Mahaprabhu’s sacred order
Mahaprabhu gave them His preaching line:
jagatera pitā — kṛṣṇa, ye nā bhaje bāpa
pitṛ-drohī pātakīra janma-janma tāpa
«Krishna is the father of the entire universe. Anyone who does not respect his father is rebellious and sinful, and therefore subjected to miseries birth after birth.»
bala kṛṣṇa, bhaja kṛṣṇa, laha kṛṣṇa-nāma
kṛṣṇa mātā, kṛṣṇa pita, kṛṣṇa dhana-prāṇa
«Chant Krishna, worship Krishna, and sing the glories of Krishna. Krishna is your mother, Krishna is your father, Krishna is the wealth of your life.»
“śuna śuna nityānanda! śuna haridāsa!
sarvatra āmāra ājñā karaha prakāśa
prati ghare ghare giyā kara ei bhikṣā
‘bala kṛṣṇa, bhaja kṛṣṇa, kara kṛṣṇa śikṣā’
ihā vai āra nā balibā balāibā
dina avasāne āsi āmāre kahibā
tomarā karile bikṣā, yei, nā baliba
tabe āmi chakra-haste sabāre kāṭiba”
«Listen, listen, Nityananda! Listen, Haridas! Go door to door and tell everyone to practise Krishna consciousness! Tell them, ‘Krishna consciousness is the supreme goal of life,’ tell them, ‘Bala Krishna, bhaja Krishna, kara Krishna siksa: chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra, serve Lord Krishna, and learn the teachings of Sri Krishna.’ You will come back to Me daily in the evening. Nothing else is necessary for you to do. Whoever will take this advice with a clean heart, I shall be their slave, and whoever will be ‘anti’, I shall punish them.» In this way Mahaprabhu gave orders to Nityananda Prabhu and Haridas Thakur, and started His preaching programme.