Chapter 10. Avasesamrtam: Divine Remnants of Nectar
सङ्कीर्त्त्यमानो भगवाननन्तः
श्रुतानुभावो व्यसनं हि पुंसाम्।
प्रविश्य चित्तं विधुनोत्यशेषं
यथा तमोऽर्कोऽभ्रमिवातिवातः ॥१॥
भा: १२/१२/४८
saṅkīrtyamāno bhagavān anantaḥ
śrutānubhāvo-vyasanaṁ hi puṁsām
praviśya chittaṁ vidhunoty aśeṣaṁ
yathā tamo ’rko ’bhram ivāti-vātaḥ [1]
When the singing of the glorious qualities of the Supreme Lord Hari’s personality is heard, He enters into the hearts of men to banish all their miseries, as the sun dispels the darkness and strong winds disperse the clouds.
मृषागिरस्ता ह्यसतीरसत्कथा
न कथ्यते यद्भगवानधोक्षजः।
तदेव सत्यं तदुहैव मङ्गलं
तदेव पुण्यं भगवद्गुणोदयम् ॥२॥
भा: १२/१२/४९
mṛṣā-giras tā hy asatīr asat-kathā
na kathyate yad bhagavān adhokṣajaḥ
tad eva satyaṁ tad uhaiva maṅgalaṁ
tad eva puṇyaṁ bhagavad-guṇodayam [2]
Those words in which the glory of the transcendental Lord Sri Hari are not sung — such imaginary, deceptive utterances are to be known as falsehood. And those words in which the divine qualities of the Lord appear — such expressions are to be known as truth, the bestower of all success, and the source of all virtue.
तदेव रम्यं रुचिरं नवं नवं
तदेव शश्वन्मनसो महोत्सवम्।
तदेव शोकार्णवशोषणं नृणां
यदुत्तमःश्लोकयशोऽनुगीयते ॥३॥
भा: १२/१२/५०
tad eva ramyaṁ ruchiraṁ navaṁ navaṁ
tad eva śaśvan manaso mahotsavam
tad eva śokārṇava-śoṣaṇaṁ nṛṇāṁ
yad uttamaḥ-śloka-yaśo ’nugīyate [3]
Those words in which the renown of Uttamahsloka Sri Hari (He, the singing of whose glories destroys the ignorance of the world) are broadcast at every second — such expressions alone constantly bestow newer and newer nectar, they inaugurate the heart’s grand festival, and they dissolve the ocean of lamentation.
न तद्वचश्चित्रपदं हरेर्यशो
जगत्पवित्रं प्रगृणीत कर्हिचित्।
तदाङ्क्षतीर्थं न तु हंससेवितं
यत्राच्युतस्तत्र हि साधवोऽमलाः ॥४॥
भा: १२/१२/५१
na tad vachaś chitra-padaṁ harer-yaśo
jagat-pavitraṁ pragṛṇīta karhichit
tad āṅkṣa-tīrthaṁ na tu haṁsa-sevitaṁ
yatrāchyutas tatra hi sādhavo ’malāḥ [4]
Those utterances that despite their charming, ornamental presentation never describe the renown of Sri Hari, which alone purifies the universe — such words attract only crow-like, superficial men, but they are never attended by the learned. This is because the immaculate-hearted sadhus adore the melodious words that sing the glories of the Supreme Lord.
यशः श्रियामेव परिश्रमः परो
अविस्मृतिः श्रीधरपादपद्मयोर्
गुणानुवादश्रवणादरादिभिः ॥५॥
भा: १२/१२/५४
yaśaḥ śriyām eva pariśramaḥ paro
avismṛtiḥ śrīdhara-pādapadmayor
guṇānuvāda-śravaṇādarādibhiḥ [5]
The prescribed duties of the varnasram hierarchy, performance of austerity, and study of the scriptures — belaboured adherence to such practises merely panders to one’s reputation and influence. But by the divine services beginning with devotedly hearing the glories of the Lord, the supreme reward of never forgetting the lotus feet of Sri Hari is gained.
तस्यारविन्दनयनस्य पदारविन्द
अन्तर्गतः स्वविवरेण चकार तेषां
सङ्क्षोभमक्षरजुषामपि चित्ततन्वोः ॥६॥
भा: ३/१५/४३
tasyāravinda-nayanasya padāravinda-
antar-gataḥ sva-vivareṇa chakāra teṣāṁ
saṅkṣobham akṣara-juṣām api chitta-tanvoḥ [6]
A beautiful fragrance emanated from the tulasi united with the stamens of the lotus flowerlike feet of the lotus-eyed Supreme Lord. When the breeze carrying that divine fragrance entered the nostrils (of the Chatuhsan), it caused jubilation in their hearts, and the hairs of their bodies stood erect, despite their zealous attachment to the non-differentiated Brahma.
