Chapter 3. First Obeisances
যাঁর অংশে সত্যভামা দ্বারকায় ধাম ।
সে রাধা-চরণে মোর অসংখ্য প্রণাম ॥১
yā̐ra aṁśe satyabhāmā dvārakāya dhāma
se rādhā-charaṇe mora asaṅkhya praṇāma [1]
mora asankhya pranama–I bow innumerable times se radha-charane–at the feet of Radha, ya̐ra–whose amse–expansion dvarakaya dhama–in the abode of Dvaraka [is] satyabhama–Satyabhama. [1]
I bow innumerable times at the feet of Radha, whose expansion in Dvaraka is Satyabhama.
শ্রীনন্দনন্দন এবে শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য ।
গদাধরে সঙ্গে আনি’ নদীয়া কৈল ধন্য ॥২
śrī-nanda-nandana ebe śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya
gadādhare saṅge āni’ nadīyā kaila dhanya [2]
sri-nanda-nandana–The son of Sri Nanda [is] ebe–now sri-krsna-chaitanya–Sri Krsna Chaitanya. ani’–Bringing gadadhare–Gadadhar sange–with [Him,] dhanya kaila–He has blessed nadiya–Nadia. [2]
The son of Nanda is now Sri Krsna Chaitanya. Bringing Gadadhar with Him, He has blessed Nadia.
গদাধর লঞা শ্রীপুরুষোত্তম আইল ।
গদাই-গৌরাঙ্গ-রূপে গূঢ়-লীলা কৈল ।
টোটা-গোপীনাথ-সেবা গদাধরে দিল ॥৩
gadādhare lañā śrī-puruṣottama āila
gadāi-gaurāṅga-rūpe gūḍha-līlā kaila
ṭoṭā-gopīnātha-sevā gadādhare dila [3]
lana–He took gadadhare–Gadadhar [and] aila–came sri-purusottama–to Jagannath Puri. gadai-gauranga-rupe–As Gauranga with Gadai, kaila–He performed gudha-lila–confidential Pastimes, [and] dila–He gave gadadhare–Gadadhar tota-gopinatha-seva–the service of Tota Gopinath. [3]
He took Gadadhar and came to Sri Purusottam Ksetra. As Gauranga with Gadai, He performed confidential Pastimes, and He gave Gadadhar the service of Tota Gopinath.
মোরে দিল গিরিধারী-সেবা সিন্ধুতটে ।
গৌড়ীয়-ভকত সব আমার নিকটে ॥৪
more dila giridhārī-sevā sindhu-taṭe
gauḍīya-bhakata saba āmāra nikaṭe [4]
dila–The Lord gave more–me giridhari-seva–the service of Giridhari sindhu-tate–on the shore of the ocean, [and kept] saba–all the gaudiya-bhakata–devotees from Gauda amara nikate–with me. [4]
The Lord gave me the service of Giridhari on the shore of the ocean, and kept all the devotees from Gauda with me.
দামোদর স্বরূপ আমার প্রাণের সমান ।
শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য যার দেহ-মন-প্রাণ ॥৫
dāmodara svarūpa āmāra prāṇera samāna
śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya yāra deha-mana-prāṇa [5]
svarupa damodara–Svarup Damodar [is] amara pranera samana–like my heart, [and] sri-krsna-chaitanya–Sri Krsna Chaitanya [is] yara–his deha-mana-prana–body, heart, and mind. [5]
Svarup Damodar is my heart, and Sri Krsna Chaitanya is his body, heart, and mind.
নমি প্রাণ-গৌর-পদে সাষ্টাঙ্গ পড়িয়া ।
এ ‘প্রেমবিবর্ত্ত’ লিখি ভক্ত-আজ্ঞা পায়া ॥৬
nami prāṇa-gaura-pade sāṣṭāṅge paḍiyā
e ‘prema-vivarta’ likhi bhakta-ājñā pāyā [6]
nami–I bow, sastange padiya–prostrating myself, prana-gaura-pade–at the feet of [my] beloved Gaura, [and] likhi–write e–this ‘prema-vivarta’–Prema-vivarta paya–having received bhakta-ajna–the order of the devotees. [6]
I prostrate myself at the feet of my beloved Gaura and write this Prema-vivarta, having received the order of the devotees.