Chapter 3. Anukulyasya Sankalpah: Acceptance of the Favourable
कृष्णकार्ष्णगसद्भक्तिप्रपन्नत्वानुकूलके ।
कृत्यत्वनिश्चयश्चानुकूल्यसङ्कल्प उच्यते ॥१॥
kṛtyatva-niśchayaś chānukūlya-saṅkalpa uchyate [1]
Everything should be done that encourages the service of Sri Krishna and His devotee, and whatever is conducive to the state of exclusive surrender must be executed: such a firm conviction is called anukulyasya-sankalpah — acceptance of the favourable.
श्रीकृष्णसङ्कीर्त्तनमेव तत्पदाश्रितानां परमानुकूलम् —
चेतोदर्पणमार्ज्जनं भवमहादावाग्निनिर्व्वापणं
श्रेयःकैरवचन्द्रिकावितरणं विद्यावधूजीवनम्।
आनन्दाम्बुधिवर्द्धनं प्रतिपदं पूर्णामृतास्वादनं
सर्व्वात्मस्नपनं परं विजयते श्रीकृष्णसङ्कीर्त्तनम् ॥२॥
śrī-kṛṣṇa-saṅkīrtanam eva tat padāśritānāṁ paramānukūlam —
cheto-darpaṇa-mārjanaṁ bhava-mahādāvāgni-nirvāpaṇaṁ
śreyaḥ-kairava-chandrikā-vitaraṇaṁ vidyā-vadhū-jīvanam
ānandāmbudhi-vardhanaṁ-prati-padaṁ pūrṇāmṛtāsvādanaṁ
sarvātma-snapanaṁ paraṁ vijayate śrī-kṛṣṇa-saṅkīrtanam [2]
Of everything favourable, Hari-sankirtan performed by souls surrendered unto the lotus feet of Lord Hari is paramount —
May the Sri Krishna-sankirtan be all-victorious in its pristine glory! This congregational chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord cleanses the looking-glass of consciousness, extinguishes the raging forest fire of material existence, and spreads the benediction moon-rays that cause the lotus of the heart to bloom. This chanting is the life and soul of divine consorthood. Expanding the ocean of pure ecstasy, it is the flavour of full nectar at every moment, bathing and cooling the entire self.
— the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanyachandra
तत्र सम्पत्तिचतुष्टयं परमानुकूलम् —
तृनादपि सुनीचेन तरोरपि सहिष्णुना।
अमानिना मानदेन कीर्त्तनीयः सदा हरिः ॥३॥
tatra sampatti-chatuṣṭayaṁ paramānukūlam —
tṛnād api sunīchena taror api sahiṣṇunā
amāninā mānadena kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ [3]
These four jewels are accepted as the greatest treasure favourable to the performance of Hari-kirtan —
One who knows himself more insignificant than a blade of grass, who is as forbearing as a tree, and who gives due honour to others without desiring it for himself, is qualified to sing the glories of Lord Hari constantly.
— the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanyachandra
कार्ष्णानामधिकारानुरूपा सेवैव भजनानुकूला —
कृष्णेति यस्य गिरि तं मनसाद्रियेत
दीक्षास्ति चेत्प्रणतिभिश्च भजन्तमीशम्।
शुश्रूषया भजनविज्ञमनन्यमन्य
निन्दादिशून्यहृदमिप्सितसङ्गलब्ध्या ॥४॥
kārṣṇānām adhikārānurūpā sevaiva bhajanānukūlā —
kṛṣṇeti yasya giri taṁ manasādriyeta
dīkṣāsti chet praṇatibhiś cha bhajantam īśam
śuśrūṣayā bhajana-vijñam ananyam anya-
nindādi-śūnya-hṛdam īpsita-saṅga-labdhyā [4]
— Sri Rupa Goswami
To render service to the devotees according to their respective qualifications is conducive to pure devotion —
কৃষ্ণসহ কৃষ্ণনাম অভিন্ন জানিয়া ।
অপ্রাকৃত একমাত্র সাধন মানিয়া ॥
যেই নাম লয়, নামে দীক্ষিত হইয়া ।
আদর করিবে মনে স্বগোষ্ঠী জানিয়া ॥
নামের ভজনে যেই কৃষ্ণসেবা করে ।
অপ্রাকৃত ব্রজে বসি’ সর্ব্বদা অন্তরে ॥
মধ্যম বৈষ্ণব জানি ধর তার পায় ।
আনুগত্য কর তার মনে আর কায় ॥
নামের ভজনে যেই স্বরূপ লভিয়া ।
অন্য বস্তু নাহি দেখে কৃষ্ণ তেয়াগিয়া ॥
কৃষ্ণেতর সম্বন্ধ না পাইয়া জগতে ।
সর্ব্বজনে সমবুদ্ধি করে কৃষ্ণব্রতে ॥
