Chapter 14. Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila
জয় জয় পঞ্চতত্ত্বাত্মক গৌরহরি ।
জয় জয় নবদ্বীপধাম সর্ব্বোপরি ॥১॥
jaya jaya pañcha-tattvātmaka gaurahari
jaya jaya navadvīpa-dhāma sarvopari [1]
jaya jaya–All glory pancha-tattvatmaka–to the life of the Pancha Tattva, gaurahari–Gaurahari! jaya jaya–All glory navadvipa-dhama sarvopari–to the Dham above all, Nabadwip! [1]
All glory to the life of the Pancha Tattva, Sri Gaurahari, and the best of all abodes, Sri Nabadwip!
মামগাছি-গ্রামে গিয়া নিত্যানন্দরায় ।
বলে, «এই মোদদ্রুম, অযোধ্যা হেথায় ॥২॥
māmagāchhi-grāme giyā nityānanda-rāya
bale, «ei modadruma, ayodhyā hethāya [2]
giya–Proceeding mamagachhi-grame–to the village of Mamgachhi, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray bale–said, «ei–«This [is] modadruma–Modadrumadwip. ayodhya–Ayodhya [is present] hethaya–here. [2]
Proceeding to Mamgachhi Gram, Nityananda Ray said, «This is Modadrumadwip. Ayodhya is present here.
পূর্ব্বকল্পে যবে রাম হৈল বনবাসী ।
লক্ষণ জানকী লয়ে এই স্থানে আসি’ ॥৩॥
মহাবট বৃক্ষ তলে কুটীর বাঁধিয়া ।
কতদিন বাস কৈল আনন্দিত হৈয়া ॥৪॥
pūrva-kalpe yabe rāma haila vana-vāsī
lakṣaṇa jānakī laye ei sthāne āsi’ [3]
mahāvaṭa vṛkṣa tale kuṭīra bā̐dhiyā
kata-dina vāsa kaila ānandita haiyā [4]
purva-kalpe–In a previous manifestation of the universe, yabe–when vana-vasi haila–He was a resident of the forest, rama–Rama asi’–came ei sthane–here laye–with laksana–Laksman [and] janaki–Sita, ba̐dhiya–built kutira–a cottage mahavata vrksa tale–under a massive banyan tree, [and] vasa kaila–lived [here] anandita haiya–joyfully kata-dina–for some time. [3–4]
«In a previous manifestation of the universe, while He was residing in the forest, Rama came here with Laksman and Sita, built a cottage under a massive banyan tree, and lived here joyfully for some time.
নবদ্বীপ-প্রভা রাম করি’ দরশন ।
অল্প অল্প হাস্য করে শ্রীরঘুনন্দন ॥৫॥
navadvīpa-prabhā rāma kari’ daraśana
alpa alpa hāsya kare śrī-raghu-nandana [5]
darasana kari’–Seeing navadvipa-prabha–the lustre of Nabadwip, rama sri-raghu-nandana–Rama, the son of the Raghus, hasya kare–smiled alpa alpa–slightly. [5]
«Seeing the lustre of Nabadwip, Rama smiled slightly.
কিবা দুর্ব্বাদলশ্যামরূপ মনোহর ।
রাজীবলোচন হস্তে ধনুক সুন্দর ॥৬॥
kibā durvā-dala-śyāma-rūpa manohara
rājīva-lochana haste dhanuka sundara [6]
[His] rajiva-lochana–lotus eyes, [His] sundara dhanuka–beautiful bow haste–in hand — kiba–how manohara–enchanting [was His] durva-dala-syama-rupa–dark grass-green form! [6]
«His lotus eyes, His beautiful bow in hand — how enchanting was His dark grass-green form!
