Visrambhatmika: Confidence in the Lord’s Protection
এখন বুঝিনু প্রভু! তোমার চরণ ।
অশোক-অভয়ামৃত-পূর্ণ সর্ব্বক্ষণ ॥১॥
ekhana bhujhinu prabhu! tomāra charaṇa
aśoka-abhayāmṛta-pūrṇa sarva-kṣaṇa [1]
ekhana–now; bhujinu–I have understood; prabhu!–O Lord!; tomara–Your; charana–feet; asoka–sorrowlessness; abhaya–fearlessness; amrta–nectar; purna–full of; sarva–all; ksana–moments. [1]
(1) O Lord! Now I have understood that Your feet are always replete with sorrowlessness, fearlessness, and immortality.
সকল ছাড়িয়া তুয়া চরণকমলে ।
পড়িয়াছি আমি নাথ! তব পদতলে ॥২॥
sakala chhāḍiyā tuyā charaṇa-kamale
paḍiyāchhi āmi nātha! tava pada-tale [2]
sakala–everything; chhadiya–abandoning; tuya–Your; charana–feet; kamale–at the lotus; padiyachhi–have fallen; ami–I; natha!–O Lord!; tava–Your; pada–feet; tale–beneath. [2]
(2) I have relinquished everything at Your lotus feet and fallen before them, O Lord!
তব পাদপদ্ম, নাথ! রক্ষিবে আমারে ।
আর রক্ষাকর্ত্তা নাহি এ ভবসংসারে ॥৩॥
tava pāda-padma, nātha! rakṣibe āmāre
āra rakṣā-kartā nāhi e bhava-saṁsāre [3]
tava–Your; pada–feet; padma–lotus; natha!–O Lord!; raksibe (raksa karibe)–will protect; amare–to me; ara–other; raksa–protection; karta–doer; nahi–is not; e–this; bhava–of birth and death; samsare–in this world. [3]
(3) O Lord! Your lotus feet will protect me. There is no other protector in this world of birth and death.
আমি তব নিত্যদাস — জানিনু এবার ।
আমার পালন-ভার এখন তোমার ॥৪॥
āmi tava nitya dāsa — jāninu e-bāra
āmāra pālana-bhāra ekhana tomāra [4]
ami–I; tava–Your; nitya–eternal; dasa–servant; janinu–I have understood; e–this; bara–time; amara–my; palana–protection; bhara–responsibility; ekhana–now; tomara–Your. [4]
(4) Now I have understood that I am Your eternal servant. The responsibility of maintaining me is now Yours.
বড় দুঃখ পাইয়াছি স্বতন্ত্র জীবনে ।
সব দুঃখ দূরে গেল, ও পদ বরণে ॥৫॥
baḍa duḥkha pāiyāchhi svatantra jīvane
saba duḥkha dūre gela, o pada varaṇe [5]
o pada varaṇe: duhkha–distress; paiyachhi–I have experienced; svatantra (anasrita)–independent (unsheltered); jivane–in life; saba–all; duhkha–distress; dure–far away; gela–went; o–those; pada–feet; varane–by accepting. [5]
(5) I experienced only great distress in my independent life. All my distress has gone away by embracing Your feet.
(5) o pada varane: «By embracing Your feet.» In Prarthana (43.1), Srila Narottam Thakur has written:
āśraya la-iyā bhaje, tāre kṛṣṇa nāhi tyaje
āra saba mare akāraṇa
«Krishna never abandons one who takes shelter and serves Him. All others die in vain.»