তাদৃশ ভজনবিজ্ঞে জানিয়া অভীষ্ট ।
কায়মনোবাক্যে সেব হইয়া নিবিষ্ট ॥
শুশ্রূষা করিবে তাঁরে সর্ব্বতোভাবেতে ।
কৃষ্ণের চরণ লাভ হয় তাঁহা হইতে ॥
(শ্রীল ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী ঠাকুর)
kṛṣṇa saha kṛṣṇa-nāma abhinna jāniyā
aprākṛta eka-mātra sādhana māniyā
yei nāma laya, nāme dīkṣita haiyā
ādara karibe mane sva-goṣṭhī jāniyā
nāmera bhajane yei kṛṣṇa-sevā kare
aprākṛta vraje vasi’ sarvadā antare
madhyama vaiṣṇava jāni’ dhara tāra pāya
ānugatya kara tāra mane āra kāya
nāmera bhajane yei svarūpa labhiyā
anya vastu nāhi dekhe kṛṣṇa teyāgiyā
kṛṣṇetara sambandha nā pāiyā jagate
sarva-jane sama-buddhi kare kṛṣṇa-vrate
tādṛśa bhajana-vijñe jāniyā abhīṣṭa
kāya-mano-vākye seva’ haiyā niviṣṭa
śuśrūṣā karibe tāṅre sarvatobhāvete
kṛṣṇera charaṇa lābha haya tā̐hā haite
Knowing Krishna and His Name to be identical truth
one embraces exclusively the Holy Name’s path;
and thus who is initiated into chanting the Name properly
should be mentally respected as a member of the family.
And he who serves Krishna by constant worship of the Name
within his heart e’er residing at Sri Vrndavan Dham —
know him an intermediate devotee, make obeisance at his feet
and keep him as a faithful friend in your thought and deed.
And who, by internal service to the Name, knows his divine identity
sees Krishna, only Krishna in every form and entity;
seeing nothing separate from Krishna in the entire creation
he sees all souls equally serving Krishna’s predilection —
know such a veteran votary most honoured and most cherished
serve him in thought, word, and deed, with heart’s fulfilment relished:
with obeisance, inquiry, service, him in all respects entreat —
by the grace of such a great soul we can reach Lord Krishna’s feet.
उत्साहादिगुणा अनुकूलत्वादादरणीयाः —
उत्साहान्निश्चयाद्धैर्य्यात्तत्तत्कर्म्मप्रवर्त्तनात् ।
सङ्गत्यागात्सतोवृत्तेः षड्भिर्भक्तिः प्रसिद्ध्यति ॥५॥
utsāhādi-guṇā anukūlatvād ādaraṇīyāḥ —
utsāhān niśchayād dhairyāt tat tat karma-pravartanāt
saṅga-tyāgāt sato vṛtteḥ ṣaḍbhir bhaktiḥ prasiddhyati [5]
Because of their favourability, the six qualities beginning with enthusiasm should be honoured —
— Sri Rupa Goswami
ভজনে উৎসাহ যার ভিতরে বাহিরে ।
সুদুর্ল্লভ কৃষ্ণভক্তি পাবে ধীরে ধীরে ॥
কৃষ্ণভক্তি প্রতি যার বিশ্বাস নিশ্চয ।
শ্রদ্ধাবান্ ভক্তিমান্ জন সেই হয ॥
কৃষ্ণসেবা না পাইয়া ধীরভাবে যেই ।
ভক্তির সাধন করে ভক্তিমান্ সেই ॥
যাহাতে কৃষ্ণের সেবা কৃষ্ণের সন্তোষ ।
সেই কর্ম্মে ব্রতী সদা না করযে রোষ ॥
কৃষ্ণের অভক্ত-জন-সঙ্গ পরিহরি’ ।
ভক্তিমান্ ভক্তসঙ্গে সদা ভজে হরি ॥
কৃষ্ণভক্ত যাহা করে তদনুসরণে ।
ভক্তিমান্ আচরয় জীবনে মরণে ॥
এই চয় জন হয় ভক্তি অধিকারী ।
বিশ্বের মঙ্গল করে ভক্তি পরচারি ॥৫॥
(শ্রীল ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী ঠাকুর)
bhajane utsāha yāra bhitare bāhire
sudurlabha kṛṣṇa-bhakti pābe dhīre dhīre
kṛṣṇa-bhakti prati yāra viśvāsa niśchaya
śraddhāvān bhaktimān jana sei haya
kṛṣṇa-sevā nā pāiyā dhīra-bhāve yei
bhaktira sādhana kare bhaktimān sei
yāhāte kṛṣṇera sevā kṛṣṇera santoṣa
sei karme vratī sadā nā karaye roṣa
kṛṣṇera abhakta-jana-saṅga parihari’
bhaktimān bhakta-saṅge sadā bhaje hari
kṛṣṇa-bhakta yāhā kare tad anusaraṇe
bhaktimān ācharaya jīvane maraṇe
ei chaya jana haya bhakti adhikārī
viśvera-maṅgala kare bhakti parachāri
Within, without, he who serves with (i) enthusiasm
will gradually attain to the rarest pure devotion.