ব্রহ্মচারীবেশ শিরে জটা শোভা করে ।
দর্শনে সকল প্রাণীগণ মনোহরে ॥৭॥
brahmachārī-veśa śire jaṭā śobhā kare
darśane sakala prāṇī-gaṇa manohare [7]
[His] brahmachari-vesa–dress was that of a brahmachari, [and] jata–dreadlocks sobha kare–shone sire–atop [His] head. darsane–The sight [of Him] manohare–captivated sakala prani-gana–all living beings. [7]
«He wore the dress of a brahmachari, and dreadlocks shone atop His head. Seeing Him captivated all living beings.
হাসি’ হাসি’ মুখ দেখি’ জানকী তখন ।
জিজ্ঞাসে শ্রীরামে দেবী হাস্যের কারণ ॥৮॥
hāsi’ hāsi’ mukha dekhi’ jānakī takhana
jijñāse śrī-rāme devī hāsyera kāraṇa [8]
dekhi’–Seeing [His] hasi’ hasi’–smiling mukha–face, janaki devi–Sita Devi takhana–then jijnase–asked sri-rame–Sri Rama karana–about the reason hasyera–for [His] smile. [8]
«Seeing His smiling face, Sita Devi asked Sri Rama about the reason for His smile.
রাম বলে, ‘শুন সীতা জনকনন্দিনি
অতি গোপনীয় এক আছে ত কাহিনী ॥৯॥
rāma bale, ‘śuna sītā janaka-nandini
ati gopanīya eka āchhe ta kāhinī [9]
rama–Rama bale–said, ‘sita–‘O Sita, janaka-nandini–daughter of Janaka, suna–listen! achhe–There is eka–a ati–very gopaniya–confidential ta kahini–answer. [9]
«Rama replied, ‘O Sita, listen! There is a very confidential answer.
ধন্য কলি যবে হয় এই নদীয়ায় ।
পীতবর্ণরূপ মোর দেখিবারে পায় ॥১০॥
dhanya kali yabe haya ei nadīyāya
pīta-varṇa-rūpa mora dekhibāre pāya [10]
yabe–When dhanya kali–the glorious Kali-yuga haya–takes place, dekhibare paya–souls will see mora–My pita-varna-rupa–golden form ei nadiyaya–in Nadia. [10]
«‘When the glorious Kali-yuga takes place, souls will see My golden form here in Nadia.
জগন্নাথমিশ্র-গৃহে শ্রীশচী-উদরে ।
গৌরাঙ্গ-রূপেতে জন্ম লভিব সত্বরে ॥১১॥
jagannātha-miśra-gṛhe śrī-śachī-udare
gaurāṅga-rūpete janma labhiba satvare [11]
satvare janma labhiba–I will soon take birth gauranga-rupete–as Gauranga sri-sachi-udare–from the womb of Sri Sachi jagannatha-misra-grhe–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [11]
«‘I will soon take birth as Gauranga from the womb of Sachi Devi in the home of Jagannath Misra.
বাল্যলীলা দেখিবে যে সব ভাগ্যবান ।
করিব সে সব আমি পরা প্রেম দান ॥১২॥
bālya-līlā dekhibe ye saba bhāgyavāna
kariba se sabe āmi parā prema dāna [12]
ye saba bhagyavana–The fortunate souls dekhibe–will see [My] balya-lila–childhood Pastimes, [and] ami–I dana kariba–will give se sabe–them all para prema–the highest divine love. [12]
«‘The fortunate souls will see My childhood Pastimes, and I will give them all the highest form of divine love.
করিব সে কালে প্রিয়ে বিদ্যার বিলাস ।
শ্রীনাম-মাহাত্ম্য আমি করিব প্রকাশ ॥১৩॥
kariba se kāle priye vidyāra vilāsa
śrī-nāma-māhātmya āmi kariba prakāśa [13]
priye–Dear Sita, se kale–at that time, kariba–I will perform vilasa–Pastimes vidyara–of scholarship. ami–I prakasa kariba–will reveal sri-nama-mahatmya–the glories of [My] Name. [13]
«‘Dear Sita, at that time, I will perform Pastimes of scholarship and reveal the glories of My Name.
