Chapter 8. Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
জয় জয় জয় শ্রীশচীসূত ।
জয় জয় জয় শ্রীঅবধূত ॥১॥
jaya jaya jaya śrī-śachī-sūta
jaya jaya jaya śrī-avadhūta [1]
jaya jaya jaya–All glory sri-sachi-suta–to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya! jaya jaya jaya–All glory sri-avadhuta–to the renunciant Nityananda Prabhu! [1]
All glory to the son of Sachi! All glory to the Avadhut!
সীতাপতি জয় ভকতরাজ ।
গদাধর জয় ভক্তসমাজ ॥২॥
sītāpati jaya bhakata-rāja
gadādhara jaya bhakta-samāja [2]
jaya–All glory sitapati–to Advaita Acharya, bhakata-raja–the leader of the devotees! jaya–All glory gadadhara–to Gadadhar [and] bhakta-samaja–all the devotees! [2]
All glory to Advaita Acharya, the leader of the devotees! All glory to Gadadhar and all the devotees!
জয় নবদ্বীপ সুন্দরধাম ।
জয় জয় জয় গৌর কি নাম ॥৩॥
jaya navadvīpa sundara-dhāma
jaya jaya jaya gaura ki nāma [3]
jaya–All glory navadvipa sundara-dhama–to beautiful Nabadwip Dham! jaya jaya jaya–All glory gaura ki nama–to the Name of Gaura! [3]
All glory to beautiful Nabadwip Dham! All glory to the Name of Gaura!
নিতাই সহিত ভক্তগণ ।
«হরি হরি»বলি’ চলে তখন ॥৪॥
nitāi sahita bhakta-gaṇa
«hari hari» bali’ chale takhana [4]
nitai–Nitai, sahita–with bhakta-gana–the devotees, takhana–then chale–departed, bali’–chanting «hari hari–«Hari! Hari!» [4]
Nitai and the devotees then departed, chanting «Hari! Hari!»
ভাবে ঢল ঢল নিতাই চলে ।
প্রেমে আধ আধ বচন বলে ॥৫॥
bhāve ḍhala ḍhala nitāi chale
preme ādha ādha vachana bale [5]
dhala dhala–Swaying to and fro bhave–in ecstasy, nitai–Nitai chale–walked [and] adha adha vachana bale–stammered preme–with divine love. [5]
Swaying to and fro in ecstasy, Nitai walked and stammered with divine love.
ঝর ঝর ঝরে আঁখির জল ।
«গোরা গোরা» বলি’ হয় বিকল ॥৬॥
jhara jhara jhare ā̐khira jala
«gorā gorā» bali’ haya vikala [6]
jala–Tears jhara jhara jhare–streamed a̐khira–from [His] eyes. bali’–Chanting, «gora gora»–«Gora! Gora!», vikala haya–He became overwhelmed. [6]
Tears streamed from His eyes. Chanting, «Gora! Gora!», He became overwhelmed.
ঝক্মক্ করে ভূষণ মাল ।
রূপে দশদিক হইল আল ॥৭॥
jhakmak kare bhūṣaṇa māla
rūpe daśa-dika ha-ila āla [7]
[His] bhusana–ornaments [and] mala–garlands jhakmak kare–sparkled, [and] dasa-dika–the ten directions ala ha-ila–became illumined rupe–by [His] form. [7]
His ornaments and garlands sparkled, and His form illumined the ten directions.
শ্রীবাস নাচিছে জীবের সনে ।
কভু কাঁদে কভু নাচে সঘনে ॥৮॥
śrīvāsa nāchichhe jīvera sane
kabhu kā̐de kabhu nāche saghane [8]
srivasa–Srivas nachichhe–danced jivera sane–with Jiva. kabhu–Sometimes ka̐de–they cried, [and] kabhu–sometimes nache–they danced saghane–continuously. [8]
Srivas danced with Jiva. Sometimes they cried, and sometimes they danced continuously.
আর যত সব ভক্তগণ ।
নাচিতে নাচিতে চলে তখন ॥৯॥
āra yata saba bhakta-gaṇa
nāchite nāchite chale takhana [9]
ara yata saba–All the other bhakta-gana–devotees takhana–then nachite nachite–danced while chale–they walked. [9]
All the other devotees danced as they walked.
অলকানন্দার নিকটে আসি’ ।
বলেন নিতাই আনন্দে ভাসি’ ॥১০॥
alakānandāra nikaṭe āsi’
balena nitāi ānande bhāsi’ [10]
asi’–Coming alakanandara nikate–near the Alakananda, nitai–Nitai balena–spoke, bhasi’–floating anande–in joy. [10]
Coming to the Alakananda River, Nitai spoke, floating in joy.
«বিল্বপক্ষগ্রাম পশ্চিমে ধরি’ ।
মন্দাকিনী আসে নদীয়া ঘেরি’ ॥১১॥
«bilvapakṣa-grama paśchime dhari’
mandākinī āse nadīyā gheri [11]
dhari’–Flowing bilvapaksa-grama paschime–west of the village of Bilvapaksa, mandakini–the Mandakini ase–comes [and] gheri’–surrounds nadiya–Nadia. [11]
«Flowing west of Bilvapaksa Gram, the Ganga comes and surrounds Nadia.
সুবর্ণবিহার দেখিলে যথা ।
মন্দাকিনী ছাড়ে অলকা তথা ॥১২॥
suvarṇa-bihāra dekhile yathā
mandākinī chhāḍe alakā tathā [12]
mandakini–The Mandakini chhade–leaves alaka–the Alakananda yatha tatha–where dekhile–we saw suvarna-bihara–Suvarna Bihar. [12]
«Then she separates from the Alakananda where we saw Suvarna Bihar.
