Chapter 15. Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina
পঞ্চতত্ত্ব সহিত গৌরাঙ্গ জয় জয় ।
জয় জয় নবদ্বীপ গৌরাঙ্গ-আলয় ॥১॥
pañcha-tattva sahita gaurāṅga jaya jaya
jaya jaya navadvīpa gaurāṅga-ālaya [1]
jaya jaya–All glory gauranga–to Gauranga sahita–with pancha-tattva–the Pancha Tattva! jaya jaya–All glory gauranga-alaya–to the abode of Gauranga, navadvipa–Nabadwip! [1]
All glory to Sri Gauranga, the Pancha Tattva, and the abode of Sri Gauranga, Sri Nabadwip!
শ্রীবৈকুণ্ঠপুরে আসি’ প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ ।
শ্রীজীবে কহেন তবে হাসি’ মন্দ মন্দ ॥২॥
śrī-vaikuṇṭha-pure āsi’ prabhu nityānanda
śrī-jīve kahena tabe hāsi’ manda manda [2]
asi’–Arriving sri-vaikuntha-pure–in Sri Vaikunthapur, nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu tabe–then hasi’–smiled manda manda–gently [and] kahena–spoke sri-jive–to Sri Jiva. [2]
Arriving in Sri Vaikunthapur, Nityananda Prabhu smiled gently and spoke to Sri Jiva.
«নবদ্বীপ অষ্টদল একপার্শ্বে হয় ।
এই ত বৈকুণ্ঠপুরী শুনহ নিশ্চয় ॥৩॥
«navadvīpa aṣṭa-dala eka-pārśve haya
ei ta vaikuṇṭha-purī śunaha niśchaya [3]
«sunaha–«Please listen nischaya–with certainty. [Here,] eka-parsve–on one side navadvipa asta-dala–of the eight-petalled lotus of Nabadwip, haya–is ei ta vaikuntha-puri–Vaikunthapur. [3]
«Please listen carefully. Here, on one side of the eight-petalled lotus of Nabadwip, is Vaikunthapur.
পরব্যোম শ্রীবৈকুণ্ঠ নারায়ণস্থান ।
বিরজার পারে স্থিতি এই ত সন্ধান ॥৪॥
paravyoma śrī-vaikuṇṭha nārāyaṇa-sthāna
virajāra pāre sthiti ei ta sandhāna [4]
sri-vaikuntha–Sri Vaikuntha, paravyoma–the spiritual world, narayana-sthana–the abode of Narayan, [is] sthiti–situated virajara pare–beyond the Viraja River. ei ta–This [is its] sandhana–position. [4]
«Sri Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, the abode of Narayan, is situated beyond the Viraja River. This is its position.
মায়ার নাহিক তথা গতি কদাচন ।
শ্রীভূলীলা-শক্তি-সেব্য তথা নারায়ণ ॥৫॥
māyāra nāhika tathā gati kadāchana
śrī-bhū-līlā-śakti-sevya tathā nārāyaṇa [5]
mayara kadachana nahika–Maya never has [any] gati–role tatha–there. narayana–Narayan sevya–is to be served tatha–there sri-bhu-lila–sakti–by the sri, bhu, and lila energies. [5]
«Maya never enters there, where Narayan is served by the sri, bhu, and lila energies.
চিন্ময় ভূমির ব্রহ্ম হয় ত কিরণ ।
চর্ম্মচক্ষে জড়দৃষ্টি করে সর্ব্বজন ॥৬॥
chinmaya bhūmira brahma haya ta kiraṇa
charma-chakṣe jaḍa-dṛṣṭi kare sarva-jana [6]
ta kirana–The effulgence chinmaya bhumira–of this spiritual land haya–is brahma–Brahma. charma-chakse–With fleshy eyes, sarva-jana–everyone jada-drsti kare–sees it to be material. [6]
«The effulgence of this spiritual land is Brahma. With fleshy eyes, everyone sees it to be material.
এই নারায়ণধামে নিত্য নিরঞ্জনে ।
নারদ দেখিল কভু চিন্ময় লোচনে ॥৭॥
ei nārāyaṇa-dhāme nitya nirañjane
nārada dekhila kabhu chinmaya lochane [7]
narada–Narad kabhu–once dekhila–saw ei–this niranjane–pure, nitya–eternal narayana-dhame–abode of Narayan chinmaya lochane–with [his] spiritual eyes. [7]
«Narad once saw this pure, eternal abode of Narayan with his spiritual eyes.
নারায়ণে দেখে পুনঃ গৌরাঙ্গসুন্দর ।
দেখি’ হেথা কতদিনে রহে মুনিবর ॥৮॥
nārāyaṇe dekhe punaḥ gaurāṅgasundara
dekhi’ hethā kata-dine rahe muni-vara [8]
dekhe–He saw narayane–Narayan, [and] punah–then dekhi’–he saw [Him as] gaurangasundara–Gaurangasundar. muni-vara–The best of the sages [then] rahe–stayed hetha–here kata-dine–for some time. [8]
«He saw Narayan, and then saw Him as Gaurangasundar. Thereafter, Narad, the best of the sages, stayed here for some time.
আর এক কথা গূঢ় আছে পুরাতন ।
জগন্নাথ-ক্ষেত্রে আইলা আচার্য্য লক্ষ্মণ ॥৯॥
āra eka kathā gūḍha āchhe purātana
jagannātha-kṣetre āilā āchārya lakṣmaṇa [9]
achhe–There is ara eka–another puratana–ancient, gudha–confidential katha–subject. [Once,] laksmana acharya–Ramanuja Acharya aila–came jagannatha-ksetre–to Jagannath Puri. [9]
«There is another ancient, confidential subject. Once, Ramanuja Acharya came to Jagannath Ksetra.
বহু স্তবে তুষ্ট কৈল দেব জগন্নাথে ।
কৃপা করি’ জগন্নাথ আইল সাক্ষাতে ॥১০॥
bahu stave tuṣṭa kaila deva jagannāthe
kṛpā kari’ jagannātha āila sākṣāte [10]
tusta kaila–He pleased deva jagannathe–Lord Jagannath bahu stave–with many prayers, [and] jagannatha–Jagannath krpa kari’–mercifully aila–came saksate–before him. [10]
«He pleased Lord Jagannath with numerous prayers, and Jagannath mercifully came before him.
সাক্ষাতে আসিয়া প্রভু বলিল বচন ।
‘নবদ্বীপধাম তুমি করহ দর্শন ॥১১॥
sākṣāte āsiyā prabhu balila vachana
‘navadvīpa-dhāma tumi karaha darśana [11]
asiya–Coming saksate–before him, prabhu–the Lord vachana balila–said, ‘tumi darsana karaha–‘Visit navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham. [11]
«Coming before him, the Lord said, ‘Visit Nabadwip Dham.
অতি অল্পদিনে আমি নদীয়ানগরে ।
প্রকট হইব জগন্নাথমিশ্র-ঘরে ॥১২॥
ati alpa-dine āmi nadīyā-nagare
prakaṭa ha-iba jagannātha-miśra-ghare [12]
ati alpa–dine–Within a very short time, ami–I prakata ha-iba–will appear nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia jagannatha-misra-ghare–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [12]
«‘Very soon, I will appear in Nadia in the home of Jagannath Misra.
নবদ্বীপ হয় মোর অতি প্রিয়স্থান ।
পরব্যোম তার একদেশে অধিষ্ঠান ॥১৩॥
navadvīpa haya mora ati priya-sthāna
paravyoma tāra eka-deśe adhiṣṭhāna [13]
navadvipa–Nabadwip haya–is mora–My ati–very priya-sthana–dear place. paravyoma–The spiritual world adhisthana–is situated eka-dese–within one portion tara–of it. [13]
«‘Nabadwip is My dearmost abode. The spiritual world of Vaikuntha is situated within one portion of it.
তুমি মোর নিত্যদাস ভকত-প্রধান ।
অবশ্য দেখিবে তুমি নবদ্বীপস্থান ॥১৪॥
tumi mora nitya-dāsa bhakata pradhāna
avaśya dekhibe tumi navadvīpa-sthāna [14]
tumi–You [are] mora–My nitya-dasa–eternal servant, [and] pradhana–foremost bhakata–amongst [My] devotees. tumi–You avasya dekhibe–must see navadvipa-sthana–Nabadwip Dham. [14]
«‘You are My eternal servant, and foremost amongst My devotees. You must see Nabadwip Dham.
তব শিষ্যগণ দাস্য-রসেতে মগন ।
হেথায় থাকুক তুমি করহ গমন ॥১৫॥
tava śiṣya-gaṇa dāsya-rasete magana
hethāya thākuka tumi karaha gamana [15]
tava–Your sisya-gana–disciples thakuka magana–may remain immersed dasya-rasete–in servitorship hethaya–here. tumi–You gamana karaha–must go. [15]
«‘Let your disciples remain here immersed in dasya-rasa. You must go.
নবদ্বীপ না দেখে যে পাইয়া শরীর ।
মিথ্যা তার জন্ম ওহে রামানুজ ধীর ॥১৬॥
navadvīpa nā dekhe ye pāiyā śarīra
mithyā tāra janma ohe rāmānuja dhīra [16]
ohe–O dhira ramanuja–wise Ramanuja! ye tara janma–The birth of those who paiya–obtain sarira–a body [but] dekhe na–do not see navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] mithya–meaningless. [16]
«‘O wise Ramanuja! The birth of those who obtain a body but do not see Nabadwip is meaningless.
রঙ্গস্থান শ্রীবেঙ্কট যাদব অচল ।
নবদ্বীপ-কলা মাত্র হয় সে সকল ॥১৭॥
raṅga-sthāna śrī-veṅkaṭa yādava achala
navadvīpa-kalā mātra haya se sakala [17]
ranga-sthana–Sri Rangam, sri-venkata–Sri Venkata, [and] yadava achala–Yadavachal haya–are se sakala–all matra–simply navadvipa-kala–minor parts of Nabadwip. [17]
«‘Sri Rangam, Sri Venkata, and Yadavachal are simply minor parts of Nabadwip.
অতএব নবদ্বীপ করিয়া গমন ।
দেখ গৌরাঙ্গের রূপ কেশবনন্দন ॥১৮॥
ataeva navadvīpa kariyā gamana
dekhe gaurāṅgera rūpa keśava-nandana [18]
ataeva–Therefore, kesava-nandana–O Ramanuja, gamana kariya–go navadvipa–to Nabadwip [and] dekhe–see rupa–the form gaurangera–of Gauranga. [18]
«‘Therefore, O Ramanuja, go to Nabadwip and see the form of Gauranga.
