Chapter 16. Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila
জয় জয় নদীয়াবিহারী গৌরচন্দ্র ।
জয় একচক্রাপতি প্রভুনিত্যানন্দ ॥১॥
jaya jaya nadīyā-bihārī gaurachandra
jaya ekachakrā-pati prabhu-nityānanda [1]
jaya jaya–All glory nadiya-bihari–to the reveller of Nadia, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra! jaya–All glory ekachakra-pati–to the Lord of Ekachakra, prabhu-nityananda–Nityananda Prabhu! [1]
All glory to the reveller of Nadia, Gaurachandra! All glory to the Lord of Ekachakra, Nityananda Prabhu!
জয় শান্তিপুরনাথ অদ্বৈত ঈশ্বর ।
রামচন্দ্রপুরবাসী জয় গদাধর ॥২॥
jaya śāntipura-nātha advaita īśvara
rāmachandrapura-vāsī jaya gadādhara [2]
jaya–All glory santipura-natha–to the Lord Santipur, advaita isvara–Lord Advaita! jay–All glory ramachandrapura-vasi–to the resident of Ramachandrapur gadadhara–Gadadhar! [2]
All glory to the Lord of Santipur, Advaita Acharya, and the resident of Ramachandrapur Gadadhar Pandit!
জয় জয় গৌড়ভূমি চিন্তামণিসার ।
কলিযুগে কৃষ্ণ যথা করিলা বিহার ॥৩॥
jaya jaya gauḍa-bhūmi chintāmaṇi-sāra
kali-yuge kṛṣṇa yathā karilā bihāra [3]
jaya jaya–All glory gauda-bhumi–to the land of Gauda, chintamani-sara–made of pure spiritual gemstone, yatha–where krsna–Krsna karila–performed bihara–Pastimes kali-yuge–during Kali-yuga! [3]
All glory to the land of Gauda, made of pure spiritual gemstone, where Krsna performed Pastimes during Kali-yuga!
্রীজাহ্নবী পার হয়ে পদ্মার নন্দন ।
কিছুদূরে গিয়া বলে, «দেখ ভক্তগণ ॥৪॥
śrī-jāhnavī pāra haye padmāra nandana
kichhu-dūre giyā bale, “dekha bhakta-gaṇa [4]
padmara nandana–Nityananda, the son of Padmavati Devi, para haye–crossed sri-jahnavi–the Ganga, giya–went kichhu-dure–a little ways ahead, [and] bale–said, «bhakta-gana–«O devotees, dekha–look! [4]
Nityananda Prabhu crossed the Ganga, went a little ways ahead, and said, «O devotees, look!
বিল্বপক্ষ নাম এই স্থান মনোহর ।
বেলপুখরিয়া বলি’ বলে সর্ব্ব-নর ॥৫॥
bilvapakṣa nāma ei sthāna manohara
bela-pukhariyā bali’ bale sarva-nara [5]
ei–This manohara–enchanting sthana–place [is] nama–named bilvapaksa–Bilvapaksa. sarva-nara–Everyone bali’ bale–calls [it] bela-pukhariya–Bel Pukhariya. [5]
«This enchanting place is named Bilvapaksa. Everyone calls it Bel Pukhariya.
ব্রজধামে যারে শাস্ত্রে বলে বিল্ববন ।
নবদ্বীপে সেই স্থান কর দরশন ॥৬॥
vraja-dhāme yāre śāstre bale bilvavana
navadvīpe sei sthāna kara daraśana [6]
darasana kara–See sei sthana–the place navadvipe–in Nabadwip yare–which sastre–the scriptures bale–call bilvavana–Bilvavan vraja-dhame–in Vraja Dham. [6]
«See here in Nabadwip the place which the scriptures call Bilvavan in Vraja Dham.
পঞ্চবক্ত্র বিল্বকেশ আছিল হেথায় ।
একপক্ষ বিল্বদলে আরাধিয়া তাঁয় ॥৭॥
ব্রাহ্মণ সজ্জনগণে তুষিল তাঁহারে ।
কৃষ্ণভক্তি বর দিল তাহা সবাকারে ॥৮॥
pañcha-vaktra bilvakeśa āchhila hethāya
eka-pakṣa bilva-dale ārādhiyā tā̐ya [7]
brāhmaṇa sajjana-gaṇe tuṣila tā̐hāre
kṛṣṇa-bhakti vara dila tāhā sabākāre [8]
pancha-vaktra–Siva, who has five faces, bilvakesa–the lord of bael, achhila–is present hethaya–here. [After] brahmana sajjana-gane–a group of noble brahmans tusila–satisfied ta̐hare–him, aradhiya–having worshipped ta̐ya–him bilva-dale–with bael leaves eka-paksa–for a fortnight, dila–he gave sabakare–them taha vara–the boon krsna-bhakti–of devotion to Krsna. [7–8]
«Siva, the lord of bael, resides here. After a group of noble brahmans satisfied him, having worshipped him with bael leaves for a fortnight, Siva gave them the boon of devotion to Krsna.
সেই বিপ্রগণ মধ্যে নিম্বাদিত্য ছিল ।
বিশেষ করিয়া পঞ্চবক্ত্রে আরাধিল ॥৯॥
sei vipra-gaṇa madhye nimbāditya chhila
viśeṣa kariyā pañcha-vaktre ārādhila [9]
madhye–Amongst sei vipra-gana–the brahmans chhila–was nimbaditya–Nimbaditya (Nimbarka Acharya), [who] aradhila kariya–worshipped pancha-vaktre–Siva (‘he who has five heads’) visesa–exceptionally [well]. [9]
«Amongst the brahmans was Nimbaditya, who worshipped Siva exceptionally well.