অলকানন্দার পূরব পারে ।
হরিহরক্ষেত্র গণ্ডক ধারে ॥১৩॥
alakānandāra pūrava pāre
harihara-kṣetra gaṇḍaka dhāre [13]
purava pare–On the eastern shore alakanandara–of the Alakananda, gandaka dhare–beside the Gandaka River, [is] harihara-ksetra–Harihara Ksetra. [13]
«On the eastern shore of the Alakananda, beside the Gandaka River, is Harihara Ksetra.
শ্রীমূর্ত্তি প্রকাশ হইবে কালে ।
সুন্দর কানন শোভিবে ভালে ॥১৪॥
śrī-mūrti prakāśa ha-ibe kāle
sundara kānana śobhibe bhāle [14]
kale–In time, sri-murti–a Deity prakasa ha-ibe–will manifest [there, and] sundara kanana–a beautiful forest sobhibe–will shine bhale–gloriously. [14]
«In time, a Deity will manifest there, and a beautiful forest will shine gloriously.
অলকা পশ্চিমে দেখহ কাশী ।
শৈব শাক্ত সেবে মুকতিদাসী ॥১৫॥
alakā paśchime dekhaha kāśī
śaiva śākta seve mukati-dāsī [15]
dekhaha–See kasi–Kasi paschime–to the west alaka–of the Alakananda. [There,] saiva–the followers of Siva [and] sakta–the followers of Sakti, Parvati, seve–worship mukati-dasi–the maidservant Liberation (the goddess of liberation, who serves the devotees as a maidservant). [15]
ollowers of Siva and Sakti worship the maidservant Liberation.বারাণসী হতে এ ধাম পর ।
হেথায় ধূর্জ্জটী পিনাকধর ॥১৬॥
‘গৌর গৌর’ বলি’ সদাই নাচে ।
নিজজনে গৌরভকতি যাচে ॥১৭॥
vārāṇasī hate e dhāma para
hethāya dhūrjaṭī pināka-dhara [16]
‘gaura gaura’ bali’ sadāi nāche
nija-jane gaura-bhakati yāche [17]
e–This dhama–abode [is] hate para–above varanasi–Varanasi [because] hethaya–here dhurjati–Lord Siva sadai–constantly bali’–chants ‘gaura gaura’–«Gaura! Gaura!», nache–dances pinaka-dhara–holding [his] trident, [and] yache–offers nija-jane–his followers gaura-bhakati–devotion to Gaura. [16–17]
«This place is superior to Varanasi because here Lord Siva constantly chants, «Gaura! Gaura!», dances holding his trident, and offers his followers devotion to Gaura.
সহস্র বরষ কাশীতে বসি’ ।
লভে যে মুকতি জ্ঞানেতে ন্যাসী ॥১৮॥
তাহা ত হেথায় চরণে ঠেলি’ ।
নাচেন ভকত ‘গৌরাঙ্গ’ বলি’ ॥১৯॥
sahasra varaṣa kāśīte vasi’
labhe ye mukati jñānete nyāsī [18]
tāhā ta hethāya charaṇe ṭheli’
nāchena bhakata ‘gaurāṅga’ bali’ [19]
hethaya–Here, bhakata–devotees bali’–chant ‘gauranga’–‘Gauranga’, nachena–dance, [and] ta charane theli’–kick away ye taha mukati–the liberation [that] nyasi–renunciants labhe–attain vasi’–by residing kasite–in Kasi [and] jnanete–acquiring knowledge sahasra varasa–for a thousand years. [18–19]
«Here, devotees chant Gauranga’s Name, dance, and kick away the liberation that sannyasis attain by residing in Kasi and practising jnana-yoga for a thousand years.
নির্য্যাণ সময়ে এখানে জীব ।
কাণে ‘গৌর’ বলি’ তারেন শিব ॥২০॥
niryāṇa samaye ekhāne jīva
kāṇe ‘gaura’ bali’ tārena śiva [20]
ekhane–Here, samaye–at the time jiva–of souls’ niryana–passing away, siva–Siva bali’–chants ‘gaura’–‘Gaura’ kane–into [their] ears [and] tarena–delivers [them]. [20]
«Here, when souls pass away, Siva chants the Name of Gaura into their ears and delivers them.
মহাবারাণসী এ ধাম হয় ।
জীবের মরণে নাহিক ভয়» ॥২১॥
mahāvārāṇasī e dhāma haya
jīvera maraṇe nāhika bhaya» [21]
e–This dhama–place haya–is [thus] mahavaranasi–‘Great Varanasi’. jivera bhaya nahika–Souls have no fear marane»–of death [here].» [21]
«This place is thus Mahavaranasi. Souls have no fear of death here.»
এ৩ বলি’ তথা নিতাই নাচে ।
গৌরহরিপ্রেম জীবের যাচে ॥২২॥
eta bali’ tathā nitāi nāche
gaurahari-prema jīvere yāche [22]
bali’–Saying eta–this, nitai–Nitai nache–danced tatha–there [and] yache–offered jivere–Jiva gaurahari-prema–divine love for Gaurahari. [22]
Saying this, Nitai danced and offered Jiva divine love for Gaurahari.
অলক্ষ্যে তখন কৈলাস-পতি ।
নিতাই চরণে করিল নতি ॥২৩॥
alakṣye takhana kailāsa-pati
nitāi charaṇe karila nati [23]
takhana–Then kailasa-pati–the Lord of Kailas alaksye–invisibly nati karila–bowed nitai charane–at the feet of Nitai. [23]
Lord Siva then invisibly bowed at the feet of Nitai.
গৌরীসহ শিব গৌরাঙ্গনাম ।
গাইয়া গাইয়া পূরয় কাম ॥২৪॥
gaurī-saha śiva gaurāṅga-nāma
gāiyā gāiyā pūraya kāma [24]
gaiya gaiya–Chanting gauranga-nama–the Name of Gauranga, siva–Siva gauri-saha–and Parvati puraya–fulfilled [their] kama–desires. [24]
Chanting the Name of Gauranga, Siva and Parvati fulfilled their desires.