ভক্তি প্রচারিতে তুমি আইলে ধরাতলে ।
সার্থক হউক জন্ম গৌরকৃপাবলে ॥১৯॥
bhakti prachārite tumi āile dharā-tale
sārthaka ha-uka janma gaura-kṛpā-bale [19]
tumi–You aile–came dhara-tale–to the earth pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion. [May your] janma–birth sarthaka ha-uka–be successful gaura-krpa-bale–by the mercy of Gaura. [19]
«‘You came to the earth to preach devotion. May your birth be successful by the mercy of Gaura.
নবদ্বীপ দেখি’ তুমি যাও কূর্ম্মস্থান ।
শিষ্যগণ সনে তথা হইবে মিলন’ ॥২০॥
navadvīpa dekhi’ tumi yāo kūrma-sthāna
śiṣya-gaṇa sane tathā ha-ibe milana’ [20]
tumi dekhi’–See navadvipa–Nabadwip [and] yao–go kurma-sthana–to Kurma Sthan. milana ha-ibe–You will meet sane–with [your] sisya-gana–disciples tatha’–there.’ [20]
«‘See Nabadwip and then go to Kurma Sthan. You will meet your disciples there.’
এত শুনি’ লক্ষ্মণাচার্য্য যুড়ি’ দুই কর ।
জগন্নাথ নিবেদন করে অতঃপর ॥২১॥
eta śuni’ lakṣmaṇāchārya yuḍi’ dui kara
jagannāthe nivedana kare ataḥpara [21]
suni’–Hearing eta–this, laksmanacharya–Ramanuja Acharya dui kara yudi’–joined [his] palms [and] atahpara–then nivedana kare–prayed jagannathe–to Jagannath. [21]
«Hearing this, Ramanuja Acharya joined his palms and prayed to Jagannath.
‘তোমার কৃপায় প্রভু গৌরকথা শুনি’ ।
কোন তত্ত্ব গৌরচন্দ্র তাহা নাহি জানি’ ॥২২॥
‘tomāra kṛpāya prabhu gaura-kathā śuni’
kona tattva gaurachandra tāhā nāhi jāni’ [22]
‘prabhu–‘O Lord, tomara krpaya–by Your mercy, suni’–I have heard gaura-katha–a description of Gaura, [but] jani nahi–I do not know kona tattva taha–who gaurachandra’–Gaurachandra [is].’ [22]
«‘O Lord, by Your mercy I have now heard about Gauranga, but I do not know who He is.’
রামানুজে কৃপা করি’ জগবন্ধু বলে ।
‘গোলোকের নাথ কৃষ্ণ জানেন সকলে ॥২৩॥
rāmānuje kṛpā kari’ jagabandhu bale
‘golokera nātha kṛṣṇa jānena sakale [23]
jagabandhu–Jagannath krpa kari’–mercifully bale–said ramanuje–to Ramanuja, ‘sakale–‘Everyone janena–knows [that] krsna–Krsna [is] natha–the Lord golokera–of Goloka. [23]
«Jagannath mercifully replied to Ramanuja, ‘Everyone knows that Krsna is the Lord of Goloka.
যাঁহার বিলাসমূর্ত্তি প্রভু নারায়ণ ।
সেই কৃষ্ণ পরতত্ত্ব ধাম বৃন্দাবন ॥২৪॥
yā̐hāra vilāsa-mūrti prabhu nārāyaṇa
sei kṛṣṇa para-tattva dhāma vṛndāvana [24]
sei krsna–Krsna, ya̐hara–whose vilasa-murti–‘Pastime-form’ [is] narayana prabhu–Lord Narayan, [is] para-tattva–the supreme being, [and His] dhama–abode [is] vrndavana–Vrndavan. [24]
«‘Lord Narayan is a form Krsna assumes to perform Pastimes. Krsna is the supreme being, and His abode is Vrndavan.
সেই কৃষ্ণ পূর্ণ রূপে নিত্য গৌরহরি ।
সেই বৃন্দাবনধাম নবদ্বীপপুরী ॥২৫॥
sei kṛṣṇa pūrṇa rūpe nitya gaurahari
sei vṛndāvana-dhāma navadvīpa-purī [25]
sei krsna–Krsna [exists] purna rupe–fully [and] nitya–eternally [as] gaurahari–Gaurahari, [and] sei vrndavana-dhama–Vrndavan Dham [exists] navadvipa-puri–as the abode of Nabadwip. [25]
«‘Krsna also exists fully and eternally as Gaurahari, and Vrndavan also exists fully and eternally as Nabadwip.
নবদ্বীপে আমি নিত্য গৌরাঙ্গসুন্দর ।
নবদ্বীপ শ্রেষ্টধাম জগত ভিতর ॥২৬॥
navadvīpe āmi nitya gaurāṅgasundara
navadvīpa śreṣṭha-dhāma jagata bhitara [26]
navadvipe–In Nabadwip, ami–I [exist] nitya–eternally gaurangasundara–as Gaurangasundar. navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] srestha-dhama–the best abode jagata bhitara–in the world. [26]
«‘In Nabadwip, I am eternally present as Gaurangasundar. Nabadwip is the best abode in the world.
আমার কৃপায় ধাম আছে ভুমণ্ডলে ।
মায়াগন্ধ নাহি তথা সর্ব্বশাস্ত্রে বলে ॥২৭॥
āmāra kṛpāya dhāma āchhe bhū-maṇḍale
māyā-gandha nāhi tathā sarva-śāstre bale [27]
amara krpaya–By My grace, dhama–Nabadwip Dham achhe–is present bhu-mandale–on the earth, [and] sarva-sastre–all the scriptures bale–say [that] nahi–there is no maya-gandha–trace of maya tatha–there. [27]
«‘By My grace, Nabadwip Dham is present on the earth, and all the scriptures say that there is no trace of maya there.
ভূমণ্ডলে আছে বলি’ যদি ভাব হীন ।
তবে তব ভক্তি ক্ষয় হবে দিন দিন ॥২৮॥
bhū-maṇḍale āchhe bali’ yadi bhāva hīna
tabe tava bhakti kṣaya habe dina dina [28]
bali’–Considering [that] achhe–Nabadwip is present bhu-mandale–on the earth, yadi–if bhava–you think [it is] hina–degraded, tabe–then tava–your bhakti–devotion ksaya habe–will diminish dina dina–day by day. [28]
«‘If you think that Nabadwip is degraded because it is present on the earth, then your devotion will diminish day by day.
আমার অচিন্ত্যশক্তি সে চিন্ময়ধামে ।
আমার ইচ্ছায় রাখিয়াছে মায়াশ্রমে ॥২৯॥
āmāra achintya-śakti se chinmaya-dhāme
āmāra ichchhāya rākhiyāchhe māyāśrame [29]
amara ichchhaya–By My will, amara–My achintya-sakti–inconceivable energy rakhiyachhe–has manifested se chinmaya-dhame–this spiritual abode mayasrame–within the realm of Maya. [29]
«‘By My will, My inconceivable energy has manifested this spiritual abode within the realm of Maya.
ুক্তির অতীত তত্ত্ব শাস্ত্র নাহি পায় ।
কেবল জানেন ভক্ত আমার কৃপায়’ ॥৩০॥
yuktira atīta tattva śāstra nāhi pāya
kevala jānena bhakta āmāra kṛpāya’ [30]
sastra–The scriptures nahi–do not paya–reach tattva–truth [that is] yuktira atita–beyond reason. kevala–Only bhakta–devotees janena–understand [it,] amara krpaya’–by My grace.’ [30]
«The scriptures do not ascertain truth that is beyond reason. Only devotees understand it, by My grace.’
জগন্নাথবাক্য শুনি’ রামানুজ ধীর ।
শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গপ্রেমে তবে হইল অস্থির ॥৩১॥
jagannātha-vākya śuni’ rāmānuja dhīra
śrī-gaurāṅga-preme tabe ha-ila asthira [31]
suni’–Hearing jagannatha-vakya–the words of Jagannath, dhira ramanuja–the sober Ramanuja tabe–then asthira ha-ila–became overwhelmed sri-gauranga-preme–with divine love for Sri Gauranga. [31]
«Hearing the words of Jagannath, the sober Ramanuja became overwhelmed with divine love for Sri Gauranga.
বলে, ‘প্রভু বড়ই আশ্চর্য্য লীলা তব ।
বেদশাস্ত্র নাহি জানে তোমার বৈভব ॥৩২॥
bale, ‘prabhu baḍa-i āścharya līlā tava
veda-śāstra nāhi jāne tomāra vaibhava [32]
bale–He said, ‘prabhu–‘O Lord, tava–Your lila–Pastimes [are] bada-i–extremely ascharya–astonishing. veda-sastra–The Vedic scriptures jane nahi–do not know tomara–Your vaibhava–glories. [32]
«He said, ‘O Lord, Your Pastimes are extremely astonishing. The Vedic scriptures do not know Your glories.
শাস্ত্রেতে বিশেষরূপে শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গলীলা ।
কেন প্রভু জগন্নাথ ব্যক্ত না করিলা ॥৩৩॥
śāstrete viśeṣa-rūpe śrī-gaurāṅga-līlā
kena prabhu jagannātha vyakta nā karilā [33]
jagannatha prabhu–O Lord Jagannath, kena–why sastrete vyakta karila na–did the scriptures not describe sri-gauranga-lila–the Pastimes of Sri Gauranga visesa-rupe–specifically? [33]
«‘O Lord Jagannath, why did the scriptures not specifically describe the Pastimes of Sri Gauranga?
গাঢ়রূপে শ্রুতিপুরাণাদি দেখি যবে ।
কভু গৌরতত্ত্ব স্ফুর্ত্তি চিত্তে পাই তবে ॥৩৪॥
gāḍha-rūpe śruti-purāṇādi dekhi yabe
kabhu gaura-tattva sphurti chitte pāi tabe [34]
kabhu–Only yabe–when dekhi–I look sruti-puranadi–at the Vedas, Puranas, and so on gadha–rupe–in a deeper way, tabe pai–do I then find chitte–within [my] heart sphurti–revelation gaura-tattva–of Gaura’s existence. [34]
«‘Only when I look at the Vedas, Puranas, and other scriptures in a deeper way do I find revelation of Gauranga.