সন্ন্যাস করিয়া আমি যাব নীলাচলে ।
কাঁদিবে জননী স্বীয় বধু লয়ে কোলে’ ॥১৪॥
sannyāsa kariyā āmi yāba nīlāchale
kā̐dibe jananī svīya vadhū laye kole’ [14]
ami–I sannyasa kariya–will take sannyas [and] yaba–go nilachale–to Jagannath Puri. [My] janani–mother kole laye–will embrace sviya–My vadhu–wife ka̐dibe’–and cry.’ [14]
«‘Later, I will take sannyas and go to Nilachal. My mother will embrace My wife and cry.’
এই কথা শুনি’ সীতা বলেন বচন ।
‘জননী কাঁদাবে কেন রাজীবলোচন ॥১৫॥
ei kathā śuni’ sītā balena vachana
‘jananī kā̐dābe kena rājīva-lochana [15]
suni’–Hearing ei–this katha–explanation, sita–Sita vachana balena–said, ‘rajiva-lochana–‘O lotus-eyed Lord, kena–why janani ka̐dabe–will You make [Your] mother cry? [15]
«Hearing this, Sita said, ‘O lotus-eyed Lord, why will You make Your mother cry?
সন্ন্যাস করিবে কেন ছাড়িয়া গৃহিণী ।
পত্নী দুঃখ দিয়া সুখ কিবা নাহি জানি’ ॥১৬॥
sannyāsa karibe kena chhāḍiyā gṛhiṇī
patnī duḥkha diyā sukha kibā nāhi jāni’ [16]
kena–Why sannyasa karibe–will You take sannyas [and] chhadiya–leave [Your] grhini–wife? kiba–What sukha–happiness [do You feel] patni duhkha diya–by making [Your] wife unhappy? jani nahi’–I do not understand.’ [16]
«‘Why will You take sannyas and leave Your wife? What happiness is there in making Your wife unhappy? I do not understand.’
শ্রীরাম বলেন, ‘প্রিয়ে তুমি সব জান ।
জীবেরে শিখাতে এবে হইল অজ্ঞান ॥১৭॥
śrī-rāma balena, ‘priye tumi saba jāna
jīvere śikhāte ebe ha-ila ajñāna [17]
sri-rama–Sri Rama balena–said, ‘priye–‘[My] dear, tumi–You jana–understand saba–everything, [but] sikhate–to teach jivere–the souls, ebe ajnana ha-ila–You now [act as if You] were unaware. [17]
«Sri Rama answered, ‘My dear, You actually understand everything, but to teach the souls, You now act as if You were unaware.
আমাতে যে প্রেমভক্তি তার আস্বাদন ।
দুই মতে হয় সীতা শুনহ বচন ॥১৮॥
āmāte ye prema-bhakti tāra āsvādana
dui mate haya sītā śunaha vachana [18]
ye tara prema-bhakti–Loving devotion amate–to Me haya–is asvadana–relished dui mate–in two ways. sita–O Sita, sunaha–hear [My] vachana–words. [18]
«‘Loving devotion to Me is relished in two ways. O Sita, please hear My words.
আমার সংযোগে সুখ সম্ভোগ বোলয় ।
আমার বিয়োগে সুখ বিপ্রলম্ভ হয় ॥১৯॥
āmāra saṁyoge sukha sambhoga bolaya
āmāra viyoge sukha vipralambha haya [19]
sukha–The joy amara samyoge–during union with Me bolaya–is called sambhoga–sambhoga. sukha–The joy amara viyoge–during separation from Me haya–is vipralambha–vipralambha. [19]
«‘The joy felt during union with Me is called sambhoga. The joy felt during separation from Me is called vipralambha.
