is an eternal benediction. Descending through the Divine Succession of the Great Divine Masters down to this plane of the mundane world, the Holy Talks of the Lord that emanate from the Lotus Mouth of the pure saint are a manifestanon of the Lord Himself. No one can estimate the oceanic Grace of the Lord upon the fallen conditioned souls when He personally descends in this form of Holy Talks of Him.
My most worshipful and beloved Divine Master, Om Visnupad Paramahamsa Astottara-sata-sri Srimad Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, always loved to deliver such Holy Talks, especially in the Supreme Line of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Whoever was fortunate to hear those talks, whether hailing from East or West — their hearts would bloom with happiness and transcendental prospect. When Srila Guru Maharaj in his advanced age was barely able to muster up the physical strength to come and take his seat and speak to the devotees, I would still request him to try to speak for at least only five or ten minutes — and often, after he began, he would continue for one or even two hours or more, showing all the youthful exuberance of a young man or boy. How the great souls love to eternally sing the Infinite Glories of the Lord! Today it is our great fortune that those Holy Words that came down to us in such a simple and charming way are being brought out in book form, for the benefit of Srila Guru Maharaj's world-wide mission and new sincere spiritual seekers as well. Srila Guru Maharaj's words are an eternal Divine esctatic flow. They are food for the hearts of the true devotees of the Supreme Lord and His Associates; they are the real life of the sincere souls hankering for the Godly life of Divine Dedication.
So we are very satisfied and pleased with the efforts of Tridandi Swami Sripad Bhakti Ananda Sagar Maharaj and the sincere devotees, especially — Sri Jaya Krsna Prabhu, Sri Dayanidhi Prabhu, Sri Nabadwip Chandra Prabhu, Sri Jagamohan Prabhu, Sri Rsabhadev Prabhu, Sri Sri Govinda Prabhu, Sri Jagadananda Prabhu, and many other good souls who have assisted him by providing the necessary funds required for bringing out this second volume in the series of Sri-Bhakti-raksaka-divya-vani — Sermons of the Guardian of Devotion. Also, Sri Devasis Prabhu, Srimati Gurbanuga and Srimati Bhakti Sima Devi Dasis assisted with the proofreading. May Srila Guru Maharaj shower his blessings upon them all. With this prayer I beg to offer my humble obeisances unto His Lotus Feet and unto all the Vaisnavas.
[Sri Gaura-purnima,
28th February, 1991]