Goptrtve Varana: Embracing the Lord’s Guardianship
কি জানি কি বলে, তোমার ধামেতে
হইনু শরণাগত ।
তুমি দয়াময়, পতিতপাবন
পতিত তারণে রত ॥১॥
ki jāni ki bale, tomāra dhāmete,
ha-inu śaraṇāgata
tumi dayā-maya, patita-pāvana,
patita-tāraṇe rata [1]
ki–what?; jani–I know; ki–what; bale–by force; tomara–Your; dhamete–in the abode; ha-inu–I became; saranagata–surrendered; tumi–You; daya–mercy; maya–full of; patita–fallen; pavana–saviour; patita–fallen; tarane–in delivering; rata–ever engaged. [1]
(1) I do not know by what force I have taken shelter within Your abode. You are the merciful saviour of the fallen, who is ever engaged in delivering them.
(1) ki jani ki bale: «I do not know by what force …» Krishna explains to Uddhava in Srimad Bhagavatam (11.20.8):
yadṛchchhayā mat-kathādau jāta-śraddhas tu yaḥ pumān
na nirviṇṇo nāti-sakto bhakti-yogo ’sya siddhi-daḥ
«One who is neither excessively averse nor excessively attached (to mundane existence) and who, by some good fortune, develops faith in narrations about Me — his practice of bhakti-yoga results in perfection.»
ভরসা আমার, এই মাত্র নাথ!
তুমি ত’ করুণাময় ।
তব দয়া পাত্র, নাহি মোর সম
অবশ্য ঘুচাবে ভয় ॥২॥
bharasā āmāra, ei mātra nātha!
tumi ta’ karuṇā-maya
tava dayā-pātra, nāhi mora sama,
avaśya ghuchābe bhaya [2]
bharasa–hope; amara–my; ei–this; matra–only; natha!–O Lord!; tumi–You; ta’–certainly; karuna–mercy; maya–full of; tava–Your; daya–mercy; patra–recipient; nahi–there is not; mora–my; sama–equal; avasya–certainly; ghuchabe–will dispel; bhaya–fear. [2]
(2) O Lord! You are merciful. This is my sole hope. There is no candidate for Your mercy like me; certainly You will dispel all my fear.
(2) tava daya-patra: «Candidate for Your mercy.» In his Sri Stotra-ratna (47), Sri Yamun Acharya prays:
na mṛṣā paramārtham eva me
śṛṇu vijñāpanam ekam agrataḥ
yadi me na dayiṣyase tadā
dayanīyas tava nātha durlabhaḥ
«O Lord, please listen as I make before You this one petition, which is not false, but utterly sincere: if You do not bestow Your mercyupon me, it will be extremely difficult for You to find a more befitting recipient of Your mercy.»
আমারে তারিতে, কাহারো শকতি
অবনী ভিতরে নাহি ।
দয়াল ঠাকুর! ঘোষনা তোমার
অধম পামরে ত্রাহি ॥৩॥
āmāre tārite, kāhāro śakati,
avanī-bhitare nāhi
dayāla ṭhākura! ghoṣanā tomāra,
adhama pāmare trāhi [3]
amare–to me; tarite–to deliver; kaharo–someone; sakati–power; avani–Earth; bhitare–upon; nahi–there is not; dayala–merciful; thakura–Lord; ghosana–declaration; tomara–Your; adhama–low; pamare–to the sinners; trahi (trana kara)–You deliver. [3]
(3) There is no one on Earth who has the power to deliver me. O merciful Lord! It is Your declaration that You deliver the lowest, most sinful persons.
(3) ghosana tomara: «Your declaration.» This is described in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta (Antya-lila, 4.68), wherein Sriman Mahaprabhu says to Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu:
dīnere adhika dayā kare bhagavān
«The Supreme Lord bestows greater mercy upon the destitute.»
সকল ছাড়িয়া, আসিয়াছি আমি
তোমার চরণে নাথ!
আমি নিত্যদাস, তুমি পালয়িতা
তুমি গোপ্তা, জগন্নাথ! ॥৪॥
sakala chhāḍiyā, āsiyāchhi āmi,
tomāra charaṇe nātha!
