Our gentle readers will now find that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu preached pure monotheism and chased out idolatry. We have shown that He makes a nice distinction between Sri Murti worship and idolatry. He tells us that idolatry is the worship of things and persons that are not God Himself. When the sannyasis of Benares addressed Him as the God Almighty, Mahaprabhu told them that it was the worst of sins to address a jiva as God. And again He has several times denounced the worship of a form or image other than the true image of God (after which man was created). Its representative emblems are to be used in worship as offering the true image of the Deity. God is one without a second. «There is none to vie with Him” is the motto of Mahaprabhu’s religion.
It will also be seen that Mahaprabhu showed in His character and preached to the world the purest morality as an accompaniment of spiritual improvement. Morality as a matter of course will grace the character of a bhakta. If it is not seen in the character of one who presents himself as a Krishna-bhakta, his sincerity may be doubted. There are four classes of thoughts, viz.: atheistic, pantheistic, indifferent, and theistic. Chaitanya’s religion rejects the first three as inimical to religion. He preaches pure theism alone and advises men to avoid the three others.
He preaches that varnasram-dharma including the institution of caste is simply a social institution introduced by the rsis to do good to man in society. They should be allowed to decorate the Aryans as long as they do not oppose spiritual improvement. By sending Pradyumna Misra, a rigid brahman, to Ramananda Ray for spiritualisation, He has shown that one who is aware of Krishna-tattva may be a Guru, be he a sudra, brahman, or sannyasi.
He preaches equality of men in the enjoyment of the spiritual aggrandisement. He preaches universal fraternity amongst men and special brotherhood amongst Vaisnavas who are, according to Him, the best pioneers of spiritual improvement. He preaches that human thought should never be allowed to be shackled with sectarian views. He tells us that a man should earn money in a right way and sincere dealing with others and their masters but should not immorally gain it. When Gopinath Pattanayaka, one of the brothers of Ramananda Ray, was being punished by the Raja for immoral gains, Chaitanya warned all who attended upon Him to be moral in their worldly dealings.
In His own early life, He has taught the grhasthas to give all sorts of help to the needy and the helpless and has shown that it is necessary, for one who has power to do it, to help the education of the people, especially the brahmans who are expected to study the higher subjects of human knowledge.
The religion preached by Mahaprabhu is universal and not exclusive. The most learned and the most ignorant are both entitled to embrace it. The learned people will accept it with a knowledge of sambandha-tattva as explained in the categories. The ignorant have the same privilege by simply uttering the Name of the Deity and mixing in the company of pure Vaisnavas. The principle of kirtan invites as the future church of the world all classes of men without distinction of caste or clan to the highest cultivation of the spirit. This church, it appears, will extend all over the world and take the place of all sectarian churches which exclude outsiders from the precincts of the mosque, church, or the temple.
Chaitanya as a teacher has taught man both by precepts and by His holy life. There is scarcely a spot in His life which may be made the subject of criticism. His sannyas, His severity to junior Haridas, and such-like other acts have been questioned as wrong by certain persons, but as far as we understand it, we think, as all other independent men would think, that those men have been led by a hasty conclusion or party spirit.
Chaitanya was an undaunted hero in the execution of His resolutions. When He was told by some malicious brahmans that the Emperor had been sending an army against Him, He said He wished that the reigning prince should take cognisance of what He was doing. He was amiable to everybody and stern in the discharge of His duty. Brahmananda Bharati, a religious brother of Kesava Bharati, His Guru, appeared to Him in a tiger’s skin. He would not bow down to him until he gave up the skin dress and wore a linen kaupin and bahirvas. He said that the person before Him was not the Bharati. How is it that His Guru should put on an animal’s skin? The sannyasis should not support the killing of beasts for the sake of their use. Bharati understood that Chaitanya did not like that and changed his cloth, and Chaitanya bowed down to him in showing His respect to His Guru’s brother!
Chaitanya pressed on His disciples to enter into the spirit of the sastras without confining in the words themselves. Pandit Devananda did not understand the spirit of bhakti while reading the Bhagavat, but when he understood the spirit, Chaitanya embraced him and pardoned him for all that the Pandit had done before.
Chaitanya was a jolly being throughout His life. Though descended from the Eastern Bengal people, He joked with them while a young boy in such a manner that they became angry with Him. While Vallabha Bhatta (a pandit of great renown) brought an improved commentary of the Bhagavat to show Him and said that he would not submit to Swami (Sridhar Swami), the Lord said it was an unchaste woman who alone disregarded her swami (husband). This was a taunt which mortified the Pandit and dissuaded him from uttering disrespectful expression about Sridhar Swami, the commentator of the Bhagavat.
We leave it to our readers to decide how to deal with Mahaprabhu. The Vaisnavas have accepted Him as the great Lord Krishna Himself. Some have considered Him as a Bhaktavatar. It is at the request of some Vaisnavas that we have composed smaran mangal verses in the form of a prayer for daily recitation at the time of worship. Those who are not prepared to go with them may accept Nimai Pandit as a noble and holy teacher. That is all we want our readers to believe. Readers! If you are inclined, after a study of these pages, to identify Chaitanya with Krishna, we would beg you not to accept Him as God incarnate, for we think that God need not be in a carnal coil like the fallen men. His supreme power can bring Him down to the netherworld with all His glory and particularities without the assistance of the lower energy — maya, who has created the material coil. If we believe otherwise, we would commit the sin of lowering His spiritual power.
We make no objection if you do not believe His miracles as miracles alone never demonstrate Godhead. Demons like Ravana and others have also worked miracles which do not prove that they were gods. It is unlimited prema and its overwhelming influence which could be seen in none but God Himself.
Noble readers! Pardon us for intruding on you with these pages. As servants of Chaitanya, it was our duty to propagate His supreme teachings and in doing a duty we are entitled to seek pardon for any trouble we have given you. We are natives of Bengal and in couching our words in a foreign language we might have been liable to mistakes for which you will please forgive us.
In conclusion, we beg to say that we should be glad to reply to any questions which our brethren would like to address us on these important subjects. We feel great interest in trying to help our friends to seek in the way to spiritual love.