কৃপা করি’ পঞ্চবক্ত্র কহিল তখন ।
‘এই গ্রাম-প্রান্তে আছে দিব্য বিল্ববন ॥১০॥
kṛpā kari’ pañcha-vaktra kahila takhana
‘ei grāma-prānte āchhe divya bilvavana [10]
krpa kari’–Mercifully, pancha-vaktra–Siva takhana–then kahila–said [to him,] ‘ei grama-prante–‘On the edge of this village achhe–is [a] divya–divine bilvavana–bael forest. [10]
«Mercifully, Siva said to him, ‘On the edge of this village is a divine bael forest.
সেই বন মধ্যে চতুঃসন আছে ধ্যানে ।
তাঁদের কৃপায় তব হবে দিব্যজ্ঞানে ॥১১॥
sei vana madhye chatuḥsana āchhe dhyāne
tā̐dera kṛpāya tava habe divya-jñāne [11]
chatuhsana–The four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatan, and Sanat) achhe–are dhyane–in meditation sei vana madhye–in that forest, [and] ta̐dera krpaya–by their grace, tava divya-jnane habe–you will attain divine knowledge. [11]
«‘The four Kumaras are meditating in that forest, and by their grace, you will attain divine knowledge.
চতুঃসন গুরু তব তাঁদের সেবায় ।
সর্ব্ব-অর্থ লাভ তব হইবে হেথায়’ ॥১২॥
chatuḥsana guru tava tā̐dera sevāya
sarva-artha lābha tava ha-ibe hethāya’ [12]
chatuhsana–The four Kumaras [are] tava–your guru–Gurus, [and] ta̐dera sevaya–through their service, tava labha ha-ibe–you will attain sarva–all artha–ends hethaya’–here.’ [12]
«‘The four Kumaras are your Gurus, and through their service, you will attain everything here.’
এ৩ বলি’ মহেশ্বর হৈল অন্তর্দ্ধান ।
নিম্বাদিত্য অন্বেষণ করি’ পায় স্থান ॥১৩॥
eta bali’ maheśvara haila antardhāna
nimbāditya anveṣaṇa kari’ pāya sthāna [13]
bali’–Saying eta–this, mahesvara–Siva antardhana haila–disappeared. nimbaditya–Nimbaditya anvesana kari’–searched [and] paya–found sthana–the place. [13]
«Saying this, Siva disappeared. Nimbaditya then searched and found the place.
বিল্ববন মধ্যে দেখে বেদী মনোহর ।
চতুঃসন বসিয়াছে তাহার উপর ॥১৪॥
সনক সনন্দ আর ঋষি সনাতন ।
শ্রীসনৎকুমার এই ঋষি চার জন ॥১৫॥
বৃদ্ধকেশ সন্নিধানে অন্য অলক্ষিত ।
বস্ত্রহীন সুকুমার উদার চরিত ॥১৬॥
bilvavana madhye dekhe vedī manohara
chatuḥsana basiyāchhe tāhāra upara [14]
sanaka sananda āra ṛṣi sanātana
śrī-sanat-kumāra ei ṛṣi chāra jana [15]
vṛddha-keśa sannidhāne anya alakṣita
vastra-hīna sukumāra udāra charita [16]
bilvavana madhye–In the bael forest, dekhe–he saw chatuhsana–the four Kumaras — ei rsi ara rsi chara jana–the four sages sanaka–Sanak, sananda–Sananda, sanatana–Sanatan, [and] sri-sanat-kumara–Sri Sanat Kumar — basiyachhe–seated tahara upara–on a manohara–beautiful vedi–platform sannidhane–beside vrddha-kesa–Siva, alaksita–unseen anya–by others. [They were] vastra-hina–unclothed, sukumara–very young, [and] udara charita–of noble character. [14–16]
«In the bael forest, he saw the four Kumaras — the sages Sanak, Sananda, Sanatan, and Sanat Kumar — seated on a beautiful platform beside Siva, unseen by others. They were unclothed, very young, and of noble character.
দেখি’ নিম্বাদিত্যাচার্য্য পরম কৌতুকে ।
‘হরে কৃষ্ণ হরে কৃষ্ণ’ ডাকি’ বলে সুখে ॥১৭॥
dekhi’ nimbādityāchārya parama kautuke
‘hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa’ ḍāki’ bale sukhe [17]
parama kautuke–With great excitement dekhi’–upon seeing [them,] nimbadityacharya–Nimbaditya Acharya sukhe–happily daki’ bale–called out, ‘hare krsna hare krsna’–‘Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna!’ [17]
«Greatly excited upon seeing them, Nimbaditya Acharya happily called out, ‘Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna!’
হরিনাম শুনি’ কানে ধ্যান ভঙ্গ হৈল ।
সম্মুখে বৈষ্ণবমূর্ত্তি দেখিতে পাইল ॥১৮॥
hari-nāma śuni’ kāne dhyāna bhaṅga haila
sammukhe vaiṣṇava-mūrti dekhite pāila [18]
suni’–Hearing hari-nama–the Name of the Lord kane–with [their] ears, [their] dhyana–meditation bhanga haila–broke, [and] dekhite paila–they saw vaisnava-murti–the form of a Vaisnava sammukhe–in front of them. [18]
«Hearing the Name of the Lord, their meditation broke, and they saw the form of a Vaisnava in front of them.
