Bhajana-lalasa: Hankering for Service
হরি হে!
প্রপঞ্চে পড়িয়া, অগতি হইয়া
না দেখি উপায় আর ।
অগতির গতি, চরণে শরণ
তোমায় করিনু সার ॥১॥
hari he!
prapañche paḍiyā, agati ha-iyā,
nā dekhi upāya āra
agatira gati, charaṇe śaraṇa,
tomāya karinu sāra [1]
hari–Lord; he–oh!; prapanche (pancha-bhautika jagate)–in the material world (composed of the five gross elements, namely, earth, water, fire, air, and space); padiya–falling; agati (asatkrta)–helpless (a wrong-doer, one engaged in illusory activities); ha-iya–becoming; na–not; dekhi–I see; upaya–way; ara–another; agatira–of the shelterless; gati–the shelter (the Lord); charane–at the feet; sarana–refuge; tomaya–in You; karinu–I did; sara–the essence. [1]
(1) O Lord! Having fallen into this material world and become wicked, I see no other means of deliverance. Shelter at Your feet is the only help for the helpless. I have accepted You as my be-all and end-all.
করম গেয়ান, কিছু নাহি মোর
সাধন ভজন নাই ।
তুমি কৃপাময়, আমি ত’ কাঙ্গাল
অহৈতুকী কৃপা চাই ॥২॥
karama geyāna, kichhu nāhi mora,
sādhana bhajana nāi
tumi kṛpā-maya, āmi ta’ kāṅgāla,
ahaitukī kṛpā chāi [2]
karama–pious action; geyana–knowledge; kichhu–something; nahi–not; mora–mine; sadhana–devotional practice; bhajana–devotional service; nai–there is no; tumi–You; krpa–mercy; maya–full of; ami–I; ta’–certainly; kangala (ati dina)–poor (extremely fallen); ahaituki (yogyata apeksa na kariya)–causeless (not depending on fitness); krpa–mercy; chai–I desire. [2]
(2) I perform no pious actions, I have no knowledge, I do not engage in any devotional practices, and I do not perform any devotional service. You are merciful, and I am most fallen. I pray for Your unconditional mercy.
বাক্য-মনো-বেগ, ক্রোধ-জিহ্বা-বেগ
উদর-উপস্থ-বেগ ।
মিলিয়া এ সব, সংসারে ভাসায়ে
দিতেছে পরমোদ্বেগ ॥৩॥
vākya-mana-vega, krodha-jihvā-vega,
miliyā e saba, saṁsāre bhāsāye,
ditechhe paramodvega [3]
vakya–of speech; mana–of the mind; vega–the urges; krodha–of anger; jihva–of the tongue; vega–the urges; udara–of the belly; upastha–and the genitals; vega–the urges; miliya–meeting; e–these; saba–all; samsare–in the material world; bhasaye–casting me adrift; ditechhe–have given; paramodvega (daruna duhkha)–great anxiety (severe distress). [3]
(3) Uniting together and casting me adrift in the ocean of material existence, the urges of speech, the mind, anger, the tongue, the belly, and the genitals cause me terrible distress.
অনেক যতনে, সে সব দমনে
ছাড়িয়াছি আশা আমি ।
অনাথের নাথ! ডাকি তব নাম
এখন ভরসা তুমি ॥৪॥
aneka yatane, se saba damane
chhāḍiyāchhi āśā āmi
anāthera nātha! ḍāki taba nāma,
ekhana bharasā tumi [4]
aneka–numerous; yatane–by efforts; se–they (these urges); saba–all; damane–in subduing; chhadiyachhi–have abandoned; asa–hope; ami–I; anathera–of the helpless; natha!–O Lord; daki–I call; tava–Your; nama–Name; ekhana–now; bharasa–shelter, hope; tumi–You. [4]
(4) I have given up hope in subduing these urges by my own persistent endeavours. O Lord of the helpless! I call Your Name. You are now my only hope.
(1–4) This song is based on the first verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
vācho vegaṁ manasaḥ krodha-vegaṁ
jihvā-vegam udaropastha-vegam
etān vegān yo viṣaheta dhīraḥ
sarvām apīmāṁ pṛthivīṁ sa śiṣyāt
«A sober person who can control the urges of speech, the mind, anger, the tongue, the belly, and the genitals can also conquer the entire world.»
হরি হে!
অর্থের সঞ্চয়ে, বিষয়-প্রয়াসে
আন-কথা-প্রজল্পনে ।
আন-অধিকার, নিয়ম আগ্রহে
অসৎসঙ্গ-সংঘটনে ॥১॥
অস্থির সিদ্ধান্তে, রহিনু মজিয়া
হরি ভক্তি রৈল দূরে ।
এ হৃদয়ে মাত্র, পরহিংসা মদ
প্রতিষ্ঠা, শঠতা স্ফুরে ॥২॥
hari he!
arthera sañchaye, viṣaya-prayāse
āna-adhikāra, niyama-āgrahe,
asat-saṅga-saṁghaṭane [1]
asthira siddhānte, rahinu majiyā
hari-bhakti raila dūre
e hṛdaye mātra, para-hiṁsā mada,
pratiṣṭhā, śaṭhatā sphure [2]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; arthera–of wealth; sanchaye–in accumulating; visaya–for mundane ends; prayase (udyame)–in endeavour; ana (baje)–other (unnecessary); katha (krsna-katha vyatita anya-katha)–talks (all talks other than those which relate to Krishna); prajalpane (vrtha vakya-vyaye)–in prattle (vain use of words); ana–for other; adhikara–levels of qualification; niyama–prescriptions and prohibitions; agrahe (anyera adhikaragata niyama grahana o nijadhikaragata niyama agrahana va varjana-karye)–in accepting (in accepting the prescriptions and prohibitions meant for those of other stages of spiritual advancement and rejecting the prescriptions and prohibitions meant for one’s own stage of advancement); asat–of non-devotees; sanga–association; samghatane (asadhura sanga grahane)–in joining with (in accepting the association of non-devotees); asthira–unsteady; siddhante (laulya, anischita vichara)–within conclusions (fickle-mindedness, indecision); rahinu–I remained; majiya (magna ha-iya)–being immersed; hari-bhakti–devotional service of Krishna; raila (rahila)–remained; dure–far away; e–this; hrdaye–in the heart; matra–only; para–towards others; himsa–malice; mada (mattata)–madness (intoxication); pratistha (yasolipsa)–prestige (desiring fame); sathata (dhurtata)–insincerity (mischievousness); sphure (sphurita haya)–appear (are present). [1–2]
(1–2) O Lord! I have remained immersed in the defects of over-accumulating wealth, endeavouring for worldly ends, prattling about topics unrelated to You, acting in accordance with guidelines meant for others and disregarding guidelines meant for myself, associating with non-devotees, and being fickle-minded. Thus devotion to You has remained far away from me. Only malice towards others, pride, desire for worldly prestige, and insincerity flourish within my heart.
(1–2) asat-saṅga-saṁghaṭane: «Associating with non-devotees.» Asat-sanga, bad association, is defined in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta (Madhya-lila, 22.84):
asat-saṅga-tyāga, — ei vaiṣṇava-āchāra
‘strī-saṅgī’ — eka asādhu, ‘kṛṣṇābhakta’ āra
«Proper Vaisnava behaviour is to reject bad association. There are two forms of bad association: the association of persons attached to the opposite sex and the association of persons who are not devotees of Krishna.»