ভক্ত মোর নিত্যসঙ্গী সম্ভোগ বাঞ্ছয় ।
মম কৃপাবশে তার বিপ্রলম্ভ হয় ॥২০॥
bhakta mora nitya-saṅgī sambhoga vāñchhaya
mama kṛpā-vaśe tāra vipralambha haya [20]
mora–My bhakta–devotees, [My] nitya-sangi–eternal associates, vanchhaya–desire sambhoga–union, [and] mama krpa-vase–under the control of My grace, tara haya–they experience vipralambha–separation. [20]
«‘My devotees, My eternal associates, desire sambhoga, and by My grace, they experience vipralambha.
বিপ্রলম্ভে দুঃখ যেই আমার কারন ।
পরম আনন্দ তাহা জানে ভক্তজন ॥২১॥
vipralambhe duḥkha yei āmāra kāraṇa
parama ānanda tāhā jāne bhakta-jana [21]
bhakta-jana–Devotees jane–know [that] yei taha duhkha–the sadness, amara karana–for My sake, vipralambhe–of separation [is] parama ananda–the greatest joy. [21]
«‘Devotees know that the sadness felt for My sake during vipralambha is actually the greatest joy.
বিপ্রলম্ভ শেষে যবে সম্ভোগ উদয় ।
পূর্ব্বাপেক্ষা কোটিগুণ সুখ তাহে হয় ॥২২॥
vipralambha śeṣe yabe sambhoga udaya
pūrvāpekṣā koṭi-guṇa sukha tāhe haya [22]
yabe–When sambhoga–union udaya–occurs sese–after vipralambha–separation, sukha–the happiness tahe–within it haya–is koti-guna–ten million times greater purvapeksa–than before. [22]
«‘When sambhoga occurs after vipralambha, the happiness felt is ten million times greater than before.
সেই ত সুখের হেতু আমার বিচ্ছেদ ।
স্বীকার করহ তুমি বলে চারি বেদ ॥২৩॥
sei ta sukhera hetu āmāra vichchheda
svīkāra karaha tumi bale chāri veda [23]
amara vichchheda–Separation from Me [is] hetu–the cause sei ta sukhera–of that happiness. tumi svikara karaha–Accept [this;] chari veda–the four Vedas bale–say [it]. [23]
«‘Separation from Me is the cause of that happiness. Accept this as truth; the four Vedas affirm it.
শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ-অবতারে কৌশল্যা জননী ।
শচীদেবী অদিতি বেদেতে যার ধ্বনি ॥২৪॥
śrī-gaurāṅga-avatāre kauśalyā jananī
śachī-devī aditi vedete yāra dhvani [24]
sri-gauranga-avatare–During My appearance as Sri Gauranga, janani kausalya–Mother Kausalya, yara dhvani–who is said [to be] aditi–Aditi vedete–in the Vedas, [will appear as] sachi-devi–Sachi Devi. [24]
«‘During My Pastimes as Sri Gauranga, Mother Kausalya, who is known in the Vedas as Aditi, will appear as Sachi Devi.
তুমি বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়ারূপে সেবিবে আমারে ।
বিচ্ছেদে শ্রীগৌরমূর্ত্তি করিবে প্রচারে ॥২৫॥
tumi viṣṇu-priyā-rūpe sevibe āmāre
vichchhede śrī-gaura-mūrti karibe prachāre [25]
tumi–You sevibe–will serve amare–Me visnu-priya-rupe–as Visnu Priya. vichchhede–In separation, prachare karibe–You will make sri-gaura-murti–a Deity of Sri Gaura. [25]
«‘You will serve Me as Visnu Priya. In separation from Me, You will make a Deity of My golden form.