āmi nitya-dāsa, tumi pālayitā,
tumi goptā, jagannātha! [4]
sakala–everything; chhadiya–abandoning; asiyachhi–have come; ami–I; tomara–Your; charane–at the feet; natha!–O Lord!; ami–I; nitya–eternal; dasa–servant; tumi–You; palayita–maintainer; tumi–You; gopta (palana-karta)–protector; jagannatha!–O Lord of the universe! [4]
(4) Abandoning everything, I have come to Your feet, O Lord! I am Your eternal servant, and You are my maintainer and protector, O Lord of the universe!
তোমার সকল, আমি মাত্র দাস
আমারে তারিবে তুমি ।
তোমার চরণ, করিনু বরণ
আমার নাহি ত’ আমি ॥৫॥
tomāra sakala, āmi mātra dāsa,
āmāre tāribe tumi
tomāra charaṇa, karinu varaṇa,
āmāra nāhi ta’ āmi [5]
tomara–Yours; sakala–everything; ami–I; matra–only; dasa–a servant; amare–to me; taribe–will deliver; tumi–You; tomara–Your; charana–feet; karinu–I did; varana (avalambana-rupe grahana)–embrace (accept as my support); amara–mine; nahi–not; ta’–certainly; ami–I. [5]
(5) Everything is Yours. I am only a servant. Certainly You will deliver me. I have embraced Your feet and no longer belong to myself.
(5) amara nahi ta’ ami: «I no longer belong to myself.» The result of this type of wholesale surrender is described by Krishna to Uddhava in Srimad Bhagavatam (11.29.34):
mayātma-bhūyāya cha kalpate vai
«The surrendered soul becomes fit to associate with Me (he awakens to his divine form like My own).»
ভকতিবিনোদ, কাঁদিয়া শরণ
ল’য়েছে তোমার পায় ।
ক্ষমি’ অপরাধ, নামে রুচি দিয়া
পালন করহে তায় ॥৬॥
bhakati-vinoda, kā̐diyā śaraṇa,
la’yechhe tomāra pāya
kṣami’ aparādha, nāme ruchi diyā,
pālana karahe tāya [6]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; ka̐diya–crying; sarana–shelter; la’yechhe–has taken; tomara–Your; paya–feet; ksami’–forgiving; aparadha–offences; name–for Your Name; ruchi (anuraga)–taste (deep loving attachment); diya–giving; palana–protection; karahe–please do; taya–him. [6]
(6) Crying, Bhakti Vinod has taken shelter at Your feet. Forgiving his offences and granting him taste for Your Name, please maintain him.
(6) kṣami’ aparādha … pālana karahe tāya: «Forgiving his offences … please maintain him.» Forgiving their offences and granting them taste for the Name is the Lord’s maintenance of His devotees.
দারা, পুত্র, নিজদেহ, কুটুম্ব পালনে ।
সর্ব্বদা ব্যাকুল আমি ছিনু মনে মনে ॥১॥
dārā, putra, nija-deha, kuṭumba pālane
sarvadā vyākula āmi chhinu mane mane [1]
dara–wife; putra–children; nija–own; deha–body; kutumba–relatives; palane–in the maintenance of; sarvada–always; vyakula–anxious; ami–I; chhinu–was; mane–in mind; mane–in mind. [1]
(1) Deep within, I was always anxious about the maintenance of my wife, children, body, and relatives.
কেমনে অর্জ্জিব অর্থ যশ কিসে পাব ।
কন্যা-পুত্র-বিবাহ কেমনে সম্পাদিব ॥২॥
kemane arjiba artha yaśa kise pāba
kanyā-putra-vivāha kemane sampādiba [2]
kemane–how?; arjibah–I will earn; artha–money; yasa–fame; kise–by what means?; paba–I will attain; kanya–of daughters; putra–of sons; vivaha–marriage; kemane–how?; sampadiba–I will arrange. [2]
(2) «How shall I earn money? How shall I attain fame? How will I arrange the marriages of my sons and daughters?»