বৈষ্ণব দেখিয়া সবে হয়ে হৃষ্টমন ।
নিম্বাদিত্যে ক্রমে ক্রমে দেয় আলিঙ্গন ॥১৯॥
vaiṣṇava dekhiyā sabe haye hṛṣṭa-mana
nimbāditye krame krame deya āliṅgana [19]
dekhiya–Seeing vaisnava–the Vaisnava, sabe–they hrsta-mana haye–were pleased, [and] krame krame–one by one alingana deya–they embraced nimbaditye–Nimbaditya. [19]
«Seeing the Vaisnava, they were pleased, and one by one they embraced Nimbaditya.
‘কে তুমি কেন বা হেথা বল পরিচয় ।
তোমার প্রার্থনা মোরা পুরাব নিশ্চয়’ ॥২০॥
‘ke tūmi kena vā hethā bala parichaya
tomāra prārthanā morā purāba niśchaya’ [20]
‘ke–‘Who [are] tumi–you? kena va–Why [are you] hetha–here? parichaya bala–Introduce [yourself]. mora–We nischaya puraba–will certainly fulfil tomara–your prarthana’–prayers.’ [20]
«‘Who are you? Why have you come here? Please introduce yourself. We will certainly fulfil your prayers.’
শুনি’ নিম্বাদিত্য দণ্ডবৎ প্রণমিয়া ।
নিজ পরিচয় দেয় বিনীত হইয়া ॥২১॥
śuni’ nimbāditya daṇḍavat praṇamiyā
nija parichaya deya vinīta ha-iyā [21]
suni’–Hearing [this] nimbaditya–Nimbaditya dandavat pranamiya–prostrated [and] vinita ha-iya–humbly nija parichaya deya–introduced himself. [21]
«Hearing their words, Nimbaditya prostrated and humbly introduced himself.
নিম্বার্কের পরিচয় করিয়া শ্রবণ ।
শ্রীসনৎকুমার কয় সহাস্য বদন ॥২২॥
nimbārkera parichaya kariyā śravaṇa
śrī-sanat-kumāra kaya sahāsya vadana [22]
sravana kariya–Upon hearing nimbarkera–Nimbarka’s parichaya–introduction, sri-sanat-kumara–Sri Sanat Kumar kaya–spoke sahasya vadana–with a smiling face. [22]
«Upon hearing Nimbarka’s introduction, Sri Sanat Kumar spoke with a smiling face.
‘কলি ঘোর হইবে জানিয়া কৃপাময় ।
ভক্তি প্রচারিতে চিত্তে করিল নিশ্চয় ॥২৩॥
‘kali ghora ha-ibe jāniyā kṛpāmaya
bhakti prachārite chitte karila niśchaya [23]
‘janiya–‘Knowing [that] kali–Kali-yuga ha-ibe–would be ghora–dark, krpamaya–the merciful Lord chitte nischaya karila–decided pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion. [23]
«‘Knowing that Kali-yuga would be dark, the merciful Lord decided to preach devotion.
চারিজন ভক্তে শক্তি করিয়া অর্পণ ।
ভক্তি প্রচারিতে বিশ্বে করিল প্রেরণ ॥২৪॥
chāri-jana bhakte śakti kariyā arpaṇa
bhakti prachārite viśve karila preraṇa [24]
sakti arpana kariya–He empowered chari-jana bhakte–four devotees [and] prerana karila–sent [them] pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion visve–throughout the world. [24]
«‘He empowered four devotees and sent them to preach devotion throughout the world.
রামানুজ, মধ্ব, বিষ্ণু — এই তিন জন ।
তুমি ত চতুর্থ হও ভক্ত মহাজন ॥২৫॥
rāmānuja, madhva, viṣṇu — ei tina jana
tumi ta chaturtha hao bhakta mahājana [25]
ramanuja–Ramanuja, madhva–Madhva Acharya, [and] visnu–Visnu Swami [are] ei tina–three of these jana–souls. tumi–You hao–are ta chaturtha–the fourth bhakta mahajana–of these great devotees. [25]
«‘Ramanuja, Madhva Acharya, and Visnu Swami are three of them. You are the fourth of these great devotees.
শ্রীদেবী করিল রামানুজে অঙ্গীকার ।
ব্রহ্মা মধ্বাচার্য্যে রুদ্র বিষ্ণুকে স্বীকার ॥২৬॥
śrī-devī karila rāmānuje aṅgīkāra
brahmā madhvāchārye rudra viṣṇuke svīkāra [26]
sri-devi–Laksmi Devi angikara karila–accepted ramanuje–Ramanuja, brahma–Brahma svikara–accepted madhvacharye–Madhva Acharya, [and] rudra–Siva [accepted] visnuke–Visnu Swami. [26]
«‘Laksmi Devi accepted Ramanuja, Brahma accepted Madhva Acharya, and Siva accepted Visnu Swami.
আমরা তোমাকে আজ জানিনু আপন ।
শিষ্য করি’ ধন্য হই এই প্রয়োজন ॥২৭॥
āmarā tomāke āja jāninu āpana
śiṣya kari’ dhanya ha-i ei prayojana [27]
aja–Today, amara–we janinu–have met tomake–you apana–personally. kari’–We will make [you our] sisya–disciple [and thus] ha-i–become dhanya–fortunate. ei–This [is our] prayojana–purpose. [27]
«‘Today, we have met you personally. We will make you our disciple and thus become fortunate. This is our purpose.
পূর্ব্বে মোরা অভেদ-চিন্তায় ছিনু রত ।
কৃপাযোগে সেই পাপ হৈল দূরগত ॥২৮॥
pūrve morā abheda-chintāya chhinu rata
kṛpā-yoge sei pāpa haila dūra-gata [28]
purve–Previously, mora–we abheda-chintaya rata chhinu–meditated on nonduality, [but] krpa-yoge–by the grace [of the Lord] sei–such papa–sin dura-gata haila–has left us. [28]
«‘Previously, we meditated on nonduality, but by the grace of the Lord such sin has left us.