তোমার বিচ্ছেদে কভু স্বর্ণসীতা করি’ ।
ভজিব তোমারে আমি অযোধ্যা নগরী ॥২৬॥
tomāra vichchhede kabhu svarṇa-sītā kari’
bhajiba tomāre āmi ayodhyā nagarī [26]
kabhu–At some time, tomara vichchhede–in separation from You, ami–I kari’–will make svarna-sita–a golden Sita [and] bhajiba–worship tomare–You ayodhya nagari–in the city of Ayodhya. [26]
«‘In separation from You, I will make a golden Sita and worship You in Ayodhya.
তার বিনিময়ে তুমি নদীয়ানগরে ।
গৌরাঙ্গপ্রতিমা করি’ পূজিবে আমারে ॥২৭॥
tāra vinimaye tumi nadīyā-nagare
gaurāṅga-pratimā kari’ pūjibe āmāre [27]
tara vinimaye–In exchange for this, tumi–You kari’–will make gauranga-pratima–a Deity of Gauranga [and] pujibe–worship amare–Me nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia. [27]
«‘In exchange, You will make a Deity of My golden form and worship Me in Nadia.
এই গূঢ় কথা সীতা গোপনীয় অতি ।
লোকেতে প্রকাশ নাহি হইবে সম্প্রতি ॥২৮॥
ei gūḍha kathā sītā gopanīya ati
lokete prakāśa nāhi ha-ibe samprati [28]
sita–O Sita, ei–these gudha–profound katha–topics [are] ati–very gopaniya–confidential. prakasa ha-ibe nahi–They will not be revealed lokete–to the public samprati–now. [28]
«‘O Sita, these profound topics are very confidential. They will not be revealed to the public now.
এই নবদ্বীপ মোর বড় প্রিয় স্থান ।
অযোধ্যাদি নাহি হয় ইহার সমান ॥২৯॥
ei navadvīpa mora baḍa priya sthāna
ayodhyādi nāhi haya ihāra samāna [29]
ei navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] mora bada priya sthana–a place [that is] very dear to Me: ayodhyadi–Ayodhya and other places haya nahi–are not samana–equal ihara–to it. [29]
«‘Nabadwip is very dear to Me: neither Ayodhya nor any other place is equal to it.
এই রামবট বৃক্ষ কলি আগমনে ।
অদর্শন হয়ে সীতা রবে সঙ্গোপনে’ ॥৩০॥
ei rāma-vaṭa vṛkṣa kali āgamane
adarśana haye sītā rabe saṅgopane’ [30]
sita–O Sita, kali agamane–when Kali-yuga arrives, ei rama-vata vrksa–this banyan tree, Rama Vata, adarsana haye–will disappear [but] sangopane–invisibly rabe’–remain.’ [30]
«‘O Sita, when Kali-yuga arrives, this banyan tree, Rama Vata, will disappear but invisibly remain.’
এই রূপে রাম সীতা লক্ষণ সহিত ।
এই স্থানে কতদিন হয়ে অবস্থিত ॥ ৩১॥
ei rūpe rāma sītā lakṣaṇa sahita
ei sthāne kata-dina haye avasthita [31]
ei rupe–In this way, rama–Rama, sahita–with sita–Sita [and] laksana–Laksman, avasthita haye–resided ei sthane–here kata-dina–for some time. [31]
«In this way Rama, Sita, and Laksman resided here for some time.
দণ্ডক অরণ্যে গেলা কার্য্য সাধিবারে ।
রামের কুটীর স্থান পাও দেখিবারে ॥৩২॥
daṇḍaka araṇye gelā kārya sādhibāre
rāmera kuṭīra sthāna pāo dekhibāre [32]
gela–They went dandaka aranye–to the Dandaka forest karya sadhibare–to perform [Their] Pastimes. dekhibare pao–See sthana–the place ramera kutira–of Rama’s cottage. [32]
«Eventually, They went to the Dandaka forest to perform Their Pastimes. See here the place of Rama’s cottage.
