Chapter 9. Proper Renunciation
বৈরাগ্য দুই প্রকার — ফল্গু ও যুক্ত
vairagya dui prakara — phalgu o yukta
There are two types of renunciation: false and proper
একদিন জিজ্ঞাসিলেন গোসাঞি সনাতন ।
«‘যুক্ত বৈরাগ্য’ কারে বলে প্রভু করুন বর্ণন ॥১॥
eka-dina jijñāsilena gosāñi sanātana
«‘yukta vairāgya’ kāre bale prabhu karuna varṇana [1]॥
eka-dina–One day, sanatana gosani–Sanatan Goswami jijnasilena–asked, «kare bale–«What is ‘yukta vairagya’–proper renunciation? prabhu–O Lord, varnana karuna–please explain [it]. [1]
One day, Sanatan Goswami asked, «What is proper renunciation? O Lord, please explain it.
মায়াবাদী বলে, ‘সব কাকবিষ্ঠাসম ।
বিষয় জানিলে ন্যাসী হয় সর্ব্বোত্তম’ ॥২॥
māyāvādī bale, ‘saba kāka-viṣṭhā-sama
viṣaya jānile nyāsī haya sarvottama’ [2]॥
mayavadi–Illusionists bale–say, ‘nyasi janile–‘If a sannyasi considers saba visaya–everything material kaka-vistha-sama–to be equal to crow’s stool, [then] haya–they are sarvottama’–the best of all.’ [2]
«Mayavadis say, ‘If a sannyasi considers everything material to be crow’s stool, then they are the best of men.’
বৈষ্ণবের কি কর্ত্তব্য জানিতে ইচ্ছা করি ।
কৃপা করি’ আজ্ঞা কর আজ্ঞা শিরে ধরি» ॥৩॥
vaiṣṇavera ki kartavya jānite ichchhā kari
kṛpā kari’ ājñā kara ājñā śire dhari» [3]॥
ichchha kari–I want janite–to know ki–what [are] kartavya–the duties vaisnavera–of a Vaisnava. krpa kari’–Mercifully ajna kara–instruct [me]. dhari–I hold [your] ajna»–instructions sire–on [my] head.» [3]
«I want to know the duties of a Vaisnava. Please instruct me, so I can hold Your instructions on my head.»
প্রভু বলে, «বৈরাগ্য হয় দুই ত প্রকার ।
‘ফল্গু’-‘যুক্ত’ ভেদ আমি শিখাইনু বার বার ॥৪॥
prabhu bale, «vairāgya haya dui ta prakāra
‘phalgu’-‘yukta’ bhede āmi śikhāinu bāra bāra [4]॥
prabhu–The Lord bale–said, «haya–«There are dui ta–two prakara–types vairagya–of renunciation: ‘phalgu’-‘yukta’–false and proper. ami–I sikhainu–have taught bhede–the difference bara bara–many times. [4]
The Lord said, «There are two types of renunciation: false and proper. I have taught the difference between them many times.
False renunciation
কর্ম্মী জ্ঞানী যবে করে নির্ব্বেদ আশ্রয় ।
তার চিত্তে ফল্গুবৈরাগ্য পায় দুষ্টাশয় ॥৫॥
karmī jñānī yabe kare nirveda āśraya
tāra chitte phalgu-vairāgya pāya duṣṭāśaya [5]॥
yabe–When karmi–materialists [and] jnani–speculators nirveda asraya kare–resort to apathy, paya–they develop dustasaya–the wickedness phalgu-vairagya–of false renunciation tara chitte–within their minds. [5]
«When materialists and speculators resort to apathy (towards the world), the wickedness of false renunciation arises in their minds.
সংসারেতে তুচ্ছবুদ্ধি আসিয়া তখন ।
জড়-বিপরীত ধর্ম্মে করে প্রবর্ত্তন ॥৬॥
saṁsārete tuchchha-buddhi āsiyā takhana
jaḍa-viparīta dharme kare pravartana [6]॥
takhana–Then, samsarete tuchchha-buddhi–the mentality that the world is trifling asiya–comes [to them, and] pravartana kare–they start jada-viparita dharme–to oppose material nature. [6]
«They develop the mentality that samsara is trifling and begin to oppose material nature.