आत्मारामाश्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे।
कुर्व्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिमित्थम्भूतगुणो हरिः ॥७॥
भा: १/७/१०
ātmārāmāś cha munayo nirgranthā apy urukrame
kurvanty ahaitukīṁ bhaktim ittham-bhūta-guṇo hariḥ [7]
Those sages who, being merged in the bliss of the spirit soul, are totally free from the binding knot of mental images — they too engage in the unmotivated service of Sri Krishna, the performer of marvellous deeds. This is but one of the qualities of the Supreme Lord Hari, who charms the entire world.
शृण्वतः श्रद्धया नित्यं गृणतश्च स्वचेष्टितम्।
नातिदीर्घेन कालेन भगवान्विशते हृदि ॥८॥
भा: २/८/४
śṛṇvataḥ śraddhayā nityaṁ gṛṇataś cha sva-cheṣṭitam
nātidīrghena kālena bhagavān viśate hṛdi [8]
Swiftly does the Lord enter into the hearts of those who with faith constantly hear and chant the glories of His personality.
निगमकल्पतरोर्गलितं फलं
पिबत भागवतं रसमालयं
मुहुरहो रसिका भुवि भावुकाः ॥९॥
भा: १/१/३
nigama-kalpa-taror galitaṁ phalaṁ
pibata bhāgavataṁ rasam ālayaṁ
muhur aho rasikā bhuvi bhāvukāḥ [9]
This holy scripture, which describes the glories of the Supreme Lord, has descended intact from the wish-fulfilling tree of the Vedas, and it is enhanced by the nectar of the lotus mouth of Sri Sukadev Goswami. O connoisseurs of the mellows of devotion, please constantly relish this fruit, which is the embodiment of those mellows. O devotees blessed with heart’s devotion, as long as you are not utterly dissolved in the reality of ecstasy, that is, as long as your hearts are not merged in devotional mellow, then taste the Srimad Bhagavatam in your life in this world (as a pure votary of divinity); and even when your hearts are overflooded, you will perpetually continue to drink this supreme nectar divine.
उपक्रमामृतञ्चैव श्रीशास्त्रवचनामृतम् ।
भक्तवाक्यामृतञ्च श्रीभगवद्वचनामृतम् ॥१०॥
अवशेषामृतञ्चेति पञ्चामृतं महाफलम् ।
भक्तप्राणप्रदं हृद्यं ग्रन्थेऽस्मिन्परिवेशितम् ॥११॥
upakramāmṛtañ chaiva śrī-śāstra-vachanāmṛtam
bhakta-vākyāmṛtañ cha śrī-bhagavad-vachanāmṛtam [10] avaśeṣāmṛtañ cheti pañchāmṛtaṁ mahāphalam
bhakta-prāṇapradaṁ hṛdyaṁ granthe ’smin pariveśitam [11]
Comprised of five nectars (panchamrtam) respectively entitled ‘Upakramamrtam’, ‘Sri Sastra-vachanamrtam’, ‘Sri Bhakta-vachanamrtam’, ‘Sri Bhagavad-vachanamrtam’, and ‘Avasesamrtam’ (‘Prelude to Approaching Nectar’, ‘The Nectar of Scriptural Word’, ‘Words of Nectar from the Devotees’, ‘Words of Nectar from the Supreme Lord’, and ‘The Divine Remnants of Nectar’), the supreme fruit that gives life to the devotees and delights their hearts has been served in this book.
श्रीचैतन्यहरेः स्वधामविजयाच्चातुःशताब्दान्तरे
श्रीमद्भक्तिविनोदनन्दनमतः कारुण्यशक्तिर्हरेः।
श्रीमद्गौरकिशोरकान्वयगतः श्रीकृष्णसङ्कीर्त्तनैः
श्रीसिद्धान्तसरस्वतीतिविदितश्चाप्लावयद्भूतलम् ॥१२॥
śrī-chaitanya-hareḥ sva-dhāma-vijayāch chātuḥ-śatābdāntare
śrīmad-bhaktivinoda-nandana-mataḥ kāruṇya-saktir-hareḥ
śrīmad-gaura-kiśorakānvaya-gataḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-saṅkīrtanaiḥ
śrī-siddhānta-sarasvatīti-viditaś chāplāvayad-bhūtalam [12]
Within four hundred years after Sri Chaitanyahari returned to His holy abode, a great soul descended in divine succession from Srila Gaura Kisor Babaji Maharaj, as the potency of Lord Krishna’s mercy incarnate. Recognised as the joy of Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur and renowned throughout the universe as Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati, he flooded this earth planet with boundless Sri Krishna-sankirtan.
