Anukulyatmika: Accepting the Favourable
তুয়া ভক্তি-অনুকূল যে যে কার্য্য হয় ।
পরম যতনে তাহা করিব নিশ্চয় ॥১॥
tuyā bhakti-anukūla ye ye kārya haya
parama yatane tāhā kariba niśchaya [1]
tuya–Your; bhakti–to devotion; anukula–favourable; ye ye–whatever; karya–activities; haya–are; parama–great; yatane–with care; taha–them; kariba–I will do; nischaya–certainly. [1]
(1) I will certainly perform with great care all activities that are favourable to devotion to You.
ভক্তি-অনুকূল যত বিষয় সংসারে ।
করিব তাহাতে রতি ইন্দ্রিয়ের দ্বারে ॥২॥
bhakti-anukūla yata viṣaya saṁsāre
kariba tāhāte rati indriyera dvāre [2]
bhakti–to devotion; anukula–favourable; yata–all; visaya–material; samsare–in the world; kariba–I will do; tahate–for that; rati (sukhanvesana)–attach (search for happiness); indriyera–of the senses; dvare–by the gates. [2]
(2) With my senses, I will take pleasure in those things within the material world that are favourable to devotion.
শুনিব তোমার কথা যতন করিয়া ।
দেখিব তোমার ধাম নয়ন ভরিয়া ॥৩॥
śuniba tomāra kathā yatana kariyā
dekhiba tomāra dhāma nayana bhariyā [3]
suniba–I will hear; tomara–about You; katha–discussion; yatana–care; kariya–doing; dekhiba–I will see; tomara–Your; dhama–abode; nayana–eyes; bhariya–filling. [3]
(3) I will carefully listen to discussions about You. Beholding Your abode, I will fill my eyes.
তোমার প্রসাদে দেহ করিব পোষণ ।
নৈবেদ্য তুলসী ঘ্রাণ করিব গ্রহণ ॥৪॥
tomāra prasāde deha kariba poṣaṇa
naivedya tulasī ghrāṇa kariba grahaṇa [4]
tomara–Your; prasade (uchchhiste)–with the remnants; deha–body; kariba–I will do; posana–nourishment; naivedya–offerings; tulasi–tulasi leaves and flower spikes; ghrana–smell; kariba–I will do; grahana–acceptance. [4]
(4) I will maintain my body with Your remnants alone. I will savour the fragrance of the tulasi leaves and manjaris that have been offered to You.
কর দ্বারে করিব তোমার সেবা সদা ।
তোমার বসতিস্থলে বসিব সর্ব্বদা ॥৫॥
kara dvāre kariba tomāra sevā sadā
tomāra vasati-sthale vasiba sarvadā [5]
kara–my hands; dvare–with; kariba–I will do; tomara–Your; seva–service; sada–always; tomara–Your; vasati–residence; sthale–in the place; vasiba–I will reside; sarvada–always. [5]
(5) With my hands, I will always engage in Your service. I will always reside in a place where You reside.
তোমার সেবায় কাম নিয়োগ করিব ।
তোমার বিদ্বেষি-জনে ক্রোধ দেখাইব ॥৬॥
tomāra sevāya kāma niyoga kariba
tomāra vidveṣi-jane krodha dekhāiba [6]
tomara–Your; sevaya–in the service; kama–desires; niyoga–employ; kariba–I will do; tomara–Your; vidvesi–those who are inimical; jane–to the persons; krodha–anger; dekhaiba–I will show. [6]
(6) I will engage all my desires in Your service. I will show anger towards those who are inimical to You.
এইরূপে সর্ব্ববৃত্তি আর সর্ব্বভাব ।
তুয়া অনুকূল হ’য়ে লভুক প্রভাব ॥৭॥
ei-rūpe sarva-vṛtti āra sarva-bhāva
tuyā anukūla ha’ye labhuka prabhāva [7]
ei-rupe–in this way; sarva–all; vrtti–my faculties, my propensities; ara–and; sarva–all; bhava–thoughts; tuya–Your; anukula–favourable; ha’ye–being; labhuka–may obtain; prabhava–glory. [7]
(7) Having become favourable to devotion in these ways, may all of my actions and thoughts gain glory.