এবে শুদ্ধভক্তি অতি উপাদেয় জানি ।
সংহিতা রচনা করিয়াছি একখানি ॥২৯॥
ebe śuddha-bhakti ati upādeya jāni
saṁhitā rachanā kariyāchhi eka-khāni [29]
ebe–Now, jani–we understand [that] suddha-bhakti–pure devotion [is] ati–supremely upadeya–relishable, [and] rachana kariyachhi–we have written eka-khani–a samhita–scripture [about it]. [29]
«‘We now understand that pure devotion is supremely relishable, and we have written a scripture about it.
সনৎকুমার-সংহিতা ইহার নাম হয় ।
এইমতে দীক্ষা তব হইবে নিশ্চয়’ ॥৩০॥
sanat-kumāra-saṁhitā ihāra nāma haya
ei-mate dīkṣā tava ha-ibe niśchaya’ [30]
ihara–Its nama–name haya–is sanat-kumara-samhita–Sanat-kumara-samhita. tava diksa nischaya ha-ibe–You will certainly be initiated ei-mate’–into its teachings.’ [30]
«‘Its name is Sanat-kumara-samhita. You will certainly be initiated into its teachings.’
গুরু-অনুগ্রহ দেখি’ নিম্বার্ক ধীমান ।
অবিলম্বে আইলা করি’ ভাগীরথী স্নান ॥৩১॥
guru-anugraha dekhi’ nimbārka dhīmāna
avilambe āilā kari’ bhāgīrathī snāna [31]
dekhi’–Seeing guru-anugraha–the grace of [his] Guru, dhimana nimbarka–the wise Nimbarka avilambe–immediately snana kari’–bathed bhagirathi–in the Ganga [and] aila–returned. [31]
«Seeing the grace of his Guru, the wise Nimbarka immediately bathed in the Ganga and returned.
সাষ্টাঙ্গে পড়িয়া বলে সদৈন্য বচন ।
‘এ অধমে তার নাথ পতিতপাবন’ ॥৩২॥
sāṣṭāṅge paḍiyā bale sadainya vachana
‘e adhame tāra nātha patita-pāvana’ [32]
sastange padiya–He prostrated [himself and] sadainya–humbly vachana bale–said, ‘natha–‘O Lord! patita-pavana–Saviour of the fallen! tara–Deliver e–this adhame’–lowly soul.’ [32]
«He prostrated himself and humbly said, ‘O lord! Saviour of the fallen! Deliver this lowly soul.’
চতুঃসন কৈল শ্রীযুগল-মন্ত্র দান ।
ভাবমার্গে উপাসনা করিল বিধান ॥৩৩॥
chatuḥsana kaila śrī-yugala-mantra dāna
bhāva-mārge upāsanā karila vidhāna [33]
chatuhsana–The four Kumaras dana kaila–gave [him] sri-yugala-mantra–a mantra for the Divine Couple [and] vidhana karila–taught [him] upasana–worship bhava-marge–on the path of love (raga-marg). [33]
«The four Kumaras gave him a mantra to worship the Divine Couple and taught him how to worship on the path of love.
মন্ত্র লভি’ নিম্বাদিত্য সিদ্ধ পীঠস্থানে ।
উপাসনা করিলেন সংহিতা-বিধানে ॥৩৪॥
mantra labhi’ nimbāditya siddha pīṭha-sthāne
upāsanā karilena saṁhitā-vidhāne [34]
labhi’–Receiving mantra–the mantra, nimbaditya–Nimbaditya upasana karilena–performed worship siddha pitha-sthane–in this holy place samhita-vidhane–according to the teachings of the Sanat-kumara-samhita. [34]
«Receiving the mantra, Nimbaditya performed worship in this holy place according to the teachings of the Sanat-kumara-samhita.
কৃপা করি’ রাধাকৃষ্ণ তারে দেখা দিল ।
রূপের ছটায় চতুর্দ্দিক আলো হৈল ॥৩৫॥
kṛpā kari’ rādhā-kṛṣṇa tāre dekhā dila
rūpera chhaṭāya chatur-dika ālo haila [35]
krpa kari’–Mercifully, radha-krsna–Radha and Krsna dekha dila–revealed [Themselves] tare–to him, [and] rupera chhataya–the lustre of [Their] forms alo haila–illuminated chatur-dika–the four directions. [35]
«Mercifully, Radha and Krsna revealed Themselves to him, and the lustre of Their forms illuminated the four directions.
মৃদু মৃদু হাসি’ মুখে বলেন বচন ।
‘ধন্য তুমি নিম্বাদিত্য করিলে সাধন ॥৩৬॥
mṛdu mṛdu hāsi’ mukhe balena vachana
‘dhanya tumi nimbāditya karile sādhana [36]
mrdu mrdu–Gently mukhe hasi’–smiling, vachana balena–They said, ‘nimbaditya–‘O Nimbaditya, tumi–you [are] dhanya–fortunate: sadhana karile–you have performed worship [here]. [36]
«Gently smiling, They said, ‘O Nimbaditya, you are fortunate: you have performed worship here.
অতি প্রিয় নবদ্বীপ আমা দোঁহাকার ।
হেথা দোঁহে একরূপ শচীর কুমার’ ॥৩৭॥
ati priya navadvīpa āmā do̐hākāra
hethā do̐he eka-rūpa śachīra kumāra’ [37]
navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] ama do̐hakara ati priya–very dear to Us. hetha–Here, do̐he–We [are present] eka-rupa–in one form sachira kumara’–as the son of Sachi.’ [37]
«‘Nabadwip is very dear to Us. Here, We are present in one form as the son of Sachi Devi.’