স্বতন্ত্র ঈশ্বর নিতাই তবে ।
ভকত-সঙ্গেতে চলিল যবে ॥২৫॥
svatantra īśvara nitāi tabe
bhakata-saṅgete chalila yabe [25]
yabe tabe–Then svatantra isvara–the independent Lord, nitai–Nitai, chalila–left bhakata-sangete–with the devotees. [25]
Then the independent Lord, Nitai, left with the devotees.
গাদিগাছা-গ্রামে পোঁছিল আসি’ ।
তথায় আসিয়া কহিল হাসি’ ॥২৬॥
gādigāchhā-grāme pau̐chhila āsi’
tathāya āsiyā kahila hāsi’ [26]
asi’ pau̐chhila–Nitai arrived gadigachha-grame–in the village of Gadigachha. tathaya–There, asiya–Nityananda came over [and] kahila–spoke, hasi’–smiling. [26]
Arriving in Gadigachha Gram, Nityananda came over and spoke, smiling.
«গোদ্রুম নামেতে এ দ্বীপ হয় ।
সুরভি সতত এখানে রয় ॥২৭॥
«godruma nāmete e dvīpa haya
surabhi satata ekhāne raya [27]
«e–«This dvipa–island haya–is namete–known as godruma–Godruma. surabhi–Surabhi raya–resides ekhane–here satata–eternally. [27]
«This island is called Godruma. Surabhi resides here eternally.
কৃষ্ণমায়াবশে দেবেন্দ্র যবে ।
ভাসায় গোকুল নিজ গৌরবে ॥২৮॥
গোবর্দ্ধনগিরি ধরিয়া হরি ।
রক্ষিল গোকুল যতন করি’ ॥২৯॥
kṛṣṇa-māyā-vaśe devendra yabe
bhāsāya gokula nija gaurave [28]
govardhana-giri dhariyā hari
rakṣila gokula yatana kari’ [29]
yabe–When devendra–Indra, krsna-maya-vase–bewildered by Krsna’s illusion, bhasaya–flooded gokula–Gokula nija gaurave–with his powerful rains, hari–the Lord dhariya–lifted govardhana-giri–Govardhan Hill [and] yatana kari’–carefully raksila–protected gokula–Gokula. [28–29]
«When Indra, bewildered by Krsna’s illusion, flooded Gokula with his powerful rains, Krsna lifted Govardhan Hill and carefully protected Gokula.
ইন্দ্রদর্পচূর্ণ হইলে পর ।
শচীপতি চিনে শারঙ্গধর ॥৩০॥
indra-darpa-chūrṇa ha-ile para
śachī-pati chine śāraṅga-dhara [30]
para–After indra-darpa-churna ha-ile–Indra’s pride was crushed, sachi-pati–Indra chine–recognised saranga-dhara–Krsna. [30]
«After Indra’s pride was crushed, Indra recognised Krsna.
নিজ অপরাধ মার্জ্জন তরে ।
পড়িল কৃষ্ণের চরণ ধরে ॥৩১॥
nija aparādha mārjana tare
paḍila kṛṣṇera charaṇa dhare [31]
marjana tare–To clear nija–his aparadha–offence, padila–he bowed [and] dhare–grasped krsnera charana–the feet of Krsna. [31]
«To clear his offence, he bowed and grasped the feet of Krsna.
দয়ার সমুদ্র নন্দতনয় ।
ক্ষমিল ইন্দ্রেরে দিল অভয় ॥৩২॥
dayāra samudra nanda-tanaya
kṣamila indrere dila abhaya [32]
nanda-tanaya–Krsna, dayara samudra–the ocean of mercy, ksamila–forgave indrere–Indra [and] dila–gave [him] abhaya–[the boon of] fearlessness. [32]
«Krsna, the ocean of mercy, forgave Indra and gave him the boon of fearlessness.
তথাপি ইন্দ্রের রহিল ভয় ।
সুরভি নিকটে তখন কয় ॥৩৩॥
tathāpi indrera rahila bhaya
surabhi nikaṭe takhana kaya [33]
tathapi–Still, indrera bhaya rahila–Indra remained fearful. kaya–He spoke takhana–then surabhi nikate–to nearby Surabhi. [33]
«Still, Indra remained fearful. He then spoke to Surabhi.
‘কৃষ্ণলীলা মুই বুঝিতে নারি ।
অপরাধ মম হইল ভারি ॥৩৪॥
‘kṛṣṇa-līlā mui bujhite nāri
aparādha mama ha-ila bhāri [34]
‘mui–‘I bujhite nari–could not understand krsna-lila–the Pastimes of Krsna, [and] mama ha-ila–I made bhari aparadha–a very heavy offence. [34]
«‘I could not understand the Pastimes of Krsna, and I committed a very heavy offence.
শুনেছি কলিতে ব্রজেন্দ্রসুত ।
করিবে নদীয়া-লীলা অদ্ভূত ॥৩৫॥
śunechhi kalite vrajendra-suta
karibe nadīyā-līlā adbhūta [35]
sunechhi–I have heard [that] kalite–during Kali-yuga, vrajendra-suta–Krsna karibe–will perform adbhuta–wonderful lila–Pastimes nadiya–in Nadia. [35]
«‘I have heard that during Kali-yuga, Krsna will perform wonderful Pastimes in Nadia.
পাছে সে সময় মোহিত হব ।
অপরাধী পুনঃ হয়ে রহিব ॥৩৬॥
pāchhe se samaya mohita haba
aparādhī punaḥ haye rahiba [36]
pachhe–At se samaya–that time, mohita haba–I will become bewildered [and] rahiba–be aparadhi haye–an offender punah–again. [36]
«‘At that time, I will become bewildered and be an offender again.
তুমি ত সুরভি সকল জান ।
করহ এখন তাহার বিধান’ ॥৩৭॥
tumi ta surabhi sakala jāna
karaha ekhana tāhāra vidhāna’ [37]
surabhi–O Surabhi, tumi–you jana–know ta sakala–everything. vidhana karaha–Please advise [me] tahara–about this ekhana–now. [37]
«‘O Surabhi, you know everything. Please advise me about this.’