(7) tomāra sevāya … labhuka prabhāva: «May all of my actions and thoughts gain glory.» In his Prema-bhakti-chandrika (2.10), Srila Narottam Thakur describes how one can engage lust, anger, greed, and so forth, in devotional service:
‘kāma’ kṛṣṇa-karmārpaṇe, ‘krodha’ bhakta-dveṣi-jane,
‘lobha’ sādhu-saṅge hari-kathā
‘moha’ iṣṭa-lābha-vine, ‘mada’ kṛṣṇa-guṇa-gāne,
niyūkta kariba yathā tathā
«I will engage my selfish desires by offering my actions to Krishna; I will direct my anger towards those inimical to the devotees; I will engage my greed in hearing and discussing the Lord in the association of sadhus; I will become bewildered if I am unable to obtain my beloved master; and I will madly chant Krishna’s glories in an intoxicated mood. In this way, I will befittingly engage my enemies in the Lord’s service.»
তুয়া ভক্ত-অনুকূল যাহা যাহা করি ।
তুয়া ভক্তি-অনুকূল বলি’ তাহা ধরি ॥৮॥
tuyā bhakta-anukūla yāhā yāhā kari
tuyā bhakti-anukūla bali’ tāhā dhari [8]
tuya–Your; bhakta–to the devotee; anukula (bhaktera anukulata bhagavanera anukulyera-i samana)–favourable (that which is favourable to devotees is as good as that which is favourable to the Lord); yaha yaha–whatever; kari–I do; tuya–Your; bhakti–devotion; anukula–favourable; bali’–considering; taha–that; dhari–I hold. [8]
(8) Whatever I do that is favourable to Your devotees I consider to be favourable to devotion to You.
ভকতিবিনোদ নাহি জানে ধর্ম্মাধর্ম্ম ।
ভক্তি-অনুকূল তার হউ সব কর্ম্ম ॥৯॥
bhakati-vinoda nāhi jāne dharmādharma
bhakti-anukūla tāra ha-u saba karma [9]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; nahi–not; jane–knows; dharma–piety; adharma–and impiety; bhakti–to devotion; anukula–favourable; tara–of him; ha-u–may be; saba–all; karma–actions. [9]
(9) Bhakti Vinod knows neither religion nor irreligion. May all his actions be favourable to devotion.
গোদ্রুমধামে ভজন-অনুকূলে ।
মাথুর শ্রীনন্দীশ্বর সমতুলে ॥১॥
তঁহি মাহ সুরভি-কুঞ্জ-কুটীরে ।
বৈঠবুঁ হাম সুরতটিনী-তীরে ॥২॥
গৌরভকত-প্রিয় বেশ দধানা ।
তিলক-তুলসীমালা-শোভমানা ॥৩॥
godruma-dhāme bhajana-anukūle
māthura śrī-nandīśvara-sama-tule [1]
ta̐hi māha surabhi-kuñja-kuṭīre
vaiṭhabu̐ hāma surataṭinī-tīre [2]
gaura-bhakata-priya veśa dadhānā
tilaka-tulasī-mālā-śobhamānā [3]
godruma (abhinna nanda gram)–the island known as ‘Godrum’ (the non-different form of Sri Nanda Gram of Vraja Dham); dhame–in the abode; bhajana–devotional service; anukule–favourable to; mathura–of Mathura (Vraja); sri nandisvara (parvata o tadupasthita grama)–the mountain and village situated on top of the mountain where Nanda Maharaj resides; sama–equal; tule–in comparison; ta̐hi (tara)–there; maha (majhe)–within; surabhi–known as ‘Surabhi’; kunja–in the grove; kutire–in a cottage; vaithabu̐ (basiba)–will reside; hama–I; suratatini (bhagirathi)–of the Ganges; tire–on the bank; gaura–of Sriman Mahaprabhu; bhakata–to the devotees; priya–dear; vesa–appearance; dadhana (dharana kariya)–wearing; tilaka–markings made with gopi-chandan clay which signify the body to be a temple; tulasi–of tulasi; mala–necklace; sobhamana–beautiful. [1–3]
(1–3) In the abode of Godrum, which is most favourable to devotional service and non-different from Sri Nandisvar in Sri Mathura Mandal, I will reside in a small cottage in Surabhi Kunj on the bank of the Ganges, wearing tilak, a beautiful tulasi mala, and the garb most dear to Sri Gaurasundar’s devotees.
(2) surabhi-kuñja: The place where Markandeya Muni obtains the mercy of Sri Gaura. Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur made a bhajan-kutir here.