তব আজ্ঞা প্রাপ্ত হয়ে ছাড়িল সংশয় ।
গৌরলীলা-রস হৃদে হইল উদয় ॥৩৫॥
tava ājñā prāpta haye chhāḍila saṁśaya
gaura-līlā-rasa hṛde ha-ila udaya [35]
prapta haye–Receiving tava–Your ajna–order, chhadila–I have left behind [my] samsaya–doubts. gaura-lila-rasa–The ecstasy of the Pastimes of Gaura udaya ha-ila–has arisen hrde–in [my] heart. [35]
«‘Receiving Your order, I have left behind my doubts. The ecstasy of the Pastimes of Gaura has arisen in my heart.
আজ্ঞা হয় নবদ্বীপ করিয়া গমন ।
প্রচারিব গৌরলীলা এ তিন ভুবন ॥৩৬॥
ājñā haya navadvīpa kariyā gamana
prachāriba gaura-līlā e tina bhuvana [36]
ajna haya–If You order [me,] gamana kariya–I will go navadvipa–to Nabadwip [and then] prachariba–preach gaura-lila–about the Pastimes of Gaura e tina bhuvana–throughout the three worlds. [36]
«‘If You order me, I will go to Nabadwip and then preach about the Pastimes of Gaura throughout the three worlds.
গূঢ়শাস্ত্র ব্যক্ত করি’ জানাব সবারে ।
গৌরভক্ত করি’ বল এ তিন সংসারে’ ॥৩৭॥
gūḍha-śāstra vyakta kari’ jānāba sabāre
gaura-bhakta kari’ bala e tina saṁsāre’ [37]
vyakta kari’–I will reveal gudha-sastra–the hidden scriptures, janaba–enlighten sabare–everyone, [and] kari’–make e tina samsare–the three worlds gaura-bhakta–devotees of Gaura! bala’–Please speak.’ [37]
«‘I will reveal hidden scriptures, enlighten everyone, and make every soul within the three worlds a devotee of Gaura! Please speak.’
রামানুজ-আগ্রহ দেখিয়া জগন্নাথ ।
বলে, ‘রামানুজ নাহি বল ঐছে বাত ॥৩৮॥
rāmānuja-āgraha dekhiyā jagannātha
bale, ‘rāmānuja nāhi bala aichhe bāta [38]
dekhiya–Seeing ramanuja-agraha–the eagerness of Ramanuja, jagannatha–Jagannath bale–said, ‘ramanuja–‘O Ramanuja, bala nahi–do not speak aichhe–such bata–words. [38]
«Seeing the eagerness of Ramanuja, Jagannath said, ‘O Ramanuja, do not speak this way.
গৌরলীলা অতি গূঢ় রাখিবে গোপনে ।
সে লীলার অপ্রকটে পাবে সর্ব্বজনে ॥৩৯॥
gaura-līlā ati gūḍha rākhibe gopane
se līlāra aprakaṭe pābe sarva-jane [39]
gaura-lila–The Pastimes of Gaura [are] ati–very gudha–confidential; rakhibe–keep [them] gopane–secret. sarva-jane–Everyone pabe–will receive [those Pastimes] se lilara aprakate–when those Pastimes are unmanifest. [39]
«‘My Pastimes as Gaura are very confidential; keep them secret. Only after they are unmanifest will everyone receive them.
তুমি দাস্যরস মোর করহ প্রচার ।
নিজে নিজে চিত্তে গৌর ভজ অনিবার’ ॥৪০॥
tumi dāsya-rasa mora karaha prachāra
nije nije chitte gaura bhaja anibāra’ [40]
tumi prachara karaha–Preach dasya-rasa–about servitorship mora–to Me, [and] anibara–always bhaja–worship gaura–Gaura nije nije chitte’–within your heart.’ [40]
«‘Preach dasya-rasa, and always worship Gaura within your heart.’
সঙ্কেত পাইয়া রামানুজ মহাশয় ।
গোপনে শ্রীনবদ্বীপে হইল উদয় ॥৪১॥
saṅketa pāiyā rāmānuja mahāśaya
gopane śrī-navadvīpe ha-ila udaya [41]
paiya–Receiving sanketa–this instruction, ramanuja mahasaya–Ramanuja Acharya gopane–secretly udaya ha-ila–arrived sri-navadvipe–in Sri Nabadwip. [41]
«Receiving this instruction, Ramanuja Acharya secretly came to Nabadwip.
পাছে ব্যক্ত হয় গৌরলীলা অসময়ে ।
সে কারণে রামানুজে বিশ্বক্সেন লয়ে ॥৪২॥
পরব্যোম শ্রীবৈকুণ্ঠপুরীতে রাখয় ।
এই স্থান দেখি’ রামানুজ মুগ্ধ হয় ॥৪৩॥
pāchhe vyakta haya gaura-līlā asamaye
se kāraṇe rāmānuje viśvaksena laye [42]
paravyoma śrī-vaikuṇṭha-purīte rākhaya
ei sthāna dekhi’ rāmānuja mugdha haya [43]
se karane pachhe–So that gaura-lila–the Pastimes of Gaura [did not] vyakta haya–manifest asamaye–untimely, visvaksena–Narayan laye–took ramanuje–Ramanuja [and] rakhaya–kept [him] paravyoma sri-vaikuntha-purite–in Paravyoma Sri Vaikunthapur. dekhi’–Seeing ei–this sthana–place, ramanuja–Ramanuja haya–was mugdha–charmed. [42–43]
«So that the Pastimes of Gaura were not manifest prematurely, Narayan took Ramanuja and kept him in Sri Vaikunthapur. Seeing this place, Ramanuja was charmed.
শ্রীভূলীলা-নিষেবিত পরব্যোমপতি ।
দেখা দিল রামানুজে কৃপা করি’ অতি ॥৪৪॥
śrī-bhū-līlā-niṣevita paravyoma-pati
dekhā dila rāmānuje kṛpā kari’ ati [44]
paravyoma-pati–The Lord of the spiritual world, [who is] sri-bhu-lila-nisevita–served by the sri, bhu, and lila energies, ati krpa kari–very mercifully dekha dila–revealed [Himself] ramanuje–to Ramanuja. [44]
«Narayan, who is served by His sri, bhu, and lila energies, then very mercifully revealed Himself to Ramanuja.
রামানুজ নিজ ইষ্টদেবের দর্শনে ।
আপনারে ধন্য মানি’ গণে মনে মনে ॥৪৫॥
rāmānuja nija iṣṭa-devera darśane
āpanāre dhanya māni’ gaṇe mane mane [45]
darsane–By seeing nija–His ista-devera–worshippable Lord, ramanuja–Ramanuja mani’ gane–felt apanare–himself mane mane–within [his] heart [to be] dhanya–fortunate. [45]
«Seeing His worshippable Lord, Ramanuja felt himself to be most fortunate.
ক্ষণেকে লক্ষ্মণ দেখে পুরটসুন্দর ।
জগন্নাথমিশ্রসুত-রূপ মনোহর ॥৪৬॥
kṣaṇeke lakṣmaṇa dekhe puraṭa-sundara
jagannātha-miśra-suta-rūpa manohara [46]
laksmana–Ramanuja [then] ksaneke–suddenly dekhe–saw manohara purata-sundara–the beautiful, enchanting, golden rupa–form jagannatha-misra-suta–of the son of Jagannath Misra. [46]
«Ramanuja then suddenly saw the beautiful, enchanting, golden form of the son of Jagannath Misra.
রূপের ছটায় রামানুজ মূর্চ্ছা যায় ।
শ্রীগৌর ধরিল পদ তাঁহার মাথায় ॥৪৭॥
rūpera chhaṭāya rāmānuja mūrchchhā yāya
śrī-gaura dharila pada tā̐hāra māthāya [47]
ramanuja–Ramanuja murchchha yaya–fainted rupera chhataya–in the lustre of [this] form, [and] sri-gaura–Sri Gaura dharila–put [His] pada–feet ta̐hara mathaya–on his head. [47]
«Ramanuja fainted in the lustre of the Lord’s form, and Sri Gaura put His feet on Ramanuja’s head.
দিব্যজ্ঞানে রামানুজ করিল স্তবন ।
‘নদীয়া প্রকট-লীলা পাব দরশন’ ॥৪৮॥
divya-jñāne rāmānuja karila stavana
‘nadīyā prakaṭa-līlā pāba daraśana’ [48]
divya-jnane–With divine knowledge, ramanuja–Ramanuja stavana karila–prayed, ‘darasana paba–‘May I behold [Your] prakata-lila–manifest Pastimes nadiya’–in Nadia.’ [48]
«With divine knowledge, Ramanuja then prayed, ‘May I behold Your manifest Pastimes in Nadia.’
এই বলি’ প্রেমে কাঁদে রামানুজস্বামী ।
বলে, ‘নবদ্বীপ ছাড়ি’ নাই যাব আমি’ ॥৪৯॥
ei bali’ preme kā̐de rāmānuja-svāmī
bale, ‘navadvīpa chhāḍi’ nāhi yāba āmi’ [49]
bali’–Saying ei–this, ramanuja-svami–the master Ramanuja ka̐de–cried preme–with divine love. bale–He said, ‘ami–‘I chhadi’ yaba nahi–will not leave navadvipa’–Nabadwip.’ [49]
«Saying this, Ramanuja cried with divine love. Then he said, ‘I will not leave Nabadwip.’
কৃপা করি’ গৌরহরি বলিল বচন ।
‘পূর্ণ হবে ইচ্ছা তব কেশবনন্দন ॥৫০॥
kṛpā kari’ gaurahari balila vachana
‘pūrṇa habe ichchhā tava keśava-nandana [50]
krpa kari’–Mercifully, gaurahari–Gaurahari vachana balila–said, ‘kesava-nandana–‘O Ramanuja, tava–your ichchha–desires purna habe–will be fulfilled. [50]
«Mercifully, Gaurahari said, ‘O Ramanuja, your desires will be fulfilled.
যে কালে নদীয়ালীলা প্রকট হইবে ।
তখন দ্বিতীয় জন্ম নবদ্বীপে পাবে’ ॥৫১॥
ye kāle nadīyā-līlā prakaṭa ha-ibe
takhana dvitīya janma navadvīpe pābe’ [51]
ye kale–When [My] nadiya-lila–Pastimes in Nadia prakata ha-ibe–manifest, takhana–then pabe–you will attain [your] dvitiya–second janma–birth navadvipe’–in Nabadwip.’ [51]
«‘When My Pastimes in Nadia manifest, you will be born again in Nabadwip.’