কৃষ্ণসেবা সাধুসেবা আত্মরসাস্বাদ ।
জড়-বিপরীত ধর্ম্মে পায় নিতান্ত অবসাদ ॥৭॥
kṛṣṇa-sevā sādhu-sevā ātma-rasāsvāda
jaḍa-viparīta dharme pāya nitānta avasāda [7]॥
krsna-seva–Service to Krsna [and] sadhu-seva–service to the sadhus [are] atma-rasasvada–relishable to the soul. jada-viparita dharme–By opposing material nature, paya–you become nitanta–completely avasada–disheartened. [7]
«Service to Krsna and the sadhus is relishable to the soul. By simply opposing material nature, you end up completely disheartened.
ফল্গুবৈরাগীর মন সদা শুষ্ক রসহীন ।
নামরূপগুণলীলা না হয় সমীচীন ॥৮॥
phalgu-vairāgīra mana sadā śuṣka rasa-hīna
nāma-rūpa-guṇa-līlā nā haya samīchīna [8]॥
mana–The mind phalgu-vairagira–of a false renunciant [is] sada–always suska–dry [and] rasa-hina–dissatisfied. haya–It is na–not samichina–fit nama-rupa-guna-lila–for [the Lord’s] Name, Form, Qualities, and Pastimes. [8]
«The mind of a false renunciant is always dry and dissatisfied. It is unfit for the Lord’s Name, Form, Qualities, and Pastimes.
Proper renunciation
যুক্তবৈরাগীর ভক্তি হয় ত’ সুলভ ।
কৃষ্ণভক্তি-পূত বিষয় তার ঘটে সব ॥৯॥
yukta-vairāgīra bhakti haya ta’ sulabha
kṛṣṇa-bhakti-pūta viṣaya tāra ghaṭe saba [9]॥
yukta-vairagira ta’ sulabha haya–A proper renunciant easily attains bhakti–devotion: tara saba visaya ghate–everything they do [is] krsna-bhakti-puta–purified by devotion to Krsna. [9]
«A proper renunciant easily attains devotion: everything they do is purified by devotion to Krsna.
প্রকৃতির জড়ধর্ম্ম তার চিত্ত ছাড়ে অনায়াসে ।
চিৎ-আশ্রয়ে মজে শীঘ্র অপ্রাকৃত ভক্তিরসে ॥১০॥
prakṛtira jaḍa-dharma tāra chitta chhāḍe anāyāse
chit-āśraye maje śīghra āprākṛta bhakti-rase [10]॥
tara–Their chitta–heart anayase–easily chhade–gives up jada-dharma–the dull nature prakrtira–of matter, [and] chit-asraye–in shelter of spirit, sighra–quickly maje–revels aprakrta bhakti-rase–in the joy of supramundane devotion. [10]
«Their heart easily gives up the dull nature of matter and, sheltered in spirit, quickly begins to relish the joy of supramundane devotion.
ভক্তিযোগে শ্রীকৃষ্ণের প্রসন্নতা পায় ।
‘ন মে ভক্তঃ প্রণশ্যতি’, প্রতিজ্ঞা জানায় ॥১১॥
bhakti-yoge śrī-kṛṣṇera prasannatā pāya
‘na me bhaktaḥ praṇaśyati’, pratijñā jānāya [11]॥
paya–They attain prasannata–the favour sri-krsnera–of Sri Krsna bhakti-yoge–through the practice of devotion, [and then] janaya–proclaim [Krsna’s] pratijna–promise (Bg: 9.31): ‘me–‘My bhaktah–devotee pranasyati na’–is never vanquished.’ [11]
«They attain the favour of Sri Krsna through the practice of devotion and then proclaim Krsna’s promise: ‘Na Me bhaktah pranasyati: My devotee is never vanquished.’*
* See 19.41–2.
প্রসন্ন হইয়া কৃষ্ণ যারে কৃপা করে ।
সেই জন ধন্য এই সংসার-ভিতরে ॥১২॥
prasanna ha-iyā kṛṣṇa yāre kṛpā kare
sei jana dhanya ei saṁsāra-bhitare [12]॥
sei jana yare–Those whom krsna–Krsna prasanna ha-iya–is pleased [with and] krpa kare–blesses [are] dhanya–fortunate ei samsara-bhitare–within this world. [12]
«Those whom Krsna is pleased with and blesses are truly fortunate within this world.
