Srimad Bhagavata-mahima-stotram
श्रीमद्भागवतं पुराणममलं यद्वैष्णवानां प्रियं
यस्मिन्पारमहंस्यमेकममलं ज्ञानं परं गीयते ।
तत्र ज्ञानविरागभक्तिसहितं नैष्कर्म्म्यमाविस्कृतं
तच्छृण्वन्सुपठन्विचारणपरो भक्त्या विमुच्येन्नरः ॥
śrīmad bhāgavataṁ purāṇam amalaṁ yad vaiṣṇavānāṁ priyaṁ
yasmin pāramahaṁsyam ekam amalaṁ jñānaṁ paraṁ gīyate
tatra jñāna-virāga-bhakti-sahitaṁ naiṣkarmyam āviskṛtaṁ
tach chhṛṇvan supaṭhan vichāraṇa-paro bhaktyā vimuchyen naraḥ
A man may do well to rid himself of the shackles of the world, by listening to, reading well and deliberation of the Srimad Bhagavatam, the stainless Purana, which is so dear to the Vaisnavas, in which there is sung the only true and flawless knowledge of the first rate devotees of God, known as paramahamsas, and in which there has been discovered the complete cessation of fruit-bearing activities, attended with divine wisdom, apathy to the world, and devotion to God.
सर्व्वशास्त्रव्धिपोयूष सर्व्ववेदैकसत्फल ।
सर्व्वसिद्धान्तरत्नाढ्य सर्व्वलोकैकदृक्प्रद ॥
सर्व्वभागवतप्राण श्रीमद्भागवत प्रभो ।
कलिध्वान्तोदितादित्य श्रीकृष्णपरिवर्त्तित ॥
परमानन्दपाठाय प्रेमवर्ष्यक्षराय ते ।
सर्व्वदा सर्व्वसेव्याय श्रीकृष्णाय नमोऽस्तु मे ॥
मदेकबन्धो मत्सङ्गिन्मद्गुरो मन्महाधन ।
मन्निस्तारक मद्भाग्य मदानन्द नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
असाधुसाधुतादायिन्नतिनीचोच्चतारक ।
हा न मुञ्च कदाचिन्मां प्रेम्णा हृत्कण्ठयोः स्फुर ॥
sarva-śāstrābdhi-pīyūṣa sarva-vedaika-sat-phala
sarva-siddhānta-ratnāḍhya sarva-lokaika-dṛk-prada
sarva-bhāgavata-prāṇa śrīmad-bhāgavata prabho
kali-dhvāntoditāditya śrī-kṛṣṇa-parivartita
paramānanda-pāṭhāya prema-varṣy-akṣarāya te
sarvadā sarva-sevyāya śrī-kṛṣṇāya namo ’stu me
mad-eka-bandho mat-saṅgin mad-guro man-mahādhana
man-nistāraka mad-bhāgya mad-ānanda namo ’stu te
asādhu-sādhutā-dāyin atinīchochcha-tāraka
hā na muñcha kadāchin māṁ premṇā hṛt-kaṇṭhayoḥ sphura
[«O nectar from the ocean of all of the scriptures, O divine fruit of all of the Vedas, O you who are adorned with the jewels of all siddhanta, O sole giver of vision to all souls, O life of all devotees, O Srimad Bhagavatam, O Lord, O sun arisen in the darkness of Kali-yuga, O return of Sri Krishna, O you who are the greatest joy to read, O you whose letters shower divine love, O you who are worshippable to everyone, O Sri Krishna Himself, I eternally bow to you.
«My only friend, my companion, my teacher, my greatest wealth, my deliverer, my good fortune, my joy, I bow to you.
O giver of virtue to the virtueless, O uplifter of the most lowly, may you never abandon me. May you manifest with divine love within my heart and throat.»]
pīyatāṁ pīyatāṁ nityaṁ gāhyatāṁ gāhyatāṁ mudā
pluyatāṁ pluyatāṁ svairaṁ dhāryatāṁ hṛdaye sadā
[«May you be drunk constantly. May you be sung with joy. May it be swam within unreservedly. May you be held with the heart forever.»]