এই বলি’ গৌরহরি হৈল অন্তর্দ্ধান ।
স্বস্থ হয়ে রামানুজ করিল প্রয়াণ ॥৫২॥
ei bali’ gaurahari haila antardhāna
svastha haye rāmānuja karila prayāṇa [52]
bali’–Saying ei–this, gaurahari–Gaurahari antardhana haila–disappeared. svastha haye–Satisfied, ramanuja–Ramanuja prayana karila–departed. [52]
«Saying this, Gaurahari disappeared. Satisfied, Ramanuja departed.
কতদিনে কূর্ম্মস্থানে হৈল উপস্থিত ।
তথা দেখা হৈল শিষ্যগণের সহিত ॥৫৩॥
kata-dine kūrma-sthāne haila upasthita
tathā dekhā haila śiṣya-gaṇera sahita [53]
kata-dine–Eventually, upasthita haila–Ramanuja arrived kurma-sthane–in Kurma Sthan [and] dekha haila–met sahita–with [his] sisya-ganera–disciples tatha–there. [53]
«Eventually, Ramanuja arrived in Kurma Sthan and met his disciples there.
দাক্ষিণাত্যে গিয়া দাস্যরস ব্যক্ত করে ।
নবদ্বীপ শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ ভাবিয়া অন্তরে ॥৫৪॥
dākṣiṇātye giyā dāsya-rasa vyakta kare
navadvīpa śrī-gaurāṅga bhāviyā antare [54]
giya–He proceeded daksinatye–south [and] vyakta kare–preached dasya-rasa–about servitorship, bhaviya–thinking navadvipa–of Nabadwip [and] sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga antare–within [his] heart. [54]
«He proceeded south and preached about dasya-rasa while thinking of Nabadwip and Sri Gauranga within His heart.
গৌরাঙ্গের কৃপাবশে এই নিত্যধামে ।
জনমিল রামানুজ শ্রীঅনন্ত নামে» ॥৫৫॥
gaurāṅgera kṛpā-vaśe ei nitya-dhāme
janamila rāmānuja śrī-ananta nāme» [55]
gaurangera krpa-vase–By the mercy of Gauranga, ramanuja–Ramanuja janamila–took birth ei nitya-dhame–in this eternal abode name–under the name sri-ananta»–Sri Ananta.» [55]
«By the mercy of Gauranga, Ramanuja took birth in this eternal abode as Sri Ananta Acharya.»
বল্লভ-আচার্য্য-গৃহে করিয়া গমন ।
লক্ষ্মী-গৌরাঙ্গের বিভা করে দরশন ॥৫৬॥
vallabha-āchārya-gṛhe kariyā gamana
lakṣmī-gaurāṅgera vibhā kare daraśana [56]
gamana kariya–The party [then] went vallabha-acharya-grhe–to the home of Vallabha Acharya [and] darasana kare–saw [the site of] laksmi-gaurangera–Laksmi and Gauranga’s vibha–marriage. [56]
The party then went to the home of Vallabha Acharya and saw the site of Laksmi and Gauranga’s marriage.
«অনন্তের গৃহস্থান দেখ ভক্তগণ ।
হেথা নারায়ণভক্ত ছিল বহুজন ॥৫৭॥
«anantera gṛha-sthāna dekha bhakta-gaṇa
hethā nārāyaṇa-bhakta chhila bahu-jana [57]
«bhakta-gana–«O devotees, dekha–see anantera grha-sthana–the site of Ananta’s home. hetha–Here, chhila–there were narayana-bhakta bahu-jana–many devotees of Narayan. [57]
«O devotees, see the site of Ananta Acharya’s home. Here, there were many devotees of Narayan.
তাৎকালিক রাজগণ এই পীঠস্থানে ।
নারায়ণ-সেবা প্রকাশিল সবে জানে» ॥৫৮॥
tāt-kālika rāja-gaṇa ei pīṭha-sthāne
nārāyaṇa-sevā prakāśila sabe jāne» [58]
sabe–Everyone jane–knows [that] raja-gana–the king tat-kalika–of that time seva prakasila–established worship narayana–of Narayan ei pitha-sthane»–in this place.» [58]
«Everyone knows that the king of that time established worship of Narayan in this place.»
নিঃশ্রেয়স বন এই বিরজার পার ।
ভক্তগণ দেখি পায় আনন্দ অপার ॥৫৯॥
niḥśreyasa vana ei virajāra pāra
bhakta-gaṇa dekhi’ pāya ānanda apāra [59]
dekhi’–Seeing nihsreyasa vana–the Nihsreyasa forest ei virajara para–on the bank of the Viraja River, bhakta-gana–the devotees paya–felt apara–unlimited ananda–joy. [59]
Seeing the Nihsreyasa forest on the bank of the Viraja River, the devotees felt unlimited joy.
এই রূপ পূর্ব্বকথা বলিতে বলিতে ।
সবে উপনীত মহৎপুর সন্নিহিতে ॥৬০॥
ei rūpa pūrva-kathā balite balite
sabe upanīta mahatpura sannihite [60]
balite balite–While speaking purva-katha–about the past ei rupa–in this way, sabe–they upanita–arrived sannihite–in mahatpura–Mahatpur. [60]
While discussing this history, the devotees arrived in Mahatpur.
প্রভু বলে, «এই স্থানে আছে কাম্যবন ।
পরম ভকতি সহ কর দরশন ॥৬১॥
prabhu bale, «ei sthāne āchhe kāmyavana
parama bhakati saha kara daraśana [61]
prabhu–The Lord bale–said, «kamyavana–«Kamyavan achhe–is present ei sthane–here. darasana kara–Visit [it] saha–with parama–great bhakati–devotion. [61]
Nityananda Prabhu said, «Kamyavan is present here. Visit it with great devotion.
পঞ্চবট এই স্থানে ছিল পূর্ব্ব কালে ।
প্রভুর ইচ্ছায় এবে গেল অন্তরালে ॥৬২॥
pañcha-vaṭa ei sthāne chhila pūrva kāle
prabhura ichchhāya ebe gela antarāle [62]
purva kale–Previously, chhila–there were pancha-vata–five banyan trees ei sthane–here, [but] prabhura ichchhaya–by the will of the Lord, antarale gela–they have disappeared ebe–now. [62]
«Previously, there were five banyan trees here, but by the will of the Lord, they have since disappeared.
এবে এই স্থানে মাতাপুর নাম কয় ।
পূর্ব্ব নাম শাস্ত্রসিদ্ধ মহৎপুর হয় ॥৬৩॥
ebe ei sthāna mātāpura nāma kaya
pūrva nāma śāstra-siddha mahatpura haya [63]
ebe–Now, ei sthana–this place nama kaya–is called matapura–Matapur. sastra-siddha–The scriptures state [its] purva nama–previous name haya–was mahatpura–Mahatpur. [63]
«This place is now called Matapur. The scriptures state that its previous name was Mahatpur.
দ্রৌপদীর সহ পাণ্ডুপুত্র পঞ্চজন ।
অজ্ঞাতবাসেতে গৌড়ে কৈল আগমন ॥৬৪॥
draupadīra saha pāṇḍu-putra pañcha-jana
ajñāta-vāsete gauḍe kaila āgamana [64]
pandu-putra pancha-jana–The five Pandavas agamana kaila–came gaude–to Gauda draupadira saha–with Draupadi ajnata-vasete–to live incognito. [64]
«Once, the five Pandavas came to Gauda with Draupadi to live incognito.
একচক্রা-গ্রামে স্বপ্নে রাজা যুধিষ্ঠির ।
নদীয়া-মাহাত্ম্য জানি’ হইল অস্থির ॥৬৫॥
ekachakrā-grāme svapne rājā yudhiṣṭhira
nadīyā-māhātmya jāni’ ha-ila asthira [65]
jani’–Understanding nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia svapne–through a dream ekachakra-grame–in the village of Ekachakra, raja–King yudhisthira–Yudhisthir asthira ha-ila–became amazed. [65]
«Understanding the glories of Nadia through a dream in Ekachakra, Maharaj Yudhisthir became amazed.
পরদিন নবদ্বীপ দর্শনের আশে ।
এই স্থানে আইল সবে পরম উল্লাসে ॥৬৬॥
para-dina navadvīpa darśanera āśe
ei sthāne āila sabe parama ullāse [66]
darsanera ase–With the desire to see navadvipa–Nabadwip, sabe–the Pandavas aila–came ei sthane–here para-dina–the next day parama ullase–with great joy. [66]
«Desiring to see Nabadwip, the Pandavas came here the next day with great joy.
নবদ্বীপ-শোভা হেরি’ পাণ্ডুপুত্রগণ ।
গৌড়বাসিগণ-ভাগ্য করে প্রশংসন ॥৬৭॥
navadvīpa-śobhā heri’ pāṇḍu-putra-gaṇa
gauḍa-vāsi-gaṇa-bhāgya kare praśaṁsana [67]
heri’–Seeing navadvipa-sobha–the beauty of Nabadwip, pandu-putra-gana–the Pandavas prasamsana kare–praised gauda-vasi-gana-bhagya–the fortune of the residents of Gauda. [67]
«Seeing the beauty of Nabadwip, the Pandavas praised the fortune of the residents of Gauda.
কতদিন করিলেন এই স্থানে বাস ।
অসুর-রাক্ষসগণে করিল বিনাশ ॥৬৮॥
kata-dina karilena ei sthāne vāsa
asura-rākṣasa-gaṇe karila vināśa [68]
vasa karilena–They stayed ei sthane–here kata-dina–for some time [and] vinasa karila–killed asura-raksasa-gane–various demons. [68]
«They stayed here for some time and killed various demons.
যুধিষ্ঠির-টিলা এই দেখ সর্ব্বজন ।
দ্রৌপদীর কুণ্ড হেথা কর দরশন ॥৬৯॥
yudhiṣṭhira-ṭilā ei dekha sarva-jana
draupadīra kuṇḍa hethā kare daraśana [69]
sarva-jana–Everyone, dekha–see ei–there yudhisthira-tila–Yudhisthir Tila. darasana kare–See hetha–here draupadira kunda–the pond of Draupadi. [69]
«Everyone, see there Yudhisthir Tila. See here the pond of Draupadi.
স্থানের মাহাত্ম্য জানি’ রাজা যুধিষ্ঠির ।
এই স্থানে কতদিন হইলেন স্থির ॥৭০॥
sthānera māhātmya jāni’ rājā yudhiṣṭhira
ei sthāne kata-dina ha-ilena sthira [70]
jani’–Understanding mahatmya–the glories sthanera–of this place, raja–King yudhisthira–Yudhisthir sthira ha-ilena–stayed ei sthane–here kata-dina–for some time. [70]
«Understanding the glories of this place, Maharaj Yudhisthir stayed here for some time.