বলিতে বলিতে গৌর-রূপ প্রকাশিল ।
রূপ দেখি’ নিম্বাদিত্য বিহ্বল হইল ॥৩৮॥
balite balite gaura-rūpa prakāśila
rūpa dekhi’ nimbāditya vihvala ha-ila [38]
balite balite–As They spoke, prakasila–They revealed [Their] gaura-rupa–form as Gaura. dekhi’–Seeing rupa–this form, nimbaditya–Nimbaditya vihvala ha-ila–was overwhelmed. [38]
«As They spoke, They revealed Their form as Gauranga. Seeing this form, Nimbaditya was overwhelmed.
বলে, ‘কভু নাহি দেখি নাহি শুনি কানে ।
এ হেন অপূর্ব্ব রূপ আছে কোনখানে’ ॥৩৯॥
bale, ‘kabhu nāhi dekhi nāhi śuni kāne
e hena apūrva rūpa āchhe kona-khāne’ [39]
bale–He said, ‘kabhu dekhi nahi–‘I have never seen suni nahi–or heard kane–with [my] ears e hena–of this apurva–extraordinary rupa–form achhe–existing kona-khane’–anywhere.’ [39]
«He said, ‘I have never seen or heard of this extraordinary form anywhere.’
কৃপা করি’ মহাপ্রভু বলিল তখন ।
এরূপ গোপন এবে কর মহাজন ॥৪০॥
kṛpā kari’ mahāprabhu balila takhana
e-rūpa gopana ebe kara mahājana [40]
mahaprabhu–Mahaprabhu takhana–then krpa kari’–mercifully balila–said, ‘mahajana–‘O great soul, ebe–for now, e-rupa gopana kara–keep this form a secret. [40]
«Mahaprabhu then mercifully said, ‘O great soul, for now, keep this form a secret.
প্রচারহ কৃষ্ণভক্তি যুগল-বিলাস ।
যুগল-বিলাসে মোর অত্যন্ত উল্লাস ॥৪১॥
prachāraha kṛṣṇa-bhakti yugala-vilāsa
yugala-vilāse mora atyanta ullāsa [41]
pracharaha–Preach krsna-bhakti–devotion to Krsna [and] yugala-vilasa–the Pastimes of the Divine Couple. yugala–vilase–The Divine Couples’ Pastimes [are] mora–My atyanta–greatest ullasa–joy. [41]
«‘Preach devotion to Krsna and the Pastimes of the Divine Couple. Their Pastimes are My greatest joy.
যে সময়ে গৌররূপ প্রকট হইবে ।
শ্রীবিদ্যাবিলাসে তবে বড় রঙ্গ হবে ॥৪২॥
ye samaye gaura-rūpa prakaṭa ha-ibe
śrī-vidyā-vilāse tabe baḍa raṅga habe [42]
ye samaye–When [My] gaura-rupa–form of Gaura prakata ha-ibe–appears, tabe–then bada ranga habe–I will take great pleasure sri-vidya-vilase–in Pastimes of scholarship. [42]
«‘When I appear in the form of Gaura, I will find great pleasure in Pastimes of scholarship.
সে সময়ে কাশ্মীর প্রদেশে জন্ম লয়ে ।
ভ্রমিবে ভারতবর্ষ দিগ্বিজয়ী হয়ে ॥৪৩॥
se samaye kāśmīra pradeśe janma laye
bhramibe bhārata-varṣa digvijayī haye [43]
se samaye–At that time, janma laye–you will take birth kasmira pradese–in the region of Kasmir [and] bhramibe–travel bharata-varsa–throughout the land of Bharat (India), digvijayi haye–conquering all directions. [43]
«‘At that time, you will take birth in Kasmir and travel throughout the land of Bharat, conquering all directions.
কেশব কাশ্মীরী নামে সকলে তোমায় ।
মহাবিদ্যাবান বলি’ সর্ব্বত্রেতে গায় ॥৪৪॥
keśava kāśmīrī nāme sakale tomāya
mahāvidyāvāna bali’ sarvatrete gāya [44]
sakale–Everyone, sarvatrete–everywhere, bali’–will call tomaya–you name–by the name kesava kasmiri–Kesava Kasmiri [and] gaya–praise [you for being] mahavidyavana–highly learned. [44]
«‘Everyone, everywhere, will call you Kesava Kasmiri and praise you for being highly learned.
ভ্রমিতে ভ্রমিতে এই নবদ্বীপধামে ।
আসিয়া থাকিবে তুমি মায়াপুর-গ্রামে ॥৪৫॥
bhramite bhramite ei navadvīpa-dhāme
āsiyā thākibe tumi māyāpura-grāme [45]
bhramite bhramite–While travelling, tumi–you asiya–will come ei navadvipa-dhame–to Nabadwip Dham [and] thakibe–stay mayapura-grame–in the village of Mayapur. [45]
«‘While travelling, you will come to Nabadwip Dham and stay in the village of Mayapur.
নবদ্বীপে বড় বড় অধ্যাপকগণ ।
তব নাম শুনি’ করিবেক পলায়ন ॥৪৬॥
navadvīpe baḍa baḍa adhyāpaka-gaṇa
tava nāma śuni’ karibeka palāyana [46]
suni’–Hearing tava–your nama–name, bada bada adhyapaka-gana–the greatest scholars navadvipe–in Nabadwip palayana karibeka–will flee. [46]
«‘Hearing your name, the greatest scholars in Nabadwip will flee.