যে পদ লাগিয়া রমা তপস্যা করিল ।
যে পদ পাইয়া শিব ‘শিবত্ব’ লভিল ॥৬॥
যে পদ লভিয়া ব্রহ্মা কৃতার্থ হইল ।
যে পদ নারদ-মুনি হৃদয়ে ধরিল ॥৭॥
সেই সে অভয় পদ শিরেতে ধরিয়া ।
পরম আনন্দে নাচি পদগুণ গাইয়া ॥৮॥
ye pada lāgiyā ramā tapasyā karila
ye-pada pāiyā śiva ‘śivatva’ labhila [6]
ye-pada labhiyā brahmā kṛtārtha ha-ila
ye-pada nārada-muni hṛdaye dharila [7]
sei se abhaya pada śirete dhariyā
parama-ānande nāchi pada-guṇa gāiyā [8]
ye–whose; pada–feet; lagiya–for attaining; rama–the Goddess of fortune Laksmi Devi; tapasya–austerity; karila–did; ye–whose; pada–feet; paiya–obtaining; siva–the chief of the demigods and topmost devotee, Mahadev; ‘sivatva’–auspiciousness, the status of being ‘Siva’; labhila–obtained; ye–whose; pada–feet; labhiya–obtaining; brahma–the universal creator; krtartha–fulfilled; ha-ila–became; ye–whose; pada–feet; narada muni–Devarsi Narad, the son of Brahma and Guru of Vedavyas; hrdaye–in the heart; dharila–embraced; sei–those very; se–those; abhaya–fearless; pada–feet; sirete–on the head; dhariya–holding; parama–great; anande–with joy; nachi–I dance; pada–of the feet; guna–the qualities; gaiya–singing. [6–8]
(6–8) Those feet which Laksmi Devi performed austerities to attain; those feet from which Siva artained the quality of sivatva, auspiciousness; those feet by which Brahma became fulfilled; those feet which Narad Muni embraced in his heart — holding upon my head those very feet, which are the abode of fearlessness, I dance with great joy, chanting their glories.
(6) śiva ‘śivatva’ labhila: «Siva attained the quality of sivatva, auspiciousness.» This is described by Sri Kapiladev in Srimad Bhagavatam (3.28.22):
tīrthena mūrdhny adhikṛtena śivaḥ śivo ’bhūt
dhyātur manaḥ śamala-śaila-nisṛṣṭa-vajraṁ
dhyāyech chiraṁ bhagavataś charaṇāravindam
«Siva became imbued with the quality of sivatva, auspiciousness, by bearing upon his head the holy waters of the greatest of all rivers, the Ganges, whose origin is the foot-wash of the Supreme Lord. The sins in the heart of one who meditates on that Supreme Lord’s lotus feet are destroyed just as a mountain is levelled by an onslaught of thunderbolts. Thus one should always meditate on the Supreme Lord’s lotus feet.»
সংসার-বিপদ্ হ’তে অবশ্য উদ্ধার ।
ভকতিবিনোদ (ও)পদ করিবে তোমার ॥৯॥
saṁsāra-vipada ha’te avaśya uddhāra
bhakati-vinoda (o)-pada karibe tomāra [9]
samsara–of this material world; vipada–dangers; ha’te–from; avasya–certainly; uddhara–deliverance; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; o–those; pada–feet; karibe–will do; tomara–Your. [9]
(9) Your feet will surely deliver Bhakti Vinod from the dangers of material existence.
তুমি ত’ মারিবে যারে, কে তারে রাখিতে পারে
তব ইচ্ছা-বশ ত্রিভুবন ।
ব্রহ্মা আদি-দেবগণ, তব দাস অগণন
করে তব আজ্ঞার পালন ॥১॥
tumi ta’ māribe yāre, ke tāre rākhite pāre
tava ichchhā-vaśa tribhuvana
brahmā ādi-deva-gaṇa, tava dāsa aganaṇa
kare tava ājñāra pālana [1]
tumi–You; ta’–certainly; maribe–will kill; yare–whom; ke–who?; tare–him; rakhite–to protect; pare–can; tava–Your; ichchha–will; vasa–under the control; tribhuvana–the three worlds — Svarga, Martya, and Patal (heaven, earth, and hell); brahma–the universal creator; adi–and so forth; deva–of demigods; gana–the group; tava–Your; dasa–servants; aganana–numberless; kare–do; tava–Your; ajnara–of the orders; palana–following. [1]
(1) Who can protect one whom You will kill? The three worlds are subservient to Your will. Brahma and the countless demigods are Your servants and carry out Your orders.