এ সব আগ্রহ, ছাড়িতে নারিনু
আপন দোষেতে মরি ।
জনম বিফল, হইল আমার
এখন কি করি, হরি! ॥৩॥
e saba āgraha, chhāḍite nārinu,
āpana doṣete mari
janama biphala, ha-ila āmāra,
ekhana ki kari, hari! [3]
e–these; saba–all; agraha (akarsana)–attachments (attractions); chhadite–to abandon; narinu–I was not able; apana–own; dosete–by faults; mari–I die; janama–birth; biphala–fruitless; ha-ila–became; amara–my; ekhana–now; ki–what?; kari–I do; hari!–O Lord! [3]
(3) I have not been able to abandon any of these attachments. I now die due to my own defects. My birth has become useless. O Lord! What should I do now?
আমি ত’ পতিত, পতিতপাবন
তোমার পবিত্র নাম ।
সে সম্বন্ধ ধরি’, তোমার চরণে
শরণ লইনু হাম ॥৪॥
āmi ta’ patita, patita-pāvana
tomāra pavitra nāma
se sambandha dhari’, tomāra charaṇe,
śaraṇa la-inu hāma [4]
ami–I; ta’–certainly; patita–of the fallen; pavana–saviour; tomara–Your; pavitra–purifying; nama–Name; se (sad-guru)–that (perfect spiritual master); sambandha–relationship; dhari’ (grahana kariya)–holding (accepting); tomara–Your; charane–at the feet; sarana–shelter; la-inu–took; hama–I. [4]
(4) I am fallen. Your purifying Name is the saviour of the fallen. Embracing that relationship (through my relationship with Sri Guru), I have taken shelter at Your feet.
(1–4) This song is based on the second verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
atyāhāraḥ prayāsaś cha prajalpo niyamāgrahaḥ
jana-saṅgaś cha laulyañcha ṣaḍbhir bhaktir vinaśyati
«Devotion is destroyed by these six defects: (1) over-accumulation; (2) materialistic endeavour; (3) unnecessary talk; (4) rejecting guidelines meant for one’s self and following guidelines meant for others; (5) association with non-devotees; and (6) fickle-mindedness.»
হরি হে!
ভজনে উৎসাহ, ভক্তিতে বিশ্বাস
প্রেমলাভে ধৈর্য্য-ধন ।
ভক্তি-অনুকূল, কর্ম্ম-প্রবর্ত্তনে
অসৎসঙ্গ-বিসর্জ্জন ॥১॥
ভক্তি-সদাচার, এই ছয় গুণ
নহিল আমার, নাথ!
কেমনে ভজিব, তোমার চরণ
ছাড়িয়া মায়ার সাথ ॥২॥
hari he!
bhajane utsāha, bhaktite viśvāsa,
prema-lābhe dhairya-dhana
bhakti-anukūla, karma-pravartane,
asat-saṅga-visarjana [1]
bhakti-sadāchāra, ei chhaya guṇa,
nahila āmāra, nātha!
kemane bhajiba, tomāra charaṇa
chhāḍiyā māyāra sātha [2]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; bhajane (sravana-kirtanadi bhaktyanusthane)–for devotional practice (for the devotional practices of hearing, chanting, and so forth); utsaha–enthusiasm; bhaktite (bhakti-siddhante)–in devotional service (in the perfect conclusions of pure devotion); visvasa (astha)–faith (conviction); prema (krsna-priti)–of divine love (desire to lovingly satisfy Krishna); labhe (sadhane)–in the obtainment (in the process of obtaining); dhairya–of perseverance; dhana–the wealth; bhakti–to devotional service; anukula–favourable; karma–activities; pravartana (pravrtta haoya)–engagement in (to be engaged); asat–bad; sanga–association; visarjana–rejecting; bhakti–of devotional service; sat–proper; achara–behaviour; ei–these; chhaya–six; guna–qualities; nahila–are not; amara–mine; natha!–O Lord!; kemane–how?; bhajiba–I will serve; tomara–Your; charana–feet; chhadiya–abandoning; mayara–of illusion; satha–association. [1–2]
(1–2) Enthusiasm for devotional practice, conviction in devotion, the wealth of perseverance in striving for prema, engagement in activities favourable to devotion, rejection of bad association, proper devotional behaviour — I have never had these six qualities. O Lord! How shall I serve Your feet and abandon the association of maya?
গর্হিত আচারে, রহিলাম মজি’
না করিনু সাধুসঙ্গ ।
ল’য়ে সাধু-বেশ, আনে উপদেশি
এ বড় মায়ার রঙ্গ ॥৩॥
garhita āchāre, rahilāma maji’,
nā karinu sādhu-saṅga
la’ye sādhu-veśa, āne upadeśi,
e baḍa māyāra raṅga [3]
garhita (nindita)–abominable (condemned); achare (karme)–in behaviour (activities); rahilama–I remained; maji’–being immersed; na–not; karinu–I did; sadhu–of saintly devotees; sanga–association; la’ye–taking; sadhu–of a saintly devotee; vesa–the garb; ane–to others; upadesi–advise; e–this; bada–great; mayara–of illusion; ranga (vichitra khela)–trick (strange play). [3]
(3) I have remained immersed in offensive behaviour and never associated with sadhus. Yet I wear the garb of a sadhu and instruct others. This is a great trick of maya.
এ হেন দশায়, অহৈতুকী কৃপা
তোমার পাইব, হরি!
শ্রীগুরু-আশ্রয়ে, ডাকিব তোমায়
কবে বা মিনতি করি’ ॥৪॥
e hena daśāya, ahaitukī kṛpā,
tomāra pāiba, hari!
śrī-guru-āśraye, ḍākiba tomāya
kabe vā minati kari’ [4]
e–this; hena–such; dasaya–in a condition; ahaituki–causeless; krpa–mercy; tomara–Your; paiba–I will obtain; hari!–O Lord!; sri-guru–of my spiritual master; asraye–in the shelter; dakiba–I will call; tomaya–to You; kabe–when?; va–[emphatic particle]; minati–prayer; kari’–doing. [4]
(4) In such a state, I will attain only Your unconditional mercy, O Lord! When will I prayerfully call out to You under the shelter of Sri Guru?
(1–4) This song is based on the third verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
utsāhān niśchayād dhairyāt tat-tat-karma-pravartanāt
saṅga-tyāgāt sato vṛtteḥ ṣaḍbhir bhaktiḥ prasidhyati
«Devotion is nourished by these six qualities: (1) enthusiasm; (2) conviction; (3) perseverance; (4) engaging in activities that satisfy the Lord and His devotees; (5) abandoning all bad association and wrong attachment; and (6) following the behaviour prescribed by pure devotees.»
হরি হে!
দান, প্রতিগ্রহ, মিথো গুপ্তকথা
ভক্ষণ ভোজন-দান ।
সঙ্গের লক্ষণ — এই ছয় হয়
ইহাতে ভক্তির প্রাণ ॥১॥
hari he!
dāna, pratigraha, mitho gupta-kathā,
bhakṣaṇa bhojana-dāna
saṅgera lakṣaṇa — ei chhaya haya,
ihāte bhaktira prāṇa [1]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; dana–giving gifts; pratigraha (dana grahana)–accepting gifts; mitho (paraspara)–mutual; gupta–confidential; katha–talks; bhaksana–partaking of foodstuffs; bhojana–foodstuffs; dana–giving; sangera–of association; laksana–the characteristics; ei–these; chhaya–six; haya–are; ihate–in these; bhaktira–of devotion; prana–the life. [1]
(1) O Lord! Giving and accepting gifts, disclosing and listening to confidential matters, giving and partaking of foodstuffs — these are the six forms of loving association. The life-force of devotion abides within them.