গোলোকের পরম ভাব তার চিত্তে স্ফুরে ।
গোকুলে গোলোক পায় মায়া পড়ে দূরে ॥১৩॥
golokera parama bhāva tāra chitte sphure
gokule goloka pāya māyā paḍe dūre [13]॥
parama bhava–The supreme mood golokera–of Goloka sphure–appears tara chitte–in their hearts, paya–they attain goloka–Goloka gokule–in Gokula (on earth), [and] maya–Maya dure pade–falls away [from them]. [13]
«The supreme mood of Goloka appears in their hearts, they attain Goloka in Gokula, and Maya falls away from them.
শুষ্কবৈরাগ্য দূর করা কর্ত্তব্য
suska-vairagya dura kara kartavya
Avoiding dry renunciation is our duty
ওরে ভাই শুষ্কবৈরাগ্য এবে দূর কর ।
যুক্তবৈরাগ্য আনি’ সদা হৃদয়েতে ধর ॥১৪॥
ore bhāi śuṣka-vairāgya ebe dūra kara
yukta-vairāgya āni’ sadā hṛdayete dhara [14]॥
ore–O bhai–brother, ebe–now dura kara–avoid suska–dry vairagya–renunciation. ani’–Bring yukta–proper vairagya–renunciation hrdayete–into [your] heart [and] dhara–hold [it there] sada–forever. [14]
«O brother, from now on, avoid dry renunciation. Bring proper renunciation into your heart and keep it there forever.
বিষয় ছাড়িয়া ভাই কোথা যাবে বল ।
বনে যাবে, সেখানে বিষয়-জঞ্জাল ॥১৫॥
viṣaya chhāḍiyā bhāi kothā yābe bala
vane yābe, sekhāne viṣaya-jañjāla [15]॥
bhai–Brother, bala–tell Me, chhadiya–after abandoning visaya–worldly affairs, kotha–where yabe–will you go? yabe–You will go vane–to the forest, [and] sekhane–there [you will find] visaya-janjala–worldly troubles. [15]
«Brother, tell Me, after abandoning worldly affairs, where will you go? You will go to the forest, and there also you will find worldly troubles.
পেট তোমার সঙ্গে যাবে, দেহের রক্ষণে ।
কত লেঠা হবে তাহা ভেবে দেখ মনে ॥১৬॥
peṭa tomāra saṅge yābe, dehera rakṣaṇe
kata leṭhā habe tāhā bhebe dekha mane [16]॥
tomara–Your peta–belly yabe–will go sange–with [you;] bhebe mane dekha–think [about] kata–how much letha–difficulty habe–there will be dehera raksane–to maintain [your] body taha–there. [16]
«Your belly will go with you; think about how difficult it will be to maintain your body there.
অকারণে জীবনের শীঘ্র হবে ক্ষয় ।
মরিলে কেমনে আর মায়া কর্বে জয় ॥১৭॥
akāraṇe jīvanera śighra habe kṣaya
marile kemane āra māyā karbe jaya [17]॥
akarane–Unecessarily, [your] jivanera ksaya habe–life will end sighra–quickly, ara–and marile–if you die, kemane–how jaya karbe–will you conquer maya–maya? [17]
«Unnecessarily, your life will end quickly, and if you die, how will you conquer maya?
যদিও না মর তবু হইবে দুর্ব্বল ।
জ্ঞাননাশ হৈলে কোথা জ্ঞানের সম্বল ॥১৮॥
yadio nā mara tabu ha-ibe durbala
jñāna-nāśa ha-ile kothā jñānera sambala [18]॥
yadio–Even if mara na–you do not die, tabu–still durbala ha-ibe–you will become weak, [and] jnana-nasa ha-ile–if your knowledge is lost [as a result, then] kotha–where [is] sambala–the benefit jnanera–of that knowledge? [18]
«Even if you do not die, you will still become weak, and if you lose your knowledge as a result, what benefit will you get from it?