আমি ত তখন বিদ্যাবিলাসে মাতিব ।
পরাজিয়া তোমা সবে আনন্দ লভিব ॥৪৭॥
āmi ta takhana vidyā-vilāse mātiba
parājiyā tomā sabe ānanda labhiba [47]
takhana–At that time, ami–I ta matiba–will be immersed vidya-vilase–in Pastimes of scholarship, [and] parajiya–I will defeat toma sabe–you, [and] ananda labhiba–feel pleasure. [47]
«‘At that time, immersed in Pastimes of scholarship, I will defeat you and feel great pleasure.
সরস্বতী-কৃপাবলে জানি’ মম তত্ত্ব ।
আশ্রয় করিবে মোরে ছাড়িয়া মহত্ত্ব ॥৪৮॥
sarasvatī-kṛpā-bale jāni’ mama tattva
āśraya karibe more chhāḍiyā mahattva [48]
sarasvati-krpa-bale–By the grace of Saraswati, jani’–you will understand mama–My tattva–identity, asraya karibe–take shelter more–of Me, [and] chhadiya–give up [your] mahattva–pride. [48]
«‘By the grace of Saraswati, you will understand My identity, take shelter of Me, and give up your pride.
ভক্তি দান করি’ আমি তোমারে তখন ।
ভক্তি প্রচারিতে পুনঃ করিব প্রেরণ ॥৪৯॥
bhakti dāna kari’ āmi tomāre takhana
bhakti prachārite punaḥ kariba preraṇa [49]
takhana–Then, ami–I dana kari’–will give tomare–you bhakti–devotion [and] prerana kariba–send [you] pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion punah–again. [49]
«‘Then, I will give you devotion and send you to preach devotion again.
অতএব দ্বৈতাদ্বৈত-মত প্রচারিয়া ।
তুষ্ট কর এবে মোরে গোপন করিয়া ॥৫০॥
ataeva dvaitādvaita-mata prachāriyā
tuṣṭa kara ebe more gopana kariyā [50]
ataeva ebe–So for now, tusta kara–satisfy [Me] prachariya–by preaching dvaitadvaita-mata–the conception of dualistic non-dualism [and] more gopana kariya–keep Me secret. [50]
«‘So for now, satisfy Me by preaching the conception of dualistic nondualism and keep My identity secret.
যবে আমি সঙ্কীর্ত্তন আরম্ভ করিব ।
তোমাদের মতসার নিজে প্রচারিব ॥৫১॥
yabe āmi saṅkīrtana ārambha kariba
tomādera mata-sāra nije prachāriba [51]
yabe–When ami–I arambha kariba–start sankirtana–sankirtan, nije prachariba–I will personally preach tomadera mata-sara–the essence of Your conception. [51]
«‘When I start My sankirtan Pastimes, I will preach the essence of your conception.
মধ্ব হইতে সারদ্বয় করিব গ্রহণ ।
এক হয় কেবল-অদ্বৈত নিরসন ॥৫২॥
madhva ha-ite sāra-dvaya kariba grahaṇa
eka haya kevala-advaita nirasana [52]
grahana kariba–I will accept sara-dvaya–two essential principles ha-ite–from madhva–Madhva Acharya. eka–One haya–is [his] nirasana–refutation kevala-advaita–of exclusive nondualism. [52]
«‘I will accept two essential principles from Madhva Acharya. One is his refutation of exclusive nondualism.
কৃষ্ণমূর্ত্তি নিত্য জানি তাঁহার সেবন ।
সেই ত দ্বিতীয় সার জান মহাজন ॥৫৩॥
kṛṣṇa-mūrti nitya jāni’ tā̐hāra sevana
sei ta dvitīya sāra jāna mahājana [53]
mahajana–O great soul, jana–know sei ta–the dvitiya–second sara–essential principle [to be] sevana–serving krsna-murti–Krsna’s Deity form, jani’–knowing ta̐hara–Him [to be] nitya–eternal. [53]
«‘O great soul, know the second essential principle to be serving Krsna’s Deity form, knowing the Deity to be eternal.
রামানুজ হৈতে আমি লই দুই সার ।
অনন্য ভকতি ভক্তজন সেবা আর ॥৫৪॥
rāmānuja haite āmi la-i dui sāra
ananya bhakati bhakta-jana sevā āra [54]
haite–From ramanuja–Ramanuja, ami–I la-i–will take dui–two sara–essential principles: ananya bhakati–exclusive devotion (devotion free from karma, yoga, and jnan) ara–and bhakta-jana seva–service to the devotees. [54]
«‘From Ramanuja, I will take two essential principles: exclusive devotion and service to the devotees.
বিষ্ণু হৈতে দুই সার করিব স্বীকার ।
তদীয় সর্ব্বস্ব ভাব রাগমার্গ আর ॥৫৫॥
viṣṇu haite dui sāra kariba svīkāra
tadīya sarvasva bhāva rāga-mārga āra [55]
haite–From visnu–Visnu Swami, svikara kariba–I will accept dui–two sara–essential principles: bhava–the mood [that] sarvasva–one’s all [is] tadiya–His ara–and raga-marga–the path of love. [55]
«‘From Visnu Swami, I will accept two essential principles: surrender to the Lord and the path of love.
তোমা হৈতে লব আমি দুই মহাসার ।
একান্ত রাধিকাশ্রয় গোপীভাব আর’ ॥৫৬॥
tomā haite laba āmi dui mahāsāra
ekānta rādhikāśraya gopī-bhāva āra’ [56]
haite–From toma–you, ami–I laba–will accept dui–two mahasara–most essential principles: ekanta radhikasraya–taking shelter of Radharani exclusively ara–and gopi-bhava’–the mood of the gopis.’ [56]
«‘From you, I will accept two most essential principles: taking shelter of Radharani exclusively and serving in the mood of the gopis.’