তত্ত্ব না বুঝিয়ে, জ্ঞানে বা অজ্ঞানে
অসতে এ সব করি’ ।
ভক্তি হারাইনু, সংসারী হইনু
সুদূরে রহিলে হরি ॥২॥
tattva nā bujhiye, jñāne vā ajñāne
asate e saba kari’
bhakti hārāinu, saṁsārī ha-inu
sudūre rahile hari [2]
tattva–this truth; na–not; bujhiye–understanding; jnane–in knowledge; va–or; ajnane–in ignorance; asate–with non-devotees, in a materialistic manner; e–these; saba–all; kari’–doing; bhakti–devotion; harainu–I lost; samsari–a worldly person, a family man; ha-inu–I became; sudure–very far away; rahile–remain; hari–the Lord. [2]
(2) Not understanding this truth, and knowingly or unknowingly associating with non-devotees in all these ways, I have lost devotion and become a worldly person. The Lord has thus remained far away from me.
কৃষ্ণভক্ত জনে, এই সঙ্গ-লক্ষণে
আদর করিব যবে ।
ভক্তি-মহাদেবী, আমার হৃদয়-
আসনে বসিবে তবে ॥৩॥
kṛṣṇa-bhakta-jane, ei saṅga-lakṣaṇe,
ādara kariba yabe
bhakti-mahādevī, āmāra hṛdaya-
āsane basibe tabe [3]
krsna–of Krishna; bhakta–devotee; jane–with persons; ei–these; sanga–of association; laksane–characteristics; adara–adore; kariba–I will do; yabe–when; bhakti–of devotion; maha–great; devi–goddess; amara–my; hrdaya–of the heart; asane–in the seat; basibe–will sit; tabe–then. [3]
(3) When I will adore Krishna’s devotees through these six forms of association, the great goddess of devotion will sit upon the throne of my heart.
যোষিৎসঙ্গী জন, কৃষ্ণাভক্ত আর
দুহুঁ সঙ্গ পরিহরি’ ।
তব ভক্তজন, সঙ্গ অনুক্ষণ
কবে বা হইবে হরি! ॥৪॥
yoṣit-saṅgī jana, kṛṣṇābhakta āra
duhu̐-saṅga parihari’
tava bhakta-jana, saṅga anukṣaṇa
kabe vā ha-ibe hari! [4]
yosit-sangi (stri-sangi)–those who mix with women; jana–persons; krsnabhakta (krsnera abhakta arthat bhakti-hina — yatha mayavadi, nirvisesavadi prabhrti)–those who are devoid of devotion to Krishna (illusionists, impersonalists, materialists, and so on); ara–and; duhu̐ (dui-janera)–of these two persons; sanga–the association; parihari’–abandoning; tava–Your; bhakta–devotee; jana–persons; sanga–the association; anuksana–at every moment; kabe–when?; va–[an emphatic particle]; ha-ibe–will be; hari!–O Lord! [4]
(4) O Lord! When will I abandon the association of both those who mix with the opposite sex and non-devotees, and constantly associate with Your devotees?
(1–4) This song is based on the fourth verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
dadāti pratigṛhṇāti guhyam ākhyāti pṛchchhati
bhuṅkte bhojayate chaiva ṣaḍ-vidhaṁ prīti-lakṣaṇam
«Giving and accepting gifts, expressing and enquiring about confidential matters, and giving and partaking of foodstuffs are the six forms of loving association.»
হরি হে!
সঙ্গদোষশূন্য, দীক্ষিতাদীক্ষিত
যদি তব নাম গা’য় ।
মানসে আদর, করিব তাঁহারে
জানি’ নিজ জন তায় ॥১॥
hari he!
saṅga-doṣa-śūnya, dīkṣitādīkṣita,
yadi tava nāma gā’ya
mānase ādara, kariba tā̐hāre
jāni’ nija-jana tāya [1]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; sanga–association; dosa (asat)–faulty (bad); sunya (mukta)–free from; diksita (sri guru-padasrita)–initiated (sheltered at the feet of Sri Guru); adiksita (tat-purvavastha prapta)–not initiated (situated in the preliminary stage prior to taking shelter of Sri Guru); yadi–if; tava–Your; nama–Name; ga’ya–sings; manase–within my heart; adara (ta̐hara hrdgata bhavera prati samana)–honour (for their heartfelt faith and devotion); kariba–I will do; ta̐hare–of them; jani’–knowing; nija–own; jana–person; taya–them. [1]
(1) O Lord! If one free from bad association, be they initiated or yet to be initiated, sings Your Name, I will honour them within my heart, knowing them to be Yours.
দীক্ষিত হইয়া, ভজে তুয়া পদ
তাঁহারে প্রণতি করি ।
অনন্য-ভজনে, বিজ্ঞ যেই জন
তাঁহারে সেবিব হরি! ॥২॥
dīkṣita ha-iyā, bhaje tuyā pada,
tā̐hāre praṇati kari
ananya-bhajane, vijña yei jana
tā̐hāre seviba hari! [2]
diksita–initiated; ha-iya–being; bhaje–serves; tuya–Your; pada–feet; ta̐hare (sad-guru padasraye prakasita bhakti-chihna bhaktake)–to them (to a devotee who exhibits symptoms of devotion while sheltered at the feet of a true Guru); pranati (prakasita maryada dana kariya)–bow (offering honour); kari (kariba)–I do (I will do); ananya (aikantika)–unalloyed (sincere, wholehearted); bhajane (bhajanasilera)–in devotional service (of devotional practice); vijna–expert; yei–who; jana–person; ta̐hare–their; seviba (seva kariba)–I will serve; hari!–O Lord! [2]
(2) I will offer my obeisance to anyone who has been initiated and serves Your feet. I will serve anyone who is expert in unalloyed devotional service, O Lord!
সর্ব্বভূতে সম, যে ভক্তের মতি
তাঁহার দর্শনে মানি ।
আপনাকে ধন্য, সে সঙ্গ পাইয়া
চরিতার্থ হইলুঁ জানি ॥৩॥
sarva-bhūte sama, ye bhaktera mati
tā̐hāra darśane māni
āpanāke dhanya, se saṅga pāiyā
charitārtha ha-ilu̐ jāni [3]
sarva–all; bhute–to living entities; sama–equal; ye–who; bhaktera–of a devotee; mati–disposition; ta̐hara (samudaya vastute krsna sambandha-darsi bhaktake)–their (a devotee who sees the presence or connection of Krishna within all things); darsane–in the sight; mani–I consider; apanake–to myself; dhanya–fortunate; se–their; sanga–association; paiya–obtaining; charitartha (krtartha)–fulfilled; ha-ilu̐–I have become; jani–I know. [3]
(3) I consider myself fortunate to attain the merciful glance of a devotee who is equally disposed towards all beings (who sees Your presence within everything). Attaining their association, I know myself to have become fulfilled.
নিষ্কপট-মতি, বৈষ্ণবের প্রতি
এই ধর্ম্ম কবে পা’ব ।
কবে এ সংসার- সিন্ধু-পার হ’য়ে
তব ব্রজপুরে য়া’ব ॥৪॥
niṣkapaṭa-mati, vaiṣṇavera prati
ei dharma kabe pā’ba
kabe e saṁsāra-sindhu-pāra ha’ye,
tava vraja-pure yā’ba [4]
niskapata (akrtrima-bhave)–non-deceitful (in a non-artificial, sincere way); mati–disposition; vaisnavera–of devotees; prati–towards; ei–this; dharma–nature; kabe–when?; pa’ba–I will obtain; kabe–when?; e–this; samsara–of material existence; sindhu–the ocean; para–to the farther shore; ha’ye–being; tava–Your; vraja–known as ‘Vraja’; pure–to the village; ya’ba–I will go. [4]
(4) When will I attain this sincere disposition towards Your devotees? When will I cross over this ocean of material existence and enter Your abode of Vraja?