এবে আত্মসমর্পণে চিন্তা নাহি আর ।
তুমি নির্ব্বাহিবে প্রভো! সংসার তোমার ॥৩॥
ebe ātma-samarpaṇe chintā nāhi āra
tumi nirvāhibe prabho! saṁsāra tomāra [3]
ebe–now; atma–myself; samarpane–by fully offering; chinta–anxiety; nahi–not; ara–any more; tumi–You; nirvahibe–will maintain; prabho!–O Lord!; samsara–household; tomara–Yours. [3]
(3) Now that I have fully offered myself, I have no more anxiety. You will maintain Your household, O Lord!
তুমি ত’ পালিবে মোরে নিজ-দাস জানি’ ।
তোমার সেবায় প্রভু! বড় সুখ মানি ॥৪॥
tumi ta’ pālibe more nija-dāsa jāni’
tomāra sevāya prabhu! baḍa sukha māni [4]
tumi–You; ta’–certainly; palibe–will protect; more–me; nija–Your own; dasa–servant; jani’–knowing; tomara–Your; sevaya–in the service; prabhu!–O Lord!; bada–great; sukha–happiness; mani–I find. [4]
(4) You will certainly maintain me, knowing me to be Your servant. O Lord! In Your service I feel the greatest joy.
তোমার ইচ্ছায় প্রভু, সব কার্য্য হয় ।
জীব বলে — ‘করি আমি’, সে ত’ সত্য নয় ॥৫॥
tomāra ichchhāya prabhu, saba kārya haya
jīva bale — ‘kari āmi’, se ta’ satya naya [5]
tomara–Your; ichchhaya–by the desire; prabhu–O Lord; saba–all; karya–activity; haya–happens; jiva–the conditioned souls; bale–consider; kari–do; ami–I; se–that; ta’–certainly; satya–truth; naya–is not. [5]
(5) All activity happens according to Your will, O Lord, yet souls think, «I do». This is not at all true.
(5) jīva bale — ‘kari āmi’, se ta’ satya naya: «Souls think, ‘I do’. This is not at all true.» Krishna explains this in Srimad Bhagavad-gita (3.27):
prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
ahaṅkāra-vimūḍhātmā kartāham iti manyate
«Actions in the world are effected, in every respect, by the modes of material nature. Yet one deluded by false ego thinks, ‘I am the doer’.»
জীব কি করিতে পারে, তুমি না করিলে ।
আশা মাত্র জীব করে, তব ইচ্ছা ফলে ॥৬॥
jīva ki karite pāre, tumi nā karile
āśā mātra jīva kare, tava ichchhā phale [6]
jiva–the soul; ki–what?; karite–to act; pare–can; tumi–You; na–do not; karile–if act; asa–desire; matra–only; jiva–souls; kare–do; tava–Your; ichchha–will; phale–manifests. [6]
(6) What are the souls able to do if You do not act? The souls can only desire. It is Your will alone that comes to pass.
নিশ্ছিন্ত হইয়া আমি সেবিব তোমায় ।
গৃহে ভাল মন্দ হ’লে নাহি মোর দায় ॥৭॥
niśchinta ha-iyā āmi seviba tomāya
gṛhe bhāla-manda ha’le nāhi mora dāya [7]
nischinta–devoid of anxiety; ha-iya–being; ami–I; seviba–will serve; tomaya–unto You; grhe–in the house; bhala–good; manda–bad; ha’le–when happens; nahi–not be; mora–my; daya–responsibility. [7]
(7) Free from all anxiety, I will serve You. Whatever happens in Your household, be it good or bad, will not be my responsibility.
ভকতিবিনোদ নিজ-স্বাতন্ত্য ত্যজিয়া ।
তোমার চরণ সেবে অকিঞ্চন হইয়া ॥৮॥
bhakati-vinoda nija-svātantrya tyajiyā
tomāra charaṇa seve akiñchana ha-iyā [8]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; nija–own; svatantrya–independence; tyajiya–abandoning; tomara–Your; charana–feet; seve’–serves; akinchana–detached; ha-iya–being. [8]
(8) Completely detached, Bhakti Vinod abandons his independence and serves Your feet.
