Here in Koladvīpa, Navadvīpa, we find a happy place where the Absolute is the most generous in His benevolence. When the Absolute is distributing Himself, He becomes Śrī Chaitanyadeva. And that Śrī Chaitanyadeva in the highest stage of His mercy is found here in Koladvīpa.
kuliyā-grāmete āsi’ śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya
hena nāhi, yā’re prabhu nā karilā dhanya
At Koladvīpa — the Govarddhana Hill of Vṛndāvana, concealed in Śrī Navadvīpa Dhāma — the Most Generous Absolute expressed Himself in His maximum generosity. Without considering any crime, He absolved whoever He found. He accepted them all. After sannyāsa, when He returned to Bengal with the intention of going to Vrndāvana, He showed His most generous and dignified temperament at that time. He recruited the sinners of the world. Anyone who came to Him received the highest mercy. This is the speciality of this place. By place’ we should not think of a mere geographical location. Of course, it has such a location, but really this is where the Most Generous Absolute gave Himself to the worst sinners. Here, even the most fallen souls receive the grace of the Lord.
Our highest necessity is distributed from here, Navadvīpa Dhāma; here is the key to the highest and sweetest mood within our heart. The key to enter into the conception of our sweetest home is given from here. Here is the key to that world of faith, śraddhā, that world of love. If I can know my real prospect in life, I shall find that the key to my sweetest home is here. I am wandering in the jungle of an unsafe position, where I may be devoured at any moment. My so-called ego, my conception of my own self, is not eternal; it may be attacked and destroyed at any time. But the key is here, for my real life and my real home. This has been given to us by the spiritual experts.
God the father, God the son, and God the consort — we can know Him in different ways, and such truths are revealed here in Navadvīpa Dhāma. In the conception of God as father, we are what we are and He is supplying our food, home, and necessities in this plane. But if we truly approach Him, neglecting our wealth and achievements in this world to make a genuine heart’s approach — not merely a formal approach — an exclusive approach — we shall discover what He is, as He is, and not as He is needed by us in our fallen stage. We are faulty. Our feeling of necessity is also imperfect, and thus our prayer is faulty. But He came to give us what is best from the standpoint of His will, and that is distributed from here. «Take Me, accept Me, I am your most innate and intimate friend. You have no friend like Me. I am guardian, friend, and everything to you. Come to Me.»