একদিন স্বপ্নে দেখে গৌরাঙ্গের রূপ ।
সর্ব্বদিক আলো করে অতি অপরূপ ॥৭১॥
eka-dina svapne dekhe gaurāṅgera rūpa
sarva-dika ālo kare ati aparūpa [71]
eka-dina–One day, svapne–in a dream, dekhe–he saw [the] ati aparupa–extraordinary rupa–form gaurangera–of Gauranga alo kare–illuminate sarva-dika–all directions. [71]
«One day, in a dream, he saw the extraordinary form of Gauranga illuminate all directions.
হাসিতে হাসিতে গৌর বলিল বচন ।
‘অতি গোপ্য রূপ এই কর দরশন ॥৭২॥
hāsite hāsite gaura balila vachana
‘ati gopya rūpa ei kara daraśana [72]
hasite hasite–Smiling, gaura–Gaura vachana balila–said, ‘darasana kara–‘Behold ei–this ati–very gopya–secret rupa–form. [72]
«Smiling, Gauranga said, ‘Behold this very secret form.
আমি কৃষ্ণ নন্দসুত তোমার আলয়ে ।
মিত্রভাবে থাকি সদা নিজজন হয়ে ॥৭৩॥
āmi kṛṣṇa nanda-suta tomāra ālaye
mitra-bhāve thāki sadā nija-jana haye [73]
ami–I [am] krsna–Krsna, nanda-suta–the son of Nanda, [and] thaki–I stay tomara alaye–in your house sada–always mitra-bhave nija-jana haye–as your friendly companion. [73]
«‘I am Krsna, the son of Nanda, and I always stay in your house as your friendly companion.
এই নবদ্বীপধাম সর্ব্বধাম-সার ।
কলিতে প্রকট হয়ে নাশে অন্ধকার ॥৭৪॥
ei navadvīpa-dhāma sarva-dhāma-sāra
kalite prakaṭa haye nāśe andhakāra [74]
ei navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham [is] sarva-dhama-sara–the best of all abodes. prakata haye–It will manifest kalite–during Kali-yuga [and] nase–dispel [all] andhakara–darkness. [74]
«‘Nabadwip Dham is the best of all abodes. It will manifest during Kali-yuga and dispel all darkness.
তুমি সবে আছ চিরকাল দাস মম ।
আমার প্রকটকালে পাইবে জনম ॥৭৫॥
tumi sabe āchha chira-kāla dāsa mama
āmāra prakaṭa-kāle pāibe janama [75]
tumi sabe–You all achha–are mama–My chira-kala–eternal dasa–servants, [and] amara prakata-kale–at the time of My appearance, janama paibe–you will take birth. [75]
«‘You are all My eternal servants, and when I appear, you will also take birth.
উৎকল দেশেতে সিন্ধুতীরে তোমা সহ ।
একত্রে পুরুষোত্তমে রব অহঃরহঃ ॥৭৬॥
utkala deśete sindhu-tīre tomā saha
ekatre puruṣottame raba ahaḥ-rahaḥ [76]
raba–I will live ekatre–together toma saha–with you ahah-rahah–permanently purusottame–in Jagannath Puri sindhu-tire–on the bank of the ocean utkala desete–in Odisha. [76]
«‘I will live with you permanently in Purusottam Ksetra on the bank of the ocean in Odisha.
এই স্থান হৈতে এবে যাহ ওড্র-দেশ ।
সে দেশ পবিত্র করি’ নাশ জীব-ক্লেশ’ ॥৭৭॥
ei sthāna haite ebe yāha oḍra-deśa
se deśa pavitra kari’ nāśa jīva-kleśa’ [77]
haite–From ei sthana–here, yaha–go ebe–now odra-desa–to Odisha, pavitra kari’–purify se desa–the country, [and] nasa–remove jiva-klesa’–the sorrow of the souls’. [77]
«‘From here, go to Odisha, purify the country, and remove the sorrow of the people.’
স্বপ্ন দেখি’ যুধিষ্ঠির ভ্রাতৃগণে বলে ।
যুক্তি করি’ ছয়-জনে ওড্র-দেশে চলে ॥৭৮॥
svapna dekhi’ yudhiṣṭhira bhrātṛ-gaṇe bale
yukti kari’ chhaya-jane oḍra-deśe chale [78]
svapna dekhi’–After having this dream, yudhisthira–Yudhisthir bale–spoke bhratr-gane–to [his] brothers. chhaya-jane–The six of them yukti kari’–consulted [and then] chale–went odra-dese–to Odisha. [78]
«After having this dream, Yudhisthir spoke to his brothers. They consulted with Draupadi and then went to Odisha.
নবদ্বীপ ছাড়িতে হৈল বড় ক্লেশ ।
তথাপি পালন করে প্রভুর আদেশ ॥৭৯॥
navadvīpa chhāḍite haila baḍa kleśa
tathāpi pālana kare prabhura ādeśa [79]
bada klesa haila–They felt great sorrow chhadite–to leave navadvipa–Nabadwip. tathapi–Still, palana kare–they followed adesa–the order prabhura–of the Lord. [79]
«They felt great sorrow to leave Nabadwip. Still, they followed the order of the Lord.
এই স্থানে মধ্বমুনি শিষ্যগণ লয়ে ।
রহিলেন কতদিন ধামবাসী হয়ে ॥৮০॥
ei sthāne madhva-muni śiṣya-gaṇa laye
rahilena kata-dina dhāma-vāsī haye [80]
madhva-muni–Madhva Acharya rahilena–stayed ei sthane–here laye–with [his] sisya-gana–disciples kata-dina–for some time dhama-vasi haye–as a resident of the Dham. [80]
«Madhva Acharya also stayed here with his disciples for some time as a resident of the Dham.
মধ্বের করিয়া কৃপা গৌরাঙ্গসুন্দর ।
স্বপ্নে দেখাইল রূপ অতি মনোহর ॥৮১॥
madhvere kariyā kṛpā gaurāṅgasundara
svapne dekhāila rūpa ati manohara [81]
gaurangasundara–Gaurangasundar kariya krpa–mercifully dekhaila–revealed [His] ati manohara–most enchanting rupa–form madhvere–to Madhva svapne–in a dream. [81]
«Gaurangasundar mercifully revealed His most enchanting form to Madhva Acharya in a dream.
হাসি’ হাসি’ গৌরচন্দ্র মধ্বাচার্য্যে বলে ।
‘তুমি নিত্যদাস মম জানে ত সকলে ॥৮২॥
hāsi’ hāsi’ gaurachandra madhvāchārye bale
‘tumi nitya-dāsa mama jāne ta sakale [82]
hasi’ hasi’–Smiling, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra bale–said madhvacharye–to Madhva Acharya, ‘sakale–‘Everyone ta jane–knows [that] tumi–you [are] mama–My nitya-dasa–eternal servant. [82]
«Smiling, Gaurachandra said to Madhva Acharya, ‘Everyone knows that you are My eternal servant.
নবদ্বীপে যবে আমি প্রকট হইব ।
তব সম্প্রদায় আমি স্বীকার করিব ॥৮৩॥
navadvīpe yabe āmi prakaṭa ha-iba
tava sampradāya āmi svīkāra kariba [83]
yabe–When ami–I prakata ha-iba–appear navadvipe–in Nabadwip, ami–I svikara kariba–will follow tava–your sampradaya–lineage. [83]
«‘When I appear in Nabadwip, I will follow your lineage.
এবে সর্ব্বদেশে তুমি করিয়া যতন ।
মায়াবাদ অসচ্ছাস্ত্র কর উৎপাটন ॥৮৪॥
্রীমূর্ত্তিমাহাত্ম্য তুমি কর পরকাশ ।
তব শুদ্ধ মত আমি করিব বিকাশ’ ॥৮৫॥
ebe sarva-deśe tumi kariyā yatana
māyāvāda asach-chhāstra kara utpāṭana [84]
śrī-mūrti-māhātmya tumi kara parakāśa
tava śuddha mata āmi kariba vikāśa’ [85]
ebe–Now, tumi yatana kariya–carefully utpatana kara–eradicate mayavada–illusionism [and] asach-chhastra–false scriptures sarva-dese–from all regions, [and] tumi parakasa kara–establish sri-murti-mahatmya–the glory of [the Lord’s] Deity form. ami–I vikasa kariba–will develop tava–your suddha–pure mata’–conception.’ [84–85]
«‘Now, carefully eradicate illusionism and false scriptures from all regions, and establish the glory of the Lord’s Deity form. Later, I will develop your pure conception.’
এত বলি’ গৌরচন্দ্র হৈল অন্তর্দ্ধান ।
নিদ্রা ভাঙ্গি’ মধ্বমুনি হইল অজ্ঞান ॥৮৬॥
eta bali’ gaurachandra haila antardhāna
nidrā bhāṅgi’ madhva-muni ha-ila ajñāna [86]
bali’–Saying eta–this, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra antardhana haila–disappeared. madhva-muni–Madhva Acharya nidra bhangi’–awoke [and then] ajnana ha-ila–fainted. [86]
«Saying this, Gaurachandra disappeared. Madhva Acharya awoke and then fainted.
‘আর কি দেখিব রূপ পুরটসুন্দর’ ।
বলিয়া ক্রন্দন করে মধ্ব অতঃপর ॥৮৭॥
‘āra ki dekhiba rūpa puraṭa-sundara’
baliyā krandana kare madhva ataḥpara [87]
madhva–Madhva atahpara–then krandana kare–cried, baliya–wondering, ‘ki dekhiba–‘Will I ever see [that] purata-sundara–beautiful golden rupa–form ara’–again?’ [87]
«Madhva Acharya then cried, wondering, ‘Will I ever see that beautiful golden form again?’
দৈববাণী হৈল তবে নির্ম্মল আকাশে ।
‘আমারে গোপনে ভজি’ আইস মম পাশে’ ॥৮৮॥
daiva-vāṇī haila tabe nirmala ākāśe
‘āmāre gopane bhaji’ āisa mama pāśe’ [88]
tabe–Then daiva-vani–a divine voice haila–came nirmala akase–from the clear sky, ‘bhaji’–‘Serve amare–Me gopane–secretly, [and] aisa–you will come mama pase’–to My side.’ [88]
«Then a divine voice came from the clear sky, ‘Serve Me secretly, and you will come to Me.’