সুতরাং যুক্তবৈরাগ্য কর্ত্তব্য
sutaram yukta-vairagya kartavya
So, proper renunciation is our duty
ঘরে বসি’ সদা কাল কৃষ্ণনাম লঞা ।
যথাযোগ্য-বিষয় ভুঞ্জ, অনাসক্ত হঞা ॥১৯॥
ghare basi’ sadā kāla kṛṣṇa-nāma lañā
yathā-yogya-viṣaya bhuñja, anāsakta hañā [19]॥
basi’–Stay ghare–at home, [and] sada kala–at all times lana–chant krsna-nama–the Name of Krsna. yatha-yogya–As appropriate, visaya bhunja–interact with the world, hana–remaining anasakta–detached. [19]
«Stay at home and always chant the Name of Krsna. As appropriate, interact with the world, remaining detached.
«যথাযোগ্য» এই শব্দ দুটীর মর্ম্মার্থ বুঝে লহ ।
কপটার্থ লঞা যেন দেহারামী না হ ॥২০॥
«yathā-yogya» ei śabda duṭīra marmārtha bujhe laha
kapaṭārtha lañā yena dehārāmī nā ha [20]॥
bujhe laha–Understand dutira–the two marmartha–purports ei sabda–of the phrase «yatha-yogya»–‘as appropriate’. yena na–Do not lana–accept kapatartha–the false meaning [and] ha–become deharami–a sensualist. [20]
«Understand the two purports of the phrase ‘as appropriate’ so that you do not accept the false meaning and become a sensualist.
শুদ্ধভক্তির অনুকূল কর অঙ্গীকার ।
শুদ্ধভক্তির প্রতিকূল কর অস্বীকার ॥২১॥
śuddha-bhaktira anukūla kara aṅgīkāra
śuddha-bhaktira pratikūla kara asvīkāra [21]॥
angikara kara–Accept [everything] anukula–favourable suddha-bhaktira–to pure devotion, [and] asvikara kara–reject [everything] pratikula–unfavourable suddha-bhaktira–to pure devotion. [21]
«Accept everything favourable to pure devotion, and reject everything unfavourable to pure devotion.
মর্ম্মার্থ ছাড়িয়া যেবা শব্দ অর্থ করে ।
রসের বশে দেহারামী কপট মার্গ ধরে ॥২২॥
marmārtha chhāḍiyā yebā śabda artha kare
rasera vaśe dehārāmī kapaṭa mārga dhare [22]॥
yeba–Those who chhadiya–reject marmartha–this purport [and] artha kare–interpret sabda–the phrase [otherwise are] deharami–sensualists rasera vase–controlled by pleasures; [they] dhare–follow marga–the path kapata–of deceit. [22]
«Those who reject this purport and misinterpret the phrase are sensualists controlled by pleasures; they follow the path of deceit.
ভাল খায়, ভাল পরে, করে বহু ধনার্জ্জন ।
যোষিৎসঙ্গে রত হঞা ফিরে রাত্রদিন ।
ভাল শয্যা অট্টালিকা খোঁজে অর্ব্বাচীন ॥২৩॥
bhāla khāya, bhāla pare, kare bahu dhanārjana
yoṣit-saṅge rata hañā phire rātra-dina
bhāla śayyā aṭṭālikā kho̐je arvāchīna [23]॥
khaya–They eat bhala–fancy [food], pare–wear bhala–fancy [clothes, and] bahu dhanarjana kare–accumulate immense wealth. hana–Being rata–attached yosit-sange–to the company of women, arvachina–such fools phire–roam about ratra-dina–night and day [and] kho̐je–search attalika–for a mansion [with] bhala sayya–a fancy bed. [23]
«They eat fancy food, wear fancy clothes, and accumulate immense wealth. Attached to the company of women, such fools roam about night and day searching for a mansion with a fancy bed.