রামমিত্র গুহক প্রভুর ইচ্ছা-বশে ।
এই স্থানে জন্মিলেন বিপ্রের ঔরসে ॥৩৩॥
rāma-mitra guhaka prabhura ichchhā-vaśe
ei sthāne janmilena viprera aurase [33]
prabhura ichchha-vase–By the will of the Lord, rama-mitra–Rama’s friend guhaka–Guhaka janmilena–took birth ei sthane–here viprera aurase–as the son of a brahman. [33]
«By the will of the Lord, Rama’s friend Guhaka took birth here as the son of a brahman.
সদানন্দ বিপ্র ভট্টাচার্য্য নাম তাঁর ।
রাম বিনা ত্রিজগতে নাহি জানে আর ॥৩৪॥
sadānanda vipra bhaṭṭāchārya nāma tā̐ra
rāma vinā trijagate nāhi jāne āra [34]
ta̐ra–His nama–name [became] sadananda vipra bhattacharya–Sadananda Vipra Bhattacharya. jane nahi–He did not know [anything] vina ara–other than rama–Rama trijagate–in the three worlds. [34]
«His name became Sadananda Vipra Bhattacharya. He knew nothing other than Rama within the three worlds.
যেই দিন প্রভু মোর জন্মে মায়াপুরে ।
সেই দিন সদানন্দ ছিল মিশ্র ঘরে ॥৩৫॥
yei dina prabhu mora janme māyāpure
sei dina sadānanda chhila miśra ghare [35]
yei dina sei dina–On the day mora–our prabhu–Lord janme–took birth mayapure–in Mayapur, sadananda–Sadananda chhila–was present misra ghare–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [35]
«On the day that our Lord took birth in Mayapur, Sadananda was present in the home of Jagannath Misra.
প্রভুর জনমকালে যত দেবগণ ।
মিশ্রের ভবনে শিশু করে দরশন ॥৩৬॥
prabhura janama-kāle yata deva-gaṇa
miśrera bhavane śiśu kare daraśana [36]
prabhura janama-kale–At the time of the Lord’s birth, yata deva-gana–all the gods darasana kare–observed sisu–the child misrera bhavane–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [36]
«At the time of the Lord’s birth, all the gods observed the child in the home of Jagannath Misra.
পরম সাধক বিপ্র চিনে দেবগণে ।
জানিল আমার প্রভু জন্মিল এখানে ॥৩৭॥
parama sādhaka vipra chine deva-gaṇe
jānila āmāra prabhu janmila ekhāne [37]
vipra–The brahman Sadananada, parama sadhaka–a great devotee, chine–recognised deva-gane–the gods [and] janila–understood [that] amara–our prabhu–Lord janmila–had taken birth ekhane–there. [37]
«The brahman, a great devotee, recognised the gods and understood that our Lord had taken birth there.
পরম কৌতুকে বিপ্র আইল নিজ ঘরে ।
ইষ্টধ্যানে দেখে বিপ্র গৌরাঙ্গসুন্দরে ॥৩৮॥
parama kautuke vipra āila nija ghare
iṣṭa-dhyāne dekhe vipra gaurāṅgasundare [38]
parama kautuke–With great delight, vipra–the brahman aila–returned nija ghare–to his home. ista-dhyane–In meditation on the Lord, vipra–the brahman dekhe–saw gaurangasundare–Gaurangasundar. [38]
«With great delight, the brahman returned to his home. In meditation on his worshippable Lord, he saw Gaurangasundar.
সিংহাসনে বসিয়াছে শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গরায় ।
ব্রহ্মা আদি দেবগণ চামর ঢুলায় ॥৩৯॥
siṁhāsane basiyāchhe śrī-gaurāṅga-rāya
brahmā ādi deva-gaṇe chāmara ḍhulāya [39]
sri-gauranga-raya–Sri Gauranga Ray basiyachhe–was sitting simhasane–on a throne, [and] brahma–Brahma [and] adi deva-gane–the other gods dhulaya–were waving chamara–yak-tail fans. [39]
«Sri Gauranga Ray was sitting on a throne, and Brahma and the other gods were waving chamaras beside Him.