(3) gaura-bhakta-priya veśa: «Garb most dear to the devotees of Sri Gauranga.» This refers to the twelve marks of gopi-chandan clay that signify the body to be a temple of the Supreme Lord (tilak), the necklace of tulasi beads worn around the neck, and so on.
চম্পক, বকুল, কদম্ব, তমাল ।
রোপত নিরমিব কুঞ্জ বিশাল ॥৪॥
champaka, bakula, kadamba, tamāla
ropata niramiba kuñja viśāla [4]
champaka–tree known as the champak (Magnolia champaca or Michelia champaca); bakula–tree known as the bakul (Mimusops elengi); kadamba–tree known as the kadamba (Neolamarckia cadamba or Anthocephalus cadamba); tamala–tree known as the tamal (Garcinia xanthochymus or Garcinia tinctoria); ropata (ropana kariya)–planting; niramiba–I will make; kunja–a grove; visala–great. [4]
(4) Planting champak, bakul, kadamba, and tamal trees, I will establish a large grove.
মাধবী, মালতী, উঠাবুঁ তাহে ।
ছায়া-মণ্ডপ করবুঁ তহিঁ মাহে ॥৫॥
mādhavī, mālatī, uṭhābu̐ tāhe
chhāyā-maṇḍapa karabu̐ tahi̐ māhe [5]
madhavi–a flowering vine known as madhavi (Hiptage madablota or Hiptage benghalensis); malati–a flowering vine known as malati (Aganosma dichotoma); uthabu̐–I will make to climb; tahe–there; chhaya–shade; mandapa (nirmita pavitra asraya sthana)–pavilion (a pure, constructed, sheltered area); karabu̐–I will make; tahi̐–there; mahe–within. [5]
(5) I will plant madhavi and malati creepers to climb those trees, and in the middle of the grove I will make a shady pavilion.
রোপবুঁ তত্র কুসুমবনরাজি ।
যূথি, জাতি, মল্লী বিরাজব সাজি ॥৬॥
ropabu̐ tatra kusuma-vana-rāji
yūthi, jāti, mallī virājaba sāji’ [6]
ropabu̐–I will plant; tatra–there; kusuma–flowers; vana–garden; raji (sreni)–rows; yuthi–flower known as juthi (Jasminum molle or Jasminum auriculatum); jati–flower known as jati (Jasminum officinale); malli–flower known as malli (Jasminum sambac); virajaba (viraja karibe)–I will situate; saji’ (sajita ha-iya)–decorating (being decorated). [6]
(6) I will plant rows of various forest flowers there and decoratively arrange juthis, jatis, and mallis.
মঞ্ছে বসাওবুঁ তুলসী-মহারাণী ।
কীর্ত্তন-সজ্জ তঁহি রাখব আনি’ ॥৭॥
mañche basāobu̐ tulasī-mahārāṇī
kīrtana-sajja ta̐hi rākhaba āni’ [7]
manche (vedi)–on a raised platform (altar); basaobu̐–I will place; tulasi-maharani–the great queen Tulasi Devi; kirtana–for musical glorification; sajja (saja-saranjama)–instruments (equipment — mrdangas, kartals); ta̐hi–there; rakhaba–I will keep; ani’–bringing. [7]
(7) I will place Tulasi Maharani on a raised platform and keep instruments for kirtan there.
বৈষ্ণবজন সহ গাওবুঁ নাম ।
জয় গোদ্রুম জয় গৌর কি ধাম ॥৮॥
vaiṣṇava jana saha gāobu̐ nāma
jaya godruma jaya gaura ki dhāma [8]
vaisnava–devotee; jana–persons; saha–with; gaobu̐ (gahiba)–I will sing; nama–the Name of the Lord; jaya–‘all glories’; godruma–to Godrumdwip; jaya–‘all glories’; gaura–of Lord Gauranga; ki–to; dhama–the divine abode. [8]
(8) In the association of devotees, I will sing the Name. All glories to Godrumdwip! All glories to the abode of Sri Gauranga!
ভকতিবিনোদ ভক্তি-অনুকূল ।
জয় কুঞ্জ, মুঞ্জ, সুরনদীকূল ॥৯॥
bhakati-vinoda bhakti-anukūla
jaya kuñja, muñja, suranadī-kūla [9]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; bhakti–to devotion; anukula–favourable; jaya–‘all glories’; kunja–grove; munja (trnavisesa, sara)–grass, reeds; suranadi (ganga)–of the Ganges; kula (tata)–the bank. [9]
(9) Bhakti Vinod glorifies all that is favourable to devotion. All glories to the groves, the grass, and the bank of the River Ganges!