(1) tumi ta’ māribe … tava ichchhā-vaśa tribhuvana: «The three worlds are subservient to Your will.» Krishna describes His unassailable will to Arjun just before the battle of Kuruksetra:
mayaivaite nihatāḥ pūrvam eva
nimitta-mātraṁ bhava savya-sāchin
«All the warriors on this battlefield have already been killed by Me. O Arjun, simply be My instrument.»
brahmā-ādi-deva-gaṇa … kare tava ājñāra pālana: «Brahma and the countless demigods … carry out Your orders.» Brahma himself describes this in Srimad Bhagavatam (2.6.32):
sṛjāmi tan-niyukto ’haṁ haro harati tad-vaśaḥ
viśvaṁ puruṣa-rūpeṇa paripāti tri-śakti-dhṛk
«In accordance with the order of Sri Hari, I create the universe and Siva annihilates it. Sri Hari, the controller of the three modes of material nature, maintains the universe with His form of Ksirodaksayi Visnu.»
তব ইচ্ছা-মতে যত, গ্রহগণ অবিরত
শুভাশুভ ফল করে দান ।
রোগ-শোক-মৃতি-ভয়, তব ইচ্ছা-মতে হয়
তব আজ্ঞা সদা বলবান্ ॥২॥
tava ichchhā-mate yata, graha-gaṇa avirata
śubhāśubha phala kare dāna
roga-śoka-mṛti-bhaya, tava ichchhā-mate haya
tava ājñā sadā balavān [2]
tava–Your; ichchha–will; mate–in accordance with; yata–all; graha–planets;gana–the group of; avirata–uninterruptedly; subha–auspicious; asubha–inauspicious; phala–results; kare–do; dana–grant; roga–disease; soka–lamentation; mrti (marana)–death; bhaya–fear; tava–Your; ichchha–will; mate–in accordance with; haya–happen; tava–Your; ajna–orders; sada–always; balavan–powerful. [2]
(2) In accordance with Your will, all the planets perpetually exert their auspicious and inauspicious influences. Disease, lamentation, death, and fear all occur in accordance with Your will. Your orders are always predominant.
তব ভয়ে বায়ু বয়, চন্দ্র-সূর্য্য সমুদয়
স্ব-স্ব-নিয়মিত-কার্য্য করে ।
তুমি ত’ পরমেশ্বর, পরব্রহ্ম পরাৎপর
তব বাস ভকত-অন্তরে ॥৩॥
tava bhaye vāyu vaya, chandra-sūrya samudaya
sva-sva-niyamita-kārya kare
tumi ta’ parameśvara, parabrahma parātpara
tava vāsa bhakata-antare [3]
tava–of You; bhaye–out of fear; vayu–the wind; vaya–blows; chandra–the moon; surya–and the sun; samudaya–all the celestial bodies; sva–own; sva–respective; niyamita–prescribed; karya–duties; kare–do; tumi–You; ta’–certainly; parama–supreme; isvara–controller; parabrahma–the supreme; Absolute; paratpara (asamorddhva)–greater than the greatest (unparalleled); tava–Your; vasa–residence; bhakata–the devotees; antare–within. [3]
(3) Out of fear of You, the wind blows, and the moon, the sun, and all the celestial bodies perform their respective duties. You are the Supreme Lord, the unparalleled Supreme Absolute. You reside in the hearts of Your devotees.
(3) tava vāsa bhakata-antare: «You reside in the hearts of Your devotees.» In Srimad Bhagavatam (9.4.68), Visnu explains:
sādhavo hṛdayaṁ mahyaṁ sādhūnāṁ hṛdayaṁ tv aham
mad-anyat te na jānanti nāhaṁ tebhyo manāg api
«Sadhus are My heart, and I alone am their heart. They do not know anyone other than Me, and I do not know anyone other than them.»