In devotion to Lord Krishna, one who has (ii) firm faith
is a person loyal and devoted on the path.
And if Sri Krishna’s service he fails to attain
yet practises with (iii) patience — devout is such a man.
(iv) That which serves Lord Krishna, for only Krishna’s pleasure
in such action, the devotee can never feel anger.
(v) Abandoning the company of the non-devotee
ever with devotees, the devout serve Sri Hari.
(vi) Following the pure devotees’ direction on the path
the true devout practise, as a matter of life and death.
Who follow these six qualities qualify for pure devotion —
they purify the universe by their preaching mission.
युक्तवैराग्यमेवानुकूलम् —
यावता स्यात्स्वनिर्व्वाहः स्वीकुर्य्यात्तावदर्थवित् ।
आधिक्ये न्यूनतायाञ्च च्यवते परमार्थतः ॥६॥
yukta-vairāgyam evānukūlam —
yāvatā syāt sva-nirvāhaḥ svīkuryāt tāvad arthavit
ādhikye nyūnatāyāñ cha chyavate paramārthataḥ [6]
Only renunciation in devotion (yukta-vairagya) is favourable —
A person with genuine insight will accept only as much facility as needed to fulfil his personal necessity. Over- or under-acceptance of one’s due measure may cause a fall from spiritual practises.
— Sri Vyasadev
तत्र कृष्णसम्बन्धस्यैव प्राधान्यम् —
त्वयोपभुक्तस्रग्गन्धवासोऽलङ्कारचर्च्चिताः ।
उच्छिष्टभोजिनो दासास्तव मायां जयेम हि ॥७॥
tatra kṛṣṇa-sambandhasyaiva prādhānyam —
tvayopabhukta-srag-gandha-vāso ’laṅkāra-charchitāḥ
uchchhiṣṭa-bhojino dāsās tava māyāṁ jayema hi [7]
Within renunciation in devotion (yukta-vairagya), the foremost principle is to see everything in relationship to Lord Krishna (Krishna-sambandha-jnan) —
Adorned with the articles that have been offered to You, such as garlands, fragrant clothing, and ornaments, we, Your personal servitors who partake of Your holy remnants alone, will certainly be able to conquer Your illusory energy (maya).
— Srimad Uddhava
सर्व्वथा हरिस्मृतिरक्षणमेव तात्पर्य्यम् —
अलब्धे वा विनष्टे वा भक्ष्याच्छादनसाधने ।
अविक्लव-मतिर्भूत्वा हरिमेव धिया स्मरेत् ॥८॥
sarvathā hari-smṛti-rakṣaṇam eva tātparyam —
alabdhe vā vinaṣṭe vā bhakṣyāchchhādana-sādhane
aviklava-matir bhūtvā harim eva dhiyā smaret [8]
The fundamental objective is to maintain constant remembrance of Sri Hari in every time, place and circumstance —
If persons engaged in the devotional service of Lord Hari are unable to obtain food and shelter despite their attempts, or if their acquisitions are lost or destroyed, they should, without anxiety, absorb their hearts deeply in the thought of Lord Hari.
— Sri Vyasadev
सर्व्वत्र तदनुकम्पा दर्शनादेव तत्सिद्धिः —
तत्तेऽनुकम्पां सुसमीक्षमाणो
भुञ्जान एवात्मकृतं विपाकम् ।
जीवेत यो मुक्तिपदे स दायभाक् ॥९॥
sarvatra tad anukampā darśanād eva tat-siddhiḥ —
tat te ’nukampāṁ susamīkṣamāṇo
bhuñjāna evātma-kṛtaṁ vipākam
hṛd-vāg-vapurbhir vidadhan namas te
jīveta yo mukti-pade sa dāya-bhāk [9]
This is accomplished only when one can see the grace of the Supreme Lord in every situation —
One who, in the hope of achieving Your grace, goes on enduring the inauspicious fruit of his own karma, and passes his days practising devotion unto You in every thought, word, and deed — such a person is heir to the land of freedom: he attains to the plane of positive immortality.