(1–4) This song is based on the fifth verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
kṛṣṇeti yasya giri taṁ manasādriyeta
dīkṣāsti chet praṇatibhiś cha bhajantam īśam
śuśrūṣayā bhajana-vijñam ananyam anya-
nindādi-śūnya-hṛdam īpsita-saṅga-labdhyā
«One who chants Krishna’s Name (the kanistha-adhikari) should be honoured within the heart. One who is initiated and engaged in the Lord’s service (the madhyam-adhikari) should be honoured with obeisance. One who is expert in devotion, who sees nothing apart from Krishna, and whose heart is free from the duality of criticising and praising others (the uttam-adhikari) should be considered most desirable association and honoured through submissive service.»
হরি হে!
নীরধর্মগত, জাহ্ণবী-সলিলে
পঙ্ক-ফেন দৃষ্ট হয় ।
তথাপি কখন, ব্রহ্মদ্রব-ধর্ম্ম
সে সলিল না ছাড়য় ॥১॥
hari he!
nīra-dharma-gata, jāhnavī-salile,
paṅka-phena dṛṣṭa haya
tathāpi kakhana, brahma-drava-dharma,
se salila nā chāḍaya [1]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; nira–of water; dharma–the nature; gata–as; jahnavi–the Ganges; salile–in the waters; panka–mud; phena–foam; drsta–seen; haya–are; tathapi–still; kakhana–at any time; brahma (chinmaya)–spiritual; drava (taralya)–fluid (liquid state); dharma–nature; se–that; salila–water; na–not; chadaya–gives up. [1]
(1) O Lord! Mud and foam are seen in the water of the Ganges; they naturally appear within river water. Nevertheless, the water of the Ganges never loses its spiritual nature.
বৈষ্ণব-শরীর, অপ্রাকৃত সদা
স্বভাব বপুর ধর্ম্মে ।
কভু নহে জড়, তথাপি যে নিন্দে
পড়ে সে বিষমাধর্ম্ম ॥২॥
vaiṣṇava-śarīra, aprākṛta sadā
svabhāva-vapura dharme
kabhu nahe jaḍa, tathāpi ye ninde
paḍe se viṣamādharme [2]
vaisnava–of a devotee; sarira–the body; aprakrta (prakrtira niyamera atita)–supramundane (beyond the laws of material nature); sada–always; svabhava (nicha-kula avirbhava, karkasata, va alasyadi svabhavika dosa)–of the inborn nature (faults within their inborn nature, such as appearance within a low section of society, roughness [harshness or crassness], laziness, and so forth); vapura (kadarya-varna, kugathana, pida-jaradi-janita kudarsana prabhrti sarira-gata dosa)–of the body (faults within their body, such as an unpleasant complexion, a deformed figure, disease, unsightliness as a result of age, and so forth); dharme–in the nature; kabhu–at any time; nahe–is not; jada–material; tathapi–still; ye–who; ninde–blasphemes; pade–falls; se–they; visama (gurutara)–terrible (extremely heavy); adharme–into irreligion. [2]
(2) Similarly, the body of a devotee is always supramundane. Although one may see faults within the inborn nature or body of a devotee, a devotee is never mundane. One who nonetheless criticises a devotee commits a terrible sin.
সেই অপরাধে, যমের যাতনা
পায় জীব অবিরত ।
হে নন্দনন্দন! সেই অপরাধে
যেন নাহি হই হত ॥৩॥
sei aparādhe, yamera yātanā,
pāya jīva avirata
he nanda-nandana! sei aparādhe,
yena nāhi ha-i hata [3]
sei–this; aparadhe–as a result of offence; yamera–of Yamaraj, the lord of punishment; yatana–tortures; paya–attaining; jiva–the soul; avirata–incessantly; he–oh; nanda–of Nanda Maharaj; nandana!–darling son!; sei–that; aparadhe–by offence; yena–so that; nahi–not; ha-i–I become; hata–destroyed. [3]
(3) For such an offence, the soul is incessantly subjected to the tortures of Yamaraj. O Nanda Nandan! May I never be ruined by committing such an offence.
তোমার বৈষ্ণব, বৈভব তোমার
আমারে করুণ দয়া ।
তবে মোর গতি, হবে তব প্রতি
পা’ব তব পদছায়া ॥৪॥
tomāra vaiṣṇava, vaibhava tomāra,
āmāre karuṇa dayā
tabe mora gati, habe tava prati,
pā’ba tava pada-chhāyā [4]
tomara–Your; vaisnava–devotee; vaibhava–wealth, glory; tomara–Your; amare–to me; karuna–may they do; daya–mercy; tabe–then; mora–my; gati–movement; habe–will be; tava–Your; prati–towards; pa’ba–I will obtain; tava–Your; pada–of the feet; chhaya–the shade. [4]
(4) Your devotees are Your wealth. May they bestow mercy upon me; then my destiny will lead me towards You, and I will attain the shade of Your feet.
(1–4) This song is based on the sixth verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
dṛṣṭaiḥ svabhāva-janitair vapuṣaś cha doṣair
na prākṛtatvam iha bhakta-janasya paśyet
gaṅgāmbhasāṁ na khalu budbuda-phena-paṅkair
brahma-dravatvam apagachchhati nīra-dharmaiḥ
«One should not consider devotees in this world mundane despite the presence of visible faults within their inborn nature and body. The water of the Ganges never loses its spiritual nature despite the fact that it exhibits bubbles, foam, and mud, which naturally appear within river water.»
বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর দয়ার সাগর
এ দাসে করুণা করি’ ।
দিয়া পদছায়া শোধ হে আমায়
তোমার চরণ ধরি ॥১॥
vaiṣṇava ṭhākura dayāra sāgara
e dāse karuṇā kari’
diyā pada-chhāyā śodha he āmāya
tomāra charaṇa dhari [1]
ohe!–oh!; vaisnava–devotee; thakura–worshippable, topmost; dayara–of mercy; sagara–ocean; e–this; dase–to this servant; karuna–mercy; kari’–doing; diya–giving; pada–of Your feet; chhaya–the shade; sodha–purify; he–oh!; amaya–to me; tomara–Your; charana–feet; dhari–I clasp. [1]
(1) O Vaisnav Thakur! O Ocean of Mercy! Please be merciful to this servant. Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp hold of your feet.
ছয় বেগ দমি’ ছয় দোষ শোধি’
ছয় গুণ দেহ’ দাসে ।
ছয় সৎসঙ্গ দেহ’ হে আমারে
বসেছি সঙ্গের আশে ॥২॥
chhaya vega dami’ chhaya doṣa śodhi’
chhaya guṇa deha’ dāse
chhaya sat-saṅga deha’ he āmāre
basechhi saṅgera āśe [2]
chhaya–the six; vega–urges; dami’–subduing; chhaya–the six; dosa–defects; sodhi’–purifying; chhaya–the six; guna–qualities; deha’–please give; dase–to this servant; chhaya–the six; sat–with devotees sanga–forms of association; deha’–please give; he–oh; amare–to me; basechhi–I have sat; sangera–of association; ase–with the desire. [2]
(2) Please subdue the six urges, purify me of the six defects, and give this servant the six qualities. Please grant me the six types of association. I have sat before you in hope of attaining that association.
(2) The six urges are those of speech, the mind, anger, the tongue, the belly, and the genitals. The six defects are over-accumulation, materialistic endeavour, unnecessary talk, rejecting the guidelines meant for one’s self and following guidelines meant for others, association with non-devotees, and fickle-mindedness or maintaining taste for sense gratification. The six good qualities are enthusiasm for devotional practice, conviction in devotion, perseverance in striving for prema, engagement in activities favourable to devotion, rejection of bad association, and proper devotional behaviour. The six forms of association are giving and accepting gifts, hearing about and discussing the service of the Lord, and partaking of and distributing mahaprasad.