সুস্থির হইয়া মধ্বাচার্য্য মহাশয় ।
মায়াবাদী দিগ্বিজয়ে করিল বিজয়» ॥৮৯॥
susthira ha-iyā madhvāchārya mahāśaya
māyāvādī digvijaye karila vijaya» [89]
madhvacharya mahasaya–Madhva Acharya susthira ha-iya–became resolute [and] vijaya karila–defeated mayavadi–the illusionists digvijaye»–during His tour in all directions.» [89]
«Madhva Acharya became resolute and defeated the mayavadis in all directions.»
এই সব পূর্ব্বকথা বলিতে বলিতে ।
রুদ্রদ্বীপে উপনীত দেখিতে দেখিতে ॥৯০॥
ei saba pūrva-kathā balite balite
rudradvīpe upanīta dekhite dekhite [90]
balite balite–As Nityananda spoke ei saba purva-katha–about all this history, upanita–the devotees arrived dekhite dekhite–suddenly rudradvipe–in Rudradwip. [90]
As Nityananda Prabhu spoke about all this history, the devotees suddenly arrived in Rudradwip.
প্রভু নিত্যানন্দ বলে, «এই রুদ্রখণ্ড ।
ভাগীরথী প্রভাবে হইল দুই খণ্ড ॥৯১॥
prabhu nityānanda bale, «ei rudra-khaṇḍa
bhāgīrathī prabhāve ha-ila dui khaṇḍa [91]
nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu bale–said, «ei–«This [is] rudra-khanda–Rudradwip. khanda ha-ila–It has been divided dui–in two bhagirathi prabhave–by the Ganga’s influence. [91]
Nityananda Prabhu said, «This is Rudradwip. It has been divided into two parts by the Ganga.
লোকবাস নাহি হেথা প্রভুর ইচ্ছায় ।
পশ্চিমের দ্বীপ দেখ পূর্ব্বপারে যায় ॥৯২॥
loka-vāsa nāhi hethā prabhura ichchhāya
paśchimera dvīpa dekha pūrva-pāre yāya [92]
prabhura ichchhaya–By the will of the Lord, loka-vasa nahi–people do not reside hetha–here. dekha–See [how] paschimera dvipa–this western island yaya–has gone purva-pare–to the eastern bank. [92]
«By the will of the Lord, people do not live here. See that this western island has moved to the east bank of the river.
হেথা হৈতে দেখ ঐ শ্রীশঙ্করপুর ।
শোভা পায় গঙ্গাতীরে দেখ কত দূর ॥৯৩॥
hethā haite dekha ai śrī-śaṅkarapura
śobhā pāya gaṅgā-tīre dekha kata dūra [93]
haite–From hetha–here, dekha–see ai–there sri-sankarapura–Sri Sankarpur. dekha–See kata dura–how far sobha paya–it shines ganga-tire–along the bank of the Ganga. [93]
«From here, see Sri Sankarpur. See how far it shines along the bank of the Ganga.
শঙ্কর আচার্য্য যবে করে দিগ্বিজয় ।
নবদ্বীপ জয়ে তথা উপস্থিত হয় ॥৯৪॥
śaṅkara āchārya yabe kare digvijaya
navadvīpa jaye tathā upasthita haya [94]
yabe–When sankara acharya–Sankar Acharya digvijaya kare–was conquering all directions, upasthita haya–he came tatha–there jaye–to conquer navadvipa–Nabadwip. [94]
«When Sankar Acharya was conquering all directions, he came there to conquer Nabadwip.
মনেতে বৈষ্ণবরাজ আচার্য্য শঙ্কর ।
বাহিরে অদ্বৈতবাদী মায়ার কিঙ্কর ॥৯৫॥
manete vaiṣṇava-rāja āchārya śaṅkara
bāhire advaitavādī māyāra kiṅkara [95]
manete–At heart, sankara acharya–Sankar Acharya [was] vaisnava-raja–a great Vaisnava; [only] bahire–externally, [he was] advaitavadi–a nondualist [and] mayara kinkara–servant of Maya. [95]
«At heart, Sankar Acharya was a great Vaisnava; only externally was he acting as a nondualist and servant of Maya.
নিজে রুদ্র-অংশ সদা প্রতাপে প্রচুর ।
প্রচ্ছন্ন বৌদ্ধের মত প্রচারেতে শূর ॥৯৬॥
nije rudra-aṁśa sadā pratāpe prachura
prachchhanna bauddhera mata prachārete śūra [96]
nije–Personally, [he was a] sada prachura pratape–highly and constantly empowered rudra-amsa–manifestation of Siva [and] sura–an expert pracharete–at preaching mata–a conception prachchhanna bauddhera–of veiled Buddhism. [96]
«He was a highly empowered manifestation of Siva who was expert at preaching a conception of veiled Buddhism.
প্রভুর আজ্ঞায় রুদ্র এই কার্য্য করে ।
আইলেন যবে তেঁহ নদীয়া-নগরে ॥৯৭॥
স্বপ্নে প্রভু গৌরচন্দ্র দিলা দরশন ।
কৃপা করি’ বলে তারে মধুর বচন ॥৯৮॥
prabhura ājñāya rudra ei kārya kare
āilena yabe te̐ha nadīyā-nagare [97]
svapne prabhu gaurachandra dilā daraśana
kṛpā kari’ bale tāre madhura vachana [98]
prabhura ajnaya–According to the order of the Lord, rudra–Siva kare–performs ei–this karya–duty. yabe–When te̐ha–he ailena–came nadiya–nagare–to the town of Nadia, gaurachandra prabhu–Lord Gaurachandra darasana dila–revealed [Himself] svapne–in a dream [and] krpa kari’–mercifully bale–spoke madhura–sweet vachana–words tare–to him. [97–98]
«According to the order of the Lord, Siva performs this duty. When Sankar Acharya came to Nadia, Gaurachandra revealed Himself to Sankar Acharya in a dream and mercifully spoke sweet words to him.
‘তুমি ত আমার দাস মম আজ্ঞা ধরি’ ।
প্রচারিছ মায়াবাদ বহু যত্ন করি’ ॥৯৯॥
‘tumi ta āmāra dāsa mama ājñā dhari’
prachārichha māyāvāda bahu yatna kari’ [99]
‘tumi–‘You [are] ta amara–My dasa–servant, [and] dhari’–following mama–my ajna–order, bahu yatna kari’ pracharichha–you are very cleverly preaching mayavada–illusionism. [99]
«‘You are My servant, and following My order, you are very cleverly preaching illusionism.
এই নবদ্বীপধাম মম প্রিয় অতি ।
হেথা মায়াবাদ কভু না পাইবে গতি ॥১০০॥
ei navadvīpa-dhāma mama priya ati
hethā māyāvāda kabhu nā pāibe gati [100]
ei navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham [is] mama ati priya–very dear to Me, [and] mayavada–illusionism kabhu paibe na–will never have gati–a place hetha–here. [100]
«‘Nabadwip Dham is very dear to Me, and illusionism will never have a place here.
বৃদ্ধশিব হেথা প্রৌঢ়ামায়ারে লইয়া ।
কল্পিত আগমগণে দেন প্রচারিয়া ॥১০১॥
vṛddha-śiva hethā prauḍhā-māyāre la-iyā
kalpita āgama-gaṇe dena prachāriyā [101]
hetha–Here, vrddha-siva–Vrddha Siva, la-iya–with praudha-mayare–Praudha Maya prachariya dena–propagate kalpita–imaginary interpretations agama-gane–of the scriptures. [101]
«‘Here, Vrddha Siva and Praudha Maya propagate imaginary interpretations of the scriptures.
মম ভক্তগণে দ্বেষ করে যেই জন ।
তাহারে কেবল তেঁহ করেন বঞ্চন ॥১০২॥
mama bhakta-gaṇe dveṣa kare yei jana
tāhāre kevala te̐ha karena vañchana [102]
te̐ha–They vanchana karena–deceive kevala–only tahare yei jana–those who dvesa kare–oppose mama–My bhakta-gane–devotees. [102]
«‘They deceive, however, only those who oppose My devotees.
এই স্থানে সাধারণে মম ভক্ত হয় ।
দুষ্টমত প্রচারের স্থান ইহা নয় ॥১০৩॥
ei sthāne sādhāraṇe mama bhakta haya
duṣṭa-mata prachārera sthāna ihā naya [103]
sadharane–In general, mama–My bhakta–devotees haya–are ei sthane–here. iha–This place naya–is not sthana–a place dusta-mata pracharera–for preaching misconception. [103]
«‘In general, My devotees reside here. This place is not for preaching misconception.
অতএব তুমি কর অন্যত্র গমন ।
নবদ্বীপবাসিগণে না কর পীড়ন’ ॥১০৪॥
ataeva tumi kara anyatra gamana
navadvīpa-vāsi-gaṇe nā kara pīḍana’ [104]
ataeva–Therefore, tumi gamana kara–you should go anyatra–elsewhere. pidana kara na–Do not trouble navadvipa-vasi-gane’–the residents of Nabadwip.’ [104]
«‘Therefore, you should go elsewhere. Do not trouble the residents of Nabadwip.’
্বপ্নে নবদ্বীপতত্ত্ব জানিয়া তখন ।
ভক্ত্যাবেশে অন্য দেশে করিল গমন ॥১০৫॥
svapne navadvīpa-tattva jāniyā takhana
bhaktyāveśe anya deśe karila gamana [105]
takhana–Then, janiya–understanding navadvipa-tattva–the position of Nabadwip svapne–through [his] dream, gamana karila–he went anya dese–elsewhere, bhaktyavese–inspired with devotion. [105]
«Understanding the position of Nabadwip through this dream, Sankar Acharya went elsewhere, inspired with devotion.
এই রুদ্রদ্বীপে হয় রুদ্রগণস্থান ।
হেথা রুদ্রগণ গৌর-গুণ করে গান ॥১০৬॥
ei rudradvīpe haya rudra-gaṇa-sthāna
hethā rudra-gaṇa gaura-guṇa kare gāna [106]
rudra-gana-sthana–The place of the eleven Rudras haya–is ei rudradvipe–in Rudradwip. hetha–Here, rudra-gana–the Rudras gana kare–chant gaura-guna–the glories of Gaura. [106]
«The eleven Rudras reside here in Rudradwip and chant the glories of Gaura.