সুরভি বলিল, ‘চলহ যাই ।
নবদ্বীপধামে ভজি’ নিমাই’ ॥৩৮॥
surabhi balila, ‘chalaha yāi
navadvīpa-dhāme bhaji’ nimāi’ [38]
surabhi–Surabhi balila–said, ‘chalaha yai–‘Let us go [and] bhaji’–serve nimai–Nimai navadvipa-dhame’–in Nabadwip Dham.’ [38]
«Surabhi said, ‘Let us go and serve Nimai in Nabadwip Dham.’
দেবেন্দ্র সুরভি হেথায় আসি’ ।
গৌরাঙ্গ ভজন করিল বসি’ ॥৩৯॥
devendra surabhi hethāya āsi’
gaurāṅga bhajana karila vasi’ [39]
devendra–Indra [and] surabhi–Surabhi asi’ vasi’–moved hethaya–here bhajana karila–worshipped gauranga–Gauranga. [39]
«Indra and Surabhi moved here and worshipped Gauranga.
গৌরাঙ্গ ভজন সহজ অতি ।
সহজ তাহার ফল বিততি ॥৪০॥
gaurāṅga bhajana sahaja ati
sahaja tāhāra phala vitati [40]
bhajana–Worshipping gauranga–Gauranga [is] ati–very sahaja–easy, [and] phala–the results tahara–of doing so vitati–are distributed sahaja–easily. [40]
«Worshipping Gauranga is very easy, and the results of doing so are easily distributed.
‘গৌরাঙ্গ’ বলিয়া ক্রন্দন করে ।
গৌরাঙ্গ দর্শন হয় সত্বরে ॥৪১॥
‘gaurāṅga’ baliyā krandana kare
gaurāṅga darśana haya satvare [41]
krandana kare–They cried, baliya–chanting ‘gauranga’–‘Gauranga’, [and] satvare–immediately darsana haya–saw gauranga–Gauranga. [41]
«They cried, chanting the Name of Gauranga, and immediately saw Him.
কিবা অপরূপ রূপ-লাবণি ।
দেখিল গৌরাঙ্গ প্রতিমাখানি ॥৪২॥
আধ আধ হাসি’ বরদ রূপ ।
প্রেমে গদগদ রসের কূপ ॥৪৩॥
kibā aparūpa rūpa-lāvaṇi
dekhila gaurāṅga pratimā-khāni [42]
ādha ādha hāsi’ varada rūpa
preme gada-gada rasera kūpa [43]
kiba–How aparupa–extraordinary [is His] rupa-lavani–beauty and figure! dekhila–They saw pratima-khani–the figure gauranga–of Gauranga — varada rupa–the embodiment of benevolence, rasera kupa–the well of rasa — hasi’–smiling [and] adha adha–stammering, gada-gada–choked preme–with divine love. [42–43]
«How extraordinary is His beauty and form! They saw the figure of Gauranga — the embodiment of benevolence, the well of rasa — smiling and stammering, choked with divine love.
হাসিয়া বলেন ঠাকুর মোর ।
‘জানিনু বাসনা অমি ত তোর ॥৪৪॥
hāsiyā balena ṭhākura mora
‘jāninu vāsanā āmi ta tora [44]
hasiya–Smiling, mora–My thakura–Lord balena–said, ‘ami–‘I janinu–know ta tora–your vasana–desire. [44]
«Smiling, My Lord said, ‘I know your desire.
অল্পদিন আছে প্রকটকাল ।
নদীয়ানগরে দেখিবে ভাল ॥৪৫॥
alpa-dina āchhe prakaṭa-kāla
nadīyā-nagare dekhibe bhāla [45]
achhe–There is [only] alpa-dina–a short time [until] prakata-kala–the time of [My] appearance nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia, [and] dekhibe–you will see [Me] bhala–fully [then]. [45]
«‘I will appear in Nadia soon, and you will see Me fully then.
সে লীলা সময়ে সেবিবে মোরে ।
মায়াজাল আর না ধরে তোরে’ ॥৪৬॥
se līlā samaye sevibe more
māyā-jāla āra nā dhare tore’ [46]
se lila samaye–During the time of those Pastimes, sevibe–you will serve more–Me, [and] maya-jala–the net of maya ara dhare na–will no longer bind tore’–you.’ [46]
«‘During those Pastimes, you will serve Me, and the net of maya will no longer bind you.’
এত বলি’ প্রভু অদৃশ্য হয় ।
সুরভি সুন্দরী তথায় রয় ॥৪৭॥
eta bali’ prabhu adṛśya haya
surabhi sundarī tathāya raya [47]
bali’–Saying eta–this, prabhu–the Lord adrsya haya–disappeared. surabhi sundari–Beautiful Surabhi raya–remained tathaya–there. [47]
«Saying this, the Lord disappeared. Beautiful Surabhi remained there.
অশ্বত্থ নিকটে রহিলা দেবী ।
নিরন্তর গৌরচরণ সেবি’ ॥৪৮॥
aśvattha nikaṭe rahilā devī
nirantara gaura-charaṇa sevi’ [48]
devi–Surabhi rahila–stayed nikate–near asvattha–a banyan tree [and] nirantara–constantly sevi’–worshipped gaura-charana–the feet of Gaura. [48]
«She stayed near a banyan tree and constantly worshipped the feet of Gaura.
গোদ্রুমদ্বীপ ত হইল নাম ।
হেথায় পূরয় ভকত-কাম ॥৪৯॥
godrumadvīpa ta ha-ila nāma
hethāya pūraya bhakata-kāma [49]
[This place] nama ta ha-ila–became known as godrumadvipa–Godrumadwip (‘cow-tree island’). puraya–The Lord fulfils bhakata-kama–the desires of the devotees hethaya–here. [49]
«This place thus became known as Godrumadwip. The Lord fulfils the desires of the devotees here.