— Lord Brahma
साधुसङ्गात्सर्व्वमेव सुलभम् —
तुलयाम लवेनापि न स्वर्गं नापुनर्भवम् ।
भगवत्सङ्गिसङ्गस्य मर्त्त्यानां किमुताशिषः ॥१०॥
sādhu-saṅgāt sarvam eva sulabham —
tulayāma lavenāpi na svargaṁ nāpunar-bhavam
bhagavat-saṅgi-saṅgasya martyānāṁ kim utāśiṣaḥ [10]
Only by the association of pure devotees (sadhu-sanga) is everything happily achieved —
The attainment of heaven or liberation cannot even slightly compare with the immeasurable fortune gained by the association of an associate of the Supreme Lord. What, then, can be said of the petty dominion and assets of mortal men?
— the sages of Naimisaranya, headed by Saunaka Rsi
गुरुपदाश्रय एव मुख्यः —
तस्माद्गुरुं प्रपद्येत जिज्ञासुः श्रेयः उत्तमम् ।
शाब्दे परे च निष्णातं ब्रह्मण्युपशमाश्रयम् ॥११॥
guru-padāśraya eva mukhyaḥ —
tasmād guruṁ prapadyeta jijñāsuḥ śreyaḥ uttamam
śābde pare cha niṣṇātaṁ brahmaṇy upaśamāśrayam [11]
Of all sadhu-sanga, the foremost is the service of the lotus feet of the bona fide Spiritual Master or Sad-guru —
Thus, a person in search of the ultimate good should surrender to the Guru who knows well the Vedic scriptures (Sabda-brahma) and the Supreme Absolute Lord (Parabrahma), and for whom the mundane world holds no charm whatsoever.
— Sri Prabuddha
तत्र शिक्षासेवाफलाप्तिश्च —
तत्र भागवतान्धर्म्मान्शिक्षेद्गुर्व्वात्मदैवतः ।
अमाययानुवृत्त्या यैस्तुष्येदात्मात्मदो हरिः ॥१२॥
tatra śikṣā-sevā-phalāptiś cha —
tatra bhāgavatān dharmān śikṣed gurvātma-daivataḥ
amāyayānuvṛttyā yais-tuṣyed ātmātmado hariḥ [12]
At the lotus feet of that Sad-guru, divine relationship, practise, and objective (sambandha, abhidheya, and prayojan) are all achieved —
Those divine practises of pure devotional service that please the self-giving Sri Hari (who gives Himself to His devotees) will be learned by continuously serving such a Guru with full sincerity, knowing him to be one’s dearmost well-wishing friend and the supremely worshipful embodiment of Sri Hari.
— Sri Prabuddha
तदीयाराधनं परमफलदम् —
मज्जन्मनः फलमिदं मधुकैटभारे
मत्प्रार्थनीय मदनुग्रह एष एव ।
भृत्यमिति मां स्मर लोकनाथ ॥१३॥
tadīyārādhanaṁ parama-phaladam —
maj-janmanaḥ phalam idaṁ madhu-kaiṭabhāre
mat prārthanīya mad anugraha eṣa eva
tvad bhṛtya-bhṛtya-parichāraka-bhṛtya-bhṛtya-
bhṛtyasya bhṛtyam iti māṁ smara lokanātha [13]
Devotional service rendered to the devotee bestows the highest fruit —
O Supreme Lord of all beings, O slayer of the demons Madhu and Kaitabha, this is the purpose of my life, this is my prayer, and this is Your grace — that You will remember me as Your servant, a servant of a servant of a Vaisnava, a servant of a servant of such a servant of a servant of a Vaisnava, and a servant of a servant of the servant of a servant of a Vaisnava’s servant’s servant.
— Sri Kulasekhar
तदीयसेवनं न हि तुच्छम् —
ज्ञानावलम्बकाः केचित्केचित्कर्म्मावलम्बकाः।
वयं तु हरिदासानां पादत्राणावलम्बकाः ॥१४॥
tadīya-sevanaṁ na hi tuchchham —
jñānāvalambakāḥ kechit kechit karmāvalambakāḥ
vayaṁ tu hari-dāsānāṁ pādatrāṇāvalambakāḥ [14]
Service to the Lord’s devotee is not a trifling matter —
Some people take shelter in the path of action (karma) while others take shelter in the path of knowledge (jnan). But as far as we are concerned, we have chosen the sandals of the servants of Lord Hari as the only refuge.