দেহযাত্রার উপযোগী নিতান্ত প্রয়োজন ।
বিষয় স্বীকার করি’ কর দেহের রক্ষণ ॥২৪॥
deha-yātrāra upayogī nitānta prayojana
viṣaya svīkāra kari’ kara dehera rakṣaṇa [24]॥
[Instead of all this,] dehera raksana kara–maintain the body svikara kari’–by accepting visaya–things [that are] upayogi–suitable [and] nitanta–actually prayojana–necessary deha-yatrara–for the body’s preservation. [24]
«Instead of all this, maintain the body by accepting things that are suitable and actually necessary for its preservation.
সাত্ত্বিক সেবন কর আসব বর্জ্জন ।
সর্ব্বভূতে দয়া করি’ কর উচ্চ সঙ্কীর্ত্তন ॥২৫॥
sāttvika sevana kara āsaba varjana
sarva-bhūte dayā kari’ kara uchcha saṅkīrtana [25]॥
sevana kara–Eat sattvika–things in the mode of goodness [and] varjana–reject asaba–intoxicants. daya kari’–Be kind sarva-bhuta–to all beings [and] uchcha sankirtana kara–chant loudly. [25]
«Eat food in the mode of goodness and reject intoxicants. Be kind to all beings and loudly chant the Name.
দেবসেবা ছল করি’ বিষয় নাহি কর ।
বিষয়েতে রাগ-দ্বেষ সদা পরিহর ॥২৬॥
deva-sevā chhala kari’ viṣaya nāhi kara
viṣayete rāga-dveṣa sadā parihara [26]॥
visaya kara nahi–Do not engage in worldly affairs chhala kari’–by making a pretence deva-seva–of Deity worship, [and] sada–always parihara–avoid raga-dvesa–attachment and aversion visayete–to worldly matters. [26]
«Do not engage in worldly affairs on the pretence of Deity worship, and always avoid attachment and aversion to worldly matters.
পরহিংসা কপটতা অন্য সনে বৈর ।
কভু নাহি কর ভাই যদি মোর বাক্য ধর ॥২৭॥
para-hiṁsā kapaṭatā anya sane vaira
kabhu nāhi kara bhāi yadi mora vākya dhara [27]॥
kabhu nahi–Never kara–engage in para-himsa–envy, kapatata–deceit, [or] vaira–enmity anya sane–with others, bhai–brother, yadi–if [you want to] dhara–follow mora–My vakya–advice. [27]
«Never behave enviously, deceitfully, or inimically with others, brother, if you want to follow My advice.
নির্জ্জন সুদৃঢ় ভক্তি কর আলোচন ।
কৃষ্ণসেবার সম্বন্ধে দিন করহ যাপন ॥২৮॥
nirjana sudṛḍha bhakti kara ālochana
kṛṣṇa-sevāra sambandhe dina karaha yāpana [28]॥
alochana kara–Discuss sudrdha–resolute bhakti–devotion nirjana–in seclusion, [and] yapana karaha–spend [your] dina–days sambandhe–engaged in krsna-sevara–the service of Krsna. [28]
«Discuss resolute devotion in seclusion, and spend your days engaged in the service of Krsna.
মঠ মন্দির দালান বাড়ীর না কর প্রয়াস ।
অর্থ থাকে কর ভাই যেমন অভিলাষ ॥২৯॥
maṭha mandira dālāna bāḍīra nā kara prayāsa
artha thāke kara bhāi yemana abhilāṣa [29]॥
prayasa kara na–Do not endeavour matha mandira dalana badira–for monasteries, temples, or big houses, [but] artha thake–if you have wealth, bhai–brother, [then you can] kara–make [them,] yemana–as [you] abhilasa–desire. [29]
«Do not endeavour to make monasteries, temples, or big houses, but if you have wealth, brother, then you can make them, as you desire.
অর্থ নাই তবে মাত্র সাত্ত্বিক সেবা কর ।
জল-তুলসী দিয়া গিরিধারীকে বক্ষে ধর ॥৩০॥
artha nāi tabe mātra sāttvika sevā kara
jala-tulasī diyā giridhārīke vakṣe dhara [30]॥
artha nai–If you do not have wealth, tabe–then matra–simply sattvika seva kara–perform pure worship. diya–Offer jala-tulasi–water and Tulasi giridharike–to Giridhari [and] dhara–hold [Him] vakse–to [your] chest. [30]
«If you do not have wealth, then simply perform pure worship. Offer water and Tulasi to Giridhari and hold Him to your chest.