একাকী আমার নাহি পায় বল
হরিনাম-সংকীর্ত্তনে ।
তুমি কৃপা করি’ শ্রদ্ধাবিন্দু দিয়া
দেহ’ কৃষ্ণ-নাম-ধনে ॥৩॥
ekākī āmāra nāhi pāya bala
tumi kṛpā kari’ śraddhā-bindu diyā
deha’ kṛṣṇa-nāma-dhane [3]
ekaki–alone; amara–my; nahi–do not; paya–obtain; bala–ability; hari–of the Lord; nama–of the Name; sankirtane–to engage in complete glorification and chanting; tumi–you; krpa–mercy; kari’–doing; sraddha–of faith; bindu–a drop; diya–giving; deha’–please give; krsna–of Krishna; nama–of the Name; dhane–in the wealth. [3]
(3) Alone I do not have the ability to properly chant the Lord’s Name. Please mercifully give me a drop of faith; give me the wealth of Krishna’s Name.
কৃষ্ণ সে তোমার কৃষ্ণ দিতে পার
তোমার শকতি আছে ।
আমি ত’ কাঙ্গাল ‘কৃষ্ণ’ ‘কৃষ্ণ’ বলি’
ধাই তব পাছে পাছে ॥৪॥
kṛṣṇa se tomāra kṛṣṇa dite pāra
tomāra śakati āchhe
āmi ta’ kāṅgāla ‘kṛṣṇa’ ‘kṛṣṇa’ bali’
dhāi tava pāchhe pāchhe [4]
krsna–the Lord; se–He; tomara–yours; krsna–Krishna Himself; dite–to give; para–able; tomara–your; sakati–power; achhe–is present; ami–I; ta’–certainly; kangala–poor; krsna–the Name of ‘Krishna’; krsna–the Name of ‘Krishna’; bali’–saying; dhai–I run; tava–your; pachhe–after; pachhe–behind. [4]
(4) Krishna is yours. You are able to give Krishna; you have that power. I am very poor. Calling, ‘Krishna!’ ‘Krishna!’, I run after you.
হরি হে!
তোমারে ভুলিয়া, অবিদ্যা-পীড়ায়
পীড়িত রসনা মোর ।
কৃষ্ণনামসুধা, ভাল নাহি লাগে
বিষয়-সুখেতে ভোর ॥১॥
hari he!
tomāre bhuliyā, avidyā-pīḍāya,
pīḍita rasanā mora
kṛṣṇa-nāma-sudhā, bhāla nāhi lāge,
viṣaya-sukhete bhora [1]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; tomare–about You; bhuliya–forgetting; avidya–of ignorance, averse to You; pidaya–with the disease jaundice, a condition which makes sweet taste bitter; pidita–afflicted; rasana–tongue; mora–my; krsna–of Krishna; nama–the Name; sudha–nectar; bhala–good; nahi–not; lage–strikes; visaya–mundane; sukhete–in happiness; bhora–engrossed. [1]
(1) O Lord! I have forgotten You, and my tongue has become afflicted with the jaundice of ignorance. Engrossed in mundane pleasures, my tongue does not like the nectar of Krishna’s Name.
প্রতিদিন যদি, আদর করিয়া
সে নাম কীর্ত্তন করি ।
সিতপল যেন, নাশি’ রোগ-মূল
ক্রমে স্বাদু হয়, হরি! ॥২॥
prati-dina yadi, ādara kariyā
se nāma kīrtana kari
sitapala yena, nāśi’ roga-mūla
krame svādu haya, hari! [2]
prati–every; dina–day; yadi–if; adara–faith; kariya–doing; se–that; nama–Name; kirtana–chanting, glorification; kari–I do; sitapala (michhari)–sugar candy; yena–like; nasi’–destroying; roga–of the disease (jaundice); mula–the root; krame–gradually; svadu–taste; haya–happens; hari!–O Hari! [2]
(2) Yet if I faithfully chant the Name every day, then, as sugar candy eradicates jaundice, so my taste for the Name will gradually develop, O Lord!
দুর্দ্দৈব আমার, সে নামে আদর
না হইল, দয়াময়!
দশ অপরাধ, আমার দুর্দ্দৈব
কেমনে হইবে ক্ষয় ॥৩॥
durdaiva āmāra, se nāme ādara,
nā ha-ila, dayāmaya!
daśa aparādha, āmāra durdaiva,
kemane ha-ibe kṣaya [3]
durdaiva (duskrti, aparadha)–misfortune (misbehaviour, offences); amara–my; se–that; name–to the Name; adara–love; na–not; ha-ila–happened; dayamaya–merciful; dasa–ten; aparadha–offences; amara–my; durdaiva–misfortune; kemane–how?; ha-ibe–will be; ksaya–destruction. [3]
(3) My misfortune is that I have never had faith in the Name. O merciful Lord! How will the ten offences, my misfortune, be destroyed?
(3) daśa aparādha: «The ten offences.» Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur has defined the ten offences to Krishna’s Name as follows: (1) to criticise sadhus devoted to the Name; (2) to consider the Names, Forms, Qualities, and Pastimes of the Supreme Lord to be distinct from Him, and to consider that Siva and other demigods are Lords independent of the Supreme Lord; (3) to disrespect Sri Guru, who enlightens others about the Name; (4) to disrespect the scriptures which narrate the Name’s glories; (5) to consider the Name’s glories to be nothing more than praise (to have no factual existence); (6) to consider the Name Himself to be imaginary; (7) to commit sin on the strength of the Name; (8) to consider serving the Name to be equal to pious activity; (9) to instruct faithless persons about the Name; (10) to engage in the service of the Name with mundane egotism and possessiveness. These ten offences must be completely abandoned.
অনুদিন যেন, তব নাম গাই
ক্রমেতে কৃপায় তব ।
অপরাধ যা’বে, নামে রুচি হ’বে
আস্বাদিব নামাসব ॥৪॥
anudina yena, tava nāma gāi,
kramete kṛpāya tava
aparādha yā’be, nāme ruchi ha’be,
āsvādiba nāmāsaba [4]
anudina (nirantara)–every day (incessantly); yena–as; tava–Your; nama–Name; gai–I sing; kramete–gradually; krpaya–by mercy; tava–Your; aparadha–offences; ya’be–will go; nama–for Your Name; ruchi–taste; ha’be–will be; asvadiba–I will taste; namasaba (nama-madhu)–the nectar (honey) of Your Name. [4]
(4) As I constantly chant Your Name, my offences will gradually go away by Your mercy. I will attain taste for Your Name, and I will relish Your Name’s nectar.
(1–4) This song is based on the seventh verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
syāt kṛṣṇa-nāma-charitādi-sitāpy avidyā-
pittopatapta-rasanasya na rochikā nu
kintv ādarād anudinaṁ khalu saiva juṣṭā
svādvī kramād bhavati tad-gada-mūla-hantrī
«Alas! Although Krishna’s Name, Pastimes, and so forth are sweet like sugar candy, They are not relishable to a tongue severely afflicted by the jaundice of ignorance. Certainly, however, if They are incessantly served with faith, They gradually become relishable and the jaundice of ignorance is eradicated.»
হরি হে!
শ্রীরূপ-গোসাঞি, শ্রীগুরু-রূপেতে
শিক্ষা দিলা মোর কাণে ।
«জান মোর কথা, নামের কাঙ্গাল!
রতি পাবে নাম-গানে ॥১॥
hari he!