— Sri Desika Acharya
अस्मादनन्यनिष्ठा —
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्व्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाः ।
तथापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनम् ॥१५॥
asmād ananya-niṣṭhā —
tyajantu bāndhavāḥ sarve nindantu guravo janāḥ
tathāpi paramānando govindo mama jīvanam [15]
Exclusive dedication is born from service to the devotees —
My friends may forsake me and my (traditional) teachers may denounce me, but the light of my life will always be Sri Govinda, the personification of divine ecstasy.
— Sri Kulasekhar
अप्राकृतरत्युदयश्च —
यत्तद्वदन्तु शास्त्राणि यत्तद्व्याख्यान्तु तार्किकाः ।
जीवनं मम चैतन्य पादाम्भोजसुधैव तु ॥१६॥
aprākṛta-raty-udayaś cha —
yat tad vadantu śāstrāṇi yat tad vyākhyāntu tārkikāḥ
jīvanaṁ mama chaitanya-pādāmbhoja-sudhaiva tu [16]
Supramundane attachment also develops —
The scriptures may say whatever they have to say (in their various areas of jurisdiction), and the expert logicians may interpret them as they wish. But as far as I am concerned, the sweet nectar of the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanyachandra is my life and soul.
— Sri Prabodhananda Saraswati
साध्यसेवासङ्कल्पः —
प्रहर्षयिष्यामि सनाथजीवितम् ॥१७॥
sādhya-sevā-saṅkalpaḥ —
bhavantam evānucharan nirantaraḥ
kadāham aikāntika-nitya-kiṅkaraḥ
praharṣayiṣyāmi sanātha-jīvitam [17]
An earnest aspiration to achieve perfection in devotional service —
When will I bloom in a life of servitude as Your eternal devotee, my heart pacified due to all other desires being consumed by engagement in Your uninterrupted service?
— Sri Yamun Acharya
परिकरसिद्धेराकाङ्क्षा —
तृणीकृतानुत्तमभुक्तिमुक्तिभिः ।
महात्मभिर्मामवलोक्यतां नय
क्षणेऽपि ते यद्विरहोऽति दुःसहः ॥१८॥
parikara-siddher-ākāṅkṣā —
sakṛt tvad ākāra vilokanāśayā
mahātmabhir mām avalokyatāṁ naya
kṣaṇe ’pi te yad viraho ’ti duḥsahaḥ [18]
The aspiration to attain to the perfection of becoming an associate servitor of the Lord —
O my Lord, please lead me into the glance of those great devotees who, in their heart’s aspiration to only once behold Your divine form, consider sense enjoyment and liberation to be like straw, and whose separation is unbearable for even You.
— Sri Yamun Acharya
निरुपाधिकभक्तिस्वरूपोपलब्धिः —
भक्तिस्त्वयि स्थिरतरा भगवन्यदि स्याद्
दैवेन नः फलति दिव्यकिशोरमूर्त्तिः ।
मुक्तिः स्वयं मुकुलिताञ्जलि सेवतेऽस्मान्
धर्म्मार्थकामगतयः समयप्रतीक्षाः ॥१९॥
nirupādhika-bhakti-svarūpopalabdhiḥ —
bhaktis tvayi sthiratarā bhagavan yadi syād
daivena naḥ phalati divya-kiśora-mūrtiḥ
muktiḥ svayaṁ mukulitāñjali sevate ’smān
dharmārtha-kāma-gatayaḥ samaya-pratīkṣāḥ [19]
The realisation of the nature of unconditional devotion —
O Supreme Lord, if our devotion for You were more steadfast, Your adolescent form would naturally arise (appear) within our hearts. Then (there would not be the slightest necessity to pray for the triple pursuits of religiosity, gain, and sensual desire [dharma, artha, kama], and their negation in the form of liberation [mukti], because) mukti will personally attend us (as a concomitant subsidiary fruit of devotion, in the form of deliverance from ignorance), her hands cupped in prayer (like a preordained maidservant); and the fruits of bhukti (transitory pleasure culminating in attainment of heaven) will eagerly await their orders (from us, should any necessity arise for them in the service of Your lotus feet).