এত বলি’ গৌরচন্দ্র হৈল অদর্শন ।
প্রেমে নিম্বাদিত্য কত করিল রোদন ॥৫৭॥
eta bali’ gaurachandra haila adarśana
preme nimbāditya kata karila rodana [57]
bali’–Saying eta–this, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra adarsana haila–disappeared, [and] nimbaditya–Nimbaditya rodana karila–cried kata–profusely preme–with divine love. [57]
«Saying this, Gaurachandra disappeared, and Nimbaditya cried profusely with divine love.
গুরুপাদপদ্ম নমি’ চলে দেশান্তর ।
কৃষ্ণভক্তি প্রচারিতে হইলা তৎপর» ॥৫৮॥
guru-pāda-padma nami’ chale deśāntara
kṛṣṇa-bhakti prachārite ha-ilā tatpara» [58]
nami’–Nimbaditya [then] bowed guru-pada-padma–at the lotus feet of his Guru [and] chale–travelled desantara–elsewhere, tatpara ha-ila–intent pracharite–upon preaching krsna-bhakti»–devotion to Krsna.» [58]
«Nimbaditya then bowed at the lotus feet of his Guru and travelled elsewhere, intent upon preaching devotion to Krsna.»
দূর হৈতে রামতীর্থ জীবেরে দেখায় ।
কোলাসুরে হলধর বধিল যথায় ॥৫৯॥
করিলেন গঙ্গাস্নান লয়ে যদুগণ ।
রুক্মপুর বলি’ নাম প্রকাশ এখন ॥৬০॥
dūra haite rāma-tīrtha jīvere dekhāya
kolāsure haladhara badhila yathāya [59]
karilena gaṅgā-snāna laye yadu-gaṇa
rukmapura bali’ nāma prakāśa ekhana [60]
dura haite–From afar, dekhaya–Nityananda showed rama-tirtha–Rama Tirtha jivere–to Jiva, yathaya–where haladhara–Balaram badhila–killed kolasure–Kolasura [and] ganga-snana karilena–bathed in the Ganga laye–with yadu-gana–the Yadus. [This place’s] nama–name prakasa–has manifested ekhana–now bali’–as rukmapura–Rukmapur. [59–60]
From afar, Nityananda Prabhu showed Rama Tirtha to Jiva, where Balaram killed Kolasura and bathed in the Ganga with the Yadus. This place is now known as Rukmapur.
নবদ্বীপ-পরিক্রমা ঐ একশেষ ।
কার্ত্তিক মাসেতে তথা মাহাত্ম্য বিশেষ ॥৬১॥
navadvīpa-parikramā ei eka-śeṣa
kārtika māsete tathā māhātmya viśeṣa [61]
ei–This [is] eka-sesa–one end [of the route for] parikrama–circumambulation navadvipa–of Nabadwip. visesa–Special mahatmya–glories [manifest] tatha–there kartika masete–during Kartik (October–November). [61]
It is at one end of the route to circumambulate Nabadwip. It is especially glorious during the month of Kartik.
বিল্বপক্ষ ছাড়ি’ প্রভু লয়ে ভক্তগণ ।
ভরদ্বাজটিলা গ্রামে করে আরোহণ ॥৬২॥
bilvapakṣa chhāḍi’ prabhu laye bhakta-gaṇa
bharadvāja-ṭilā grāme kare ārohaṇa [62]
chhadi’–Leaving bilvapaksa–Bilvapaksa, prabhu–the Lord, laye–with bhakta-gana–the devotees, arohana kare–went grame–to the village bharadvaja-tila–of Bharadvaja Tila. [62]
Leaving Bilvapaksa, Nityananda Prabhu and the devotees went to Bharadvaja Tila.
নিত্যানন্দ বলে, «এই স্থানে মুনিবর ।
আইলেন দেখি’ তীর্থ শ্রীগঙ্গাসাগর ॥৬৩॥
nityānanda bale, “ei sthāne muni-vara
āilena dekhi’ tīrtha śrī-gaṅgā-sāgara [63]
nityananda–Nityananda bale–said, «muni-vara–«The best of sages, Bharadvaja Muni, dekhi’–visited sri-ganga-sagara tirtha–Sri Ganga Sagar Tirtha [and then] ailena–came ei sthane–here. [63]
Nityananda said, «The best of the sages, Bharadvaja Muni, visited Sri Ganga Sagar and then came here.
হেথা শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গচন্দ্র করি’আরাধন ।
রহিলেন কতদিন মুনি মহাজন ॥৬৪॥
hethā śrī-gaurāṅga-chandra kari’ ārādhana
rahilena kata-dina muni mahājana [64]
muni mahajana–The great sage rahilena–stayed hetha–here kata-dina–for some time aradhana kari’–worshipping sri-gauranga-chandra–Sri Gaurangachandra. [64]
«The great sage stayed here for some time worshipping Sri Gaurangachandra.
তাঁর আরাধনে তুষ্ট হয়ে বিশ্বম্ভর ।
নিজরূপে দেখা দিলা সদয় অন্তর ॥৬৫॥
tā̐ra ārādhane tuṣṭa haye viśvambhara
nija-rūpe dekhā dilā sadaya antara [65]
tusta haye–Satisfied ta̐ra aradhane–by his worship, visvambhara–Visvambhar dekha dila–revealed nija-rupe–His form sadaya antara–with a compassionate heart. [65]
«Satisfied by the worship of the sage, Visvambhar revealed His form to the sage with a compassionate heart.