সর্ব্বস্ব তোমার, চরণে সঁপিয়া
পড়েছি তোমার ঘরে ।
তুমি ত’ ঠাকুর, তোমার কুকুর
বলিয়া জানহ মোরে ॥১॥
sarvasva tomāra, charaṇe sa̐piyā,
paḍechhi tomāra ghare
tumi ta’ ṭhākura, tomāra kukkura,
baliyā jānaha more [1]
sarvasva–everything; tomara–Yours; charane–at the feet; sa̐piya–offering; padechhi–I have fallen; tomara–Your; ghare–in the house; tumi–You; ta’–certainly; thakura–the master; tomara–Your; kukkura–dog; baliya–considering; janaha–please know; more–to me. [1]
(1) I have offered everything at Your feet and taken shelter in Your home. You are my Master. Consider me Your dog.
বাঁধিয়া নিকটে, আমারে পালিবে
রহিব তোমার দ্বারে ।
প্রতীপ-জনেরে, আসিতে না দিব
রাখিব গডের পারে ॥২॥
bā̐dhiyā nikaṭe, āmāre pālibe,
rahiba tomāra dvāre
pratīpa-janere, āsite nā diba,
rākhiba gaḍera pāre [2]
ba̐ndhiya–tying up; nikate–nearby; amare–to me; palibe–will maintain; rahiba–will keep; tomara–Your; dvare–at the door; pratipa (pratikula, guru-vaisnava-dvesi)–adverse (unfavourable, inimical to the spiritual master and the devotees); janere–persons who are; asite–to come; na–not; diba–I will allow; rakhiba–I will keep; gadera (durga, parikha)–of the moat (impassable ditch); pare–on the other side. [2]
(2) You will tie me up nearby and maintain me. I will remain at Your doorstep. I will not allow any inimical persons to enter; I will keep them on the far side of Your moat.
তব নিজ-জন, প্রসাদ সেবিয়া
উচ্ছিষ্ট রাখিবে যাহা ।
আমার ভোজন, পরম-আনন্দে
প্রতিদিন হবে তাহা ॥৩॥
tava nija-jana, prasāda seviyā,
uchchhiṣṭa rākhibe yāhā
āmāra bhojana, parama-ānande,
prati-dina habe tāhā [3]
tava–Your; nija–own; jana–person; prasada (anugraha, ekhane anugraha purvaka pradatta vastu)–the remnants of offerings of food unto You (mercy; in this instance meaning items mercifully bestowed); seviya–serving; uchchhista–remnants; rakhibe–will leave behind; yaha–whatever; amara–my; bhojana–eating; parama–great; anande–with joy; prati–every; dina–day; habe–will be; taha–that. [3]
(3) Whatever remnants Your devotees leave behind after honouring Your prasad I will eat every day with great joy.
বসিয়া শুইয়া, তোমার চরণ
চিন্তিব সতত আমি ।
নাচিতে নাচিতে, নিকটে যাইব
যখন ডাকিবে তুমি ॥৪॥
basiyā śuiyā, tomāra charaṇa,
chintiba satata āmi
nāchite nāchite, nikaṭe yāiba,
yakhana ḍākibe tumi [4]
basiya–sitting up; suiya–lying down; tomara–Your; charana–feet; chintiba–will think; satata–always; ami–I; nachite–dancing; nachite–and dancing; nikate–nearby; yaiba–I will go; yakhana–when; dakibe–will call; tumi–You. [4]
(4) While sitting up or lying down, I will always think of Your feet. I will come to You whenever You call me, dancing all the way.
নিজের পোষণ, কভু না ভাবিব
রহিব ভাবের ভরে ।
ভকতিবিনোদ, তোমারে পালক
বলিয়া বরণ করে ॥৫॥
nijera poṣana, kabhu nā bhāviba,
rahiba bhāvera bhare
bhakati-vinoda, tomāre pālaka,
baliyā varaṇa kare [5]
nijera–of my own; posana–maintenance, nourishment; kabhu–ever; na–not; bhaviba–I will think; rahiba–I will remain; bhavera–of loving attachment; bhare–in the shelter; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; tomare–to You; palaka–protector; baliya–considering; varana–choose; kare–does. [5]
(5) I will never think about my own maintenance; I will always remain within the shelter of loving attachment to You. Bhakti Vinod embraces You as his maintainer.