सौभाग्यातिशयात्सुदुर्ल्लभमपि ह्यस्यानुकम्पामृतं
लब्ध्वोदारमतेस्तदीय करुणादेशञ्च सङ्कीर्त्तनैः ।
सत्सङ्गैर्लभतां पुमर्थपरमं श्रीकृष्णप्रेमामृतम्
इत्येष त्वनुशीलनोद्यम इहेत्यागश्च मे क्षम्यताम् ॥१३॥
saubhāgyātiśayāt sudurlabham api hy asyānukampāmṛtaṁ
labdhvodāra-mates tadīya karuṇādeśañ cha saṅkīrtanaiḥ
sat-saṅgair labhatāṁ pumartha-paramaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-premāmṛtam
ity eṣa tv anuśīlanodyama ihety āgaś cha me kṣamyatām [13]
A great fortune came down upon me. Although it was the rarest thing, I received the nectar of that great soul’s mercy through his gracious ordinance: “By performing sankirtan in sadhu-sanga, may you fulfil the ultimate goal of your life — Sri Krishna-prema.” So now, I try to practise this; may I be forgiven for any offences in my attempt.
श्रीश्रीमद्भगवत्पदाम्बुजमधुस्वादोत्सवैः षट्पदैर्
निक्षिप्ता मधुबिन्दवश्च परितो भ्रष्टा मुखात्गुञ्जितैः ।
यत्नैः किञ्चिदिहाहृतं निजपरश्रेयोऽर्थिना तन्मया
भूयोभूय इतो रजांसि पदसंलग्नानि तेषां भजे ॥१४॥
śrī-śrīmad-bhagavat-padāmbuja-madhu-svādotsavaiḥ ṣaṭ-padair
nikṣiptā madhu-bindavaś cha parito bhraṣṭā mukhāt guñjitaiḥ
yatnaiḥ kiñchid ihāhṛtaṁ nija-para-śreyo ’rthinā tan mayā
bhūyo-bhūya ito rajāṁsi pada-saṁlagnāni teṣāṁ bhaje [14]
The bees, intoxicated in the festival
of drinking the honey of the Lord’s lotus feet
busily humming the glories of the Lord
drops of honey from their mouths fall and scatter all around;
for my own divine prospect, I’ve carefully collected
some of those drops herein —
and thus do I worship the dust of the holy lotus feet
of those saints, again and again.
ग्रन्थार्थं जडधीहृदि त्विह महोत्साहादिसञ्चारणैर्
येषाञ्चात्र सतां सतीर्थसुहृदां संशोधनाद्यैश्च वा ।
येषाञ्चाप्यधमे कृपा मयि शुभा पाठादिभिर्वान्यथा
सर्व्वेषामहमत्र पादकमलं वन्दे पुनर्वै पुनः ॥१५॥
granthārthaṁ jaḍa-dhī-hṛdi tv iha mahotsāhādi-sañchāraṇair
yeṣāñ chātra satāṁ satīrtha-suhṛdāṁ saṁśodhanādyaiś cha vā
yeṣāñ chāpy adhame kṛpā mayi śubhā pāṭhādibhir vānyathā
sarveṣām aham atra pāda-kamalaṁ vande punar vai punaḥ [15]
In the preparation of this book, those who have infused vitality within my poor heart, or who have assisted in the study, reading, or amendment of the book, or who have in any other way contributed toward its production — unto the lotus feet of all those well-wishing godbrothers and good devotees who have extended or who may in the future extend their goodwill upon this humble soul, I hereby offer my obeisances again and again.
गौराब्दे जलधीषुवेदविमिते भाद्रे सिता सप्तमी
तत्र श्रीललिताशुभोदयदिने श्रीमन्नवद्वीपके ।
गङ्गातीरमनोरमे नवमठे चैतन्यसारस्वते
सद्भिः श्रीगुरुगौरपादशरणाद्ग्रन्थः समाप्तिं गतः ॥१६॥
gaurābde jaladhīṣu veda-vimite bhādre sitā-saptamī
tatra śrī-lalitā-śubhodaya-dine śrīman-navadvīpake
gaṅgā-tīra-manorame nava-maṭhe chaitanya-sārasvate
sadbhiḥ śrī-guru-gaura-pāda-śaraṇād-granthaḥ samāptiṁ gataḥ [16]
At the charming new Temple of the name Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, situated on the banks of the holy River Ganga, at Sri Dham Nabadwip, and in the association of the devotees, in the shelter of the lotus feet of the Divine Master and the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanyadev this work was completed on the holy advent day of Sri Lalita Devi — the seventh day of the bright moon of Bhadra in the year 457 Gaurabda (7 September 1943).
इति श्रीप्रपन्नजीवनामृत
नाम दशमोऽध्यायः
iti śrī-prapanna-jīvanāmṛte
nāma daśamo ’dhyāyaḥ
thus ends the tenth chapter
The Divine Remnants of Nectar
thus ends
समाप्तोऽयं ग्रन्थः
samapto ‘yam granthah
thus ends
श्रीकृष्णाय समर्पितमस्तु
samapto ’yam granthah
May this be an offering unto
Lord Sri Krishna