The wondrous tales of how the books of Śrīla Śrīdhar Mahārāj find their way into the hands of the most needy is a constant source of nourishment to us. This present book certainly will be no exception, but one caution need be lodged: if the prospective seller, lender or donor of the book does not urge you, the reader, to visit the Author’s Holy Place of bhajana, Śrī Chaitanya Sāraswat Maṭh in Nabadwīp Dhām, West Bengal, then kindly and swiftly by-pass him and make your way to where these wondrous conceptions took their birth and form—in that Holy Abode.
In the present volume, recognition of the superexcellent editing performed by Swāmī B. A. Sāgar Mahārāj and Śrīmān Mahānanda Brahmachāri are in order, and we equally admire the superb effort of the Malaysian devotees headed by Śrīmān Rāmatanuja Prabhu, Śrīmān Tribhuvanātha Prabhu and Śrīmān Aprākrta Prabhu, for the finances to print the present volume. Additional funds from Śrīmān Aditinandan Prabhu and Śrīmān Jaya Nṛsiṁha Prabhu also proved most helpful. As well, the constant support given our publications the last ten years by Mr. Rupo Chugani of Singapore has been of unique significance in bringing Śrīla Guru Mahārāj’s writings to the entire world.
In London, the mammoth task of typesetting the manuscript was undertaken. To the London devotees who helped with the proofing and editing, may Śrīla Govinda Mahārāj’s blessings shower down upon them and all others who contributed to this publication.