— Sri Bilvamangal Thakur
व्रजरसश्रेष्ठत्वम् —
श्रुतिमपरे स्मृतिमितरे भारतमन्ये भजन्तु भवभीताः ।
अहमिह नन्दं वन्दे यस्यालिन्दे परं ब्रह्म ॥२०॥
vraja-rasa-śreṣṭhatvam —
śrutim apare smṛtim itare
bhāratam anye bhajantu bhava-bhītāḥ
aham iha nandaṁ vande
yasyālinde paraṁ brahma [20]
The superexcellence of devotion in the mood of Vrndavan —
Of persons afraid of material existence, some worship the sruti scriptures (Vedas), some worship the smrti scriptures (supplementary religious codes), and others worship the Mahabharata. But as far as I am concerned, I worship Sri Nanda Maharaj, in whose courtyard the Supreme Absolute Truth is playing.
— Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya
तत्र भजनपद्धतिः —
स्मृत्योः क्रमेण रसनामनसी नियोज्य ।
तिष्ठन्व्रजे तदनुरागिजनानुगामी
कालं नयेदखिलमित्युपदेशसारः ॥२१॥
tatra bhajana-paddhatiḥ —
smṛtyoḥ krameṇa rasanā-manasī niyojya
tiṣṭhan vraje tad anurāgi-janānugāmī
kālaṁ nayed akhilam ity upadeśa-sāraḥ [21]3
— Sri Rupa Goswami
The path to devotion in the Vrndavan conception —
কৃষ্ণ নাম, রূপ, গুণ, লীলা চতুষ্টয় ।
গুরুমুখে শুনিলেই কীর্ত্তন উদয় ॥
কীর্ত্তিত হইলে ক্রমে স্মরণাঙ্গ পায় ।
কীর্ত্তন স্মরণকালে ক্রমপথে ধায় ॥
জাতরুচি-জন জিহ্বা মন মিলাইয়া ।
কৃষ্ণ-অনুরাগ ব্রজজনানুস্মরিয়া ॥
নিরন্তর ব্রজবাস মানস ভজন ।
এই উপদেশ-সার করহ গ্রহণ ॥২১॥
(শ্রীল ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী ঠাকুর)
kṛṣṇa nāma-rūpa-guṇa-līlā chatuṣṭaya
guru-mukhe śunilei kīrtana udaya
kīrtita haile krame smaraṇāṅga pāya
kīrtana smaraṇa-kāle krama-pathe dhāya
jāta-ruchi-jana jihvā mana milāiyā
kṛṣṇa-anurāga vraja-janānusmariyā
nirantara vraja-vāsa mānasa bhajana
ei upadeśa-sāra karaha grahaṇa
When Krishna’s Name, Form, Nature, and Pastimes divine
are heard from Sri Gurudev, one’s heart awakes in song.
As pure chanting ensues, remembrance is attained;
thus chanting and remembering, step-by-step ascent is gained.
Those engaging tongue and mind, who begin to relish nectar:
adore Sri Krishna, following the residents of Vraja.
Reside always in Vraja, within the heart’s devotion …
surely, you must accept this nectar of instruction.
व्रजभजनतारत्म्यानुभूतिः —
वैकुण्ठाज्जनितो वरा मधुपुरी तत्रापि रासोत्सवाद्
वृन्दारण्यमुदारपाणिरमणात्तत्रापि गोवर्द्धनः ।
राधाकुण्डमिहापि गोकुलपतेः प्रेमामृताप्लावनात्
कुर्य्यादस्य विराजतो गिरितटे सेवां विवेकी न कः ॥२२॥
vraja-bhajana-tāratmyānubhūtiḥ —
vaikuṇṭhāj janito varā madhu-purī tatrāpi rāsotsavād-
vṛndāraṇyam udāra-pāṇi-ramaṇāt tatrāpi govardhanaḥ
rādhā-kuṇḍam ihāpi gokula-pateḥ premāmṛtāplāvanāt
kuryād asya virājato giri-taṭe sevāṁ vivekī na kaḥ [22]
— Sri Rupa Goswami
The comparative ontological conception of devotion in Vrndavan —
বৈকুণ্ঠ হইতে শ্রেষ্ঠা মথুরা নগরী ।
জনম লভিলা যথা কৃষ্ণচন্দ্র হরি ॥
মথুরা হইতে শ্রেষ্ঠ বৃন্দাবন ধাম ।
যথা সাধিযাছে হরি রাসোৎসব-কাম ॥
বৃন্দাবন হইতে শ্রেষ্ঠ গোবর্দ্ধনশৈল ।
গিরিধারী-গান্ধর্ব্বিকা যথা ক্রীড়া কৈল ॥
গোবর্দ্ধন হইতে শ্রেষ্ঠ রাধাকুণ্ড-তট ।
প্রেমামৃতে ভাসাইল গোকুল লম্পট ॥
গোবর্দ্ধন গিরিতট রাধাকুণ্ড ছাড়ি’ ।
অন্যত্র যে করে নিজ কুঞ্জ পুষ্পবাড়ী ॥
নির্ব্বোধ তাহার সম কেহ নাহি আর ।
কুণ্ডতীর সর্ব্বোত্তম স্থান প্রেমাধার ॥২২॥