মুনিরে বলিল, ‘তব ইষ্ট সিদ্ধ হবে ।
আমার প্রকটকালে আমারে দেখিবে’ ॥৬৬॥
munire balila, ‘tava iṣṭa siddha habe
āmāra prakaṭa-kāle āmāre dekhibe’ [66]
balila–He said munire–to the sage, ‘tava–‘Your ista–desire siddha habe–will be fulfilled: dekhibe–you will see amare–Me amara prakata-kale’–at the time of My appearance.’ [66]
«He said to the sage, ‘Your desire will be fulfilled: you will see Me at the time of My appearance.’
এই কথা বলি’ প্রভু হৈল অন্তর্দ্ধান ।
ভরদ্বাজ মহাপ্রেমে হইল অজ্ঞান ॥৬৭॥
ei kathā bali’ prabhu haila antardhāna
bharadvāja mahāpreme ha-ila ajñāna [67]
bali’–Speaking ei–this katha–statement, prabhu–the Lord antardhana haila–disappeared, [and] bharadvaja–Bharadvaja Muni ajnana ha-ila–fainted mahapreme–with intense divine love. [67]
«Saying this, the Lord disappeared, and Bharadvaja Muni fainted with intense divine love.
কতদিন থাকি’ এই টিলার উপর ।
অন্যতীর্থ দরশনে গেলা মুনিবর ॥৬৮॥
kata-dina thāki’ ei ṭilāra upara
anya-tīrtha daraśane gelā muni-vara [68]
muni-vara–The great sage thaki’–stayed ei tilara upara–on top of this hill kata-dina–for some time [and then] gela–went darasane–to visit anya-tirtha–other holy places. [68]
«The great sage stayed here for some time on this hill and then went to visit other holy places.
লোকেতে ভারুইডাঙ্গা বলে এই স্থানে ।
মহাতীর্থ হয় এই শাস্ত্রের বিধানে» ॥৬৯॥
lokete bhāruiḍāṅgā bale ei sthāne
mahātīrtha haya ei śāstrera vidhāne» [69]
lokete–People bale–call ei–this sthane–place bharuidanga–Bharuidanga. ei–It haya–is mahatirtha–a great holy place sastrera vidhane»–according to the verdict of the scriptures.» [69]
«People call this place Bharuidanga. The scriptures say that it is a great holy place.»
বলিতে বলিতে সবে যায় মায়াপুর ।
আগুবাড়ি লয় সবে ঈশান ঠাকুর ॥৭০॥
balite balite sabe yāya māyāpura
āgubāḍi laya sabe īśāna ṭhākura [70]
balite balite–While speaking, sabe–they yaya–arrived mayapura–in Mayapur. isana thakura–Isan Thakur agubadi–came forward [and] laya–received sabe–them. [70]
While speaking, the party arrived in Mayapur. Isan Thakur came forward and received them.
মহাপ্রেমে নিত্যানন্দ করেন নর্ত্তন ।
সকল বৈষ্ণব মেলি’ করেন কীর্ত্তন ॥৭১॥
mahāpreme nityānanda karena nartana
sakala vaiṣṇava meli’ karena kīrtana [71]
nityananda–Nityananda nartana karena–danced mahapreme–with intense divine love, [and] sakala vaisnava–all the Vaisnavas meli’–joined together [and] kirtana karena–chanted. [71]
Nityananda Prabhu danced with intense divine love, and all the Vaisnavas joined together and chanted.
জগন্নাথ-মিশ্রালয় সর্ব্বপীঠসার ।
নাম সহ যথা শ্রীগৌরাঙ্গ-অবতার ॥৭২॥
jagannātha-miśrālaya sarva-pīṭha-sāra
nāma saha yathā śrī-gaurāṅga-avatāra [72]
jagannatha-misralaya–The home of Jagannath Misra, yatha–where sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga avatara–descended saha–with [His] nama–Name, sarva-pitha-sara–is the best of all holy places. [72]
The home of Jagannath Misra, where Sri Gauranga descended with His Name, is the best of all holy places.
সেই দিন প্রভুগৃহে প্রভুর জননী ।
বৈষ্ণবগণেরে অন্ন খাওয়ান আপনি ॥৭৩॥
sei dina prabhu-gṛhe prabhura jananī
vaiṣṇava-gaṇere anna khāoyāna āpani [73]
sei–That dina–day, prabhura–the Lord’s janani–mother apani–personally anna khaoyana–fed vaisnava-ganere–the devotees prabhu-grhe–in the Lord’s home. [73]
That day, the Lord’s mother personally fed the devotees in the Lord’s home.
কি আনন্দ হৈল তথা না হয় বর্ণন ।
মহাসমারোহে হয় নাম-সঙ্কীর্ত্তন ॥৭৪॥
ki ānanda haila tathā nā haya varṇana
mahāsamārohe haya nāma-saṅkīrtana [74]
ki–What sort ananda–of joy haila–arose tatha–there? [It] varnana haya na–cannot be described, [and] nama-sankirtana–the chanting of the Name mahasamarohe haya–erupted tumultuously. [74]
What sort of joy arose there? It was indescribable, and the Nam-sankirtan erupted tumultuously.
নিতাইজাহ্নবাপদছায়া যার আশ ।
এ ভক্তিবিনোদ গায় নদীয়া-বিলাস ॥৭৫॥
nitāi-jāhnavā-pada-chhāyā yāra āśa
e bhakti-vinoda gāya nadīyā-vilāsa [75]
e bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yara–whose asa–aspiration [is] nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya–the shade of Nitai and Jahnava’s feet, gaya–chants nadiya-vilasa–the Pastimes [of the Lord] in Nadia. [75]
Bhakti Vinod, whose aspiration is the shade of Nitai and Jahnava’s feet, chants the Pastimes of the Lord in Nadia.