śrī-rūpa-gosāñi, śrī-guru-rūpete,
śikṣā dilā mora kāṇe
«jāna mora kathā, nāmera kāṅgāla!
rati pā’be nāma-gāne [1]
hari–Lord; he!–oh!; sri-rupa-gosani–Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu; sri-guru-rupete–in the form of my spiritual master; siksa–instruction; dila–gave; mora–my; kane–in the ear; jana–understand; mora–my; katha–words; namera–for the Name; kangala!–O beggar!; rati–melted-hearted, loving attachment; pa’be–will obtain; nama–the Name; gane–for singing. [1]
(1) O Lord! Sri Rupa Gosani, in the form of Sri Guru, spoke these instructions into my ears: «O beggar for the Name! Understand my words and you will attain loving attachment for chanting the Name.
কৃষ্ণ-নাম-রূপ- গুণ-সুচরিত
পরম যতনে করি’ ।
রসনা-মানসে, করহ নিয়োগ
ক্রম-বিধি অনুসরি’ ॥২॥
parama yatane kari’
rasanā-mānase, karaha niyoga,
krama-vidhi anusari’ [2]
krsna–of Krishna; nama–the Names; rupa–Forms; guna–Qualities; sucharita (aprakrta-lila)–supramundane Pastimes; parama–great; yatane–with care; kari’–doing; rasana–tongue; manase–the mind; karaha–do; niyoga–engagement; krama-vidhi–the gradual process; anusari’ (anusarana kariya)–following. [2]
(2) «Engage your tongue and mind in chanting and remembering Krishna’s Names, Forms, Qualities, and Pastimes with great care, following the gradual process of development.
(2) krama-vidhi: «The gradual process of development.» This refers to the stages of: sravan-dasa, hearing; varan-dasa, accepting; smaran-dasa, meditating; apan-dasa, attaining (svarup-siddhi); and sampatti-dasa, supreme fortune (vastu-siddhi).
ব্রজে করি’ বাস, রাগানুগা হঞা
স্মরণ কীর্তন কর ।
এ নিখিল কাল, করহ যাপন
উপদেশ-সার ধর» ॥৩॥
vraje kari’ vāsa, rāgānugā hañā,
smaraṇa kīrtana kara
e nikhila kāla, karaha yāpana
upadeśa-sāra dhara [3]
vraje–in Vraja; kari’–doing; vasa–residence; raganuga (nitya-siddha ragatmika vraja-vasi janera anugatya)–follower of the eternally perfect ragatmika devotees who reside in Vraja; hana–becoming; smarana–remembering; kirtana–chanting, glorification; kara–do; e–this; nikhila–all; kala–time; karaha–do; yapana–spend; upadesa–of instructions; sara–the essence; dhara–hold. [3]
(3) «Reside in Vraja, become a raganuga, and engage in remembrance and kirtan. Spend all of your time in this way, and cherish this as the essence of all instruction.»
হা! রূপ-গোসাঞি, দয়া করি’ কবে
দিবে দীনে ব্রজবাসা ।
রাগাত্মিক তুমি, তব পদানুগ
হইতে দাসের আশা ॥৪॥
hā! rūpa-gosāñi, dayā kari’ kabe,
dibe dīne vraja-vāsā
rāgātmika tumi, tava padānuga,
ha-ite dāsera āśā [4]
ha!–oh!; rupa-gosani–Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu; daya–mercy; kari’–doing; kabe–when; dibe–will give; dine–to this beggar; vraja–in Vraja; vasa–residence; ragatmika (vrajera nitya-siddha dasa, sakha, pitradi o preyasira gana — ihara ragatmika jana)–a devotee who by nature has deep loving attachment for the service of Krishna (raga) and who as a result is perpetually absorbed in the service of Krishna (the eternally perfect residents of Vraja who serve Krishna as His servants, friends, guardians, and lovers); tumi–you; tava–your; pada–the footsteps; anuga–following; ha-ite–to become; dasera–of a servant; asa–desire, aspiration. [4]
(4) O Sri Rupa Gosani! When will you mercifully grant this beggar residence in Vraja? You are a ragatmika devotee. To follow in your footsteps is this servant’s desire.
(1–4) This song is based on the eighth verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu’s Sri Upadesamrta:
smṛtyoḥ krameṇa rasanā-manasī niyojya
tiṣṭhan vraje tad-anurāgi-janānugāmī
kālaṁ nayed akhilam ity upadeśa-sāram
«Having engaged one’s tongue and mind in the gradual process of chanting and remembering Krishna’s Names, Forms, Qualities, and Pastimes, one should reside in Vraja and spend all of their time as a follower of those who have deep loving attachment to Krishna. This is the essence of all instruction.»
বড় কৃপা করি’, গৌড়বন-মাঝে
গোদ্রুমে দিয়াছ স্থান ।
আজ্ঞা দিল মোরে, এই ব্রজে বসি’
হরিনাম কর গান ॥১॥
baḍa kṛpā kari’, gauḍa-vana-mājhe
godrume diyācha sthāna
ājñā dila more, ei vraje vasi’,
hari-nāma kara gāna [1]
gurudeva!–O spiritual master!; bada–great; krpa–mercy; kari’–doing; gauda–of the land of ‘Gauda’, the region where Sriman Mahaprabhu enacted His Pastimes; vana–the forest; majhe–in the midst; godrume (abhinna nandisvara)–on the island of ‘Godrum’ (the non-different form of Sri Nandisvar); diyacha–have given; sthana–a place; ajna–order; dila–gave; more–to me; ei–this; vraje (vraja abhinna navadvip)–in Vraja (in Nabadwip which is non-different from Vraja); vasi’–residing; hari–of the Lord; nama–the Name; kara–do; gana–song. [1]
(1) O Gurudev! You have very mercifully given me a place in Sri Godrumdwip amid the forests of Gauda, and ordered me: «Reside in this abode which is non-different from Vraja and chant the Lord’s Name.»
কিন্তু কবে প্রভো, যোগ্যতা অর্পিবে
এ দাসেরে দয়া করি’ ।
চিত্ত স্থির হবে, সকল সহিব
একান্তে ভজিব হরি ॥২॥
kintu kabe prabho, yogyatā arpibe,
e dāsere dayā kari’
chitta sthira habe, sakala sahiba,
ekānte bhajiba hari [2]
kintu–but; kabe–when?; prabho–O master; yogyata–qualification; arpibe–you will give; e–this; dasere–to the servant; daya–mercy; kari’–doing; chitta–the heart; sthira–steadfast; habe–will be; sakala–all; sahiba–I will tolerate; ekante–in a solitary place, sincerely; bhajiba–I will serve; hari–my Lord. [2]
(2) But when, O master, will you mercifully grant this servant the qualification to do this? Then my heart will become steadfast, I will tolerate everything, and I will serve the Lord sincerely.
শৈশব-যৌবনে, জড়সুখ-সঙ্গে
অভ্যাস হইল মন্দ ।
নিজকর্ম্ম-দোষে, এ দেহ হইল
ভজনের প্রতিবন্ধ ॥৩॥
śaiśava-yauvane, jaḍa-sukha-saṅge,
abhyāsa ha-ila manda
nija-karma-doṣe, e deha ha-ila,
bhajanera pratibandha [3]
saisava–childhood; yauvane–in youth; jada–material; sukha–happiness; sange–in association with; abhyasa–habits; ha-ila–were; manda–bad; nija–own; karma–actions; dose–by the fault; e–this; deha–body; ha-ila–became; bhajanera–to devotional service; pratibandha (antaraya, vighna, badha)–an obstacle (obstruction, hindrance, impediment). [3]
(3) In my childhood and youth, I was attached to material happiness and my habits were wicked. Now because of my sins this body has become an impediment to engagement in service.