হেথায় কুটীর বাঁধিয়া ভজে ।
অনায়াসে গৌরচরণে মজে ॥৫০॥
hethāya kuṭīra bā̐dhiyā bhaje
anāyāse gaura-charaṇe maje [50]
ba̐dhiya–Anyone who builds kutira–a hut [and] bhaje–serves hethaya–here anayase–easily maje–becomes immersed gaura-charane–in the feet of Gaura. [50]
«Anyone who builds a hut and serves here easily becomes immersed in the feet of Gaura.
এই দ্বীপে কভু মৃকণ্ডসুত ।
প্রলয়ে আছিল কথা অদ্ভুত ॥৫১॥
ei dvīpe kabhu mṛkaṇḍa-suta
pralaye āchhila kathā adbhuta [51]
[There is] adbhuta katha–a wonderful story mrkanda-suta–about Markandeya Muni, achhila–who was present kabhu–once ei dvipe–on this island pralaye–during the destruction of the universe. [51]
«There is a wonderful story about Markandeya Muni, who was present on this island during the destruction of the universe.
সাতকল্প আয়ু পাইল মুনি ।
প্রলয়ে বড়ই বিপদ্ গণি’ ॥৫২॥
sāta-kalpa āyu pāila muni
pralaye baḍa-i vipad gaṇi’ [52]
muni–The sage paila–attained ayu–a lifetime sata-kalpa–of seven kalpas (cycles of creation and destruction of the universe), [and] pralaye–during the destruction of the universe, gani’–he underwent bada-i vipad–great difficulty. [52]
«Markandeya Muni attained a lifetime of seven kalpas, and during the destruction of the universe, he underwent great difficulty.
জলময় হৈল সমস্ত স্থান ।
কোথা বা রহিবে করে সন্ধান ॥৫৩॥
jalamaya haila samasta sthāna
kothā vā rahibe kare sandhāna [53]
samasta sthana–Everything jalamaya haila–became submerged in water, [and] sandhana kare–he searched [for] kotha va–somewhere rahibe–he could stay. [53]
«Everything became submerged in water, and he searched for a place to stay.
ভাসিয়া ভাসিয়া চলিয়া যায় ।
‘কেন হেন বর লইনু হায়’ ॥৫৪॥
bhāsiyā bhāsiyā chaliyā yāya
‘kena hena vara la-inu hāya’ [54]
chaliya yaya–Moving about, bhasiya bhasiya–floating and floating, [he thought,] ‘haya–‘Alas! kena–Why la-inu–have I taken hena–this vara’–boon?’ [54]
«Floating and floating about, he thought, ‘Alas! Why have I taken this boon?’
ষোলক্রোশ মাত্র নদীয়াধাম ।
জাগিয়া ভকতে দেয় বিশ্রাম ॥৫৫॥
ṣola-krośa mātra nadīyā-dhāma
jāgiyā bhakate deya viśrāma [55]
matra–Only sola-krosa–the thirty-two miles nadiya-dhama–of Nabadwip Dham jagiya–arise [and] deya–give visrama–shelter bhakate–to the devotees. [55]
«During the destruction, only the thirty-two miles of Nabadwip Dham arise and give shelter to the devotees.
জলের তরঙ্গে ভাসিয়া মুনি ।
অজ্ঞান হইয়া পড়ে অমনি ॥৫৬॥
jalera taraṅge bhāsiyā muni
ajñāna ha-iyā paḍe amani [56]
bhasiya–Floating jalera tarange–in the waves of the water, muni–the sage amani–suddenly ajnana ha-iya pade–lost consciousness. [56]
«Floating in the waves of the water, the sage suddenly lost consciousness.
মহাকৃপা করি’ সুরভি তায় ।
যতনে মুনিরে হেথা উঠায় ॥৫৭॥
mahākṛpā kari’ surabhi tāya
yatane munire hethā uṭhāya [57]
mahakrpa kari’–Being very merciful taya–to him, surabhi–Surabhi yatane–carefully uthaya–brought munire–the sage hetha–here. [57]
«Being very merciful to him, Surabhi carefully rescued the sage.
সম্বিৎ লভিয়া মৃকণ্ডসুত ।
দেখিল গোদ্রুমদ্বীপ অদ্ভুত ॥৫৮॥
samvit labhiyā mṛkaṇḍa-suta
dekhila godrumadvīpa adbhuta [58]
labhiya–Regaining samvit–consciousness, mrkanda-suta–Markandeya Muni dekhila–saw adbhuta–the wonders godrumadvipa–of Godrumadwip. [58]
«Regaining consciousness, Markandeya Muni saw the wonders of Godrumadwip.
শতকোটিক্রোশ বিস্তার স্থান ।
নদনদী শোভা প্রকাশমান ॥৫৯॥
śata-koṭī-krośa vistāra sthāna
nada-nadī śobhā prakāśamāna [59]
[He saw] sthana–an abode vistara–spanning sata-koti-krosa–two billion miles around, sobha prakasamana–resplendent nada-nadi–with rivers and streams. [59]
«He saw an abode spanning two billion miles around, resplendent with rivers and streams.
তরুলতা কত শোভয় তথা ।
পক্ষিগণ গায় শ্রীগৌর-গাথা ॥৬০॥
taru-latā kata śobhaya tathā
pakṣi-gaṇa gāya śrī-gaura-gāthā [60]
kata–Numerous taru-lata–trees and vines sobhaya–were shining tatha–there, [and] paksi-gana–birds gaya–were chanting sri-gaura-gatha–the glories of Sri Gaura. [60]
«Numerous trees and vines were shining, and birds were chanting the glories of Sri Gaura.
যোজনবিস্তার অশ্বত্থ হের ।
সুরভিকে তথা দর্শন কর ॥৬১॥
yojana-vistāra aśvattha hera
surabhike tathā darśana kara [61]
hera–He saw asvattha–a banyan tree [that was] yojana-vistara–eight miles wide, [and] darsana kara–he saw surabhike–Surabhi tatha–beneath [it]. [61]
«He saw a banyan tree that was eight miles wide, and he saw Surabhi beneath it.
