Kirtans Glorifying Sri Nityananda Prabhu
nitāi-pada-kamala koṭī-chandra-suśītala
ye chhāyāya jagata juḍāya
hena nitāi vine bhāi rādhā-kṛṣṇa pāite nāi
dṛḍha kari’ dhara nitāira pāya [1]
Cooling like ten million moons, Nitai’s lotus feet soothe the world with their shade. O brother! Without Nitai, you cannot reach Radha-Krishna. Firmly grasp Nitai’s feet.
se sambandha nāhi yāra vṛthā janma gela tāra
sei paśu baḍa durāchāra
nitāi nā balila mukhe majila saṁsāra-sukhe
vidyā-kule ki karibe tāra [2]
The life of one who had no connection with Nitai passed in vain. Such an animal is very wicked. What will learning (aristocratic birth) do for one who was immersed in worldly pleasures and never called aloud, «Nitai»?
ahaṅkāre matta haiñā nitāi-pada pāsariyā
asatyere satya kari’ māni
nitāiyer karuṇā habe vraje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pābe
dhara nitāiyer charaṇ du’khāni [3]
Mad with pride, forgetting Nitai’s feet, I accept untruth as truth. When Nitai bestows His mercy, then you will reach Radha-Krishna in Vraja. Grasp Nitai’s feet!
nitāiyer charaṇa satya tā̐hāra sevaka nitya
nitāi-pada sadā kara āśa
narottama baḍa duḥkhī nitāi more kara sukhī
rākha rāṅgā-charaṇera pāśa [4]
Nitai’s feet are truth, and His servants are eternal. Always aspire for Nitai’s feet. Narottam is very sad: «O Nitai! Make me happy. Keep me beside your reddish feet.»
nitāi guṇamaṇi āmāra nitāi guṇamaṇi
āniyā premera vanyā bhāsāla avanī [1]
Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, my Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, brought a flood of divine love and inundated the earth.
prema-vanyā laye nitāi āila gauḍa-deśe
ḍubila bhakata-gaṇa dīna-hīna bhāse [2]
Nitai brought a flood of divine love to the land of Gauda. The devotees immersed themselves in it, but the unfortunate floated on its surface.
dīna-hīna patita pāmara nāhi bāchhe
brahmāra durlabha prema sabākāre yāche [3]
The sinful, unfortunate, and fallen did not desire this divine love, which is difficult for even Brahma to attain, yet Nitai begged them to accept it.
ābaddha karuṇā-sindhu kāṭiyā muhāna
ghare ghare bule prema-amiyāra vāna [4]
Nitai cut a canal into the sealed ocean of mercy and a flood of nectarean divine love spread to every home.
lochan bale hena nitāi yebā nā bhajila
jāniyā śuniyā sei ātma-ghātī haila [5]
Lochan Das says, «Anyone who did not serve Nitai knowingly committed suicide.»
akrodha paramānanda nityānanda rāya
abhimāna-śūnya nitāi nagare beḍāya [1]
The anger-less, prideless, supremely joyful Nityananda Ray wanders through the towns.
adhama patita jīver dvāre dvāre giyā
hari-nāma mahāmantra dena bilāiyā [2]
Going from door to door to the homes of the lowly and fallen souls, He distributes the Hare Krishna mahamantra.
yāre dekhe tāre kahe dante tṛṇa dhari’
āmāre kiniyā laha bhaja gaurahari [3]
With straw between His teeth, He says to whoever He sees, «Purchase Me: serve Gaurahari.»
eta bali’ nityānanda bhūme gaḍi yāya
sonāra parvata yena dhūlāte loṭāya [4]
Saying this, Nityananda rolls on the ground like a golden mountain rolling in the dust.
hena avatāre yāra rati nā janmila
lochan bale sei pāpī ela āra gela [5]
Lochan Das says of one who has not developed attachment to this Avatar, «Such a sinner simply came and went.»
(yāoyā āsā sār ha-ila)
(nitāi-charaṇ nā bhajila yāoyā āsā sār ha-ila)
«They simply came and went. Those who did not serve Nitai’s feet simply came and went (took birth and died uselessly).»
nadīyā-godrume nityānanda mahājana
pātiyāchhe nāma-haṭṭa jivera kāraṇa [1]
In the land of Nadia in Godrumadwip, the great Nityananda has opened the marketplace of the Holy Name for welfare of all souls.
(śraddhāvān jan he, śraddhāvān jan he)
prabhura ājñāya, bhāi, māgi ei bhikṣā
bolo ‘kṛṣṇa,’ bhaja kṛṣṇa, kara kṛṣṇa-śikṣā [2]
O people of faith! O people of faith! O brothers! On Mahaprabhu’s order, I beg this of you: chant «Krishna!», serve Krishna, and learn about Krishna.
aparādha-śūnya ha’ye laha kṛṣṇa-nāma
kṛṣṇa mātā, kṛṣṇa pita, kṛṣṇa dhana-prāṇa [3]
Be free from offences and chant Krishna’s Name. Krishna is your mother. Krishna is your father. Krishna is your wealth and life.
kṛṣṇera saṁsāra kara chhāḍi’ anāchāra
jīve dayā, kṛṣṇa-nāma —sarva-dharma-sāra [4]
Lead a Krishna-centred life, leave behind sinful behaviour, be kind to others, and chant Krishna’s Name — these are the best of all religious practices.
āre bhāi! nitāi āmār dayāra avadhi!
jīvere karuṇā kari’ deśe deśe phiri’ phiri’
prema-dhana yāche niravadhi [1]
O brothers! My Nitai’s mercy is unlimited! Being merciful to the souls, He wanders from place to place and constantly distributes the wealth of divine love.
advaitera saṅge raṅga dharaṇe nā yāya aṅga
gorā-preme gaḍā tanu-khāni
ḍhuliya ḍhuliya chale bāhu tuli’ hari bole
du’nayane vahe nitāi-era pāni [2]
He is so joyous in Advaita’s association that He cannot hold up His body. In ecstatic love for Sri Gaura, His body rolls on the ground. Staggering about, He raises His arms and chants, «Hari!» as tears purs from His eyes.
kapāle tilaka śobhe kuṭila-kuntala-lole
guñjāhāra ā̐ṭuni chūḍā tāya
keśarī jiniyā kaṭi kaṭi-taṭe nīla-dhaṭī
bājana nūpura rāṅgā pāya [3]
His forehead is anointed with tilak. His curling locks sway to and fro. He wears a crown of gunja berries. Blue garments decorate His waist, which surpasses that of a lion. His ankle bells ring on His reddish lotus feet.
ke kahu nitāira guṇa jīve dekhi’ sakaruṇa
hari-nāme jagata tārila
madana madete andha viṣaye rahala dandha
hena nitāi bhajite nā pāila [4]
Who can describe Nitai’s glory? He mercifully glanced at the souls and delivered the world with the Lord’s Name. Those who were blinded by Cupid and remained in the dupicity of mundanity could not serve Nitai.
bhuvana-mohana veśa! majāila saba deśa!
rasāveśe aṭṭa aṭṭa hāsa!
prabhu mora nityānanda kevala ānanda-kanda
guṇa gāya vṛndāvana dāsa [5]
His ecstasy enchants the world! He inundates the entire country! Overcome with ecstatic love, He laughs and laughs! Nityananda is my Master. He is the only source of joy. Vrndavan Das sings His glories.