শ্রীনীললোহিতরুদ্রগণ-অধিপতি ।
মহানন্দে নৃত্যে হেথা করে নিতি নিতি ॥১০৭॥
mahānande nṛtya hethā kare niti niti [107]
adhipati–The leader sri-nila-lohita-rudra-gana–of the Nilalohita Rudras niti niti–always nrtya kare–dances hetha–here mahanande–with great joy. [107]
«Sri Nilalohita Siva, the leader of the Nilalohita Rudras, always dances here with great joy.
রুদ্র-নৃত্য দেখি’ আকাশেতে দেবগণ ।
আনন্দেতে করে সবে পুষ্পবরিষণ ॥১০৮॥
rudra-nṛtya dekhi’ ākāśete deva-gaṇa
ānandete kare sabe puṣpa-variṣaṇa [108]
dekhi’–Seeing rudra-nrtya–the dancing of the Rudras, deva-gana–the gods akasete–in the sky anandete–joyfully puspa-varisana kare–shower flowers sabe–upon them. [108]
«Seeing the dancing of the Rudras, the gods in the sky joyfully shower flowers upon them.
কদাচিৎ বিষ্ণুস্বামী আসি’ দিগ্বিজয়ে ।
রুদ্রদ্বীপে রহে রাত্রে শিষ্যগণ লয়ে ॥১০৯॥
kadāchit viṣṇu-svāmī āsi’ digvijaye
rudradvīpe rahe rātre śiṣya-gaṇa laye [109]
kadachit–Once, visnu-svami–Visnu Swami, digvijaye–while conquering all directions, asi’–came rudradvipe–to Rudradwip laye–with [his] sisya-gana–disciples [and] rahe–stayed ratre–the night. [109]
«Once, Visnu Swami, while conquering all directions, came to Rudradwip with his disciples and stayed the night.
‘হরি হরি’ বলি’ নৃত্য করে শিষ্যগণ ।
বিষ্ণুস্বামী শ্রুতিস্তুতি করেন পঠন ॥১১০॥
‘hari hari’ bali’ nṛtya kare śiṣya-gaṇa
viṣṇu-svāmī śruti-stuti karena paṭhana [110]
sisya-gana–The disciples nrtya kare–danced, bali’–chanting ‘hari hari’–‘Hari! Hari!’, [and] visnu-svami–Visnu Swami sruti-stuti pathana karena–recited prayers from the scriptures. [110]
«The disciples danced, chanting, ‘Hari! Hari!’, and Visnu Swami recited prayers from the scriptures.
ভক্তি আলোচনা দেখি’ হয়ে হরষিত ।
কৃপা করি’ দেখা দিল শ্রীনীললোহিত ॥১১১॥
bhakti ālochanā dekhi’ haye haraṣita
kṛpā kari’ dekhā dila śrī-nīla-lohita [111]
dekhi’–Seeing bhakti–devotional alochana–discussion, sri-nila-lohita–Sri Nilalohita Siva harasita haye–was pleased [and] krpa kari’–mercifully dekha dila–revealed [himself]. [111]
«Seeing this devotional discussion, Sri Nilalohita Siva was pleased and mercifully revealed himself.
বৈষ্ণবসভায় রুদ্র হৈল উপনীত ।
দেখি’ বিষ্ণুস্বামী অতি হৈল চমকিত ॥১১২॥
vaiṣṇava-sabhāya rudra haila upanīta
dekhi’ viṣṇu-svāmī ati haila chamakita [112]
dekhi’–Upon seeing [that] rudra–Siva upanita haila–had arrived vaisnava-sabhaya–at a Vaisnava assembly, visnu-svami–Visnu Swami haila–became ati–completely chamakita–amazed. [112]
«Upon seeing that Siva had arrived at a Vaisnava assembly, Visnu Swami became completely amazed.
কর যুড়ি’ স্তব করে বিষ্ণু ততক্ষণ ।
দয়ার্দ্র হইয়া রুদ্র বলেন বচন ॥১১৩॥
kara yuḍi’ stava kare viṣṇu tata-kṣaṇa
dayārdra ha-iyā rudra balena vachana [113]
tata-ksana–Immediately, visnu–Visnu Swami kara yudi’–joined [his] palms [and] stava kare–prayed [to Siva.] dayardra ha-iya–Melting with compassion, rudra–Siva vachana balena–spoke. [113]
«He immediately joined his palms and prayed to Siva. Melting with compassion, Siva spoke to him.
‘তোমরা বৈষ্ণব-জন মম প্রিয় অতি ।
ভক্তি আলোচনা দেখি’ তুষ্ট মম মতি ॥১১৪॥
‘tomarā vaiṣṇava-jana mama priya ati
bhakti ālochanā dekhi’ tuṣṭa mama mati [114]
tomara–All you vaisnava-jana–Vaisnavas [are] mama ati priya–very dear to me, [and] dekhi’–seeing [your] alochana–discussion bhakti–of devotion, mama–my mati–heart [is] tusta–delighted. [114]
«‘All you Vaisnavas are very dear to me, and my heart is delighted to see your discussion of devotion.
বর মাগ দিব আমি হইয়া সদয় ।
বৈষ্ণবে অদেয় মোর কিছু নাহি হয়’ ॥১১৫॥
vara māga diba āmi ha-iyā sadaya
vaiṣṇave adeya mora kichhu nāhi haya’ [115]
maga–Request vara–a boon, [and] sadaya ha-iya–kindly, ami–I diba–will give [it to you]. mora kichhu haya nahi–I have nothing [that] adeya–is not given vaisnave’–to Vaisnavas.’ [115]
«‘Request a boon, and I will kindly give it to you. There is nothing that I do not give to Vaisnavas.’
দণ্ডবৎ প্রণমিয়া বিষ্ণু মহাশয় ।
কর যুড়ি’ বর মাগে প্রেমানন্দময় ॥১১৬॥
daṇḍavat praṇamiyā viṣṇu mahāśaya
kara yuḍi’ vara māge premānandamaya [116]
premanandamaya–Filled with divine love, visnu mahasaya–Visnu Swami dandavat pranamiya–bowed down, kara yudi’–joined [his] palms, [and] mage–requested vara–a boon. [116]
«Filled with divine love, Visnu Swami bowed down, joined his palms, and requested a boon.
‘এই বর দেহ প্রভু আমা সবাকারে ।
ভক্তি-সম্প্রদায় সিদ্ধি লভি অতঃপরে’ ॥১১৭॥
‘ei vara deha prabhu āmā sabākāre
bhakti-sampradāya siddhi labhi ataḥpare’ [117]
‘prabhu–‘O Lord, deha–give ama sabakare–us ei–the vara–boon [that] atahpare–hereafter siddhi labhi–we will establish bhakti-sampradaya’–a school of devotion.’ [117]
«‘O Lord, give us the boon that hereafter we will establish a school of devotion.’
পরম আনন্দে রুদ্র বর করি’ দান ।
নিজ সম্প্রদায় বলি’ করিল আখ্যান ॥১১৮॥
parama ānande rudra vara kari’ dāna
nija sampradāya bali’ karila ākhyāna [118]
parama anande–With great joy, rudra–Rudra dana kari’–granted vara–this boon [and] bali’ akhyana karila–named sampradaya–the school nija–after himself. [118]
«With great joy, Rudra granted this boon and named the school after himself.
সেই হৈতে বিষ্ণুস্বামী স্বীয় সম্প্রদায় ।
শ্রীরুদ্র নামেতে খ্যাতি দিয়া নাচে গায় ॥১১৯॥
sei haite viṣṇu-svāmī svīya sampradāya
śrī-rudra nāmete khyāti diyā nāche gāya [119]
visnu-svami–Visnu Swami sei haite–thus namete khyati diya–named sviya–his sampradaya–school sri-rudra–‘Sri Rudra’, [and] nache–danced [and] gaya–sang. [119]
«Visnu Swami thus named his school the Sri Rudra sampradaya, and danced and sang.
রুদ্রকৃপাবলে বিষ্ণু এ স্থানে রহিয়া ।
ভজিল শ্রীগৌরচন্দ্র প্রেমের লাগিয়া ॥১২০॥
rudra-kṛpā-bale viṣṇu e sthāne rahiyā
bhajile śrī-gaurachandra premera lāgiyā [120]
rudra-krpa-bale–By Siva’s mercy, visnu–Visnu Swami rahiya–stayed e sthane–here [and] bhajile–worshipped sri-gaurachandra–Sri Gaurachandra, lagiya–aspiring premera–for divine love. [120]
«By Siva’s mercy, Visnu Swami stayed here and worshipped Sri Gaurachandra, aspiring for divine love.
স্বপ্নে আসি’ শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ বিষ্ণুরে বলিল ।
‘মম ভক্ত রুদ্র কৃপা তোমারে হইল ॥১২১॥
svapne āsi’ śrī-gaurāṅga viṣṇure balila
‘mama bhakta rudra kṛpā tomāre ha-ila [121]
sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga asi’–came visnure–to Visnu Swami svapne–in a dream [and] balila–said, ‘mama–‘My bhakta–devotee rudra–Siva krpa ha-ila–blessed tomare–you. [121]
«Sri Gauranga came to Visnu Swami in a dream and said, ‘My devotee Siva blessed you.
ধন্য তুমি নবদ্বীপে পাইলে ভক্তিধন ।
শুদ্ধাদ্বৈত-মত প্রচারহ এইক্ষণ ॥১২২॥
dhanya tumi navadvīpe pāile bhakti-dhana
śuddhādvaita-mata prachāraha ei-kṣaṇa [122]
tumi–You [are] dhanya–fortunate [to] paile–have attained bhakti-dhana–the wealth of devotion navadvipe–in Nabadwip. ei-ksana–For now, pracharaha–preach suddhadvaita-mata–pure nondualism. [122]
«‘You are fortunate to have attained the wealth of devotion in Nabadwip. For now, preach pure nondualism.
কতদিনে হবে মোর প্রকট সময় ।
শ্রীবল্লভভট্ট রূপে হইবে উদয় ॥১২৩॥
kata-dine habe mora prakaṭa samaya
śrī-vallabha-bhaṭṭa rūpe hai-be udaya [123]
kata-dine–Later, samaya–the time mora prakata–of My appearance habe–will come. udaya hai-be–You will appear rupe–as sri-vallabha-bhatta–Sri Vallabha Bhatta. [123]
«‘Later, at the time of My appearance, you will appear as Sri Vallabha Bhatta.