বার্দ্ধক্যে এখন, পঞ্চরোগে হত
কেমনে ভজিব বল’ ।
কাঁদিয়া কাঁদিয়া, তোমার চরণে
পড়িয়াছি সুবিহ্বল ॥৪॥
vārdhakye ekhana, pañcha-roge hata,
kemane bhajiba bala’
kā̐diyā kā̐diyā, tomāra charaṇe
paḍiyāchhi suvihvala [4]
vardhakye–in old age; ekhana–now; pancha (vividha)–five (various); roge–by diseases; hata–attacked; kemane–how?; bhajiba–I will serve; bala’–please say; ka̐diya–weeping; ka̐diya–and weeping; tomara–your; charane–at the feet; padiyachhi–I have fallen; suvihvala–greatly overwhelmed. [4]
(4) Now aged, I am afflicted by various diseases. Tell me, how shall I serve? Crying incessantly, I have fallen at your feet, utterly overwhelmed.
(4) pañcha-roge: «By various diseases.» This refers to a fivefold state of affliction (kles): (1) avidya: ignorance of one’s true identity as an eternal servant of Krishna; (2) asmita: identification with the mundane ego, mind, and body; (3) abhinives: absorption in mundane experience; (4) raga: obsession with mundane pleasures and their paraphernalia; and (5) dves: revulsion to dissatisfaction and its causes.
Alternately, pancha-roga can refer to various forms of bodily diseases (such as diseases which impair one’s ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch).
কৃপাবিন্দু দিয়া, কর’ এই দাসে
তৃণাপেক্ষা অতি দীন ।
সকল সহনে, বল দিয়া কর’
নিজ মানে স্পৃহাহীন ॥১॥
kṛpā-bindu diyā, kara’ ei dāse,
tṛṇāpekṣā ati dīna
sakala sahane, bala diyā kara’
nija-māne spṛhā-hīna [1]
gurudeva!–O spiritual master!; krpa–of mercy; bindu–a drop; diya–giving; kara’–please make; ei–this; dase–to the servant; trna–blade of grass; apeksa–more than; ati–very; dina–humble; sakala–all; sahane–for tolerating; bala–strength; diya–giving; kara’–please make; nija–own; mane–for honour; sprha–desire; hina–devoid. [1]
(1) O Gurudev! Give this servant a drop of your mercy and make him more humble than a blade of grass. Give him the strength to tolerate everything, and make him free from any desire for personal honour.
সকলে সম্মান, করিতে শকতি
দেহ’ নাথ! যথাযথ ।
তবে ত’ গাইব, হরিনাম সুখে
অপরাধ হবে হত ॥২॥
sakale sammāna, karite śakati,
deha’ nātha! yathāyatha
tabe ta’ gāiba, hari-nāma sukhe,
aparādha ha’be hata [2]
sakale–to everyone; sammana–honour; karite–to do; sakati–the strength; deha’–please give; natha!–O master!; yathayatha–befittingly; tabe–then; ta’–certainly; gaiba–I will sing; hari–of the Lord; nama–the Name; sukhe–happily; aparadha–offences; ha’be–will be; hata–destroyed. [2]
(2) O master! Give me the ability to befittingly honour everyone. Then I will sing the Lord’s Name happily, and all my offences will be eradicated.
কবে হেন কৃপা, লভিয়া এ জন
কৃতার্থ হইবে, নাথ!
শক্তিবুদ্ধিহীন, আমি অতি দীন
কর’ মোরে আত্মসাথ ॥৩॥
kabe hena kṛpā, labhiyā e jana,
kṛtārtha ha-ibe, nātha!
śakti-buddhi-hīna, āmi ati dīna,
kara’ more ātma-sātha [3]
kabe–when?; hena–such; krpa–mercy; labhiya–obtaining; e–this; jana–person; krtartha–fulfilled; ha-ibe–will be; natha!–O master!; sakti–strength; buddhi–and intelligence; hina–devoid; ami–I; ati–greatly; dina–distressed; kara’–please do; more–to me; atma–self; satha–with. [3]
(3) When will this soul attain such mercy and become fulfilled? O master! I am devoid of ability and intelligence, and greatly distressed. Please accept me as your own.
যোগ্যতা-বিচারে, কিছু নাহি পাই
তোমার করুণা সার ।
করুণা না হৈলে, কাঁদিয়া কাঁদিয়া
প্রাণ না রাখিব আর ॥৪॥
yogyatā-vichāre, kichhu nāhi pāi,
tomāra karuṇā — sāra
karuṇā nā haile, kā̐diyā kā̐diyā,
prāṇa nā rākhiba āra [4]
yogyata–fitness; vichare–in considering; kichhu–anything; nahi–not; pai–I obtain; tomara–your; karuna–mercy; sara–the essence; karuna–merciful; na–not; haile–if you are; ka̐diya–crying; ka̐diya–and crying; prana–life; na–not; rakhiba–I will maintain; ara–any more. [4]
(4) When I examine my qualifications, I find none. Your mercy is everything. If you are not merciful to me, then, crying incessantly, I will not live any longer.
(1–4) This song is based on the third verse of Sriman Mahaprabhu’s Siksastakam:
tṛṇād api sunīchena taror iva sahiṣṇunā
amāninā mānadena kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ
«The Lord’s Name is always to be chanted with more humility than a blade of grass, tolerance like that of a tree, respect for everyone, and without desire for respect from anyone.»
গুরুদেব! কবে মোর সেই দিন হবে ।
মন স্থির করি’, নির্জ্জনে বসিয়া
কৃষ্ণনাম গাব যবে ।
সংসার-ফুকার, কাণে না পশিবে
দেহ-রোগ দূরে রবে ॥১॥
gurudeva! kabe mora sei dina ha’be
mana sthira kari’, nirjane vasiyā,
kṛṣṇa-nāma gāba yabe
saṁsāra-phukāra, kāṇe nā paśibe,
deha-roga dūre rabe [1]
gurudeva!–O spiritual master!; kabe–when?; mora–mine; sei–that; dina–day; ha’be–will be; mana–mind; sthira–steady; kari’–doing; nirjane–in a solitary place; vasiya–residing; krsna–of Krishna; nama–the Name; gaba–I will sing; yabe–when; samsara–of the material world; phukara (kolahala)–loud shouting (confused noise); kane–in the ear; na–not; pasibe–will enter; deha–of the material body; roga (smrti)–disease (remembrance); dure–far away; rabe–will remain. [1]
(1) O Gurudev! When will that day be mine, when I will steady my mind, reside in a solitary place, and chant Krishna’s Name? Then all the cacophony of the material world will no longer enter my ears, and the disease of bodily consciousness will remain far away from me.
(1) nirjane: «In a solitary place.» In this connection Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur has written in his poem Vaisnava Ke?:
kīrtana prabhāve, smaraṇa ha-ibe,
se kāle bhajana nirjana sambhava
«The practice of kirtan results in the qualification to serve the Lord in meditation (smaran). Only at that time is service to the Lord in solitude possible.»
‘হরে কৃষ্ণ’ বলি’, গাহিতে গাহিতে
নয়নে বহিবে লোর ।
দেহেতে পুলক, উদিত হইবে
প্রেমেতে করিবে ভোর ॥২॥
‘hare kṛṣṇa’ bali’, gāhite gāhite,
nayane bahibe lora
dehete pulaka, udita ha-ibe,
premete karibe bhora [2]
‘hare krsna’–O Radha! O Krishna!; bali’–calling; gahite–chanting; gahite–and chanting; nayane–from my eyes; bahibe–will flow; lora (asru)–tears; dehete–in the body; pulaka (romancha)–horripilation (ecstasy); udita–rise; ha-ibe–will be; premete–with divine love; karibe–will do; bhora–overcome. [2]
(2) Chanting continuously, I will call out, «Hare Krsna», tears will flow from my eyes, the hair of my body will stand on end, and I will be overwhelmed with prema.