(শ্রীল ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী ঠাকুর)
vaikuṇṭha haite śreṣṭhā mathurā nagarī
janama labhilā yathā kṛṣṇachandra hari
mathurā haite śreṣṭha vṛndāvana dhāma
yathā sādhiyāchhe hari rāsotasava-kāma
vṛndāvana haite śreṣṭha govardhana-śaila
giridhārī-gāndharvikā yathā krīḍā kaila
govardhana haite śreṣṭha rādhā-kuṇḍa-taṭa
premāmṛte bhāsāila gokula lampaṭa
govardhana giri-taṭa rādhā-kuṇḍa chhāḍi’
anyatra ye kare nija kuñja puṣpa-bāḍī
nirbodha tāhāra sama keha nāhi āra
kuṇḍa-tīra sarvottama sthāna premādhāra
Higher than Vaikuntha is Mathura city
since there occurred the advent of Sri Krishnachandra Hari.
Better than Mathura is Vrndavan, the holy place
where Lord Hari enjoyed the joyous dance of amorous grace.
Above Vrndavan Dham is Govardhan Hill
the lifter of the hill, and His consort, there did intimately revel.
Even higher than Govardhan Hill is the banks of Radha Kunda
that the sweetheart of Gokula overfloods sweet love abound.
Who would select for his worship, any other place
disregarding this sacred pond at Govardhan’s base?
Such a foolish fellow surely can’t be found!
The highest abode of love divine is the banks of Radha Kunda.
व्रजरसस्वरूपसिद्धौ सम्बन्धज्ञानोदयप्रकारः —
गुरौ गोष्ठे गोष्ठालयिषु सुजने भूसुरगणे
स्वमन्त्रे श्रीनाम्नि व्रजनवयुवद्वन्द्वशरणे।
सदा दम्भं हित्वा कुरु रतिमपूर्व्वामतितराम्
अये स्वान्तर्भ्रातश्चटुभिरभियाचे धृतपदः॥२३॥
vraja-rasa-svarūpa-siddhau sambandha-jñānodaya-prakāraḥ —
gurau goṣṭhe goṣṭhālayiṣu sujane bhū-suragaṇe
sva-mantre śrī-nāmni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-śaraṇe
sadā dambhaṁ hitvā kuru ratim apūrvām atitarām
aye svāntar bhrātaś chaṭubhir abhiyāche dhṛta-padaḥ [23]
— Sri Raghunath Das Goswami
The proper approach to realise one’s eternally perfect divine identity in the Vrndavan mellow of devotion —
গুরুদেবে, ব্রজবনে, ব্রজভূমিবাসী জনে
শুদ্ধভক্তে, আর বিপ্রগণে ।
ইষ্টমন্ত্রে, হরিনামে, যুগল ভজনে কামে
কর রতি অপূর্ব্ব যতনে ॥
ধরি মন চরণে তোমার ।।
জানিযাছি এবে সার, কৃষ্ণভক্তি বিনা আর
নাহি ঘুচে জীবের সংসার ॥
কর্ম্ম, জ্ঞান, তপঃ, যোগ, সকলই ত’ কর্ম্মভোগ
কর্ম্ম ছাড়াইতে কেহ নারে ।
সকল ছাড়িয়া ভাই, শ্রদ্ধাদেবীর গুণ গাই
যাঁর কৃপা ভক্তি দিতে পারে ॥
ছাড়ি’ দম্ভ অনুক্ষণ, স্মর অষ্টতত্ত্ব মন
কর তাহে নিষ্কপট রতি ।
সেই রতি প্রার্থনায়, শ্রীদাস গোস্বামী পায়
এ ভকতিবিনোদ করে নতি ॥২০॥
(শ্রীল ভক্তিবিনোদ ঠাকুর)
gurudeve, vraja-vane, vraja-bhūmi-vāsī jane,
śuddha-bhakte, āra vipra-gaṇe
iṣṭa-mantre, hari-nāme, yugala bhajane kāme,
kara rati apūrva yatane
dhari mana charaṇe tomāra —
jāniyāchhi ebe sāra, kṛṣṇa-bhakti vinā āra,
nāhi ghuche jīvera saṁsāra
karma, jñāna, tapaḥ, yoga, sakala-i ta’ karma-bhoga,
karma chhāḍāite keha nāre
sakala chhāḍiyā bhāi, śraddhā-devīra guṇa gāi,
yā̐ra kṛpā bhakti dite pāre
chhāḍi’ dambha anukṣaṇa, smara aṣṭa-tattva mana,
kara tāhe niṣkapaṭa rati
sei rati prārthanāya, śrī-dāsa-gosvāmī pāya,
e bhakativinoda kare nati
(i) The Divine Master (ii) Sri Vrndavan
(iii) The residents of Sri Vrndavan
(iv) The pure Vaisnavas (v) The brahman section
(vi) The worshipful mantra (vii) The Holy Name
(viii) A yearning to serve the Couple Divine:
adore these eight with utmost dedication.