Srila Narottam Thakur sings about this in Prarthana (45.5):
tomāra hṛdaye sadā govinda-viśrāma
govinda kahena — mama vaiṣṇava parāṇa
«Govinda always rests in your heart, and He declares, ‘My devotees are My heart.’»
সদা শুদ্ধ সিদ্ধকাম, ভকতবৎসল নাম
ভকত-জনের নিত্য স্বামী ।
তুমি ত’ রাখিবে যারে, কে তারে মারিতে পারে
সকল বিধির বিধি তুমি ॥৪॥
sadā-śuddha siddha-kāma, bhakata-vatsala nāma,
bhakata-janera nitya-svāmī
tumi ta’ rākhibe yāre, ke tāre mārite pāre
sakala vidhira vidhi tumi [4]
sada–eternally; suddha–pure; siddha–fulfilled; kama–desire; bhakata–devotees; vatsala–affectionate; nama–name; bhakata–devotees; janera–of the persons; nitya–eternal; svami–Master; tumi–You; ta’–certainly; rakhibe–will protect; yare–whom; ke–who?; tare–him; marite–to kill; pare–can; sakala–all; vidhira–of destinies, laws, providence; vidhi–determining element; tumi–You. [4]
(4) You are eternally pure. Your desires are always fulfilled. You are known as Bhakta-vatsal, He who is affectionate to His devotees. You are the eternal master of Your devotees. Who can kill one whom You will protect? You are the author of all destinies.
(4) siddha-kāma: «Your desires are always fulfilled.» In Srimad Bhagavatam (6.9.22), the demigods describe the Lord in this way:
avismitaṁ taṁ paripūrṇa-kāmaṁ
svenaiva lābhena samaṁ praśāntam
vinopasarpaty aparaṁ hi bāliśaḥ
śva-lāṅgulenātititarti sindhum
«The eternally smiling Supreme Lord is never surprised by anything. His desires are always fulfilled. He is self-sufficient, equanimous, and peaceful. One who rejects Him and approaches anyone else for shelter is certainly a fool; he is like one who desires to cross the ocean by taking hold of a dog’s tail.»
bhakata-janera nitya-svāmī: «You are the eternal master of Your devotees.» In Srimad Bhagavad-gita (9.29), Krishna says:
samo ’haṁ sarva-bhūteṣu na me dveṣyo ’sti na priyaḥ
ye bhajanti tu māṁ bhaktyā mayi te teṣu chāpy aham
«I am equally disposed to all; no one is My enemy or My friend. Yet, those who serve Me with devotion — as they are lovingly attached to Me, so I am lovingly attached to them.»
তোমার চরণে নাথ! করিয়ছে প্রণিপাত
ভকতিবিনোদ তব দাস ।
বিপদ্ হইতে স্বামী! অবশ্য তাহারে তুমি
রক্ষিবে, — তাহার এ বিশ্বাস ॥৫॥
tomāra charaṇe nātha! kariyāchhe praṇipāta,
bhakati-vinoda tava dāsa
vipada ha-ite svāmī! avaśya tāhāre tumi,
rakṣibe, — tāhāra e viśvāsa [5]
tomara–Your; charane–at the feet; natha!–O Lord!; kariyachhe–have done; pranipata–obeisance; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; tava–Your; dasa–servant; vipada–danger; ha-ite–from; svami!–Master!; avasya–surely; tahare–him; tumi–You; raksibe–will protect; tahara–his; e–this; visvasa–faith. [5]
(5) O Lord! Your servant Bhakti Vinod has offered his obeisance at Your feet. O Master! You will certainly protect him from all danger — this is his faith.
আত্মসমর্পণে গেলা অভিমান ।
নাহি করবুঁ নিজ রক্ষা-বিধান ॥১॥
ātma-samarpaṇe gelā abhimāna
nāhi karabu̐ nija rakṣā-vidhāna [1]
atma–myself; samarpane–by fully offering; gela–went; abhimana (svasamarthya-buddhi)–false egotism (conception of self-sufficiency); nahi–not; karabu̐–I will make; nija–own; raksa–protection; vidhana–arrangements. [1]
(1) By fully offering myself unto You, my false egotism has gone away. I will no longer make any arrangements to protect myself.
