Humility attracts mercy
When Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami composed Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta he concluded every chapter with the idea,
śrī-rūpa-raghunātha-pade yāra āśa
chaitanya-charitāmṛta kahe kṛṣṇa-dāsa
Without the mercy of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunath, we cannot understand Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and without the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, we cannot enter into Chaitanya-lila or Vrndavan-lila. Nitaiyer koruna habe, Vraje Radha-Krishna pabe: if you will receive the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, then simultaneously you will get the mercy of all the Vaisnavas and Mahaprabhu Sri Chaitanyadev. Everything is depending upon the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu. Really it is the truth that Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami is the most worshippable master in the Sri Chaitanya sampradaya. Kaviraj Goswami was a very high standard Vaisnava, but still he was very humble and tolerant. In his Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta he said,
jagāi mādhāi haite muñi se pāpiṣṭha
purīṣera kīṭa haite muñi se laghiṣṭha
mora nāma śune yei tāra puṇya kṣaya
mora nāma laya yei tāra pāpa haya
emana nirghṛṇa more kebā kṛpā kare
eka nityānanda vinu jagat bhitare
preme matta nityānanda kṛpā-avatāra
uttama, adhama, kichhu nā kare vichāra
ye āge paḍaye, tāre karaye nistāra
ataeva nistārilā mo-hena durāchāra
«I am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and even lower than worms in stool. Anyone who hears my name loses the benefit of his pious activities. Anyone who utters my name becomes sinful. Who in this world but Nityananda Prabhu could show His mercy to such an abominable person as me? Although I am without a doubt the most fallen and abominable, I have taken shelter of Nityananda Prabhu’s lotus feet, and He has embraced me, and given all spiritual wealth to me. Preme matta Nityananda: He is always intoxicated with Krishna-prema and Gaura-prema, and He is not considering who is good or who is bad. If anyone will fall down before His lotus feet, He will give His full mercy to him, and he will receive Krishna-prema. That is the style of Nityananda.»