ক্ষুধায় আকুল মুনি তখন ।
সুরভির প্রতি বলে বচন ॥৬২॥
kṣudhāya ākula muni takhana
surabhira prati bale vachana [62]
takhana–Then, akula–stricken ksudhaya–with hunger, muni–the sage vachana bale–spoke surabhira prati–to Surabhi. [62]
«Stricken with hunger, the sage spoke to Surabhi.
‘তুমি ভগবতি রাখহ প্রাণ ।
দুগ্ধ দিয়া মোর করহ ত্রাণ’ ॥৬৩॥
‘tumi bhagavati rākhaha prāṇa
dugdha diyā mora karaha trāṇa’ [63]
‘bhagavati–‘O goddess! tumi rakhaha–Please save [my] prana–life. mora trana karaha–Rescue me diya–by giving [me] dugdha’–some milk.’ [63]
«‘O goddess! Please save my life. Rescue me by giving me some milk.’
সুরভি তখন সদয় হয়ে ।
পিয়াইল দুগ্ধ মুনিরে লয়ে ॥৬৪॥
surabhi takhana sadaya haye
piyāila dugdha munire laye [64]
surabhi–Surabhi takhana–then sadaya haye–mercifully piyaila–fed munire–the sage laye–with [her] dugdha–milk. [64]
«Surabhi mercifully fed the sage with her milk.
সবল হইয়া মৃকণ্ডসূনু ।
সুরভির প্রতি কহয় পুনঃ ॥৬৫॥
sabala ha-iyā mṛkaṇḍa-sūnu
surabhira prati kahaya punaḥ [65]
sabala ha-iya–Revitalised, mrkanda-sunu–Markandeya Muni kahaya–spoke surabhira prati–to Surabhi punah–again. [65]
«Revitalised, Markandeya Muni spoke to Surabhi again.
‘তুমি ভগবতি জননী মোর ।
তোমার মায়ায় জগৎ ভোর ॥৬৬॥
‘tumi bhagavati jananī mora
tomāra māyāya jagat bhora [66]
‘bhagavati–‘O goddess, tumi–you [are] mora–my janani–mother, [and] jagat–the world [is] bhora–absorbed tomara mayaya–in your illusion. [66]
«‘O goddess, you are my mother, and the world is absorbed in your illusion.
না বুঝিয়া আমি লয়েছি বর ।
সপ্তকল্প জীব হয়ে অমর ॥৬৭॥
nā bujhiyā āmi layechhi vara
sapta-kalpa jīva haye amara [67]
bujhiya na–Not understanding [the consequences,] ami–I layechhi–accepted vara–a boon jiva–of living sapta-kalpa–for seven kalpas amara haye–without dying. [67]
«‘Not understanding the consequences, I accepted a boon of living for seven kalpas without dying.
প্রলয় সময়ে বড়ই দুঃখ ।
নানাবিধ ক্লেশ নাহিক সুখ ॥৬৮॥
pralaya samaye baḍa-i duḥkha
nānā-vidha kleśa nāhika sukha [68]
pralaya samaye–At the time of the destruction of the universe, [there are] nana-vidha–various types klesa–of miseries [and] bada-i–extreme duhkha–distress. nahika–There is no sukha–happiness. [68]
«‘During the destruction of the universe, there are numerous miseries and extreme distress. There is no happiness.
কি করি জননি বলগো মোরে ।
কিসে বা যাইব এ দুঃখ তরে’ ॥৬৯॥
ki kari janani balago more
kise vā yāiba e duḥkha tare’ [69]
janani–O Mother, balago–tell more–me, ki kari–what should I do? kise va–How tare yaiba–can I overcome e duhkha’–this distress?’ [69]
«‘O Mother, tell me, what should I do? How can I overcome this distress?’
সুরভি তখন বলিল বাণী ।
‘ভজহ শ্রীগৌরপদ দুখানি ॥৭০॥
surabhi takhana balila vāṇī
‘bhajaha śrī-gaura-pada dukhāni [70]
surabhi–Surabhi takhana–then vani balila–said, ‘bhajaha–‘Serve sri-gaura-pada dukhani–the feet of Sri Gaura. [70]
«Surabhi said, ‘Serve the feet of Sri Gaura.
এই নবদ্বীপ প্রকৃতিপার ।
কভু নাশ নাহি হয় ইহার ॥৭১॥
ei navadvīpa prakṛti-pāra
kabhu nāśa nāhi haya ihāra [71]
ei–This abode navadvipa–of Nabadwip [is] prakrti-para–beyond material nature — ihara haya–it is kabhu nahi–never nasa–destroyed. [71]
«‘This abode of Nabadwip is beyond material nature — it is never destroyed.
চর্ম্মচক্ষে ইহা ষোড়শক্রোশ ।
পরম বৈকুণ্ঠ সদা নির্দ্দোষ ॥৭২॥
charma-chakṣe ihā ṣoḍaśa-krośa
parama vaikuṇṭha sadā nirdoṣa [72]
charma-chakse–To fleshy eyes iha–it [is] sodasa-krosa–thirty-two miles, [but it is] parama vaikuntha–the supreme realm in the spiritual world [and] sada–eternally nirdosa–faultless. [72]
«‘To fleshy eyes, it is only thirty-two miles, but it is the supreme abode Vaikuntha and eternally faultless.
অপ্রাকৃত দেশ কাল এখানে ।
জড় মায়া কেবা কেহ না জানে ॥৭৩॥
aprākṛta deśa kāla ekhāne
jaḍa māyā kebā keha nā jāne [73]
ekhane–Here, kala–time [and] desa–space [are] aprakrta–supramundane, [and] keba keha na–no one jane–knows [of] jada–material maya–illusion. [73]
«‘Here, time and space are supramundane, and no one knows of material illusion.