শুদ্ধ ভকত- চরণ-রেণু
ভজন-অনুকূল ।
ভকত-সেবা, পরম-সিদ্ধি
প্রেমলতিকার মূল ॥১॥
śuddha-bhakata charaṇa-reṇu,
bhakata-sevā, parama-siddhi,
prema-latikāra mūla [1]
suddha–pure; bhakata–of devotees; charana–of the feet; renu–dust; bhajana–devotion; anukula–favourable; bhakata–to the devotees; seva–service; parama–supreme; siddhi–fulfilment; prema–divine love; latikara–of the creeper; mula–the root. [1]
(1) Pure devotees’ foot-dust is favourable to devotion. Service to the devotees is the supreme fulfilment and the root of the creeper of prema.
(1) śuddha-bhakata charaṇa-reṇu: «Pure devotees’ foot-dust.» In Srimad Bhagavatam (5.12.12), Jad Bharat advises:
rahūgaṇaitat tapasā na yāti
na chejyayā nirvapaṇād gṛhād vā
na chchhandasā naiva jalāgni-sūryair
vinā mahat-pāda-rajo ’bhiṣekam
«O Maharaj Rahugan, regardless of whether one engages in austerities, performs worship according to scriptural guidelines, takes sannyas, follows the religious principles of household life, studies the Vedas, or worships the deities of the natural elements, one can never attain devotion without bathing in the foot-dust of pure devotees.»
Additionally, in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta (Antya-lila, 16.60), it is explained:
bhakta-pada-dhūli āra bhakta-pada-jala
bhakta-bhukta-śeṣa — ei tina sādhanera bala
«The dust of the devotees’ feet, the water that has washed the devotees’ feet, and the devotees’ food remnants — honouring these gives one strength to engage in devotional practices.»
মাধব-তিথি, ভক্তি-জননী
যতনে পালন করি ।
কৃষ্ণবসতি, বসতি বলি’
পরম আদরে বরি ॥২॥
mādhava-tithi, bhakti-jananī,
yatane pālana kari
kṛṣṇa-vasati, vasati bali’,
parama ādare bari [2]
madhava-tithi–holy days which are especially related to Hari, such as Sri Harivasar (Ekadasi), the appearance day of Krishna, and so on; bhakti–of devotion; janani–the mother; yatane–with care; palana–observe; kari–I do; krsna–of Krishna; vasati (sri dhama)–holy abode; vasati–my dwelling place; bali’–considering; parama–great; adare–with adoration; bari (varana kari)–I choose, accept. [2]
(2) I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava; they are the mother of devotion. With great adoration, I embrace Krishna’s abode as my own.
গৌর আমার, যে সব স্থানে
করল ভ্রমণ রঙ্গে ।
সে সব স্থান, হেরিব আমি
প্রণয়ি-ভকত-সঙ্গে ॥৩॥
gaura āmāra, ye saba sthāne,
karala bhramaṇa raṅge
se saba sthāna, heriba āmi,
praṇayi-bhakata-saṅge [3]
gaura–Gaurasundar; amara–my; ye–which; saba–all; sthane–in the places; karala–did; bhramana–tour; range (lilaya)–during Pastimes; se–those; saba–all; sthana–places; heriba–will behold ami–I; pranayi–loving; bhakata–of devotees; sange–in the company. [3]
(3) In the company of loving devotees, I behold all the places my Gaurasundar visited during His Pastimes.
মৃদঙ্গবাদ্য, শুনিতে মন
অবসর সদা যাচে ।
গৌর-বিহিত, কীর্ত্তন শুনি’
আনন্দে হৃদয় নাচে ॥৪॥
mṛdaṅga-vādya, śunite mana,
avasara sadā yāche
gaura-vihita, kīrtana śuni’,
ānande hṛdaya nāche [4]
mrdanga–of the clay drum; vadya–sound; sunite–to hear; mana–heart; avasara (suyoga)–opportunity; sada–always; yache–begs; gaura–by Sri Gaurasundar; vihita (anumata)–prescribed; kirtana–the musical glorification; suni’–hearing; anande–with joy; hrdaya–heart; nache–dances. [4]
(4) My heart always begs for the opportunity to hear the sound of the mrdanga. Hearing the kirtan prescribed by Sri Gaurasundar, my heart dances with joy.