তুয়া ধন জানি’ তুহুঁ রাখবি নাথ!
পাল্য গোধন জানি করি’ তুয়া সাথ ॥২॥
tuyā dhana jāni’ tuhu̐ rākhabi nātha!
pālya go-dhana jāni kari’ tuyā sātha [2]
tuya–Your; dhana–property; jani’–knowing; tuhu̐–You; rakhabi–will protect; natha!–O Lord!; palya–to be protected; go–cow; dhana–property; jani–knowing; kari’–doing; tuya–Your; satha–company. [2]
(2) O Lord! Knowing me to be Your property, You will maintain me and keep me with You as one of Your protected cows.
চরাওবি মাধব! যামুনতীরে ।
বংশী বাজাওত ডকবি ধীরে ॥৩॥
charāobi mādhava! yāmuna-tīre
vaṁśī bājāota ḍakabi dhīre [3]
charaobi (pasu charana karibe)–You will herd (You will tend Your cows); madhava!–O Krishna!; yamuna–of the river Yamuna; tire–on the bank; vamsi–flute; bajaota (bajaiya)–sounding; dakabi–You will call; dhire–gently. [3]
(3) O Madhava! You will herd me along the bank of the Yamuna. You will play Your flute and call me gently.
অঘ-বক মারত রক্ষা বিধান ।
করবি সদা তুহুঁ গোকুল-কান! ॥৪॥
agha-baka mārata rakṣā vidhāna
karabi sadā tuhu̐ gokula-kāna! [4]
agha-baka (vraja-bhajanera vividha vighna svarupa)–the python demon, Agha, and the crane demon, Baka (various obstacles to the practice of pure devotion in the mood of Vraja); marata (mariya)–killing; raksa–protection; vidhana–arrangements; karabi–will do; sada–always; tuhu̐–You; gokula–of Gokul; kana!–O Krishna! [4]
(4) By killing Aghasura, Bakasura, and so on, You will always make all arrangements for my protection, O Kan of Gokul!
রক্ষা করবি তুহুঁ নিশ্চয় জানি ।
পান করবুঁ হাম্ যামুনপানি ॥৫॥
rakṣā karabi tuhu̐ niśchaya jāni
pāna karabu̐ hāma yāmuna-pāni [5]
raksa–protection; karabi–will do; tuhu̐–You; nischaya–certainly; jani–I know; pana–drink; karabu̐–will do; hama–I; yamuna–of the river Yamuna; pani–the water. [5]
(5) Knowing that You will certainly protect me, I will drink the water of the Yamuna (regardless of the fact that it is poisoned by the serpent Kaliya).
কালীয়-দোখ করবি বিনাশা ।
শোধবি নদীজল বাড়াওবি আশা ॥৬॥
kālīya-dokha karabi vināśā
śodhabi nadī-jala bāḍāobi āśā [6]
kaliya–of Kaliya; dokha (dosa)–fault (sin); karabi–You will do; vinasa–destruction; sodhabi–You will purify; nadi–of the river; jala–water; badaobi–You will increase; asa–hope. [6]
(6) You will absolve Kaliya’s offences, purify the Yamuna’s waters, and thus increase my faith.
পিয়ত দাবানল রখবি মোয় ।
গোপাল গোবিন্দ নাম তব হোয় ॥৭॥
piyata dāvānala rakhabi moya
‘gopāla’ ‘govinda’ nāma tava hoya [7]
piyata (pana kariya)–swallowing; dava–forest; anala–fire; rakhabi–You will protect; moya (amake)–to me; ‘gopala’–‘He who maintains the cows’; ‘govinda’–‘He who pleases the cows’; nama–names; tava–Your; hoya (haya)–happen. [7]
(7) By swallowing the forest fire, You will protect me and thus become known as ‘Gopal’ and ‘Govinda’.