(5) nijera poṣana kabhu nā bhāviba: «I will never think about my own maintenance.» This state of surrender is described in Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.195):
chintāṁ kuryān na rakṣāyair vikrītasya yathā paśoḥ
tathārpayan harau dehaṁ viramedasya rakṣaṇāt
«As one does not worry about the maintenance of a sold animal, so one will not worry about maintaining oneself upon fully offering one’s body unto the Supreme Lord.»
তুমি সর্ব্বেশ্বরেশ্বর, ব্রজেন্দ্রকুমার!
তোমার ইচ্ছায় বিশ্বে সৃজন সংহার ॥১॥
tumi sarveśvareśvara, vrajendra-kumāra!
tomāra ichchhāya viśve sṛjana saṁhāra [1]
tumi–You; sarvesvaresvara–the Lord of all Lords; vrajendra–of the king of Vraja; kumara–the son, Krishna; tomara–Your; ichchhaya–by the will; visve–in the universe; srjana–creation; samhara–annihilation. [1]
(1) You are the Lord of all Lords, O Vrajendra Kumar! In accordance with Your will, creation and annihilation take place within the universe.
(1) tumi sarveśvareśvara: «You are the Lord of all Lords.» The supreme position and identity of Krishna is described throughout the scriptures:
ete chāṁśa-kalāḥ puṁsaḥ kṛṣṇas tu bhagavān svayam
indrāri-vyākulaṁ lokaṁ mṛḍayanti yuge yuge
«All these Avatars are manifestations or partial manifestations of the Purus-avatars (Karanodaksayi Visnu, Garbhodaksayi Visnu, and Ksirodaksayi Visnu), but Krishna is Svayam Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord Himself. In every age these Avatars protect the demon-ridden universe.»
sṛjāmi tan-niyukto ’haṁ haro harati tad-vaśaḥ
viśvaṁ puruṣa-rūpeṇa paripāti tri-śakti-dhṛk
«In accordance with the order of Sri Hari, I create the universe and Siva annihilates it. Sri Hari, the controller of the three modes of material nature, maintains the universe with His form of Ksirodaksayi Visnu.»
īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ sach-chid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ
anādir ādir govindaḥ sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇam
«The embodiment of spiritual energy, consciousness, and ecstasy, Sri Krishna, who is known as Govinda, is the Supreme Lord of all Lords. He has no origin, He is the origin of all, and He is the cause of all causes.»
ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate
iti matvā bhajante māṁ budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ
[Krishna Himself explains:] «I am the origin of everything. Everything emanates from Me. Realising this, the wise serve Me, fully imbued with divine love.»
mattaḥ parataraṁ nānyat kiñchid asti dhanañjaya
mayi sarvam idaṁ protaṁ sūtre maṇi-gaṇā iva
«O Arjun, there is nothing superior to Me. All that exists is strung upon Me like jewels upon a thread.»
তব ইচ্ছামত ব্রহ্মা করেন সৃজন ।
তব ইচ্ছামত বিষ্ণু করেন পালন ॥২॥
tava ichchhā-mata brahmā karena sṛjana
tava ichchhā-mata viṣṇu karena pālana [2]
tava–Your; ichchha–will; mata–according to; brahma–the universal creator; karena–does; srjana–creation; tava–Your; ichchha–will; mata–according to; visnu–the maintainer of the material nature; karena–does; palana–maintenance. [2]
(2) In accordance with Your will, Brahma creates the universe. In accordance with Your will, Visnu maintains the universe.
তব ইচ্ছামত শিব করেন সংহার ।
তব ইচ্ছামতে মায়া সৃজে কারাগার ॥৩॥
tava ichchhā-mata śiva karena saṁhāra
tava ichchhā-mate māyā sṛje kārāgāra [3]
tava–Your; ichchha–will; mata–according to; siva–the topmost Vaisnava who serves Krishna in a wide variety of ways; karena–does; samhara–annihilation; tava–Your; ichchha–will; mate–according to; maya–the goddess of illusion; srje–creates; karagara–prison. [3]
(3) In accordance with Your will, Siva annihilates the universe.In accordance with Your will, Maya Devi creates her prisonhouse.
