The power to rescue
Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur expressed in one song,
‘dayāl nitāi chaitanya’ bale’ nāch re āmār mana
nāch re āmār mana, nāch re āmār mana
aparādha dūre jābe, pābe prema-dhana
(aparādhera-vichāra to nāi re)
[«O my mind, dance! O my mind, dance! O my mind, dance, chanting, ‘Dayal Nitai Chaitanya!’ Then you will become offenceless and attain the treasure of divine love. In the Names of Chaitanya and Nitai there is no consideration of offences!»]
I once asked Srila Guru Maharaj, «How is it possible that there is no consideration of offences in the Names of Chaitanya and Nitai?» Srila Guru Maharaj answered, «To some extent it depends on our realisation, but satapatra vedhah nyaya, a needle can pierce through one hundred leaves within a second. The Names of Nitai and Chaitanya have the power to rescue us so quickly that the time it takes for us to be actually rescued is not countable.» In this way Srila Guru Maharaj explained.