সুরপতি দুর্ম্মতি-নাশ বিচারি’ ।
রাখবি বর্ষণে গিরিবরধারি! ॥৮॥
surapati durmati-nāśa vichāri’
rākhabi varṣaṇe giri-vara-dhāri! [8]
surapati (indra)–king of the demigods (‘Indra’); durmati–wicked-hearted; nasa–destruction; vichari’ (vichara kariya)–deciding; rakhabi–You will protect; varsane–from the rains; giri–of all mountains; vara–the best (Giriraj Govardhan); dhari–lifter. [8]
(8) Deciding to level the pride of Devaraj Indra, You will protect me from his rains, O Lifter of Giriraj Govardhan!
চতুরানন করব যব চোরি ।
রক্ষা করবি মোয়ে গোকুল হরি! ॥৯॥
chaturānana karaba yava chori
rakṣā karabi moye gokula-hari! [9]
chaturanana–Brahma (‘He who possesses four faces’); karaba–will do; yava–when; chori (churi)–steals; raksa–protection; karabi–You will do; moye–me; gokula–of Gokul; hari!–O Lord! [9]
(9) When Brahma will abduct me, You will rescue me, O Lord of Gokul!
ভকতিবিনোদ তুয়া গোকুল-ধন ।
রাখবি কেশব! করত যতন ॥১০॥
bhakati-vinoda tuyā gokula-dhana
rākhabi keśava! karata yatana [10]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; tuya–Your; gokula–in Gokul; dhana–property (cow); rakhabi–You will protect; kesava!–O Krishna!; karata–doing; yatana–care. [10]
(10) Bhakti Vinod is one of Your cows in Gokul. O Kesava! Surely you will carefully protect him.
ছোড়ত পুরুষ-অভিমান ।
কিঙ্করী হইলুঁ আজি, কান! ॥১॥
chhoḍata puruṣa-abhimāna
kiṅkarī ha-ilu̐ āji, kāna! [1]
chhodata–abandoning; purusa–male; abhimana (purusavat bhoktrtvabhiman)–ego (the ego of being a male enjoyer); kinkari–a maidservant; ha-ilu̐–I will be; aji–today; kana!–O Krishna! [1]
(1) Abandoning the false ego of a male enjoyer, today I have become a maidservant, O Kan!
(1) kiṅkarī: «Maidservant.» This refers to a maidservant of the madhura-rasa-sevikas, the gopis, that is, Radha’s girlfriends who assist Her and Sri Krishna in Their amorous Pastimes.
বরজ-বিপিনে সখীসাথ ।
সেবন করবুঁ রাধানাথ! ॥২॥
varaja-vipine sakhī-sātha
sevana karabu̐ rādhā-nātha! [2]
varaja (vraja)–of Vraja; vipine (kanane)–in the forest; sakhi–of girlfriends; satha–in the company; sevana–service; karabu̐–I will do; radha-natha!–O Lord of Radha! [2]
(2) In the groves of Vraja, under the guidance of Radha’s girlfriends, I will engage in service, O Lord of Radha!
কুসুমে গাঁথবুঁ হার ।
তুলসী-মণিমঞ্জরী তার ॥৩॥
kusume gā̐thabu̐ hāra
tulasī-maṇi-mañjarī tāra [3]
kusume–with flowers; ga̐thabu̐ (ga̐thiba)–I will string; hara–garland; tulasi–tulasi; mani–jewels; manjari (ukta kusuma harera madhye madhye samyukta)–flower spikes (with tulasi flower spikes set between the flowers of the garland); tara–along the garland. [3]
(3) I will make flower garlands with tulasi-manjaris arranged like jewels in between the flowers.