পুনঃ দেখে রামচন্দ্র দুর্ব্বাদলশ্যাম ।
নিকটে লক্ষ্মণবীর শ্রীঅনন্তধাম ॥৪০॥
punaḥ dekhe rāmachandra durvādala-śyāma
nikaṭe lakṣmaṇa-vīra śrī-ananta-dhāma [40]
punah–Then dekhe–the brahman saw durvadala-syama–the dark, grass-green ramachandra–Ramachandra [and] laksmana-vira–heroic Laksman, sri-ananta-dhama–the abode of Ananta, nikate–nearby. [40]
«Then, the brahman saw the dark, grass-green Ramachandra and heroic Laksman, the abode of Ananta, nearby.
বামে সীতা সম্মুখে ভকত হনুমান ।
দেখিয়া বিপ্রের হৈল প্রভুতত্ত্বজ্ঞান ॥৪১॥
bāme sītā sammukhe bhakata hanumāna
dekhiyā viprera haila prabhu-tattva-jñāna [41]
bame–On [His] left [was] sita–Sita, [and] sammukhe–in front [of Him,] bhakata–the devotee hanumana–Hanuman. dekhiya–Seeing [this,] viprera prabhu-tattva-jnana haila–the brahman understood the identity of the Lord. [41]
«On His left was Sita, and His devotee Hanuman sat in front of Him. Seeing this, the brahman understood the identity of the Lord.
পরম আনন্দে বিপ্র মায়াপুরে গিয়া ।
আনন্দে গৌরাঙ্গ দেখে নয়ন ভরিয়া ॥৪২॥
parama ānande vipra māyāpure giyā
ānande gaurāṅga dekhe nayana bhariyā [42]
parama anande–With great joy, vipra–the brahman giya–went mayapure–to Mayapur [and] anande–joyfully dekhe–saw gauranga–Gauranga, bhariya–filling [his] nayana–eyes. [42]
«With great joy, the brahman went to Mayapur and joyfully saw Gauranga to the satisfaction of his eyes.
‘ধন্য আমি ধন্য আমি’ বলে বারবার ।
‘গৌররূপে রামচন্দ্র সম্মুখে আমার’ ॥৪৩॥
‘dhanya āmi dhanya āmi’ bale bāra-bāra
‘gaura-rūpe rāmachandra sammukhe āmāra’ [43]
‘ami–‘I [am] dhanya–blessed! ami–I [am] dhanya’–blessed!’ bale–said the brahman bara-bara–again and again. ‘ramachandra–‘Ramachandra [has appeared] amara sammukhe–before me gaura-rupe’–as Gaura!’ [43]
«‘I am blessed! I am blessed!’ said the brahman again and again. ‘Ramachandra has appeared before me as Gauranga!’
কতদিনে সঙ্কীর্ত্তন আরম্ভ হইল ।
সদানন্দ ‘গৌর’ বলি’ তাহাতে নাচিল ॥৪৪॥
kata-dine saṅkīrtana ārambha ha-ila
sadānanda ‘gaura’ bali’ tāhāte nāchila [44]
kata-dine–Some time later, [the Lord’s] sankirtana–sankirtan arambha ha-ila–started. sadananda–Sadananda bali’–chanted ‘gaura’–‘Gaura!’ [and] nachila–danced tahate–within it. [44]
«Later, when the sankirtan Pastimes of the Lord started, Sadananda would dance and chant the Name of Gaura.
ওহে জীব এই স্থানে শ্রীভাণ্ডীরবন ।
নির্ম্মল ভকতগণ করে দরশন» ॥৪৫॥
ohe jīva ei sthāne śrī-bhāṇḍīravana
nirmala bhakata-gaṇa kare daraśana» [45]
ohe–O jiva–Jiva, ei sthane–here nirmala–pure bhakata-gana–devotees darasana kare–see sri-bhandiravana»–Sri Bhandiravan.» [45]
«O Jiva, here pure devotees see Sri Bhandiravan.»