শ্রীক্ষেত্রে আমারে তুমি করি’ দরশনে ।
সম্প্রদায়ে সিদ্ধি পাবে গিয়া মহাবনে’ ॥১২৪॥
śrī-kṣetre āmāre tumi kari’ daraśane
sampradāye siddhi pābe giyā mahāvane’ [124]
tumi–You darasane kari’–will meet amare–Me sri-ksetre–in Jagannath Puri, giya–go mahavane–to Gokula Mahavan, [and] siddhi pabe–establish [your] sampradaye’–school’. [124]
«‘You will meet Me in Sri Ksetra, later go to Mahavan, and establish your school.’
ওহে জীব শ্রীবল্লভ গোকুলে এখন ।
তুমি তথা গেলে পাবে তাঁর দরশন» ॥১২৫॥
ohe jīva śrī-vallabha gokule ekhana
tumi tathā gele pābe tā̐ra daraśana» [125]
ohe–O jiva–Jiva, sri-vallabha–Sri Vallabha [is] ekhana–now gokule–in Goloka. tumi gele–When you go tatha–there, ta̐ra darasana pabe»–you will meet him.» [125]
«O Jiva, Sri Vallabha is now in Gokula. When you go there, you will meet him.»
এত বলি’ নিত্যানন্দ দক্ষিণাভিমুখে ।
পারডাঙ্গা শ্রীপুলিনে চলিলেন সুখে ॥১২৬॥
eta bali’ nityānanda dakṣiṇābhimukhe
pāraḍāṅgā śrī-puline chalilena sukhe [126]
bali’–Saying eta–this, nityananda–Nityananda sukhe–happily chalilena–walked daksinabhimukhe–southbound paradanga–towards Paradanga sri-puline–through Sri Pulina. [126]
Saying this, Nityananda happily walked southbound towards Paradanga through Sri Pulina.
পুলিনে যাইয়া প্রভু নিত্যানন্দরায় ।
শ্রীরাসমণ্ডল ধীর-সমীর দেখায় ॥১২৭॥
puline yāiyā prabhu nityānanda-rāya
śrī-rāsa-maṇḍala dhīra-samīra dekhāya [127]
yaiya–Passing puline–through Sri Pulina, prabhu nityananda-raya–Lord Nityananda Ray dekhaya–showed [the devotees] sri-rasa-mandala–Sri Rasa Mandal [and] dhira-samira–Dhira Samira. [127]
Passing through Sri Pulina, Nityananda Prabhu showed the devotees Sri Rasa Mandal and Dhira Samira.
বলে, «জীব এই দেখ নিত্য-বৃন্দাবন ।
বৃন্দাবন-লীলা হেথা পায় দরশন ॥১২৮॥
bale, «jīva ei dekha nitya-vṛndāvana
vṛndāvana-līlā hethā pāya daraśana» [128]
bale–He said, «jiva–O Jiva, dekha–see ei nitya-vrndavana–eternal Vrndavan. hetha–Here, darasana paya–you will see vrndavana-lila»–the Pastimes of Vrndavan.» [128]
He said, «O Jiva, see here eternal Vrndavan and its Pastimes.»
বৃন্দাবন শুনি’ জীব প্রেমেতে বিহ্বল ।
নয়নেতে বহে দরদর প্রেমজল ॥১২৯॥
vṛndāvana śuni’ jīva premete vihvala
nayanete vahe dara-dara prema-jala [129]
suni’–Hearing vrndavana–of Vrndavan, jiva–Jiva [became] vihvala–overwhelmed premete–with divine love, [and] prema-jala–tears of love dara-dara vahe–streamed nayanete–from [his] eyes. [129]
Hearing of Vrndavan, Jiva became overwhelmed with divine love, and tears of love streamed from his eyes.
প্রভু বলে, «শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ লয়ে ভক্তজন ।
এই স্থানে রাসপদ্য করিল কীর্ত্তন ॥১৩০॥
prabhu bale, «śrī-gaurāṅga laye bhakta-jana
ei sthāne rāsa-padya karila kīrtana [130]
prabhu–The Lord bale–said, «sri-gauranga–«Sri Gauranga rasa-padya kirtana karila–chanted verses about the Rasa-lila ei sthane–here laye–with bhakta-jana–the devotees. [130]
Nityananda Prabhu said, «Sri Gauranga chanted verses about the Rasa-lila here with the devotees.
মহারাস-লীলাস্থান যথা বৃন্দাবনে ।
তথা এই স্থান জীব জাহ্নবী-পুলিনে ॥১৩১॥
mahārāsa-līlā-sthāna yathā vṛndāvane
tathā ei sthāna jīva jāhnavī-puline [131]
jiva–O Jiva, ei–this sthana–place jahnavi-puline–on the bank of the Ganga [is] yatha tatha–equal to maharasa-lila-sthana–the place of the great Rasa-lila vrndavane–in Vrndavan. [131]
«O Jiva, this place on the bank of the Ganga is the place of the great Rasa-lila in Vrndavan.
নিত্যরাস হয় হেথা গোপীগণ সনে ।
দরশন করে কভু ভাগ্যবান জনে ॥১৩২॥
nitya-rāsa haya hethā gopī-gaṇa sane
daraśana kare kabhu bhāgyavāna jane [132]
nitya-rasa haya–Daily, the Rasa-lila happens hetha–here sane–with gopi-gana–the gopis. kabhu–Sometimes bhagyavana–fortunate jane–souls darasana kare–see [this]. [132]
«Daily, the Rasa-lila happens here with the gopis. Sometimes fortunate souls see this.
ইহার পশ্চিমে দেখ শ্রীধীর-সমীর ।
ভজনের স্থান এই শুন ওহে ধীর ॥১৩৩॥
ihāra paśchime dekha śrī-dhīra-samīra
bhajanera sthāna ei śuna ohe dhīra [133]
dekha–See sri-dhira-samira–Sri Dhira Samira ihara paschime–to its west. ohe–O dhira–wise one, suna–hear ei bhajanera sthana–about this place of worship. [133]
«See Sri Dhira Samira to the west. O wise one, hear about this place of worship.
ব্রজে ধীরসমীর যে যমুনার তীরে ।
সেই স্থান হেথা গঙ্গাপুলিন ভিতরে ॥১৩৪॥
vraje dhīra-samīra ye yamunāra tīre
sei sthāna hethā gaṅgā-pulina bhitare [134]
ye sei sthana–The place [known as] dhira-samira–Dhira Samira yamunara tire–on the bank of the Yamuna vraje–in Vraja, [is present] hetha–here ganga-pulina bhitare–on the bank of the Ganga. [134]
«The place known as Dhira Samira on the bank of the Yamuna in Vraja is present here on the bank of the Ganga.
দেখিতে গঙ্গার তীর বস্তুতঃ তা নয় ।
গঙ্গার পশ্চিমধারে শ্রীযমুনা বয় ॥১৩৫॥
dekhite gaṅgāra tīra vastutaḥ tā naya
gaṅgāra paśchima-dhāre śrī-yamunā vaya [135]
vastutah–Actually, ta naya–it is not that gangara tira–the bank of the Ganga dekhite–is seen. sri-yamuna–The Yamuna vaya–flows gangara paschima-dhare–on the west side of the Ganga. [135]
«Actually, you do not see the bank of the Ganga here. The Yamuna flows on the west side of the Ganga.
যমুনার তীরে এই পুলিন সুন্দর ।
অতএব বৃন্দাবন বলে বিশ্বম্ভর ॥১৩৬॥
yamunāra tīre ei pulina sundara
ataeva vṛndāvana bale viśvambhara [136]
ei–This sundara–beautiful pulina–bank [is] tire–on the shore yamunara–of the Yamuna. ataeva–Thus, visvambhara–Visvambhar bale–calls [this place] vrndavana–Vrndavan. [136]
«This beautiful bank is on the shore of the Yamuna. Thus, Visvambhar called this place Vrndavan.
বৃন্দাবন যত স্থান লীলার আছয় ।
সে সব জানহ জীব এই স্থানে হয় ॥১৩৭॥
vṛndāvane yata sthāna līlāra āchhaya
se saba jānaha jīva ei sthāne haya [137]
jiva–O Jiva, janaha–know [that] yata sthana se saba–all the places lilara–of the Pastimes achhaya–present vrndavane–in Vrndavan haya–are present ei sthane–here. [137]
«O Jiva, know that all the places of the Pastimes in Vrndavan are present here.
বৃন্দাবনে নবদ্বীপে কিছু নাহি ভেদ ।
গৌর-কৃষ্ণে কভু নাহি করিবে প্রভেদ» ॥১৩৮॥
vṛndāvane navadvīpe kichhu nāhi bheda
gaura-kṛṣṇe kabhu nāhi karibe prabheda» [138]
kichhu nahi–There is no bheda–difference vrndavane navadvipe–between Vrndavan and Nabadwip. kabhu nahi–Never prabheda karibe–differentiate gaura-krsne»–between Gaura and Krsna.» [138]
«There is no difference between Vrndavan and Nabadwip, and one should never differentiate between Gaura and Krsna.»
মহাভাবে গরগর নিত্যানন্দরায় ।
বৃন্দাবন দেখাইয়া জীবে লয়ে যায় ॥১৩৯॥
mahābhāve gara-gara nityānanda-rāya
vṛndāvana dekhāiyā jīve laye yāya [139]
gara-gara–Exuberant mahabhave–with intense ecstasy, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray dekhaiya–revealed vrndavana–Vrndavan jive–to Jiva [and then] laye yaya–took [him ahead]. [139]
Exuberant with intense ecstasy, Nityananda Ray revealed Vrndavan to Jiva and then took him ahead.
কতদূরে উত্তরেতে করিয়া গমন ।
রুদ্রদ্বীপে সেই রাত্রি করিল যাপন ॥১৪০॥
kata-dūre uttarete kariyā gamana
rudradvīpe sei rātri karila yāpana [140]
gamana kariya–They went kata-dure–a little ways uttarete–to the north [and] yapana karila–spent sei–that ratri–night rudradvipe–in Rudradwip. [140]
They went a little ways north and spent that night in Rudradwip.
নিতাইজাহ্নবাপদ যাহার সম্পদ ।
নদীয়া-মাহাত্ম্য গায় সে ভক্তিবিনোদ ॥১৪১॥
nitāi-jāhnavā-pada yāhāra sampada
nadīyā-māhātmya gāya se bhakti-vinoda [141]
se bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yahara–whose sampada–wealth [is] nitai-jahnava-pada–the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, gaya–chants nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia. [141]
Bhakti Vinod, whose wealth is the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, chants the glories of Nadia.