নবদ্বীপে দেখ অপূর্ব্ব অতি ।
চারিদিকে বেড়ে বিরজা সতী ॥৭৪॥
navadvīpe dekha apūrva ati
chāri-dike beḍe virajā satī [74]
dekha–See ati apurva–the great wonder navadvipe–of Nabadwip! viraja sati–The chaste Viraja bede–flows chari-dike–in the four directions. [74]
«‘See the great wonder of Nabadwip! The chaste Viraja flows all around it.
শতকোটিক্রোশ প্রত্যেক খণ্ড ।
মধ্যে মায়াপুর নগর গণ্ড ॥৭৫॥
śata-koṭi-krośa pratyeka khaṇḍa
madhye māyāpura nagara gaṇḍa [75]
pratyeka–Every khanda–part [is] sata-koti-krosa–two billion miles, [and] madhye–at [its] centre [is] nagara ganda–the grand city mayapura–of Mayapur. [75]
«‘Every part of Nabadwip measures two billion miles, and at its centre is the grand city of Mayapur.
অষ্টদল অষ্টদ্বীপের মান ।
অন্তর্দ্বীপ তার কেশর স্থান ॥৭৬॥
aṣṭa-dala aṣṭa-dvīpera māna
antardvīpa tāra keśara sthāna [76]
asta-dvipera–The eight islands mana–resemble asta-dala–eight petals, [and] antardvipa–Antardwip [is] tara–their kesara sthana–whorl. [76]
«‘The eight islands of Nabadwip are petals, and Antardwip is their whorl.
সর্ব্বতীর্থ সর্ব্বদেবতা ঋষি ।
গৌরাঙ্গ ভজিছে হেথায় বসি’ ॥৭৭॥
sarva-tīrtha sarva-devatā ṛṣi
gaurāṅga bhajichhe hethāya vasi’ [77]
sarva-tirtha–All the holy places, [and] sarva–all devata–the gods [and] rsi–sages vasi’–reside hethaya–here [and] bhajichhe–worship gauranga–Gauranga. [77]
«‘All the holy places, gods, and sages reside here and worship Gauranga.
তুমি মার্কণ্ডেয় গৌরাঙ্গপদ ।
আশ্রয় করহ জানি’ সম্পদ ॥৭৮॥
tumi mārkaṇḍeya gaurāṅga-pada
āśraya karaha jāni’ sampada [78]
tumi markandeya–O Markandeya, jani’–understand [your] sampada–fortune [and] asraya karaha–take shelter gauranga-pada–at the feet of Gauranga. [78]
«‘O Markandeya, understand your fortune and take shelter at the feet of Gauranga.
অকৈতব ধর্ম্ম আশ্রয় কর ।
ভুক্তি-মুক্তি-বাঞ্ছা সুদূরে ধর ॥৭৯॥
akaitava dharma āśraya kara
bhukti-mukti-vāñchhā sudūre dhara [79]
asraya kara–Take shelter [of] akaitava dharma–the true religion, [and] dhara–keep bhukti-mukti-vanchha–desires for enjoyment and liberation sudure–far away. [79]
«‘Take shelter of the true dharma, and keep desires for enjoyment and liberation far away.
গৌরাঙ্গ-ভজন-আশ্রয়-বলে ।
মধুর প্রেম ত লভিবে ফলে ॥৮০॥
madhura prema ta labhibe phale [80]
gauranga-bhajana-asraya-bale–By taking shelter and serving Gauranga, ta labhibe–you will attain prema–divine love madhura–in madhura-rasa phale–as a result. [80]
«‘By taking shelter of Gauranga and serving Him, you will attain divine love in madhura-rasa.
সেই প্রেম যবে হৃদয়ে বসে ।
ভাসায় বিলাস-কলার রসে ॥৮১॥
sei prema yabe hṛdaye vase
bhāsāya vilāsa-kalāra rase [81]
yabe–When sei–that prema–divine love vase–appears hrdaye–in [your] heart, bhasaya–it will set [you] afloat rase–in the rasa vilasa-kalara–of the arts within the Pastimes [of the Lord]. [81]
«When that divine love appears in your heart, it will set you afloat in the rasa of the arts within the Pastimes of the Lord.
ব্রজে রাধাপদ আশ্রয় হয় ।
যুগল-সেবায় মানস রয় ॥৮২॥
vraje rādhā-pade āśraya haya
yugala-sevāya mānasa raya [82]
asraya haya–You will take shelter radha-pade–at the feet of Radha vraje–in Vraja, [and your] manasa–heart raya–will be engaged yugala-sevaya–in the service of the Divine Couple. [82]
«‘You will take shelter at the feet of Radha in Vraja, and your heart will be engaged in the service of the Divine Couple.
সেবার সুখ ত অতুল জান ।
অভেদ নির্ব্বাণে অপার্থ জ্ঞান’ ॥৮৩॥
sevāra sukha ta atula jāna
abheda nirvāṇe apārtha jñāna’ [83]
jana–Know [that] sukha–the joy sevara–of service [is] ta atula–unparalleled [and] jnana–knowledge abheda nirvane–of static liberation [is] apartha’–useless.’ [83]
«‘Know that the joy of service is unparalleled, and knowledge of static liberation is useless.’
সুরভি-বচন শুনিয়া মুনি ।
করযোড় করি’ বলে অমনি ॥৮৪॥
surabhi-vachana śuniyā muni
kara-yoḍa kari’ bale amani [84]
suniya–Hearing surabhi-vachana–the words of Surabhi, muni–the sage amani–immediately kara-yoda kari’–joined [his] palms [and] bale–spoke. [84]
«Hearing the words of Surabhi, the sage immediately joined his palms and spoke.
‘শ্রীগৌরচরণ ভজিব যবে ।
আমার অদৃষ্ট কোথায় রবে’ ॥৮৫॥
‘śrī-gaura-charaṇa bhajiba yabe
āmāra adṛṣṭa kothāya rabe’ [85]
‘yabe–‘When bhajiba–I serve sri-gaura-charana–the feet of Sri Gaura, kothaya–where [will] amara–my adrsta–destiny rabe’–remain?’ [85]
«‘When I serve the feet of Sri Gaura, what will become of my destiny?’