সেই সব কথা শুনি’ নিত্যধামে হেরি ।
নাচেন ভকতগণ নিত্যানন্দে ঘেরি’ ॥৪৬॥
sei saba kathā śuni’ nitya-dhāme heri’
nāchena bhakata-gaṇa nityānande gheri’ [46]
suni’–Hearing sei saba katha–all these descriptions [and] heri’–seeing nitya-dhame–the eternal abode, bhakata-gana–the devotees gheri’–surrounded nityanande–Nityananda [and] nachena–danced. [46]
Hearing this and seeing the eternal abode, the devotees surrounded Nityananda and danced.
শ্রীজীবের অঙ্গে হয় সাত্ত্বিক বিকার ।
«হা গৌরাঙ্গ» বলি’ জীব করেন চিৎকার ॥৪৭॥
śrī-jīvera aṅge haya sāttvika vikāra
«hā gaurāṅga» bali’ jīva karena chitkāra [47]
sattvika vikara–Divine ecstasy haya–manifested sri-jivera ange–in the body of Sri Jiva [and] jiva–Jiva bali’chitkara karena–exclaimed, «ha–«O gauranga»–Gauranga!» [47]
Divine ecstasy manifested in the body of Sri Jiva, and he exclaimed, «O Gauranga!»
সেই গ্রামে সেই দিন নারায়ণী-ঘরে ।
রহিলেন নিত্যানন্দ প্রফুল্ল অন্তরে ॥৪৮॥
sei grāme sei dina nārāyaṇī-ghare
rahilena nityānanda praphulla antare [48]
praphulla antare–With a jubilant heart, nityananda–Nityananda rahilena–stayed sei grame–in that village narayani–ghare–in the home of Narayani sei dina–that day. [48]
With a jubilant heart, Nityananda stayed in that village in the home of Narayani that day.
পরম পবিত্র সতী ব্যাসের জননী ।
শ্রীবৈষ্ণবগণে সেবা করিল আপনি ॥৪৯॥
parama pavitra satī vyāsera jananī
śrī-vaiṣṇava-gaṇe sevā karila āpani [49]
parama pavitra–The perfectly pure [and] sati–chaste [Narayani,] janani–the mother vyasera–of Vyasa (Srila Vrndavan Das Thakur, the Vyasa of Sriman Mahaprabhu’s Pastimes), apani–personally seva karila–served sri-vaisnava-gane–the devotees. [49]
The perfectly pure and chaste Narayani, the mother of Vyasa, personally served the devotees.
পরদিন প্রাতে সবে চলি’ কত দূর ।
প্রবেশিল অনায়াসে শ্রীবৈকুণ্ঠপুর ॥৫০॥
para-dina prāte sabe chali’ kata dūra
praveśila anāyāse śrī-vaikuṇṭha-pura [50]
para-dina–The next day prate–in the morning, sabe–everyone chali’–walked kata dura–some distance [and] anayase–peacefully pravesila–entered sri-vaikuntha-pura–Sri Vaikunthapur. [50]
The next day in the morning, the devotees walked some distance and peacefully entered Sri Vaikunthapur.
নিতাই-জাহ্নবা-আজ্ঞা করিতে পালন ।
নদীয়া-মাহাত্ম্য গায় দীন অকিঞ্চন ॥৫১॥
nitāi-jāhnavā-ājñā karite pālana
nadīyā-māhātmya gāya dīna akiñchana [51]
palana karite–To fulfil nitai-jahnava-ajna–the order of Nitai and Jahnava, dina akinchana–this poor, lowly soul gaya–chants nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia. [51]
To fulfil the order of Nitai and Jahnava, this poor, lowly soul chants the glories of Nadia.