যুগলমূর্ত্তি, দেখিয়া মোর
পরম আনন্দ হয় ।
প্রসাদ-সেবা করিতে হয়
সকল প্রপঞ্চ জয় ॥৫॥
yugala-mūrti, dekhiyā mora,
parama-ānanda haya
prasāda-sevā karite haya,
sakala prapañcha jaya [5]
yugala–of the Divine Couple; murti–Deity form; dekhiya–beholding; mora–my; parama–great; ananda–joy; haya–happens; prasada–of the remnants of food offerings; seva–service; karite–in doing; haya–happens; sakala–all; prapancha (pancha-bhuta nirmita jagat)–the universe made of the five material elements; jaya–conquest. [5]
(5) Beholding the Deity forms of the Divine Couple, I feel great joy. By honouring prasad, I overcome the entire material creation.
যে দিন গৃহে, ভজন দেখি
গৃহেতে গোলোক ভায় ।
চরণসীধু, দেখিয়া গঙ্গা
সুখ না সীমা পায় ॥৬॥
ye dina gṛhe, bhajana dekhi,
gṛhete goloka bhāya
charaṇa-sīdhu, dekhiyā gaṅgā,
sukha nā sīmā pāya [6]
ye–which; dina–days; grhe–in house; bhajana–devotional service; dekhi–I see; grhete–within house; goloka — the spiritual abode of Krishna; bhaya (anubhuta haya)–is experienced; charana-sidhu (sri-charanamrta)–the nectar of the feet of the Lord; dekhiya–seeing; ganga–river Ganges; sukha–happiness; na–no; sima–limit; paya–obtains. [6]
(6) On days when I see devotional service going on within my home, I feel that Goloka has manifested there. Seeing the Ganges, the river of nectar that emanates from the Lord’s feet, my happiness has no limit.
তুলসী দেখি’ জুড়ায় প্রাণ
মাধবতোষণী জানি’ ।
গৌর-প্রিয় শাক সেবনে
জীবন সার্থক মানি ॥৭॥
tulasī dekhi’ juḍāya prāṇa,
mādhava-toṣaṇī jāni’
gaura-priya śāka sevane,
jīvana sārthaka māni [7]
tulasi–the dearmost plant of Krishna; dekhi’–seeing; judaya–relieves; prana–my heart; madhava-tosani (Gaura-krsna-priya)–pleasing to Madhava (pleasing to Sri Gaura Krishna); jani’–knowing; gaura–of Sri Gaurasundar; priya–dear, favourite; saka–preparations of leafy greens; sevane–by serving; jivana–my life; sarthaka (saphala)–successful; mani–I consider. [7]
(7) Seeing Tulasi Devi relieves my heart, for I know she is pleasing to Madhava. By honouring sak, a favourite of Sri Gaurasundar, I consider my life successful.
(7) gaura-priya śāka: «Sak, a favourite of Sri Gaurasundar.»
āi jāne — prabhura santoṣa baḍa śāke
«Sachi Devi knows the Lord is greatly pleased by sak, preparations of leafy greens.»
ভকতিবিনোদ, কৃষ্ণভজনে
অনুকূল পায় যাহা ।
প্রতি দিবসে, পরম সুখে
স্বীকার করয়ে তাহা ॥৮॥
bhakati-vinoda, kṛṣṇa-bhajane,
anukūla pāya yāhā
prati-divase, parama-sukhe,
svīkāra karaye tāhā [8]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; krsna–of Krishna; bhajane–for the service; anukula–favourable; paya–obtains; yaha–whatever; prati–every; divase–on the day; parama–great; sukhe–with happiness; svikara (angikara)–acceptance; karaye–does; taha–that. [8]
(8) Whatever Bhakti Vinod obtains that is favourable to the service of Krishna he accepts every day with the greatest joy.