ভাবেতে কাঁদিয়া বল, «আমি ত’ তোমার ।
তব পাদপদ্ম চিত্তে রহুক আমার» ॥৩১॥
bhāvete kā̐diyā bala, «āmi ta’ tomāra
tava pāda-padma chitte rahuka āmāra» [31]॥
ka̐diya–Crying bhavete–with love, bala–say, ‘ami ta’–‘I [am] tomara–Yours. [Let] tava–Your pada-padma–lotus feet rahuka–remain amara chitte’–in my heart.’ [31]
«Crying with love, pray, ‘I am Yours. Let Your lotus feet remain in my heart.’
বৈষ্ণবে আদর কর প্রসাদাদি দিয়া ।
অর্থ নাই দৈন্যবাক্যে তোষ মিনতি করিয়া ॥৩২॥
vaiṣṇave ādara kara prasādādi diyā
artha nāi dainya-vākye toṣa minati kariyā [32]॥
adara kara–Honour vaisnave–the Vaisnavas diya–with prasadadi–prasad and other remnants. artha nai–If you have no wealth, [then] minati kariya–submissively tosa–satisfy [them] dainya-vakye–with humble words. [32]
«Honour the Vaisnavas with prasad and other remnants. If you have no wealth, then submissively satisfy them with humble words.
পরিজন পরিকর কৃষ্ণদাস-দাসী ।
আত্মসম পালনে হইবে মিষ্টভাষী ॥৩৩॥
parijana parikara kṛṣṇa-dāsa-dāsī
ātma-sama pālane ha-ibe miṣṭa-bhāṣī [33]॥
[Consider your] parijana–friends [and] parikara–relatives krsna-dasa-dasi–Krsna’s servants and maidservants, palane ha-ibe–care [for them] atma-sama–as you do for yourself, [and] mista-bhasi–speak [to them] sweetly. [33]
«Consider your friends and relatives servants of Krsna, care for them as well as you care for yourself, and speak to them sweetly.
স্মরণ-কীর্ত্তন-সেবা সর্ব্বভূতে দয়া ।
এই ত’ করিবে যুক্ত বৈরাগী হইয়া ॥৩৪॥
smaraṇa-kīrtana-sevā sarva-bhūte dayā
ei ta’ karibe yukta vairāgī ha-iyā [34]॥
smarana-kirtana-seva–Remember, glorify, and serve [the Lord, and] daya–be kind sarva-bhute–to all beings. karibe–Do ei ta’–this, ha-iya–being yukta vairagi–a proper renunciant. [34]
«Remember, glorify, and serve the Lord, and be kind to all beings. Do all this as a proper renunciant.
কৃষ্ণ যদি নাহি দেয় পরিজন-পরিকর ।
অথবা দিয়া ত লয় সর্ব্ব সুখের আকর ॥৩৫॥
kṛṣṇa yadi nāhi deya parijana-parikara
athavā diyā ta laya sarva sukhera ākara [35]॥
yadi–If krsna–Krsna deya nahi–does not give [you] parijana-parikara–friends and relatives, athava–or if diya–He gives [them and then] ta laya–takes [them] away, [accept] sarva–all [such conditions as] akara–a source sukhera–of joy. [35]
«Krsna may not give you friends and relatives, or He may give them and then take them away. Accept all such conditions as a source of joy.
শোক-মোহ ছাড় ভাই নাম কর নিরন্তর» ।
জগাই বলে, «এভাব গৌরের সনে মোর কোঁদল বিস্তর» ॥৩৬॥
śoka-moha chhāḍa bhāi nāma kara nirantara»
jagāi bale, «e-bhāva gaurera sane mora ko̐dala vistara» [36]॥
bhai–Brother, chhada–leave behind soka-moha–lamentation and bewilderment, [and] nirantara–always nama kara»–chant the Name.» jagai–Jagai bale–says, «mora–«I have vistara–many ko̐dala–quarrels e-bhava»–about this subject gaurera sane–with Gaura.» [36]
«Brother, leave behind all lamentation and bewilderment, and always chant the Name.» Jagai says, «I have many quarrels with Gaura about this.»