সুরভি কহিল সিদ্ধান্তসার ।
‘শ্রীগৌরভজনে নাহি বিচার ॥৮৬॥
surabhi kahila siddhānta-sāra
‘śrī-gaura-bhajane nāhi vichāra [86]
surabhi–Surabhi kahila–spoke siddhanta-sara–the ultimate conclusion: ‘nahi–‘There is no vichara–judgement sri-gaura-bhajane–in the service of Sri Gaura. [86]
«Surabhi then spoke the ultimate conclusion: ‘There is no judgement in the service of Sri Gaura.
‘শ্রীগৌর’ বলিয়া ডাকিবে যবে ।
সমস্ত করম বিনাশ হবে ॥৮৭॥
‘śrī-gaura’ baliyā ḍākibe yabe
samasta karama vināśa habe [87]
yabe–When baliya dakibe–you call out, ‘sri-gaura’–‘Sri Gaura’, samasta karama–all the reactions to your previous actions vinasa habe–will be destroyed. [87]
«‘When you call the Name of Sri Gaura, all your karma will be destroyed.
কিছু নাহি রবে বিপাক আর ।
ঘুচিবে তোমার ভবসংসার ॥৮৮॥
kichhu nāhi rabe vipāka āra
ghuchibe tomāra bhava-saṁsāra [88]
kichhu nahi–No vipaka–reactions rabe–will remain ara–any longer, [and] tomara–your bhava-samsara–attachment to material existence ghuchibe–will disappear. [88]
«‘No reactions will remain any longer, and your attachment to material existence will disappear.
কর্ম্ম কেনে একা জ্ঞানের ফল ।
ঘুচিবে সমূলে হয়ে বিকল ॥৮৯॥
karma kene ekā jñānera phala
ghuchibe samūle haye vikala [89]
kene–Why karma–karma eka–alone? phala–The consequences jnanera–of [your] knowledge ghuchibe–will disappear, vikala haye–being destroyed samule–at the root. [89]
«‘And not only your karma, but the consequences of your pursuing liberation will also be eradicated.
তুমি ত মজিবে গৌরাঙ্গরসে ।
ভজিবে তাঁহারে এ দ্বীপে বসে’ ॥৯০॥
tumi ta majibe gaurāṅga-rase
bhajibe tā̐hāre e dvīpe vase’ [90]
tumi–You ta majibe–will become immersed gauranga-rase–in the ecstasy of Gauranga. bhajibe–You will serve ta̐hare–Him, vase–residing e dvipe’–on this island.’ [90]
«‘You will become immersed in the ecstasy of Gauranga, living on this island and serving Him.’
মার্কণ্ডেয় শুনি’ আনন্দে ভাসে ।
‘গৌর’ বলি’ কাঁদে কখন হাসে ॥৯১॥
mārkaṇḍeya śuni’ ānande bhāse
‘gaura’ bali’ kā̐de kakhana hāse [91]
suni’–Hearing [this,] markandeya–Markandeya bhase–floated anande–in joy. bali’–He chanted, ‘gaura’–‘Gaura’, ka̐de–cried, [and] kakhana–sometimes hase–laughed. [91]
«Hearing this, Markandeya floated in joy. He chanted the Name of Gaura, cried, and sometimes laughed.
এই দেখ জীব অপূর্ব্ব স্থান ।
মার্কণ্ডেয় যথা পাইল প্রাণ» ॥৯২॥
ei dekha jīva apūrva sthāna
mārkaṇḍeya yathā pāila prāṇa» [92]
jiva–Jiva, dekha–see [here] ei–the apurva–wonderful sthana–place yatha–where markandeya–Markandeya paila–received prana»–life.» [92]
«Jiva, see here the wonderful place where Markandeya received life.»
গৌরাঙ্গ-মহিমা নিতাই-মুখে ।
শুনি’ জীব ভাসে পরম সুখে ॥৯৩॥
gaurāṅga-mahimā nitāi-mukhe
śuni’ jīva bhāse parama sukhe [93]
suni’–Hearing gauranga-mahima–the glories of Gauranga nitai-mukhe–from the mouth of Nitai, jiva–Jiva bhase–floated parama sukhe–in the greatest joy. [93]
Hearing the glories of Gauranga from the mouth of Nitai, Jiva floated in the greatest joy.
সে স্থানে সে দিন যাপন করি’ ।
মধ্যদ্বীপে চলে বলিয়া «হরি» ॥৯৪॥
se sthāne se dina yāpana kari’
madhyadvīpe chale baliyā «hari» [94]
yapana kari’–They spent se dina–the day se sthane–in that place [and then] chale–went madhyadvipe–to Madhyadwip, baliya–chanting «hari»–«Hari!» [94]
They spent the day in that place and then went to Madhyadwip, chanting «Hari!»
নিতাই-জাহ্নবা-চরণ সার ।
জানিয়া ভক্তিবিনোদ ছার ॥৯৫॥
নিতাই-আদেশ মস্তকে ধরে ।
নদীয়া-মহিমা বর্ণন করে ॥৯৬॥
nitāi-jāhnavā-charaṇa sāra
jāniyā bhakti-vinoda chhāra [95]
nitāi-ādeśa mastake dhare
nadīyā-mahimā varṇana kare [96]
janiya–Knowing nitai-jahnava-charana–Nitai and Jahnava’s feet [to be] sara–all-in-all, chhara–the fallen bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod dhare–holds nitai-adesa–the order of Nitai mastake–on [his] head [and] varnana kare–describes nadiya-mahima–the glories of Nadia. [95–96]
Knowing Nitai and Jahnava’s feet to be all-in-all, the fallen Bhakti Vinod holds the order of Nitai on his head and describes the glories of Nadia.