রাধাকুণ্ডতট-কুঞ্জকুটীর ।
গোবর্দ্ধনপর্ব্বত যামুনতীর ॥১॥
govardhana-parvata yāmuna-tīra [1]
radha–of Radharani; kunda–the pond; tata–on the bank; kunja–in a grove; kutira (sri krsnera vilasa-bhavana)–the cottage (amorous pleasure-house of Sri Krishna); govardhana–known as Govardhan (‘He who nourishes the cows’); parvata–the hill; yamuna–of the Yamuna; tira–the bank. [1]
(1) The cottage in the grove on the bank of Radha Kunda, Govardhan Hill, the banks of the river Yamuna …
কুসুমসরোবর, মানসগঙ্গা ।
কলিন্দনন্দিনী বিপুলতরঙ্গা ॥২॥
kusuma-sarovara, mānasa-gaṅgā
kalinda-nandinī vipula-taraṅgā [2]
kusuma-sarovara–the pond near Govardhan Hill; manasa-ganga–a pond near Govardhan Hill; kalinda-nandini–of the river Yamuna (the daughter of Mount Kalinda); vipula–great; taranga–waves. [2]
(2) Kusum Sarovar, Manasa Ganga, the great waves of the Yamuna …
বংশীবট, গোকুল, ধীরসমীর ।
বৃন্দাবনতরু-লতিকা-বানীর ॥৩॥
vaṁśī-vaṭa, gokula, dhīra-samīra
vṛndāvana-taru-latikā-vānīra [3]
vamsi-vata–the place beneath a banyan tree near the site of the Rasa-lila in Vrndavan where Krishna stands and plays His flute; gokula–the land of Krishna’s Pastimes; dhira-samira–a site of various Pastimes of Krishna (lit. ‘gentle breeze’); vrndavana–of the homeland of Krishna (lit. forest of tulasi); taru–trees; latika–vines; vanira (vetasa vrksa)–palm trees. [3]
(3) Vamsi Vat, Gokul, Dhira Samira, the trees, the vines, the palms of Vrndavan …
খগমৃগকুল, মলয়-বাতাস ।
ময়ূর, ভ্রমর, মুরলী-বিলাস ॥৪॥
khaga-mṛga-kula, malaya-vātāsa
mayūra, bhramara, muralī-vilāsa [4]
khaga–birds; mrga–animals; kula–multitudes; malaya (vasanta)–springtime; vatasa (samirana)–breezes; mayura–peacocks; bhramara–bumblebees; murali–of the eighteen-inch wooden flute known as murali; vilasa–play. [4]
(4) The birds, the animals, the cool springtime breeze, the peacocks, the bumblebees, the play of the murali flute …
বেণু, শৃঙ্গ, পদচিহ্ণ, মেঘমালা ।
বসন্ত, শশাঙ্ক, শঙ্খ, করতাল ॥৫॥
veṇu, śṛṅga, pada-chihna, megha-mālā
vasanta, śaśāṅka, śaṅkha, karatāla [5]
venu–the six-inch whistling flute known as venu; srnga–horn; pada-chihna–footprints (of the cows); megha–of clouds; mala–rows; vasanta–springtime; sasanka–moon; sankha–conch; karatala–hand-cymbals. [5]
(5) The venu flute, the buffalo-horn bugle, the footprints, the rows of clouds, the springtime, the moon, the conch, the kartals …
যুগলবিলাসে অনুকূল জানি ।
লীলা-বিলাস-উদ্দীপক মানি ॥৬॥
yugala-vilāse anukūla jāni
līlā-vilāsa-uddīpaka māni [6]
yugala–of the Divine Couple; vilase–within the Pastimes; anukula–favourable; jani–I know; lila-vilasa–Their Pastimes of love; uddipaka–stimulate; mani–I know. [6]
(6) I know all of these things are favourable to the Divine Couple’s Pastimes. I know they all stimulate Their loving Pastimes.
এ সব ছোড়ত কাঁহা নাহি যাউঁ ।
এ সব ছোড়ত পরাণ হারাউঁ ॥৭॥
e saba chhoḍata kā̐hā nāhi yāu̐
e saba chhoḍata parāṇa hārāu̐ [7]
e–these; saba–all; chhodata–abandoning; ka̐ha (kothao)–somewhere; nahi–not; yau̐–I will go; e–these; saba–all; chhodata–abandoning; parana–my life; harau̐ (harai)–I will lose. [7]
(7) I will never abandon these things and go elsewhere. I will lose my life if I abandon these things.
ভকতিবিনোদ কহে শুন কান!
তুয়া উদ্দীপক হামার পরাণ ॥৮॥
bhakati-vinoda kahe śuna kāna!
tuyā uddīpaka hāmāra parāṇa [8]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; kahe–says; suna–please listen; kana!–O Krishna!; tuya–of You; uddipaka (smaraka vastu-samuha)–stimulating (all things which cause remembrance); hamara–my; parana–life and soul. [8]
(8) Bhakti Vinod says, «Please listen, O Kan! All these things that remind me of You are my life and soul.»