যতনে দেওবুঁ সখীকরে ।
হাতে লওব সখী আদরে ॥৪॥
yatane deobu̐ sakhī-kare
hāte laoba sakhī ādare [4]
yatane–with care; deobu̐ (diba)–I will give; sakhi–of a girlfriend; kare–in the hands; hate–in the hands; laoba (la-ibe)–will take; sakhi–the girlfriend; adare–with love. [4]
(4) I will carefully place those garlands in the hands of one of Radha’s girlfriends, and she will lovingly accept them in her hands.
সখী দিব তুয়া দুহুঁক গলে ।
দূরত হেরবুঁ কুতূহলে ॥৫॥
sakhī diba tuyā duhu̐ka gale
dūrata herabu̐ kutūhale [5]
sakhi–girlfriend; diba (dibe)–will give; tuya–Your; duhu̐ka (du-janera)–both (Radha and Krishna); gale–on the necks; durata (dura ha-ite)–from afar; herabu̐–I will behold; kutuhale–in wonder. [5]
(5) Radha’s girlfriend will place those garlands around the necks of You both. From afar, I will behold this in wonder.
সখী কহব, শুন সুন্দরী ।
রহবি কুঞ্জে মম কিঙ্কোরী ॥৬॥
sakhī kahaba, śuna sundarī
rahabi kuñje mama kiṅkorī [6]
sakhi–girlfriend; kahaba–will say; suna–please listen; sundari–O beautiful girl; rahabi (rahibe)–you will stay; kunje–in this forest grove; mama–my; kinkari–maidservant. [6]
(6) Radha’s girlfriend will then say to me, «O beautiful girl, please stay in this forest grove as my maidservant.
গাঁথবি মালা মনোহারিণী ।
নিতি রাধাকৃষ্ণ-বিমোহিনী ॥৭॥
gā̐thabi mālā manohāriṇī
niti rādhā-kṛṣṇa-vimohinī [7]
ga̐thobi–you will string; mala–garlands; mano–heart; harini–stealer; niti (nitya)–daily; radha-krsna–the Divine Couple; vimohini–completely enchant. [7]
(7) «String beautiful garlands every day that will completely enchant Radha and Krishna.
তুয়া রক্ষণ-ভার হামারা ।
মম কুঞ্জকুটীর তোহারা ॥৮॥
tuyā rakṣaṇa-bhāra hāmārā
mama kuñja-kuṭīra tohārā [8]
tuya–Your; raksana–protection; bhara–responsibility; hamara–of me; mama–my; kunja–forest; kutira–cottage; tohara–yours. [8]
(8) «I will take full responsibility for your maintenance. My forest cottage is yours.
রাধামাধব-সেবনকালে ।
রহবি হামার অন্তরালে ॥৯॥
rahabi hāmāra antarāle [9]
radha-madhava–of the Divine Couple; sevana–of service; kale–at the time; rahabi–you will stay; hamara–my; antarale (parsve)–behind (near). [9]
(9) «When I serve Radha and Madhav, you will stay right behind me.
তাম্বুল সাজি’ কর্পূর আনি’ ।
দেওবি মোয়ে আপন জানি’ ॥১০॥
tāmbula sāji’ karpūra āni’
deobi moye āpana jāni’ [10]
tambula–betel leaves, pan; saji’ (sajjita kariya)–preparing (with supari (areca nut), lime, khayer (catechu, an extract from Indian acacia trees), cinnamon, clove, and various other ingredients); karpura–camphor; ani’–bringing; deobi–you will give; moye–to me; apana–your own; jani’–knowing. [10]
(10) «You will prepare betel leaves, fetch camphor, and hand them to me, knowing me to be your intimate friend.»
ভকতিবিনোদ শুনি’ বাত ।
সখীপদে করে প্রণিপাত ॥১১॥
bhakati-vinoda śuni’ bāta
sakhī-pade kare praṇipāta [11]
bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; suni’–hearing; bata (vakya)–expression, order; sakhi–of the girlfriend; pade–at the feet; kare–does; pranipata–obeisance. [11]
(11) Hearing her expression, Bhakti Vinod offers obeisance to the feet of Radha’s girlfriend.