গদ-গদ বাণী, মুখে বাহিরিবে
কাঁপিবে শরীর মম ।
ঘর্ম্ম মুহুর্মুহুঃ, বিবর্ণ হইবে
স্তম্ভিত প্রলয়-সম ॥৩॥
gada-gada vāṇī, mukhe vāhiribe,
kā̐pibe śarīra mama
gharma muhur-muhuḥ, vivarṇa ha-ibe,
stambhita pralaya-sama [3]
gada-gada–faltering; vani–utterances; mukhe–from my mouth; vahiribe–will come out; ka̐pibe–will tremble; sarira–body; mama–my; gharma–perspiration; muhuh–again; muhuh–and again; vivarna–turning pale; ha-ibe–will be; stambhita–stunned; pralaya–devastation; sama–like. [3]
(3) Faltering utterances will issue from my mouth. My body will tremble, perspire again and again, turn pale, and become stunned as though devastated.
নিষ্কপটে হেন, দশা কবে হ’বে
নিরন্তর নাম গাব ।
আবেশে রহিয়া, দেহযাত্রা করি’
তোমার করুণা পাব ॥৪॥
niṣkapaṭe hena, daśā kabe ha’be,
nirantara nāma gāba
āveśe rahiyā, deha-yātrā kari’
tomāra karuṇā pāba [4]
niskapate–without deceit, sincerely; hena–such; dasa–condition, state of ecstasy; kabe–when?; ha’be–will be; nirantara–incessantly; nama–the Name; gaba–I will chant; avese–in ecstasy; rahiya–remaining; deha–of the body; yatra–maintenance; kari’–doing; tomara–your; karuna–mercy; paba–I will obtain. [4]
(4) When will I genuinely experience such a state? Then I will chant the Name incessantly. Remaining rapt in ecstasy and somehow or other maintaining my body, I will receive your mercy.
(2–4) Offenceless chanting of the Lord’s Names results in the appearance of supramundane transformations of spiritual ecstasy. This is mentioned in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta (Antya-lila, 4.71):
tāra madhye sarva-śreṣṭha nāma-saṅkīrtana
niraparādhe nāma laile pāya prema-dhana
«Among the nine forms of devotional service, Nam-sankirtan is supreme. If one chants the Lord’s Name without offence, he attains the wealth of prema.»
There are eight primary transformations of spiritual ecstasy (asta-sattvika vikar): (1) stambha, stupefaction; (2) sved, perspiration; (3) romancha, horripilation; (4) svara-bhed, faltering of the voice; (5) kampa, trembling; (6) vaivarnya, pallor; (7) asru, tears; and (8) pralaya (murchchha), devastation (fainting).
গুরুদেব! কবে তব করুণা প্রকাশে ।
শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গলীলা, হয় নিত্যতত্ত্ব
এই দৃঢ় বিশ্বাসে ।
‘হরি’ ‘হরি’ বলি’, গোদ্রুম-কাননে
ভ্রমিব দর্শন আশে ॥১॥
gurudeva! kabe tava karuṇā prakāśe
śrī-gaurāṅga-līlā, haya nitya-tattva,
ei dṛḍha viśvāse
‘hari’ ‘hari’ bali’, godruma-kānane,
bhramiba darśana-āśe [1]
gurudeva!–O spiritual master!; kabe–when?; tava–your; karuna–mercy; prakase–by the manifestation; sri-gauranga–of Sriman Mahaprabhu; lila–the Pastimes; haya–become; nitya–eternal; tattva–truth; ei–this; drdha–firm; visvase–with faith; hari–Name of ‘Hari’; hari–Name of ‘Hari’; bali’–calling; godruma–of the island known as ‘Godrum’; kanane–in the forest; bhramiba–I will wander; darsana (bahir-darsana)–to see (to see outwardly before me); ase–with the desire. [1]
(1) O Gurudev! When, by the manifestation of your mercy, will I have firm faith in the eternal truth of Sri Gauranga’s Pastimes, and wander amid the forest of Sri Godrumdwip calling out, «Hari!» «Hari!» in hope of beholding those Pastimes before me?
নিতাই গৌরাঙ্গ, অদ্বৈত শ্রীবাস
গদাধর পঞ্চজন ।
কৃষ্ণনাম-রসে, ভাসা’বে জগৎ
করি’ মহাসংকীর্ত্তন ॥২॥
nitāi gaurāṅga, advaita śrīvāsa,
gadādhara pañcha-jana
kṛṣṇa-nāma-rase, bhāsā’be jagat,
kari’ mahā-saṅkīrtana [2]
nitai–Sri Nityananda Prabhu; gauranga–Sriman Mahaprabhu; advaita–Sri Advaita Prabhu; srivasa–Srivas Thakur; gadadhara–Gadadhar Pandit; pancha–five; jana–persons; krsna–of Krishna; nama–the Names; rase–with the nectar; bhasa’be–will make float; jagat (bhuvana)–the universe (the world); kari’–doing; maha–great; sankirtana–congregational chanting. [2]
(2) Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Srivas Thakur, and Sri Gadadhar Pandit — these five great personages will inundate the world with the rasa of Krishna’s Name by performing mahasankirtan.
নর্ত্তন-বিলাস, মৃদঙ্গ-বাদন
শুনিব আপন-কাণে ।
দেখিয়া দেখিয়া, সে লীলা-মাধুরী
ভাসিব প্রেমের বানে ॥৩॥
nartana-vilāsa, mṛdaṅga-vādana,
śuniba āpana-kāṇe
dekhiyā dekhiyā, se līlā-mādhurī,
bhāsiba premera vāne [3]
nartana–of dancing; vilasa–Pastimes; mrdanga–of the clay drum; vadana–sound; suniba–I will hear; apana–my own; kane–with the ears; dekhiya–seeing; dekhiya–and seeing; se–those; lila–of the Pastimes; madhuri–sweetness; bhasiba–I will float; premera–of divine love; vane–in a flood. [3]
(3) I will hear with my own ears the sounds of the mrdanga and the movements of Their dancing. Beholding the sweet beauty of such Pastimes, I will float in a flood of prema.
না দেখি’ আবার, সে লীলা-রতন
কাঁদি ‘হা গৌরাঙ্গ!’ বলি’ ।
আমারে বিষয়ী, ‘পাগল’ বলিয়া
অঙ্গেতে দিবেক ধূলি ॥৪॥
nā dekhi’ ābāra, se līlā-ratana,
kā̐di ‘hā gaurāṅga!’ bali’
āmāre viṣayī, ‘pāgala’ baliyā,
aṅgete dibeka dhūli [4]
na–not; dekhi’–seeing; abara–again; se–these; lila–Pastimes; ratana–jewel-like; ka̐di–I cry; ha–oh!; gauranga–the name ‘Gauranga’; bali’–calling; amare–to me; visayi–materialists; pagala–a madman; baliya–calling; angete–on my body; dibeka–will put; dhuli–dust. [4]
(4) Again, not seeing those jewel-like Pastimes before me, I will cry, calling out, «O Gauranga!» Considering me a madman, materialists will kick dust upon my body.
(4) ‘pāgala’ baliyā: «Considering me a madman.» Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya has similarly declared:
parivadatu jano yathā tathāyaṁ
nanu mukharo na vayaṁ vichārayāmaḥ
bhuvi viluṭhāma naṭāma nirviśāmaḥ
«Let the garrulous masses criticise us howsoever they please; we will not consider their words. Wildly intoxicated by drinking the wine of the rasa of the Lord, we will dance, roll on the ground, and faint.»