O dear mind, I implore thee at thy feet —
Already we have learned the essence:
nothing but Lord Krishna’s service
dispels the soul’s illusory experience.
Duty, knowledge, penance, meditation —
all are really exploitation:
none can free us from action and reaction;
Cast them all aside, O my brother
sing the glory of good faith, our mother
whose grace alone bestows pure devotion.
Banish your pride forever
O my mind, your eight goals remember:
adore them with a heart that is sincere.
Aspiring for that devoted heart
at Sri Das Goswami’s feet
this Bhakti Vinod makes his prayer.
नामाभिन्नव्रजभजनप्रार्थना —
अघदमनयशोदानन्दनौ नन्दसूनो
कमलनयनगोपीचन्द्रवृन्दावनेन्द्राः ।
त्वयि मम रतिरुच्चैर्वर्द्धतां नामधेय ॥२४॥
nāmābhinna-vraja-bhajana-prārthanā —
aghadamana-yaśodā-nandanau nanda-sūno
praṇatakaruṇa-kṛṣnāv ity aneka-svarūpe
tvayi mama ratir uchchair vardhatāṁ nāma-dheya [24]
A prayer to taste the nectar of devotion in Vrndavan (Vraja-rasa), non-different from serving the Holy Name in pure devotion (Nam-bhajan) —
O Aghadamana, O Yasoda Nandan, O Nanda Suna, O Kamala-nayan, O Gopichandra, O Vrndavanendra, O Pranata-karuna, O Krishna — You have appeared in many divine forms, such as these. Therefore, O Lord, who are known by these Holy Names, kindly let my fondness for You flourish.
— Sri Rupa Goswami
परमसिद्धिसङ्कल्पः —
कदाहं यमुनातीरे नामानि तव कीर्त्तयन् ।
उद्बाष्पः पुण्डरीकाक्ष रचयिष्यामि ताण्डवम् ॥२५॥
parama-siddhi-saṅkalpaḥ —
kadāhaṁ yamunā-tīre nāmāni tava kīrtayan
udbāṣpaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣa rachayiṣyāmi tāṇḍavam [25]
Divine aspiration in separation is favourable to perfection —
O lotus-eyed Lord, when will I dance on the banks of the Yamuna, chanting Your Holy Name with tears in my eyes?
— votary
विप्रलम्भे मिलनसिद्धौ नामभजनानुकूल्यम् —
नयनं गलदश्रुधारया वदनं गद्गदरुद्धया गिरा ।
पुलकैर्निचितं वपुः कदा तव नामग्रहणे भविष्यति ॥२६॥
vipralambhe milana-siddhau nāma-bhajanānukūlyam —
nayanaṁ galad-aśru-dhārayā
vadanaṁ gad-gada-ruddhayā girā
pulakair nichitaṁ vapuḥ kadā
tava nāma-grahaṇe bhaviṣyati [26]
Serving the Holy Name in pure devotion (Nam-bhajan) in the pain of separation is favourable to achieve union with the Lord —
O Lord, when will my eyes be adorned with tears of love, flowing like waves? When will my words choke with ecstasy, and when will the hairs of my body stand erect while chanting Your Holy Name?
— the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanyachandra
इति श्रीप्रपन्नजीवनामृते
आनुकूल्यस्य सङ्कल्पो नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः।
iti śri-prapanna-jīvanāmṛte
ānukūlyasya-saṅkalpo nāma tṛtīyo ’dhyāyaḥ
thus ends the third chapter
Acceptance of the Favourable
Words of Nectar from the Devotees