তব ইচ্ছামত জীবের জনম-মরণ ।
সমৃদ্ধি-নিপাত দুঃখ সুখ-সংঘটন ॥৪॥
tava ichchhā-mata jīvera janama-maraṇa
samṛddhi-nipāta duḥkha sukha-saṁghaṭana [4]
tava–Your; ichchha–will; mata–according to; jivera–of the individual souls; janama–birth; marana–death; samrddhi (unnati)–increase (prosperity); nipata (avanati)–decline (degradation); duhkha–distress; sukha–happiness; samghatana–occurrence. [4]
(4) In accordance with Your will, the souls take birth and die. In accordance with Your will, they experience prosperity and ruin, happiness and distress.
(4) samṛddhi-nipāta: «Prosperity and ruin.» The supreme authority of Krishna’s will is described as follows:
āpane ichchhāya jīva koṭi vāñchhā kare
kṛṣṇa ichchhā hale tāre tabe phala dhare
«According to their will, the souls desire innumerable ends. Yet only if Krishna wills it are their desires fulfilled.»
মিছে মায়াবদ্ধ জীব আশাপাশে ফিরে ।
তব ইচ্ছা বিনা কিছু করিতে না পারে ॥৫॥
michhe māyā-baddha jīva āśā-pāśe phire
tava ichchhā vinā kichhu karite nā pāre [5]
michhe–vainly; maya–goddess of illusion; baddha–bound; jiva–the individual souls; asa–pase–all around; phire–wander; tava–Your; ichchha–will; vina–without; kichhu–anything; karite–to do; na–not; pare–able. [5]
(5) Bound by Maya, the souls vainly wander about. Unless it is Your will, they are not able to do anything.
তুমি ত’ রক্ষক আর পালক আমার ।
তোমার চরণ বিনা আশা নাহি আর ॥৬॥
tumi ta’ rakṣaka āra pālaka āmāra
tomāra charaṇa vinā āśā nāhi āra [6]
tumi–You; ta’–certainly; raksaka–the protector; ara–and; palaka–maintainer; amara–my; tomara–Your; charana–feet; vina–apart from; asa–hope, desire; nahi–not; ara–another. [6]
(6) You are my protector and maintainer. I aspire for nothing other than Your feet.
নিজবল-ছেষ্টা প্রতি ভরসা ছাড়িয়া ।
তোমার ইচ্ছায় আছি নির্ভর করিয়া ॥৭॥
nija-bala-cheṣṭā prati bharasā chhāḍiyā
tomāra ichchhāya āchhi nirbhara kariyā [7]
nija–own; bala–strength; chesta–endeavours; prati–upon; bharasa–reliance; chhadiya–abandoning; tomara–Your; ichchhaya–according to will; achhi–I am; nirbhara–dependence; kariya–doing. [7]
(7) Abandoning reliance on my own strength and endeavour, I depend upon Your will.
(7) nnija-bala-cheṣṭā … nirbhara kariyā: «Abandoning reliance upon my own strength and endeavour.» Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur also sings about this in his Kalyana-kalpa-taru (3.3.3):
gopīnātha, hāra ye menechhi āmi
(āmāra) aneka yatana, ha-ila biphala,
ekhana bharasā tumi
«O Gopinath, I have accepted defeat. All of my endeavours were useless. I now rely upon You.»
ভকতিবিনোদ অতি দীন অকিঞ্চন ।
তোমার ইচ্ছায় তা’র জীবন মরণ ॥৮॥
bhakati-vinoda ati dīna akiñchana
tomāra ichchhāya tā’ra jīvana maraṇa [8]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; ati–very; dina–surrendered; akinchana–detached; tomara–Your; ichchhaya–according to will; ta’ra–his; jivana–life; marana–death. [8]
(8) Bhakti Vinod is completely surrendered and detached. He lives and dies in accordance with Your will.